The Muslim Council of Britain (3)

The Muslim Council of Britain are a bunch of cunts.

I honestly don’t know where to start, I mean obviously first off, because I’m cunting them this immediately makes me a de facto racist. I mean how could anyone have anything bad to say about Muslims.

Anyway, they’re launching a campaign in parliament because they believe that the media portray Islam and Muslims in a bad light………

They said they looked at 10000 articles from the last three months of 2018 and 59% linked Muslims to negative behaviour………

Just to note this study carried out was not open to academic analysis (surprise surprise) but was analysed by a linguistics analyst? (Does not say what religion said analyst was, but I think we can guess).

The press regulator IPSO is planning on releasing new guidelines this autumn of how to report on Islam, probably by saying you can’t say anything bad about Islam.

Why do they get so much special treatment? It is also worth noting that one of the biggest culprits for negative news on Islam and Muslims was by the media outlet Christian today. I mean, surely par for the course, the two religions have only been at war for around 1400 years, so you would expect the odd bias opinion between the two.

I mean the obvious answer would be for Muslims to stop doing so many socially negative news worthy activities, stop grooming young girls, or oppressing women, or stealing cars, or selling drugs, or blowing yourselves up. I’m sure the bad press will clear up in no time.

More likely it will become illegal to say anything bad about Islam, even if they break the law. Better still, they’ll be campaigning for it to be illegal not to be Muslim next.

Nominated by elboobio

80 thoughts on “The Muslim Council of Britain (3)

  1. This is gonna be good!
    Taken down, technical difficulties pending!

    not on my watch

    • This should be Muslim Council of Britain 3… innit bruv?

      Not really, thanks to your quick reactions MK1 was saved by yourself, (you have our gratitude)

      • Nothing gets past RTC! He’s a very learned antiquarian, some might even say a relic to antiquity!

      • Decades from now future cunters will be thankful of Creampuffs diligence of the ISAC archives. Mr Fiddlers rants on ‘The Gays’, Kravs Justin Bieber obsession and Creampuff putting mushrooms in his curries (I have tried it Creampuff, not bad).

      • Afternoon Bsc, LL.

        I prefer to think of myself as a Social Justice Warrior, bravely fighting on behalf of forgotten nominations past.

        Btw, we had a curry last night with mushrooms in it. ? De-fucking-licious!

      • I see him more in pinny with dustpan and brush Bsc. He likes to tidy up any factual discrepancies, keep Noms in order. You could award him one of your big ticks for good housekeeping.

      • Very true Miles.
        “Nobody likes a smart arse” as Admin say but RTC is a smart arse in such a nice way.
        Bless him!

      • I could have imagined RTC at school – the first kid to have always put his hand up in class.
        “Creampuff, I know I told you to put your hand up but I didn’t mean Fiona’s skirt!

      • @ Miles & Bsc.

        You flatter me.

        Btw, funny you should mention Fiona. I had a guinea pig called Fiona… named after that gorgeous bint in Thunderball. Not a lot of Cunters know that.

      • My gerbil was called Geraldine, but NOT after Geraldine McEwan of Miss Marple infamy.

        My sister’s gerbil was called Basher; I believe she had 20 / 20 vision…

  2. They rape teenage girls, they slaughter tourists and pop concert goers, they preach a barbaric medieval doctrine and death cult, they stink places out, they haggle/blag, they refuse to adapt or integrate, they breed like fucking rabbits and leech off the taxpayer, they take everything and give nothing, they overrun schools, councils, services and expect special treatment on top of that, big media companies and retail establishments pander to them while treating their own staff and customers like crap, the BBC is now a muslamist channel in all but name…

    And they have the brass bollocks to complain about bad press?!!!
    Ah, fuck ’em!

    • Yes, all this is true, but are Muslims being linked to negative behaviour, that’s the question.

      • Allan, take care when you tap that last letter. You might find that you’ve changed religion overnight.

        That was me being a mischievous cunt, well spotted.

      • Do I win a prize Admin? After all, the theme is people who want something for nothing.


  3. One of the most deserved cuntings I’ve ever seen on this site. Nicely done sir.

    We were at the top of a slippery slope when B.Liar opened the floodgates to allow people from the arseholes of the world. Successive governments helped push us down said slope and the worrying thing is we can’t see the bottom yet and it’s worse than we ever imagined.

    Just the fact that there is a Muslim Council of Britain should be concerned. I very much doubt there’s a Christian Council of Pakistan and if there was they’d certainly be dealt with.

    I have a friend from the peaceful community. He’s a very moderate Muslim and a decent bloke. He was often attacked back in Afganistan and parts of Turkey for having a shave or allowing his wife to wear a small headscarf instead of full letterbox. He came here to get away from it and even he is worried about the state of Britain and our local area.

    A lot of big business and media have investors from the Middle East these days and we all know the legislators are puppets of the illuminati. My guess is the puppet master has a towel on his head and hate in his heart and is responsible for there being a Muslim Council in the first place. Would certainly explain why anti-Semitism is supposedly ok but Islamaphobia (No such word should exist) is not.

    • Makes me laugh how our local medical centre has a touchscreen that has language preferences on it… Languages include French, German, and Spanish… Obviously a ploy to make it look more ‘diverse’, but I have never seen anyone French, German or Spanish in there or anyone who speaks any of them… Of course every ex Soviet/Iron Curtain eastern european shithole and flyblown peaceful shitheap is on there… Now sometimes I go in there and it’s a relief for the receptionist to talk to an English bloke who isn’t after anything… Scary thing is this is a quiet little place between Manchester and Bury… Family run since the war shop and Post Office, old pub, cenotaph, english chippy, cricket club etc… But the cunts have found it like they find everywhere else… A human version of the great plague and Blair is the closest thing to a British antichrist…

      • You have my sympathies. I live 2 streets away from the “most diverse street” in the country, locally known as the jungle. My medical centre is the same. Loads of squiggles then German, French, Polish and English. Never seen a Frog or a Kraut in there. Lettings agents won’t even take on houses down there and even the prostitutes that worked that street have moved on.
        It’s about time that religious protection was removed, The Muslim Council of Britain is a step in the wrong direction. This is the work of the regressive progressives. Double Speak at its finest.
        Ignorance is knowledge
        Freedom is Slavery
        Islam is the religion of peace.

      • I believe the fucking cuuuns do it just to piss us off.

        Like bloody gulls (see cunting above). Deeply ironic that the lowest form of vermin and gulls appear adjacent…

        I remember a cartoon from years ago.
        Two gulls, an old one and jnr., sitting on the phone wires, above a guy who’s washing his car.
        Young un’s tail feathers start to twitch…
        “Not yet,” says the snr. “Wait ’til he’s finished polishing it.”

        I’ve yet to see the other vermin sitting on the phone wires…but I often wonder which cuuuuunts leave el-cheapo trainers dangling by their laces.

    • Theyre no council! Phoned em about my bins not been collected 2 wks in a row, bloke on phone could barely speak english and didnt seem interested! Said youve picked his ip down the street and hes a fuckin p@k¡!!!

  4. ” The media portray Islam and Muslims in a bad light”…there’s a reason for that, you cunts.
    In fact, there’s loads.of reasons.
    Why is this self-licking-arsehole of a “council” even a thing?
    Oh yeah- so the taxpayer can foot the bill to be told that he’s a racist bastard by a load of shitrags who live off his money, whilst plotting the eventual subjugation/assimilation of said taxpayer into the said bunch of shitrags, or the elimination of said taxpayer by said shitrags if he decides that said shitrags are, in fact, a bunch of utter shitcunts.

  5. Positive discrimination naturally leads to negative. I used to belong to a minority in this country, Irish catholic descent. Now the IRA have fucked off, and the disposessed arrived, I’m snookered.
    White, middle aged, home owner with two working kids, I’m obviously a cunt.

  6. I went into an Islamic bookshop and there was this peaceful behind the counter…….PJs, big beard, towel head.
    I said, “ have you got that new book about getting all the peacefuls out of Britain.”?
    He looked at me and said “ get out, fuck off and don’t come back.”
    I said “ that’s the one, how much is it?”

    • There were 2 beggars in London called Ali and Habib.
      They begged in different areas of London and Habib begged just as long as Ali did, but only collected £2 to £3 every day while Ali brought home a suitcase FULL of £10 notes, drove a Mercedes, lived in a mortgage-free house and had a lot of money to spend.
      Habib asked Ali, “I work just as long and hard as you do but how come you bring home a suitcase full of £10 notes every day?”
      Ali said, “Look at your sign. What does it say?”
      Habib’s sign read “I have no work, a wife and 6 kids to support.”
      Ali said, “No wonder you only get £2- £3.”
      Habib said, “So what does your sign say then?”
      Ali showed Habib his sign and it read “I only need another £10 to move back to Pakistan.”

  7. I suggest they look inside themselves and to their own communities and behaviours as to why they may be ‘negatively portrayed’ in the media. The buck starts and stops there.

    End of story.

    • Is this the bunch of arseholes who advised Muzzy families not to get their kids vaccinated for flu because it wasn’t hafuckinglal??What a bunch of cunts. Even if it’s not the same ones, they’re still a shower of cunts.
      Hi Nurse.

      • Hi Ron,

        No doubt it is. It is always someone’s else’s fault with that lot. They are so very persecuted, sigh.

      • The cunts claim it isn’t their place to rule on Islamic practices, that’s the scholars prerogative. They only advise parents so they can make an informed decision. Which translates to, they told parents the nasal spray vaccines weren’t Halal, so if you want to be a proper Muslim you should insist your doctor uses the needle vaccine instead.

        Unsurprisingly though, these cunts went straight to IPSO to complain about the daily mail’s reporting on this, even though the daily mail got it spot on.

  8. The MCB are cunts, what the fuck do they expect when so much shit is caused by their flock.
    I wonder what the MCB have to say about the letterbox who was shouting ‘hate’ at the Pride marchers in Walthamstow.
    Lots of bad press for muslims here, fucking ace!
    The woman is a cunt and as she is of the muslim variety i hope she gets done for her little outburst.
    If she were not muslim I would question the ‘hate’ , for fuck sake it was a bit tame fucking poofs poncing down the street deserve a bit of ridicule lol!


    • I would also question the letterbox’s “hate speech.”
      All she said was “shame on you” and “you should be ashamed.”
      You could say the same thing to some cunt dropping litter in the street, would that be “hate speech?” Or does it make a difference if the cunt is a “minority?”
      I’ll try it out the next time I see The Flabbott drinking alcohol on the Tube. Fucking criminal.

      • i agree, its fuck all, if she had shouted the they should thrown off tall buildings then that would be hateful, but as i said as she is a peaceful I am right behind the social outcry.

    • But ask the Left which one is the “hate-crime” – the letterbox shouting “shame on you” at a group of gay people or the gays wearing rainbow flags in the vicinity of a mosque??

      • That is a dilema, if the mosque was in Pakistam it would be suicide, the gays would be taken to a nice tall building to see if they could fly, this woman wouldnt have been shouting ‘shame on you’ it would have been ‘throw them off’ , both acceptable in the land of the peaceful.

      • Every pinko gay that aligns with the insane leftist view of ’embracing’ the cult of throwing you off a roof and hanging you from a crane deserves their demise.

        Meanwhile, me, Doug Murray and the like can repopulate the non-insane gay population quite nicely.

    • It’s every free persons right in a free country to feel and express hatred. We need to resist this daft Americanism of ‘hate’ which doesn’t actually necessarily have anything to do with hatred at all but like everything American has to be unthinkingly imported.

      Amber Rudds British jobs for British people speech was officially recorded as a ‘hate incident’ because some guardian reading beardy-cunt was offended. I ask you, has the whole world gone mad or just us?

  9. This reminded me of a statement I’d read recently somewhere . . . . . . .
    “If you keep prodding a bear’s nest with a stick, don’t be surprised if it eventually turns round and bites your head off.”
    The great British bear is coming closer to saturation point with all this crap.

    • Yes but for some reason we’re all terrified at what Owen Jones, Steptoe, Emily Maitlis and all the other snowflakes will shout at us.
      My guess would be RAAAAACCIIIIST!
      Just a guess mind you.0

    • It’s a problem that all the people out on the streets showing active hostility to Islam are ex-offender football hooligan types and a bit unrefined to say the least.

      Normal law-abiding people need a sensible mainstream movement to coalesce around that’s democratic. It’s the most pressing issue facing England and I’ll always vote for the candidate/party most hostile to pisslam.

    • Accidentally watched Titmarsh’s Secrets of the NT tonight.
      Churchill’s place.
      At the end of it, I began to wonder if I really would flee back to Switzerland. Maybe I’m just a naive and sentimental cuuuunt, but something told me I must stay and fight. I shall get to work on my “Fart of Doom”, I have identified a fortifiable flat in Northumberland where I can fuel myself on wasabi peanuts, Burbush’s pies and Sam Smith’s Imperial Stout, followed by prunes and a mug of espresso.
      I have Winnie’s portrait, and a photo of Blaster Bates above my desk as inspiration.
      Had the misfortune to see an ad for Windsor Legoland.
      I hope they have a moving Lego model of Prince Philip to frighten the little children / cunts.

  10. When muzzies get to 10% of the population, look out!
    Bunch of savage cunts following a primitive superstition.

    • It will be at the next census. Even if immigration from muslim countries stopped tomorrow muzzies would have to start leaving just to keep their population stable. As it stands England will have fallen by the end of the century, they only need about 30-40% of the electorate for the inevitable muslim party to take power.

      • You have maybe just made the most devastating point, the one that’s blatantly obvious but most probably haven’t thought possible yet.

        Once they start a Muslim political party, we are completely fucked. Our country will be like Israel, constant civil war.

        I think they probably are already over 10% population. They breed like fucking rabbits. I bet most of those kids aren’t accounted for on the previous census.

      • ‘They’ have been saying anything from 2% to 5% for the last ten years so I would imagine we passed the 10% threshold some time ago already.

        Don’t forget – your average snackbar has no interest in completing census’s (censii?) so even the official figures will not give the full picture.

        It is absolutely right that they will outnumber us demographically. I’mm only glad I’m 45 and not 25. Incidentally, I have no sympathy for the millennials, they’re usually the biggest cheerleaders for importing even more of them.

      • Yeah fuck them left wing wankers. The millennials can reap what they have sown. They’re happy to let as many goat botherer’s in and participate in breeding with them. I just hope that I can leave this shit hole by then or at least move in to the country side in a house on my todd. If you came to West Yorkshire you’d be certain the figures were more 70%-30% in favour of the Muslim brothers and sisters.

  11. Can someone explain why there is any need for s Muslim council or any other minority council for that matter?

    • I wonder how long it’s going to be before the government totally folds on the new inclusivity teaching in schools, The Muslim community are on the streets in force promoting bigotry and homophobia, I wonder how I would be dealt with if it was me? Also why aren’t these left wing benders shouting it out also. They simply cannot co-exist in a modern Liberal society,

      • That school in Birmingham has already caved in. The trouble is it becomes law in September 2020. Hopefully that’s when it all kicks off…….peacefuls vs poofs, two minorities with an enormous sense of entitlement and used to getting their own way. It should be interesting. ?

      • There’s going to be the first lesbian Muslim character in Eastenders soon. Maybe that will bring understanding between the two sides. Eastenders will save the day.

      • I wonder when the kids with 2 daddies or 2 mums will start protesting outside schools saying they refuse to let their kids take part in any peaceful lessons?

      • Looking forward to that one FF. never could understand all this gays for Palestine crap. Fucking death wish if you ask me (depends on your standing in peaceful community. Peaceful royal familys and religious leaders get away with practicing the brown arts)

      • If you consider all the other shite the peacefulls get away with, it’s only a matter of time before the schools cave in.

        Although not law, apart from during a riot, police officers would ask for people to remove a balaclava or mask in public, however, Muslim ‘women’ if they are indeed women under there, can be completely anonymous in any public environment.

        Animals have to be slaughtered in a way that is as humane as possible in the UK, this is so the animal suffers as little as possible. Yet Muslims slit their throats and leave them to bleed out over several minutes, because then that magically makes the meat Halal and they’ve forced western outlets to only use halal meats so they can eat there.

        Parents can be fined £100’s if they take their children out of school during term time. Unless you’re Muslim and you’re going on the Hajj to Mecca for a month. Or they’re fasting for ramalamadingdong, and they can be taken out of school for the whole festival of bollocks.

        Just some of the ways the goat shaggers get preferential treatment already. So giving in wholeheartedly on every possible issue with their dogmatic religion wouldn’t surprise me.

  12. Gone very quiet about that Shamima Begum lately….wonder if she’s settling into her new council-house?

  13. Well maybe if muslims actually bloody tried to integrate, not kill us, actually work, not groom kids, not be professional victims, commit fraud we may actually think of them abit better. Islam has no place in the West and never has done. If the Muslim council of Britain don’t like it go back to a fly infested craphole like Pakistan.

  14. I think one of these chaps was on a radio phone-in with Dicky Dawkins about 12 years ago.

    On insulting the Prophet Mo’.

    ‘We is not talkin about the Jesus or the Tony Blair, right. You are not thinking, you can insult his people, Professor Dawkings’.

    Gave me a good laugh.

  15. Isn’t the quid pro quo that if you do not make “anti Islamic” comments in the news, the balance is to name the perpetrators of crimes?

    • I saw some goat-bothering cunt that very night on the news working as a taxi driver picking people up from the venue saying that together ‘we can beat this islamaphobia’. I fucking ask you! Another cunt from your religion of peace has just murdered white british women and children and this twats sense of victimhood is so great, all he can see is that the awful infidels are stupid and despise islam for no reason than their irrational ‘hate’. Kick them out every single last one.

  16. I feel rather the same way about the Board of Deputies of British Jews. A union for a religious minority, concerned with getting special treatment and making criticism illegal. Except the BofD seems to have far more pull in Government circles, which in practice works rather better than jihad at getting the rest of us to sing from the right torah.

    This thread being a case in point. To the applause of all it mocks the idea that all Muslims are being portrayed in a bad light, and unashamedly proceeds to portray all Muslims – without exception, comprehensively – in a bad light. Imagine the shitstorm if, and I am not suggesting they are – we agreed that all Jews are…you know? Political parties have been destroyed for less.

    Just as well I’m not worried about being popular.

      • Couldn’t think of what it is the cantor actually sings from, RTC. But I don’t think he’d call it a hymnsheet, so improvised.

  17. You have my pathetic tick in support. I bought a charger for Mrs Plastic’s iPhone the other day from the market. He was Aisan. Sat in his chair behind his stall. I am sure he sits there all day every working day. They do that don’t they? Like the corner shop that is open all hours. What am I trying to say? That the vast majority are peaceful law- abiding hardworking.
    I am aware of the grooming gangs which is news up here where I live. The girls were treated abominally. Not only by the gangs but the neglect of parents, social workers. Still are in fact. And yes the gangs were allowed to get away with it for fear politicians police were labelled Racist. But Are all Asian men evil child molestors? No. That can’t be the case.
    The Islamification of Britain. Are all Muslims out to change Britain into an Islamic state? All the (literally) peaceful shop owners, all of them that work in takeaways, Asian doctors, all the the unemployed ones, factories…I think not. Like most people the vast majority I would think will play lip service to their religion. Like most Christians, Jews do.
    They are certainly not a very attractive people. To our Western eyes. When I come upon a group of them I do feel a surge of anger. That feeling of ‘aliens’ in our midst. But I deliberately consciously think to myself it is not their fault. They were allowed in. If I should hate someone it is the people in power that let them in. But I don’t want to have anyone. I am not going to let myself become full of hatred.

    • As you say, there are many peaceful, law abiding Muslims in the country but the worrying aspect with many of them is their inability or reluctance to talk about the activities of those who are not law abiding.

      Many surveys have shown that whilst they don’t support the means, they do support the ends which might be achieved. i.e the Islamisation of Europe. In my mind, many are guilty by association with the murderers and law breakers of their Medieval religion.

      • Completely correct. When those few peacefuls murdered the staff who worked for Charlie Hebdo, the so called moderate majority may well come out and say we condemn the violence and all the muslim apologists go ‘see they’re on our side not on the terrorists’. But what the so-called moderates don’t say is that the staff of Charlie Hebdo did nothing wrong! They may disagree with the means, they would rather the state dealt with people who ‘insult islam’ and not gun carrying gangs, but the moderates underlying attitudes are the same as the so-called tiny minority of extremists.

      • “Radical Muslims want to cut our heads off and moderate Muslims are happy to let them do it.”
        (Peter Hitchens)

      • You’re probably right Miles. I’d say it ranges from happy to indifferent. Unless you’re Maajid Nawaz or Sajid Javid, in which case you’re against it.

  18. We need to make an environment hostile to islam – no more mosques, no more muslim immigration, no halal slaughter, no face coverings at public events, no blasphemy laws, no sharia law, no translation services, no more tolerance. They should be treated like neo-nazi’s because in terms of body count they’re more dangerous.

    • You forgot ‘faith schools’. The place where the infiltration begins. Unfortunately Blair granted them immunity.

      Forget Britain. The entire ‘West’ needs an immediate radical crackdown on the tolerance of the I-Filth if it is to have the most infinitesimal hope of survival whatsoever. And yes, that means voting for the Tommy Robinsons and Katie Hopkinses of this world who would put their money where their mouth is and bulldoze all mosquito houses, sorry mosques, and faith ‘schools’.

      • This behaviour of going to a country and converting it to suit you should stop in general, everywhere.

        We should not be making all signage and literature available in Urdu, if you go to Japan, the signage is all in Japanese, if you can’t read it, tough shit, it’s your responsibility to integrate.

        In Spain, British ex pats should not be allowed to open an English bar, called only fools and horses. If I was Spanish and some prick foreigner came with his Rodney plonkers, egg and chips and Carling on tap I’d be hugely fucked off.

        Trump’s wall is metaphorical more than physical, it’s to show there is a fucking line, and what’s this side is ours and the other side is yours. This lefty fucking mind set of we should all be free to go where we please and mix with who we want is bullshit. Every species on the planet is territorial, why can’t we understand this simple fact.

      • ‘This lefty fucking mind set’
        What about the ‘righty’ mind set obsessed with laissez-faire capitalism turning all our countries into one big market place with the free movement of trade but also people.

      • Laissez-faire capitalism isn’t necessarily right wing, more centre ground. Plus the idea of right wing policy has been mixed up, it was originally to conserve monarchy and nobility, but that’s been mixed up with keeping rich folk rich. Modern conservative MPs seem to think nobility and being rich is the same thing.

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