Anti-West History Bashing

I’d like to nominate anti-west history bashing for a cunting.

What brings me to this conclusion is the latest Top Gear incarnation (with Freddie Flintoff and Paddy McGuinness in it).

In episode one they each have their first car and are tasked to drive around Ethiopia to – now don’t puke – find the birthplace of humanity.

Gushing about the scenery aside (which does look beautiful, especially the Gondar mountains), set 5 paces outside of Addis Ababa and it’s the fucking stone age!

Birthplace of humanity it could well be but it’s not done much since then has it!?!

O’course us nasty fuckers in the West, with all those technological advances, have done nothing for civilisation have we.

No, we’re just oppressive cunts who were just lucky for a couple of thousands of years that benefited no one else across the entire planet.

At least that’s what knowledgeable folk such as Professor Kehinde Andrews (Professor of Black Studies in Birminghamdrabad University) extols to his progressive audience (isn’t that right Tarquin and Jemima).

I would say that on balance the West has done far more good for the peoples of this world than bad.

The progressive left would like to have this wrong-think eradicated (just like we eradicated small pox, TB and typhus – until we reimported the cunt through uncontrolled 3rd world mass migration), and when their replacement plan is complete, they can sit back and pat themselves on the back for a job well done can’t they.

Will this mean a speedier visit to Mars or cure for cancer?

Or will this mean that we all have to drink from M’Tembe’s bison piss ridden puddle?

Except now it’s in Londonistab. He’s got the machete, and he ain’t sharing!

Nominated by Rebel without a Cunt!

88 thoughts on “Anti-West History Bashing

  1. Professor of black studies?
    I was going to squeal about green studies but there probably is a professor of green studies.

    But is he a fucking Frog ? that’s the question?


  2. There is a type of illiberal who always looks for the worst in Western history and the best in all non-Western histories. A kind of reverse version of the Christian magic carpenter – ‘forget the plank in their eye, what about this speck in ours?’

    Self-hatred, guilt and historical illiteracy. The same sort of twats who praise one version of Abraham’s delusion whilst slagging off the others. The sort of towering intellect that says putting a cross on a piece of paper is worse than gassing millions of people in death camps.

  3. History has always been a political subject and open to interpretation. Historians of Western ( particularly British) progress and advancements, such as the Victorian historian Lord Macaulay, are now seen as dead white European males and therefore racist, imperialist, etc.

    Instead you now get a bunch of Libtard Marxist windbags at universities extolling the historical crimes of the West in allegedly holding back those wonderful African “civilisations” that we’re doing so much for world progress – such as enslaving and eating each other, developing advanced loin cloths and making beautiful harmonies on their bongo drums.

    Fuck off.

    • Obviously you’ve never heard of “rap” MMCM, the cutting edge of modern artistic culture.

      Wanna buy a portrait of one of my turds? I painted it with real shit. 50 grand to you, quick sale.

      • How can I resist your kind artistic offer, Freddie. It’s a steal – better than a Banksy, another phenomenon worthy of a cunting, along with Rap.

    • If you ever read personal accounts of victorian explorerers, it’ll strike you how patriotic and loyal they were compared to todays cunts.
      Rhodes and livingstone and the like,
      Naming places after queen and country, Know the missionaries were godbotherers but they thought they were bringing civilisation to the locals!
      Heart was in the right place, id of just opened fire with enfeild!?

      • Quite right MNC. If discoveries were still being made today, the missionaries would be Libtards and instead of Lake Victoria we would have Lake Transexual or the Abbott Falls.

  4. Yup everyone is at it. Prime examples are of celebs looking for nasty slave owner angles in the tv program who do you think you are. But they are more than happy to benifit from the nasty white fellows technical advancements.

  5. Quite agree.

    One example off this twisting of history which has always irked me is the demonisation of Slavery. We took a bunch of Savages out of the squalor of their mud-huts,provided cruise-style accommodation,arranged a job and tin-shack for them,gave them the recipe for deep-fried chiggun….and the ungrateful buggers have never even thanked us.

    I know that if I was a Starvin-Marvin type, I’d be grateful for the chance to learn about cotton-production while enjoying an “all-inclusive” lifestyle. I suppose it’s their inherent idleness which means that having to do a little bit of work upsets them. This theory is backed up by seeing just how lazy the ones still in Africa appear to be…sitting around in Camps provided by Whitey waiting for the next handout,children too lazy to even wipe the flies off their own faces(probably waiting for Bwana to invent a fly-swiping machine)…it’s a fucking disgrace.

    No, Dark Keys have a lot to thank the White Man for,and a bit of appreciation would be nice.

    Fuck Off.

    • And all this time I thought it was al gore who wrote the book “An inconvenient truth”……?

      • This might be why the Fiddler ancestry has never been broadcast on ‘Who Do You Think You Are?’.

    • How often do we hear about the efforts made by the Royal Navy from 1807 to suppress the slave trade? Vast resources were diverted from sorting out Napoleon in order to pursue this noble venture. Many of those involved were destined never to return to dear old Pompey as the disease ridden Caribbean and west coast of Africa took their toll. Perhaps Flabbot, Lammy and company could say ‘Thank you’. Don’t hold your breath my fellow cunters

      • We took the lead in abolishing slavery and that really is an “ inconvenient truth” to Libtards who would rather concentrate on their narrative of demonising Britain.

      • I sometimes wonder if we abolished slavery because of the rise in industrial production

    • Quite right Dick. What a bunch of ungrateful cunts they are. Still be running around in the jungle if it wasn’t for the West.

    • I would just love to see the look on Lammy’s face if you tweeted that post to him, DF.

      His fat, round black head could well explode with rage.

    • Quite right Dick. Whenever one of these islington types say slavery they mean Black Slavery.
      Never hear them mention the fact that the working class english were basically slaves for mill owners an landowners for hundreds of years, probably by theyre great grandads,
      Or that the vikings were slavers, plenty were taken by the vikings from your neck of the woods for sale god knows were.
      Im proud of the empire we had, this little island battered the world into submission, anyone critical of that is to my mind a traitor and should be sent for reeducation in a gulag in Hull.

      • Lest we forget that many a brother in Africa was sold to slavers by their own in exchange for guns, showing a disturbing link between slavery and the arms trade? Also there were black slavers

  6. Well i knew it wouldn’t take long considering the survival rate of pancreatic cancer but its finally happened My dad died the other day just thought i’d let some of you cunters know RIP dad

    • Sorry to hear about that Tits. It comes to all of us i’m afraid, although not soon enough to certain arseholes I could mention. I hope he had a good innings. RIP.

    • Very sorry for your loss, Tits. Lost my mother to cancer in 2013. I know what you are going through.

      • Sorry to hear that sad news TS
        lost Both my parents ( cancer / Alzheimer’s) in last couple of years so
        I’ve a pretty good idea how your feeling..

    • Sorry to hear that. When then body can’t healthily support itself anymore death isn’t the worst the thing that could happen, I’d rather be allowed to pass on than continue for years and years kept alive in suffering.

      • Thanks for all the condolences and your sympathies much appreciated fellow cunters I’m actually kinda relived he’s dead now cause when I originaly heard about the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer in May.

        It was a taxing effect on my emotions and I have been really stressed since. So it was 3 long months of waiting and worrying and wondering Now thats its over I can at least breathe a bit better and mourn

  7. God forbid any of us say we’re proud to be English, we’ll be called white supremacists and accused of being “colonial” whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean, I’m sorry but the past is the past, it happened, none of us were around to see it and if it didn’t happen we wouldn’t be as prosperous* a nation as we are.

    * I use prosperous vaguely as we’re hardly all billionaires but we aren’t living in the third world either

  8. Africa is Etopia of course. Like Sudan, Rwanda et Al. If that is the birthplace of humanity the child is still in its nappies. And it’s Whitey’s fault. Fuck the lot of the cunts

  9. I fucking hate the shithole that is Africa, like fuck did life come from Africa.

    Africa needs to die, famine, flood, disease, genocide, civil war, bad aids, Ebola fucking everything needs to spread across that fetid continent until all “humans”, they are barely human, are all dead.

    Once they are all dead, I propose the only country to successfully run a colony, The British, run Africa on behalf of the world to create a food bank and carbon filter in order to sustain people in the West.

    Once done, rinse and repeat in China and Russia and South America and North America and then mainland Europe, India and Pakistan.

    The cunts.

  10. With Ginger Pubes espousing woke psychobabble about ‘unconscious bias’, I suppose he just means white people and the West. Not the enslavement and sale of migrants on modern day Libya by fellow Africans, the Rwandan Genocide, the dozens of civil wars or inter tribal conflicts sparked by ethnicity and of course the Shiites and Sunnis and the true path of Islam.

    • Saw a documentary about predatory crocodiles and this village in Africa where loads of kids had gotten eaten collecting water in a morning.
      The film crew built them a palisade so they could go in the shallow water safely.
      Now how fuckin hard is it to come ip with that?
      Why was they still sending little mtembe when the men could of gone armed with spears?
      Didnt even help with building the palisade, just sat there the feckless cunts!
      I would of chummed the water fuck the lazy bastards, or dammed the river and flooded the cunts.

      • Fucking bone-idle cunts. They could have at least observed and asked questions to learn how to do it themselves in future. But that’s why they are the way they are. No industry, no intellectual curiosity, and no fucking talent, unless you count sports and singing.

      • They breed so fast it doesnt matter if a few get eaten, it is why the place has a population explosion, as more survive thanks to the help of whitey.

      • Give a white man a fish and he will feed his family for a day. Give a dark key a fishing rod, teach him to use it and he will sell it multiple times online and still complain he is hungry and its all the imperialist empire building murdering white mans fault.

    • Ginger Pubes takes after his alleged dad – talking to the plants.
      He had an argument with an African Violet (a friend of Blamby) the other day. He lost.

  11. Kehinde Andrews? Would that be a slave surname? Not very Malcolm X,is it? Why doesn’t he fuck off to Um Bongo Bongo land.
    Alternatively, a nice little plantation somewhere. Those bananas won’t pick themselves,boy.


    Ole man river.

    Oh, Nigerian nurses are cunts. I gave to manage these screamy,shouty,fat,smelly,opinionated, thick as pig shit kaffirs.
    As one consultant told me this week (one of the countries leading professors) “They are fuckwits.”

    • All Nigerians are especially cunts, Krav. Never met anything approaching a good one. I only have one to deal with, so bad luck, mate.

  12. I got so stressed at work yesterday I left early. I work with brain dead useless cunts who do not know what they are doing,are junior to me and
    do not hold the legal qualification to do my job. However they spend all day trying to undermine me, think they know better and behave like children.
    They go running to manage Kent when you ask them to turn off amazon and do some work!
    Cunts,DAT cunts,useless gimmigrant thick as pig shit twats.
    Joey Deacon had nothing on these ming mongs.
    We have a staff meeting on Monday. Boy am I ready for them.I will simply be quoting national guidelines and research.

    Bamboozle them with long words ……

    Two words would do:

    Fuck off.

    I feel better now.

    Utter cunting shit heads. I hope they all die of Ebola.

    • Just go canny,Krav. People like that are just looking for an excuse to twist things.

      • Seconded. Though a face to face dedicated personal cunting when no-one else is around can be remarkably effective. Do not take any shit.

    • They play the system that was put there by white cunts who don’t have any right to live.

  13. Pritty Patel

    About fucking time. A right wing home secretary.

    I really do feel that this new government will be like the Tory cabinets of the early 80’s.

    • She’s only right wing compared to the rest of the cunts. I wish there was an actual properly worked out unbiased scale with which to designate how far left or right cunts were. People just label cunts left, right, far right, hard left, and most mouth breathers just accept the definition without any thought, mostly because they have fuck all idea what these terms have meant historically. And, even if there was a quantifiable scale, revisionist cunts would ‘recalibrate’ it to include whoever they wanted to portray as a bogeyman. As for Priti, if she’s right wing for wanting criminal scumcunts to fear the law, then I think most of us are.

  14. Slavery is as old as humanity. Europeans were involved in slavery just like everybody else. But unlike everybody else we stopped it whereas it continues in africa and asia. In the islamic republic of mauritania an estimated 2% of the population are slaves. Go fuck yourselves africa you ingrateful cunts, you contribute nothing to the modern world and you fucking know it. Just like humanity left their primate nature behind, future humanity will leave you cunts behind as well to live in shit.

    • Yeah slaverys great! Getting people off their arses and grafting!
      If you want a bowl of millet get picking!
      Encouraging a work ethic!
      Its hard work they hate really not slavery.
      Oh no, sky news just saying about Edinburgh Fringe festival!
      Where lots of unfunny middle class cunts go to pat each others backs!

    • The Romans took vast numbers of slaves from everywhere, many from Britain. Julius Caesar boasted of killing or enslaving two thirds of the population of Gaul (France).

      They also made cunts fight to the death for the amusement of the mob – not just in Rome, but in every city of the Empire. So not all bad.

      The Vikings routinely raided Britain and Ireland to capture slaves and sell them wherever they could get the best price. They also had a thriving business in capturing large numbers of Slavic people in Russia and the Ukraine and selling them down the river in the slave markets of the Middle East.

      They got a particularly good price for redheads and blondes in the Arab slave markets. Vikings even sold each other as slaves whenever they got the chance. It was a highly competitive business…

      North African Muslims also conducted extensive slave raids all along the Mediterranean coasts and across Christian Europe even as far north as the British Isles. They captured millions of whites and sold them in Muslim countries. Barbary pirates captured slaves from Europe and, to an extent, North America, from the 16th to 19th centuries, until the US and British Navies brought it to a stop.

      In all, Arab slave traders captured about 200 million slaves of all races, colours, and religions. Under Islamic laws, slavery was explicitly permitted, and Saudi Arabia, for instance, only abolished slavery in 1962 under pressure from Britain.

      Apparently the Arabs would castrate their black slaves which is why there are so few descendants of black slaves in Arabia today. ISIS are very keen slavers.

      • Good post Rtc!
        Admin!-cant drop any more hints, wheres my vikings nomination?
        Think after vaguely threatening poor elderly frail Bluntspeakingcunt and myself last night, youd like to post my nom to show you didnt mean to scare us!
        Bluntys still in hiding…

      • You’ve cunted Vikings MNC?

        The real thing, or the TV series that goes by that name? I just googled it.

        Wouldn’t be surprised if there were Vikings in Admin…

      • PS: Blunty doesn’t normally get up before noon.

        By his own admission he’s a right lazy sod.

      • Sort of Rtc, see what i meant if it ever surfaces.
        Im fascinated by Vikings have been since a little kid, visited loads of museum exibitions, jorvik,etc.
        Blame Ernest Borgnine & Kirk Douglas really, that film on a little kids impressionable mind?
        The tv series you mentioned was good!
        I got asked to audition in Dublin for that by a customer but got shy!
        Wish id done it now.?

      • A bit cagey MNC… perhaps you should change your name to Cagey Northern Cunt.

      • Heh yeah at least I didnt answer in cryptic clues like someone we know…

      • Great film MNC. That haunting theme repeated on the horn. A rehearsal really for Spartacus with Kirk Douglas, Tony Curtis fighting it out. Then reconciled. The scene where Ernest Borgnine has to jump into the pit with the raging dogs. You never get an intense scene like that in modern movie. Or when Tony Curtis’s hand is chopped. Was that where he met Janet Liegh I wonder? I think Douglas produced it. At his snarling best.

      • Classic rainy bank holiday film eh?
        Like the bit where kirks throwing axes at that birds braids to clear her name!!

      • I’m saying naahfin. I don’t want to get in to any more trouble than I already am.

  15. I blame the Pet Shop Boys who told them Go West. How is it that ALL Somalians look like Bugs Bunny ? You can spot them at 400 yards. My Welsh neighbours finally fucked off yesterday, I shook the fella’s hand and wished him all the best, they’re going home, the rent is cheaper and closer to family, new venture to start, he had a handshake like a wet lettuce and is still fucking miserable. I eagerly await the new tenants….

  16. Dark Keys aside, it’s rather a shame that we don’t get our bone-idle indigenous jobless council types doing some “work for food stamps” style programme.
    Lefties would doubtless call it modern day slavery, but imagine if you were driving home in the pissing rain and saw some fat bastards being forced to pick up litter in a layby. You’d be pleased as punch that the tax you’d just been forced to give the government by dint of a hard day’s work was being used for something that actually benefits the countryside.
    Even better if there was some sort of gangmaster ready to give any lollygeggers a swift lick o’ the cat…

    • Yeah like a chaingang?
      Could pull over in car, empty the litter out on roadside and say “hey litter monkey! Pick that up!”
      Shame em into a real job!
      Rome had good idea! to gain citizenship of Rome a foreigner would have to serve 20yrs as auxiliary troops in army. How many ‘asylum seekers’ would come here if looking at 20yrs in army?

    • I know a few people who need this. They have been on benefits for years and have turned into pathetic cry babies who are scared of having to do anything for themselves. Ive seen it happen to quote a few people over tge years. They get lazier the longer they remain on benefits until everything demanding the smallest effort needs an excuse so they can vegetate in front of Netflix while doped up on Antidepressants.

  17. Yes, yes indeed. Exactly that, MNC.
    The Great British Chaingang, hosted by Mel and Sue with their respective chaingangs competing to clear two enormous flytips left by the travelling community.
    Lucky competition winners would be allowed to fling shitty nappies and pieces of plasterboard at them to (in some way) encourage their legerity.
    After many hours of back-breaking labour, the participants would have earned enough food credits for a box of Findus Cripsy Pancakes and a packet of Spar-brand custard creams.

    • Haha! Id watch that happily but it clashes with Beartrap challenge on other side.

      • I assume it comes from the French, as in ‘legerdemain’ which has a neatly related meaning.

        Meretricious is another adjective sadly in abeyance. It sums up the whorish, Babylonian state of our current society and where we are headed quite pleasingly on the ear.

  18. Most of the anti-West sentiment comes from the dumps of this world. They cannot stand the fact that the West basically has driven and still drives change, is progressive and has historically civilized the uncivilized, often whether they wanted it or not (be that good or bad in their eyes) They just throw out the word ‘oppression’.

    They would be quite happy for us all to be living in the shithole, backwards places that they reside with their thick as turd mentality, where nothing moves forward and everything and everyone stays ‘down’.

    Well fuck them. Jealousy is such an unattractive trait.

    • Looks like the shithole is where we’re headed Nurse Cunty.

      The anti-West cunts (most of them being libtard whites) won’t have long to wait now to be happy.

    • I have to disagree a little NC, these things don’t have the capacity to comprehend an emotion of jealousy, it’s a very strange being is the African, even the ones taken into slavery and now ruining the USA don’t give a fcuk about anything, all they understand is the gibs.

      Gibs me dis and gibs me dat. No work ethic (unless it’s murdering, raping and robbing people) or complaining about being oppressed.

      They really believe they are entitled to the world to pay for them because they are the cradle of humanity!!

      The thick cunts don’t have a fucking single brain cell capable of understanding evolution, all they know is what the cunt religious missionaries told them which they retold to their tribes with the 25 words they know.

      Even the tears they shed are fake, western media trying to get a prize by advising them to rub onions under their soulless black eyes.

      The cunts, I fucking hate Africa and every molecule that originated from that filthy cunt of a continent. Burn them all to death.

  19. So there’s a department (or something) of Black Studies at Brum Uni is there?
    I’ve been thinking for a while of going back to do a PhD. I’ll see if they’re interested in my thesis; ‘the cultural, social and economic benefits of knife crime in the Afro-Caribbean community in Britain’.

    • The record for the shortest PhD thesis is I believe held by a half-page of equations submitted by a Swedish maths student. He got his doctorate. But I think you’d break the record with that topic!

  20. If anyone wants a trip into the sick minds of Disney, try watching Black Panther, or what they imagine Africa would be like if white people left it alone.

    Laughable, and culturally and historically clueless. Definitely a film for babies.

    • Seen it,hated it.
      Technologically superior africans?
      To lazy to wipe the flies off your top lip doubt your gonna invent a lazer cannon….”ITS WHITEYS FAULT!!!”

    • Just to think there will be braindead screen-raised millennials who actually grow up believing that’s true because it’s woke and in a movie.

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