A Nagasaki sized cunting for the crony-packed gravy train that is the GAMBLING COMMISSION.
To give you the context. Today 24/6/19 on Teletext:
The NHS is to open its first clinic for young gambling addicts. The National Problem Gambling Clinic will aim to offer support to people aged 13 (yes THIRTEEN) to 25. It is part of an expansion of support for those with an addiction, announced in a long-term plan which will see 14 clinics open around England. “The Gambling Commission which regulates the industry said it was essential people had easy access to support and treatment”
Are they taking the fucking PISS? These are the cunts who are presiding over a culture of gambling, bingo, lotteries, poker, online casino, slots, you can’t get away from the stuff, TV, radio, posters, in the fucking papers, everywhere you look, enticements to gamble, rows of fucking betting shops infesting every sodding High Street, encouraging you to burn your money, even the POPPY APPEAL is running a fucking lottery.
A message to and for the cunts of the crony-packed gravy train Gambling Commission: How about stopping ALL TV and radio gambling adverts. How about closing down the online casinos that pauper gullible cunts. How about stopping the gambling before it starts rather than clearing up the unclearable shit AFTER the damage is done. And another question for you gravy train Gambling CUNTS; how is any of this meaningless shite going to deal with the worst aspect of this plague, THE GAMBLING DEBTS owed by the gullible mongs? Because if you forgive those debts, then as sure as cunt follows fucking, unless the temptation is removed, the whole mess will start again.
Unless that’s the intention: Keep the gambling problems and the misery going and you useless parasitic utter cunts of the first magnitude, are in a job for life and FUCK the victims. USELESS, VESTIGIAL, PARASITIC CUNTS the lot of you.
Nominated by Sheikh Anvakh
Yes how can it be the right thing to ban tobacco advertising but not gambling advertising? Sky Sports is the worst, it’s fuckin Infested with the shit. Oh and fuck Ray Winston.
Never got the appeal of Winstone…. Alright at playing shouty cockney hardcases, but that’s all he does…. He even did Henry VIII as a gorblimey guv’nor bovver boy who attacked Anne Boleyn (which there is no historical evidence of)… He’s basically been playing the character he was in Scum for decades… Viz got him spot on with Ricky’s Ray Winstone Robot…
If the government are involved i’ll take 2/1 that its a fuck up.
Didn’t The Labour Party relax gambling laws under Blair’s watch ?
How ironic that a party that supposedly supports poor working class people encourages them to embrace such a capitalist ideology driving them into further debt.
That’s just because they hate us, due to the facf we don’t vote for the Middle Class cunts… ?
Yes, it was that cunt Brown fronted by that grinning jackanapes Blair who gave the green light to those truly evil fixed odds betting terminals.
The result is there to see. How much of the “poverty” that CUNT Khanage is bleating about, is due to the party policies HE VOTED FOR.
The manager of my local bookies is a fucking idiot. He’s put a sign in the window which says, ‘Open Sunday 11-4.’
I’m having a tenner on it. They’re open every Sunday….
Gambling is a cancer on society.
All TV adverts are forced to include a “BE GAMBLE AWARE” warning (you will need great eyesight to spot it as usually in tiny letters).
And that as we all know the big betting companies will try to absolve themselves of any responsibility (a bit like the health warning on a packet of fags) and will make precisely fuck all difference to those daft enough to become addicted.
The gambling commission could do a tremendous amount to curb those becoming hooked on gambling but it is in their own interests to sit back and do nothing.
I can remember when a bookies weren’t allowed to have anywhere to sit down, to discourage cunts from hanging around too long. There was no advertising allowed anywhere. Then Blair came along and the 2005 Gambling Act.
Young, fresh, dynamic Tony and his greedy little mates. Gambling is an ideal way for a cunt with a bit of money to get very rich very quickly……..that’s Tony’s mates.
The Gambling Commission is the joke regulator in the resulting free for all. A bunch of fucking do nothing, know nothing cunts paid for by the taxpayer. Fuck them all to hell.
Fair play to Gordon Brown when he came into office he nixed the ‘super casinos’ proposals that Blair was pushing through. Bliar should be sued for every cunt that’s destroyed his families wealth by gambling their assets down the pan.
Don’t worry if that Pali-cock-gobbling Cunt Corbyn and Reichsmarshall McDonnell get into office, we won’t have any money or assets left for gambling after they’ve relieved us of our cumbersome assets and taxed the bollocks off of everyone to pay over to the parasite Peacefuls and pet benefit classes.
Anthony Burgess (RIP) said: ‘They took away our opium, and they gave us beer and football’….
As a fellow Manc, if I may add to the great man’s quote…
‘They then took away our beer, football and cigarettes… And they gave us the Lottery, scratchcards, E-Cigs, reality TV, social media, and loads more bulllshit’….
………and peacefuls and cunts from every corner of the world.
And shouty Eastern European criminals.
And whining coloured-haired tattooed pierced snot-hanger-nose-ringed self-entitled SJW cunts who only understand free speech and democracy if they win.
Sure , to those already addicted no advertising will make fuck all difference but bookmakers constantly require fresh mugs, that’s why gambling advertising is immoral. Yes I know it’s in the end the individual’s free choice but if they’re not constantly being egged on by these leeches then maybe just maybe they won”t be dragged in to a life of misery.
Come on, nobody’s forcing anyone to gamble. If people are so stupid to get themselves in debt, then fuck ’em.
Compulsive gambling has been going on for years, back in the old days when people got a wage packet full of cash on a Thursday I knew several blokes who would be down the bookies to blow the lot.
The difference now is that it is easier to gamble, more shit to bet on and easier to get into debt.
Any form of on-line gambling should be banned or tightly restricted. If people want to go to bookies fine, as long as the fixed odds machines are also tightly restricted.
The culture of bingo on-line is pernicious and marketed to those who can least afford it.
The Gambling Commission is indeed a cunt.
Totally agree Cuntflap but gambling adverts are absolutely everywhere and monotonously broadcast these days and new and vulnerable mugs are being targeted like never before.
Personally I have little or no sympathy for those who succumb to the gambling disease find themselves in serious debt however feel the government could and should ban gambling/lottery/bingo adverts as they have done with cigarettes.
Thus will of course not stop the problem but it may dissuade some from starting.
I don’t have sympathy for gamblers, but do have sympathy for their families… unless they too are feckless fucking cunts.
Like the lazy, selfish, feckless cunts with smartphones, sky subs, tatts, piercings yet are too fucking evil to give their kids breakfast, instead expecting schools to provide it, now paid for bully us from the fucking SUGAR TAX. The same goes for that utter bullshit “period poverty”
The irony is that these feckless, selfish cunts are guzzling drinks and PAYING THE FUCKING TAX that then pays for breakfast for their spawn.
Speculating on the financial and stock markets is also gambling, by any reasonable definition. You won’t stop any kind of gambling, as Cuntflap explained earlier. Best thing is to tax it to the hilt and let the addicts get on with it.
Remember that photograph of Anthea Turner and hubby with the flake? An almost worse picture for me was Tessa Jowell opening some casino pictured in front of roulette vwheels. It was at that moment I knew that this New Labour thing is not new and is just the same shit.
Maybe the below helps to explain the Governments position on Gambling. Now I’d think the government could ring fence 10% of its income revenue from gambling to help deal with the mess gambling can make of some peoples lives.
That would seem logical and fair to me.
“In the UK, the gambling industry is huge. In 2017, government revenue, i.e., tax, from the gambling industry, reached £13.8 billion.
Ten years ago, gambling laws in the UK were liberalised. Since then, tax revenue from gambling has risen by 65%.
The Gambling Act 2005 came into force in 2007. It allowed TV advertising for sports betting, poker, and online casinos. In other words, it meant that betting firms had direct access into our homes.”
2005…who was running the freak show then? Ah. Gawd bless yer, Tony Blair! Opportunity for all! That ad on the TV says if I put the rent money on Fat Chance for the 2.30 I will be rich beyond the dreams of avarice. Shame I spunked it all on online poker, but there you go. Honest Tony, the Bookie’s Friend…