Marmite at risk as Unilever says it will sell ‘unsustainable’ brands.
“Some of Unilever’s best-known brands, including Marmite, Pot Noodle, and Bovril could be sold (off) if they fail to “have a purpose” and meet the company’s sustainability goals, the consumer group’s boss said yesterday.
Alan Jope, the Scottish-born chief executive who succeeded Paul Polman in January, said it “didn’t matter” to him if a brand or a category was a huge revenue driver – it would be put on the block if it did not “contribute meaningfully to the world or society in a way that will last for decades” .”
A dour, Scottish cunt (I’m quarter Scot myself, a cunt, but not dour), who probably looks like Jimmy Krankie’s spaz brother.
Marmite DOES contribute most meaningfully to my existence and well-being; [name removed by admin for legal reasons] smears it liberally over my cock, then licks it off. I get put on the block (not the Marmite) and finished off most delightfully.
So fuck off Jope, you cunt, you DOPE, you bad, unjolly jape.
I wonder if Scotch will be axed because of its non-PC qualities (carbon footprint, overloading the pavements with chunder and the NHS with alcohol-related illnesses. No, I thought not. Like Scotland clinging on to oh-so PC North Sea oil…
I’d like to see Gordon Ramsay pulverise this cunt.
Nominated by HBelindaHubbard
Oh yeah, it doesn’t matter if it’s a “huge revenue driver.” So you don’t care about making a profit as long as the shit you are flogging contributes to gay rights, trannie acceptance, saving the fucking Polar bears, loving the peacefuls, impeaching Trump and keeping the U.K. in the humanitarian brotherhood of the European Union.
Ok , so you have identified your market demographic and now you are going to rob their pockets even more than you have before (ie jack the prices up and blame it on Brexit)
Fair play you money grabbing cunt but we haven’t all fallen for your heavily disguised bullshit.
Go and fuck yourself you baldy wanker, whoever you are.
Surely not Bovril? Love Bovril!
And pot noodles are nearest i get to foreign food,
Look mr Jope be reasonable, british institutions these products, hands off!
Suggest you write to Jope, start a petition,still being stubborn?
Demo outside his home, no give?
Sure a letter containing his wifes wedding ring and finger will sober his thoughts!
But try a petition first! Good luck
Never knew Telly Savalas made marmite?
Funny old world..
I used to love a Pot Noodle too Miserable and due to their wide range of flavours including ‘Bombay Bad Boy, Seedy Sanchez, Jamaican Jerk and Chow Mein, I’m surprised they have not become a victim of a cultural appropriation witch-hunt.
And I bet the Flabbott would taste test the whole range (twice) to confirm her suspicions.
Morning LL!
Jamaican jerk? Didnt know they did that!
Ill try that before this bald cunt runs unilever into the ground.
How cultured are we ?
Reccomending foods and trying new things?
Feel like Michael palin or summat!?
There was a Christmas Dinner flavour Pot Noodle in one of the pound shops a couple of years ago, I wish I’d bought one now. It makes perfect sense to daft cunts like me who spend about six hours making a roast then you have to eat the cunt for another week.
Id try that, most important meal of the year christmas dinner,
I fuckin love it! Take it very seriously,
Im a tradionalist and
Missus knows not to try any fancy new shite, or risk being strangled with fairy lights….
What a delusional cunt. How can any grocery consumer brand contribute “ meaningfully to the world or society for decades”. Sounds like woke bollox. These are brands that give pleasure to millions of individuals and sometimes form part of their daily habits and rituals. How the fuck can Bovril be expected to “meaningfully contribute to the world for decades”? If people like it, they buy it and Unilever makes money for its shareholders, which is what it’s there to do. If I was a Unilever shareholder I’d want to oust this bald woke cunt ASAP. Fucking twat.
He’ll be in bother with The Gay Militant Tendency if he axes Marmite. Most of The Gays carry a jar. When asked why their breath has the waft of shite,and what are those brown smears around their mouths,they whip out the Marmite jar from up their arseholes (it’s conveniently shaped to act as a bung in the case of escaping Hamsters) and claim to have been partaking of their favourite savoury spread,instead of admitting to indulging in their favourite pastime…wrapping their gums around back-door delivery Snorkers.
Fuck Off.
Too true Mr F. The other day somebody on here mentioned that the French granny shagger looked like some cunt called Rimmer from some sci-fi telly shite I have no familiarity with.
So I thought i’d go on google image and look him up.
Unfortunately I typed in the word “rimming” by mistake. Oh fuck, just don’t go there!
Well, that’s my excuse when the libtards arrest me and present me with my search history.
There’s a lot of other stuff I can’t explain so easily but i’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.
Or fucking drown.
Of course !
I’d often wondered what inspired the Marmite marketing-men to come up with that bottle.
Foxchaser-Fiddler’s Encyclopaedia should be in every home…
Peter Fonda RIP. Anyone had him in the dead pool ?
He wasnt in deadpool FF that was Clint Eastwood,
He was in Easy Rider
Yeah – my other half had him . She’s crowing this morning.
Seems he died from lung cancer. Should have listened to the eco loons….
Hardly rushed with work Fonda was he?
Last worked 1969?
Some cunts like that round here…
Peter Fonda? Shite I’ve got his sister.
The last film I ever saw him in was “The Limey “ back in the 90’s along side Terence Stamp. Not a bad film
Had a walk on appearence in Escape From L.A. in 1996.
Sadly the arse end of John Carpenter’s career…
Still, hardly overworked was he?
Knew he hadnt croaked from workplace stress!
Thought Dennis Hopper carried him in Easy Rider
No, Fonda was definitely driving and Dennis Hopper was riding pillion.
No Hopper was driving.
Fonda was in the sidecar.
Sidecar? You are thinking George and Mildred, old chap.
These type of cunts are familiar to me. Usually with a marketing background, they have always talked incomprehensible shite. Long on wordage, short on substance. This fucker has just decided to mix virtuous jibberish with the usual brand value horseshit.
With this daft cunt in charge, I’d unload any Unilever shares ASAP.
Another cunning Remoaner wheeze: sell off all your profitable brands, go bust and hey presto – Brexit’s to blame!!
Marmite is fucking horrible anyway so I couldn’t give a cold dead rat’s ass if the whole thing, its production line and anything to do with it was destroyed in a public spectacle.
The same goes for dripping, stop eating that you dirty fuckers.
I thought Marmite was a by-product of some other (maybe brewing ?) process… so would otherwise go to waste ? This caber-tossing roll-on deodorant is a virtue signalling idiot.
Oh and I’m sure the Marmite I had as a kid used to retain the knife mark when you scooped some out – some cunt’s been watering it down. Tight-arsed gimps
Off topic but I see the Police are investigating a caravan park relating to the arrests over the police murder yesterday. Something tells me it’s not Butlins. I’m sure Chanel 4 will be making a documentary about our cheeky lovable traveller community to calm things down.
And I fucking love marmite.
My Big Fat Gypsy Murder Trial.
This police murder is the inevitable outcome of appeasing pikéys and giving them carte blanche to break the law and run wild with impunity.
I remember the good old days, when you could put a sign in a pub window saying ‘no itinerants’ and your refusal to admit the scum of the earth into your business would be respected. Can you imagine doing that now? Prison would be on the cards. Both channel four and five have done their best to humanise this filth, when they should have been showing how these cunts actually live, their impact on society, and how they get away the life of crime they call their culture.
Chamberlain should have taught the powers that be that appeasement doesn’t work, but senior police officers seem to be just as snowflake as the population. Easy targets get taken out hard (porcelain pig in your home window, anybody?) but anything else is allowed because otherwise it’s racist. Since when is living in a caravan and being a thieving cunt been a race?
Doubt also if it’s Arfur ‘n’ Doris on their annual week in Skeggy…
So that’s what happened to The Hood from Thunderbirds… ?
Isnt it yeast? Try earwax mixed with thrush
Relax cunters.
Some other company – probably American- will buy it…….and then fuck with the recipe just as they always do (see Cadbury’s)
Quite partial to the Marmite 6 pack of crisps myself.
Looks like I’d better stock up. This stuff lasts for decades and there’s probably a case of perfectly edible Marmite stashed in Scott’s Antarctic Base awaiting liberation.
Get ready for Marmite and Blueberry Spread – with new and more expensive reduced size bottles.
Slightly off-topic (but it was my nom anyway…), British Steel is about to be saved for the good of our nation.
New prop. Turkish Army Pension Fund.
This one could run and run, like a kebab and Guinness shit.
It has the whiff of marketing about t or the future excuse if Brexit like the previous idiot who was in charge at Unilever. Marmite rules and all the imitators (vegemite, Mightymite, Tesco Savoury Spread, etc) taste as shit as this lemonhead looks.
I forsee a Unilever version of the Gillette effect where you alienate your customer base and lose a shit load of money just so you can be woke.
Don’t see that being popular with the shareholders?
Stupid Scottish cunt
Some Brexit news…..
it’s been suggested that bojo is preparing to give a high court consent order in relation to the robin tilbrook case for leave , apparently he can do this under the crown prerogative as he is named as first respondent , tilbrook lodged a case against the May government that the first EU extension was illegal ? The hunchback lodged a defence, so if they court accept the Johnson governments withdrawal of that defence it could well be deemed that the uk has infact already left the EU as of March 2019 and we would go straight into WTO rules , I’m sure isac favourites miller , grieve , soubry and co will launch a counter , but With so much bullshit being banded around who knows?
The court……….
What a twat.
Heh. A couple of years ago Kraft failed to buy Unilever. And Kraft make the Australian version of Marmite – Vegemite. So recycled brewery yeasty goodness will continue to be available. If there is a demand, the supply follows.
The story seems to concern corporate knickers being in a twist thanks to some new management concept or other. ‘Sustainable’ is current corporate bollocks, and can mean whatever you like.
unilever first out of the blocks after the brexit vote to raise their prices,remember tesco faced them down and threatened to destock marmite, so what do they do next try and delist from the FTSE and move their HQ to Amsterdam closer to their mates in euroland again they lost that arguement shareholders voted no you don’t, seems like an oufit of first rate cunts, I make a point of looking for their products so as not to buy them
Get rid of it, then.
All muck for the underclass.
Marmite has changed. It is more runny now and slightly lighter in colour.
Probably the Dutch have buggered about with the recipe, and of course, reduced salt content.
I prefer Tesco’s own or even better, good Aussie Vegemite.
Unilever is a/are cunt/ cunts. It/they own/buy good British brands and fuck em up. What happened to big tins of Colmans mustard?
They scour the world looking for cheap carbohydrates and protein , process it to the extreme and flog it as some tattie crisp substitute.