I give you that great pile of genuine horseshit, The Northern Powerhouse:
8 of the 22 partners have London addresses.
The chairman is that great champion of the North, George Osborne.
Improved road and rail infrastructure in the north? Er, no.
Airport investment in the north? Er, no.
Transport subsidies to upgrade commuting across the north? Er, no.
In fact, precisely fuck all has been achieved apart from some very agreeable expense accounts, vital non-jobs and general hot air. Still, it kids us dull cunts who live in the ‘north’ that we matter.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble
The Northern Powerhouse is a myth; rather like Shangri La. If the north is to return to the prosperity it once enjoyed it will be through market forces rather than the antics of a proven cunt.
Even when I lived in London I knew the only thing that mattered was my vote, as a person I could fuck off. I reckon the cunts in Westminster don’t believe that civilisation even exists north and west of the M25, so why waste money on those areas.
Another lie from one of the greatest con men in modern times. You’d be much better taking anything that comes out of a politician’s mouth as 100% bullshit until proven otherwise.
If it’s any concelation, I live in the city supposedly known as the Southern Power House and we don’t get fuck all from the government and the council are a bunch of professional money robbing cunts yet the local authority spends a fortune investing in rural areas and useless vanity projects.
I’ve been embarrassed to visit places like Huddersfield, Middlesborough, Burnley, Newcastle and Carlisle in recent years to find that these towns are doing a lot better than my own.
Out of sight, out of mind. Simple as that. Moggie is spot on, we only matter one day in every 5 years, after that, we can go fuck ourselves.
You have my sympathies, friend.
If where you live is doing worse than Middlesbrough, then it must be seriously fucking bad.
I mirror those sentiments in the fact if you think Huddersfield is doing better than where you live, then you must be totally fucked. I feel ashamed my hometown is now a haven for peacefulls and benefit scammers.
I found Huddersfield relatively nice to visit for the day. Friendly locals, cheep beer, tidy town centre, not a cigarette end anywhere on the pavement, most retail units were filled, didn’t once get asked for spare change and didn’t get blown up by the peacefuls. What more could you ask for these days?
I certainly wouldn’t say that carlisle is very prosperous, they got a primark a couple of years ago just so the doleys and smackheads had somewhere they could actually buy clothes instead of robbing them, i live not too far from carlisle and i avoid the place like the fuckin plague, massive shithole, yet like all the cumbrian towns they rely on big business to invest in them since the council are just robbing bastards and do fuck all to help
Northern Powerhouse eh, the fuckers wanted ”The North” years ago, this country was built on the backs of the poor buggers that mined coal and worked the mills and factories up here. We’re a bloody afterthought now. Thatcher fucked us over good and proper. Cunts politicians, to a man.
Everything you boys are saying is true,
Its kid-ology, think we are fucking thick, would love to see the nortn prosper, as i would the whole country,
But as a thick cunt they seem to also think im suffering memory loss, as arent these the same cunts who destroyed british manufacturing and industry?
And the same cunts who sold out to cheap overseas labour?
Well fuck em, thick ? Maybe
Totally fucking idiotic? Not a chance.??
It’s the old golden rule. Those with the gold make the rules.
Sadly the gold is not in the North of England or anywhere else beyond the M25 rim im afraid.
Cunts thinking that the North of England could be a regional economic power hub based purely on a service industry now that manufacturing and textiles have long gone need to wake up and smell the coffee, especially if the promises are coming from the mouths of jumped up snakey little weasel cunts like Gideon Osborne…..
‘Little weasel cunt’. The best description of that slimy cunt Osborne that I’ve ever seen.
I’m not sure about Northern Powerhouses but they should bring back Northern Workhouses.
Everything about the entire ‘Northern Powerhouse’ concept is fucking cringeworthy in the extreme; from the quasi-patronising name to the comically out-of-touch Tory cunts who keep bringing it up.
Let’s cut through the fucking bullshit: the only reason this doomed bollocks of an idea is currently a buzzword in UK politics once again is a not-so-subtle attempt to con the Northerners, who overwhelmingly voted Brexit and had been switching en masse to the Brexit Party, that the Tories actually give a continental fuck about them.
I’ve been fairly pleased with Boris so far but please stop talking about the ‘Northern Powerhouse’ you foppish haired toff cunt.
Sorry. You posted this while I was still searching for the right words – some overlap ensued.
Never in doubt, chief. Great minds and all that!
Spot on TECB almost like the cunts want to devide and rule
It’s all about the votes, cunters. I see Boris is waving his whippet about a high-speed cross-Pennine route now. He’s noticed the Brexit Party and its populist appeal to completely disenchanted Labour heartland voters, I suspect. The new buzzword is ‘infrastructure’ which is much more fundable from the towering magic money tree than ‘vanity project’ or ‘actually making something of value’. Not sure I see the point of connecting Manchester and Leeds airports, actually – contradiction welcome. If I want to go to Leeds from anywhere but Manchester, I’ll fly to Leeds. If I want to go to Manchester from anywhere but Leeds, I’ll fly to Manchester. While if I’m commuting from one to the other, why aren’t I living in the other?
PMSFL @ North – north of England
Uk north is Scotland
Run by snp cunts how the fuck does that happen
Hopefully Boris will do a semi putin and take back control of Scotland and Wales and fuck it THE whole of Ireland as well
Who the fuck wants Wales!? They can keep their water, get shot of the workshy drunken cunts.
No leave them to it and stop subsidising Wales. Keep N.I as they are loyal and the DUP are teying to save Brexit.
Oh and leave the EU at Halloween
Infrastructure Projects
Crossrail – London
HS2 – London, so they can be back in a day from somewhere disagreeable
Some tube station or other that cost £1 billion
Heathrow – London and will link nicely to HS2 so airports north of M25 not required.
Sewer project – London
A fucking garden bridge over the Thames that never got built but cost many millions.
Buckingham Palace and homes for the younger parasites. How many homes and palaces and staff do this family need?
Westminster and the huge added cost of somewhere for the corrupt cunts to ‘work’ meanwhile.
I am sure there are more but that’s what comes to mind.
Well observed CC. It’s funny how ‘infrastructure’ always seems to relate to getting about London, or to and from London.
Then you have those ‘investment’ projects which involve a ‘national dialogue’ on location before er, deciding on London.
‘Where shall we invest £800m. on the Millennium Dome, citizens? Where would be the best location be to aid the local economy and optimise access for the whole country? Let’s see; Glasgow, Leeds, Manchester, Birmingham… no wait a mo. Tell you what, let’s build in LONDON!!
New national football stadium at a cost of £800m? what about we build it in…’.
Northern Shitehouse if it’s anything to do with that remarkable cunt Osborne
Get to fuck
The ludicrously named so called Northern Powerhouse does not include true Northern cities such as Newcastle upon Tyne and Carlisle. The Cunts in Westminster probably don’t believe that they exist.
Northern powerhouse sounds like some two bob discount electrical retailing group , The name undoubtedly thought up by some London media cock Womble who had never ventured north of the Watford gap then swallowed by the cretinous hoards…
who can forget that photograph of Osbourne in his hi viz jacket and safety helmet “ man of the people” I bet that useless cunt couldn’t change a fucking lightbulb……..
The North cannot have infrastructure given to it of it doesnt get the tax reciepts to pay for the upkeep. Thete’s no garantee the north will experience any form of economic boom unless there is a demand for something the North can offer that London and the South east cant.
Bad weather? ?
Sound argument, but….what does Scotland offer that the North of England doesn’t, and why does it receive more funding under the Barnett Formula – as well as greatly devolved decision-making?
And, what percentage of London’s GDP (if you accept that as a useful measure – I don’t, as it includes the invention of debt) is produced by enterprises which couldn’t exist anywhere else? For instance you can do financial services anywhere with an internet connection. You can pump up a property bubble based on a housing shortage anywhere with a housing shortage. And the low-wage, gig, service economy works just as well for its shareholders in Halifax or Hartlepool … where innovative and productive industry existed from the Industrial Revolution until Thatcher came along.