windows 10 promoted by cunts

Microsoft just sent me a cunting email celebrating gay fucking pride. They even offered me a free download of gay pride theme for my windows 10. All fucking pink and rainbows sick bastards. More chance of me attending a Barrymore pool party than downloading that shite. What next are they going to send me some hot pants to wear while using windows 10?

I unsubscribed from all future shitty Microsoft emails. Lucky I got it for free or it would be gone for casual use. Unfortunately need the buggy shite MS software for work. Otherwise would be using Linux Tails all the time.

While on subject of shitty MS operating systems that cunting Windows 10 News tile is a Liberal remainers wet dream. I suggest everyone right clicks it and uninstalls before the headlines offend you so much you cause some serious damage to your monitor or keyboard.

Also I can really recommend the Brave browser as a replacement browser. It’s a top quality cunting browser. Its ethical, the fastest I’ve used, free, respects your privacy, no ads and works better than any ad blocker I have used. Ironically it is based on Google Chrome. Best of all you can earn as you browse and get paid in its own crypto which you can convert at an exchange for Bitcoin or even the worthless fiat shite provided by our cunting government.

Nominated by ScouseCunt

56 thoughts on “windows 10 promoted by cunts

  1. Don’t know anything about all this computer bollocks but gay pride can go and fuck itself and libtard news can lodge itself up my anal passage with all the other shit I have to deal with.

    Happy Independence Day to all our Yank friends out there!

    One day we might get ours (23rd June in case it slipped your minds)

    • Like freddy ive no idea what your on about re-computer stuff, I cunt using my mobile,but Gay Pride and pink pound is big business so goes without saying the corporate types want a share of the treasure! Just upload it scousecunt, dont be so surly! Get the hotpants on and put the disco music on an join in!?

      • I wonder how many SJW Liberal Americans will moan on social media proclaiming “Not in my name!” when it comes to celebrating ID.

        No doubt they will dig out the old slavery and racism cards; as well as saying how it was “The American Women that won us our Independence in 1776 and not the White Man!”

        Expect a rewrite/revision of American history any time soon (which will probably include WW2 – and how wimminz and the “people of colour” won the war etc.)

    • Good Morning,

      I thought it was just me, because I haven’t a fucking clue what Scousecunt is talking about.

      Happy Independence Day U.S.A. Your ladies football teamhave one hell of a hot captain. Alex Morgan appears to like a drink or three and not just tea.

      • She would’ve been sent off for a provocative action like that in south american football, though at womens level I doubt anyone gives big enough a shit to start throwing seats. Still if the yanks play an away game over here I might turn out and smash up the team bus if the weather’s nice.

  2. Buy our software and join us in celebrating the liberating joy of placing your dick up another man’s arsehole.

    That is it, in a nutshell. Bill Gates is a bandwagon jumping skidmark. Fuck him and his dogturd MS corporation, the libtarded Rick Moranis double.

  3. How about a “Celebrate White Van Man” app? Or a “Celebrate Brexit because that’s what the fucking country voted for!” app ?

    But these won’t be available by the likes of Microsoft, Apple, or Google/Android in their app stores – far too edgy! Or rather “edging” towards the Right more like.

    Quite frankly all big businesses have jumped on the #metoo bandwagon, whereas before that they didn’t give two shits because for the most part it was bad for business. But now they see the gay pride, the diversity and inclusion stuff as great business opportunities which must be seized upon, exploited and subsequently profited on.

    And this is what the liberal lefty types choose to ignore – they bang on about how anti-capitalist they are; and how they hate the corporates making huge profits by exploiting its workers and ripping off customers with inflated prices for its goods.

    And yet they buy into the “I must have the latest iPhone!” “I must have the latest Surface Pro!” and “I love the way Microsoft are spreading the good news about diversity and gayness. They’re a major player getting the word out there!”

    Hypocrisy is a word that doesn’t resonate with these twats.

    • From an article;

      ‘Pride’s demands for radical sexual autonomy are perfectly attuned to the cultural aims of large corporations and the liberal-technocratic order’.

  4. Whenever Apple release a new product some cunt with a huge sense of authority and smugness walks on a stage in front of cheering crowds to tell us that Apple are about to sell us a product to end all misery. Although I use Apple products because it’s fairly simple to use unlike Microsoft which resembles windows 95 .
    Anyway Apple or Microsoft their all a bunch of smug gay supporting libtards
    Fuck right off you cunts.

    • Oh yes Steve Jobs at some launch like a new message for the world-a new teaching being passed down-the solemn some nature of the event-a revolution in your very being if you would only see and hear…

      • Couldn’t save his own arse despite having $20 Billion in the bank. Memento Mori as the Wops put it.

    • The Gays have infiltrated all entertainment, social media, and advertising etc. We are under attack and are being bombarded from everywhere.
      Although not a snackbar fan I welcome the protest in the Midlands as the lefty brigade cannot decide who to support.
      They can all go fuck themselves.

      • Although not a fan myself B&W I think people should concede that on this issue they are right. In fact I wish they were more supported by other other faith communities. Where are the Catholics, Jews in this fight?

        ‘You are right’ the Labour MP Godsiff told the protestors. For which he was ‘reprimanded’. I suspect he’s on his way out.

      • I agree Miles, this supposedly Christian country which a lot of people say when moaning about the amount of Mosques doesn’t seem to have the guts for a fight. I honestly believe most British people accept any shit that thrown at them. It seems the colonial (raised more old school British) than a lot of the British modernistas are taking up the fight.
        Where are the Jewish, Christian, and Atheist cunts who should be standing up for their beliefs? The Christians have allowed themselves to be ridiculed and bullied to the point where they pick and choose what to go against in biblical teaching.
        What a load of scared wankers.

  5. it seems that BT broadband and windows 10 do not like streaming films from amazon.
    I gave up and bought a fire stick thingy.

    • I was thinking about a Firestick my Lord but I haven’t a clue how it works or where to stick it ?

      • its confusing, once upon a time TV’s had 3 channels, now we have a “smart TV” it does lots of things and has many features that we haven’t worked out.
        The back has lots of sockets, I looked at the plug on the fire stick, found a matching socket and shoved it in, it worked.

        The TV can also be linked to a mobile phone and you can cast video from phone to TV, this feature was disabled by Mrs B’s son who is a right cocky cunt, he linked his phone to the TV to show off and I asked him if we would the pick up the porn he was viewing on his phone at night and he broke it.

  6. As one Scouser to another…do yerself a favour and dump Windozzzzze altogether and use Linux.Linux MInt 19.1 is a breeze to use especially for somebody new to Linux.Microsoft are Cunts version 1.0.

    • Absolutely. Seconded. I have a copy of XP on one box for hardware without Linux software, but everything else is on Mint 18 – can’t be arsed upgrading till I have to. I doubt if even Microsucks know what’s going on in W10.

    • Zorin for me – nice and easy to use for a muppet like me!

      I still have a PC with Windows 7 running – probably the best operating system I have used; just a shame it will be out of support next year.

      Windows 10 is a pile of over-engineered wank

      • Zorin’s new to me. I see it’s Ubuntu-based (as was Mint, originally) and it looks like a good uncomplicated choice. There are immense repositories of software which any Debian/Ubuntu flavour should be able to use.

        And, unlike Doze and Apple, it’s freeware.

      • Yep, I’ve just started using Zorin in readiness for Microcunts withdrawal of support for Win 7. Works OK so far and it also has LibreOffice installed which seems to work with my Excel files. I can recommend the Brave browser which someone mentioned earlier, you can get the download for Linux from their website. Not sure of all that Terminal bollocks, though, looks a steep learning curve.

    • Here, I run Slackware, Kali, PCLinuxOS and Devuan on the home desktops, laptops and netbook (the fileserver’s a FreeBSD box, the firewall’s a seriously Frankensteined Linux box..)

      I still dual/multiple boot some of the boxes into Win7 and XP, Win7 for CAD and graphics, XP for audio/music production software..

      I fucking refuse point blank to use or support Windows 10…in fact, I’d rather use this than Win10…

      (yes, sad to say, I practiced the dark arts of ‘IT support’ for many a decade……)

  7. Windows can piss off, always used Mac’s and the OS is much better and stable. If anyone gets any Pride wallpaper download offers you can always email them back and ask of they want to download the ‘Pray away the Gay’ app.
    We live in strange times where with enough PC pressure you can get your own way…apparently the Tranny visits at school are now happening…I think its this freak
    I am trying to organise a normal Pride…nothing special we simply walk down the street, dressed normally and act normally. I wonder if Windows will sponsor it.
    Piss off.

    • Fuck me, B&W, that tranny on the link you posted looks like a scaffolder in a dress.

      • It’s only transitioning because it can’t find a shirt collar size big enough. These people must just ban the use of mirrors anywhere in their house.

      • There you lot go again with your out of date views…It sorry I mean she identifies as ‘Lady Winslet’ you know.
        We should all be free to identify as what we want in this modern world…today I am an Alsatian dog and I have been chasing cats around and shitting in the street.
        Woof Woof.

  8. I despise the gay pride day/week/month. The embracing of rainbows by conglomerates is absurdly transparent, especially a week later when they throw away the posters and treat them with the disdain they treat everybody. Modern life is cack.

  9. If I catch a male Copper wearing high heels in support of pride I will put him under citizens arrest for not being able perform his duty we are paying him for. No wonder nobody respects the police.

  10. Computers don’t blunder.
    Fuck gays and fuck them big computer companies who no everything about you, like what time your going for your next turd.
    Why do the shove gay shit down our throats. Next they will be telling us that it’s ok to have a relationship with a dog, as long as they both concent. The human by nodding its head and the dog by wagging its tail.
    This world gets sicker every day..
    Roll on Armageddon..

    • The next time a gay tries to shove his shit down my throat I’m going to tell him to take it to McDonalds and smear it on the self-service screen where it belongs the raging homo.

  11. I’m reading this while some CUNT dressed as a woman is on sly news.

    Cunts, fuck off!

  12. The stream of corporate libtard virtue signalling bollox is never ending. Fuck of Microsoft. What has anal buggery got to do with you and why do you feel the need to celebrate it? How about celebrating other forms of sexuality whilst you’re at it – like sado-masochism, face sitting, water sports and coprophillia, you cunts.

    The USA is Microsoft’s biggest market, is it not? Well I’d like to see how well their gay pride design will go down in the Deep South.

    Fuck off.

  13. Fucking media, all about fucking Pride and Andy (cunt) Murray, both equally annoying.
    Commercialisation of Pride, if you dont like then dont fucking do it.

    I wish they would start on Edgware road, mincing past all the letterboxes and sand people….. that may be worth watching.


    • I dont think they would make it to the other end. Some would end up as lamb shawarma the next day.

  14. Why are so many Bum Bandits so wealthy? George the dead Troubadour,Dame Elton John,Giorgio Armani, David Geffen ,Versace, Dolce Gabbani,Tim Cook Apple CEO- all of em literally shitting money. And that’s just the cunts whove come out.There must be a Pooftahs version of the Freemasons giving each other a leg up.

    • As someone who is on the square I can assure there is no Gay Lodge. Not that I know of anyways.

      • On the square too brother. No gay lodges I’m aware of. Sure there must be some gay masons, as there are gays in all walks of life and masons welcome all as long as you believe in a supreme being, but they keep themselves to themselves.

      • Always good to speak to a fellow brother, especially on this quality website. I’m currently MEZ and WS in Chapter and Lodge, a lot of work.

      • Humble first degree here. I’ve only been a mason for 8 months. Doing my second soon. My father was a London Grand Rank officer so it’s in my blood. I love it.

      • “No gay lodges I’m aware of. ”

        How about a Cunts Lodge? I reckon Id be a shoo in to join,might even make Grand Wizard or whatever the top cunts called

      • Surely a gay lodge is a cottage ?

        Apologies for lowering the tone (as usual).

        I had a very nice invite to a lodge once; the guy who looked after me for the evening was very well-liked locally, did loads for charity; the outgoing secretary was lovely, but the two who were taking over the reins from him – 100% oleaginous; protesting far too much about slurs against masonry. They looked like they’d escaped from a used car lot. Still, I had a lovely pm, the regular caterer was off, all the grub was in-house, and I enjoyed myself so much that I stayed to help with the drying-up. And that’s a rare offer from me.
        But I just thought that learning loads of different ways of wearing an apron &c…. I could learn the piano, or another language.
        I have absolutely nothing against honest masons, it’s just the dodgies that worry me – but you get them everywhere. A fraction of one percent is enough to cause major disruption.

      • Any chance of a cunt like me getting in BAWC? I don’t need so much as a leg up to get on more like a Saturn Rocket up my arse

      • Of course you can join CuntsR-Us, all you have to do is send your bank and other savings account details to or write to him in Nigeria at Wewantmoney, Malaria street, Nigeria. All you do is send a cheque for `£6000 and you will be a full member and after three years you get a £50 rebate.
        Obviously confidentiality is paramount and if the police find out…I know naffink abaaaaaht it.

      • At least three generations down to the old man were Masons, but somehow I missed the funny handshake bus. Was once invited, in Scotland (different procedure, I gather) but the invitation was withdrawn for reasons which were never explained. Guess it’s not in the blood, then.

        Whatever: “I don’t care to belong to any club that will have me as a member” (Groucho Marx)

      • Being a Lizard you must have it in your blood Komodo, apparently we (Masons) are shapeshifting lizards according to the Internet.

  15. Tried Brave, didn’t find it any quicker than Chrome, no better with privacy that I can tell, and I couldn’t get it to sync with an android tablet or phone. Uninstalled it.

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