Simon Aherne and Anna Cousins

What about this pair of whinging cunts:

‘An engaged couple say their wedding plans have been scuppered by changes to next year’s early May bank holiday.
May Day is traditionally held on a Monday, but will be put back to Friday, 8 May in 2020 to accommodate the 75th anniversary of VE Day.’

Everything ruined 11 months in advance? For fucks sake get over yourselves. I know it is inconsiderate of the 75th anniversary of VE day to be May 8th but get a fucking life.
This shite made the BBC website. Surely there was a Brexit horror story to promote?

Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble

52 thoughts on “Simon Aherne and Anna Cousins

  1. This is what happens when 10+ years of reality TV, me-too social media, 24-hour news channels and the active promotion of ‘stupid is cool’ mix together to form one almighty concoction of cunt.

    In any other era, this couple whinging on about their wedding plans would have been told to fuck off and die – and that would have just been the vicar’s comments – but only in 2019 could a fame-hungry pair of unaware scumcunts make the ‘news’.

    I’ve noticed that the BBC website is these days flooded with the ‘woe is me’ bollocks from full-time victims. In fact, the surprise is not that the BBC chose to run this wank, but that they actually gave column inches to a white couple.

    Your daily reminder that with the VE Day holiday in question, we are celebrating the courageous acts of men who sacrificed themselves fighting, for the very freedom which allows this pair of obnoxious bastards to make spectacular cunts of themselves in public.

    Only one solution for this generation of fucking snowflake cunts – another war.

  2. What difference does it make anyway?
    Are they really whinging or is it the meeja spin on a non – story?
    If it’s true who gives a fuck anyway?

  3. ISAC is a reliable source for stuff I didn’t know, or want to, but nevertheless feel an insane compulsion to know more about. I now know that this pair of lovebirds had invited 100 people to their wedding. This puts them beyond the range of human sympathy, the showoff, overextended, vain twats. What the fuck is stopping their guests taking a day or two off their doubtless overpaid non-jobs to participate in the horrible event? I will tell you. 80 of those guests would only have gone for the free food/booze/crystal meth.

    Cunts. Endorsed.

    • I fuckin hate weddings, having to get dolled up, watch yer language, behaviour yerself, doesnt the bride look lovely? Someone shoot me! I’ll do anything to get out of going a wedding, just ducked one funnily, a old mate, hide the invite as the missus loves this shite. Now funerals! Love a good funeral, slag the cunt in box., good spread on, hey got them little sausages on sticks! Shift luv, let the dog see the rabbit!!?

      • Gotta say mate, I’m right with you there. Fucking love a funeral buffet, me.

      • Fucking awful one for my father-in-law last week,no booze and very mediocre grub. The Mrs saw i had a hip flask with me and went ballistic. Not a good send off for him in my opinion and she has been told that iof she and her sister ban booze at my send off I will come back to haunt her.

  4. This is a prime of example of the spoilt, entitled, me, me, me attitude of the younger generations these days. If it isn’t just as they like it, they chuck their toys out of the pram.

    Someone needs to inform these cunts that were it not for the sacrifices made by selfless others during WW2, their self-absorbed arses would be uttering their fucking wedding vows in German.


    (Except of course the 300 plus arseholes who signed an online petition to keep the May Bank Holiday where it normally is after reading their sob story, fucking tossers)

    • I bet they are Remainers, in which case they can fuck off to Brussels, may piss be upon them. And dog shit as well, in all probability.

  5. This definitely the fault of Brexit. If we’d voted Remain the Germans would never have allowed us the opportunity to celebrate the anniversary of them getting beaten. Again. In less than 30 years. The cunts.

  6. This IS the Brexit horror story CC, even if it isn’t actually (if you see what I mean).

  7. Pair of cunts, they are getting married on the Sunday not the Monday so they can fuck off.

    The UK goverment are cunts, should keep the Monday bank hol and have an extra one for VE day.

    The BBC are cunts for reporting this bullshit.

  8. Is this what the BBC call news? Nobody , except half a dozen gossipy old women gives a flying fuck about this pair of whining twats. Statistically speaking there’s a very good chance they’ll be divorced within 5 years. Then they can sell their story to some crappy magazine…..”The Government doomed our marriage from the start.”
    Nothing to do with Simon shagging some bird at work or Anna dropping her drawers for her sister’s boyfriend. No, it’s always some other cunt’s fault.

  9. Selfish myopic cunts. They should be dunked in petrol and chased through a wildfire .

  10. My fucking loathing for self-entitled/centred cunts like this knows no bounds. It’s the 75th anniversary of blokes like my fucking granddad fighting for your freedom to act like a cunt. I fucking pray it pisses down on your wedding day, your wedding car breaks down and the reception venue catches fire the night before. On a happier note, Carol Decker’s got her legs out on the telly so my eyes are set to ‘Record’ for a quick Milk later.

  11. Four murders in London but this whoa is me pair of cunts are ‘news’.
    Those horrible VE day veterans probably voted leave anyway eh BBC?

    • To be fair, 4 murders over a weekend in Londonistan isn’t really news anymore.
      The shooting in Leyton made me laugh. The cunt is lying on the pavement bleeding to death and there’s a Police Station on the other side of the road. Unfortunately it was closed. ?

  12. This cunting could as easily and succinctly just be called ‘young cunts’.

  13. Fucking pair of Mongtards. The vicar should have told them to do one then kicked them both in the reproductive organs. E.G cunt punt them both. Fucking hero’s died for the freedoms these arsewipes enjoy today.
    If they feel that hard done by Cuntymort will fire all four burners up on the barbie and sit them on that as a deterrant not to be cunts in the future, in a caring way naturally .
    Fuck the BBC as well for highlighting these Oxygen thieves sob story.

  14. Boo fucking hoo. Are they worried that family and friends cant book a day off work 11 months in advance? And this made the news! Jesus Tapdancing Christ. They must be very special. I’ll bet the BBC have been poking around for a story like this. I look forward to the next story when someone gets scared because the clocks go forward and it gets dark too cunting early.

  15. “We shall fight them in their safe spaces, we shall fight them in the gender neutral toilets, we shall fight them taking selfies and in the pop-up vegan friendly juice bars, we shall never surrender”.

  16. What would they do if a war started on Saturday? The longer I live the closer to cuntdom we get.

  17. Simon and Anna. A typical middle class pair of arseholes, sporting rictus grins in the photo above.

    Ironically she is probably glugging down her boss’s throbbing meatstick for extra pay and he is probably fucking her 15 year old kid sister.

    Ha ha!

  18. This clearly odious whiter than white couple need to fuck off far away. Complaining that VE Day has ruined their day is a fucking disgrace. They look like the sort of whining “woke” couple who probably competition-wank over Love Island or some other banal carton of shit. WW2 will always be remembered and the terrible cost that resulted. This goof headed pair of fucks will be forgotten by teatime. Just fuck off to North Korea on your unicorn.

    • I’ve just been reading about a newlywed man who was rescued from drowning by an Olympic swimmer who luckily happened to be nearby. He was floating in the sea with his husband on an inflatable unicorn and fell off. Which got me thinking. If we had another D Day or Dunkirk now, it would be an interesting array of landing craft used I reckon.

      • I think we would be reusing the dinghy’s from the Iranian towelheads to create a fearsome armada of British naval power.

  19. What people will do for their fifteen minutes of fame. It’s worth making complete cunts of themselves and grinning foolishly at every camera that points in their direction.
    How could they do this to you, love? They’ve ruined your big day just as he’ll probably ruin your hymen that same night.
    Grow up, you couple of pricks. It’s about your relationship, not how much attention you get from others.

  20. I hope the Royal Marines and Parachute regiment can look past their rivalry and unite in gatecrashing their special day.

  21. Look at her face… Crackers, no doubt…
    That bloke’s life is going to be hell….

    • Nah. They’ll be divorced in a year when she finds out he’s been gobbling Chukka Umbongo on the side….fucking soy boy wanker.

  22. I saw this on the news
    What utter fuckwits
    I bet mummy and daddy Big Cunts are paying anyway. I am embarrassed that I am of the same generation to these idiots. The only difference is everything I have I have worked for and has not been handed to me on a plate. The sense of entitlement especially from this generation of middle class toffs really pisses me off. If you think it is just this couple read a couple of the comments written by some pricks in the Sun article. It’s spreading like a virus. Be careful you may be next.

  23. This is what boils my piss:scratching around moving a fucking bank holiday in the 1st fucking place..
    There should already be a VE bank holiday and a Battle of Britain bank holiday and a Churchill bank holiday etc etc
    Fucking cry baby politicians ashamed of our fine history of thrashing other nations when required.
    That pair of moaning little wankers can also fuck right off.
    Set of total cunts the lot of them.

  24. I agree 100% with all the comments about these 2 parts but she is rather attractive

  25. To be fair our goverment has known about this rapidly impending celebration for 75 years and only changes the bank holiday with 11 months notice. There are calender companies that are losing serious money having to re-print all next years product and may go out of business, it’s all just completely unnecessary and totally avoidable if our braindead goverment was capapble of thinking ahead useless cunts.

    • To be fair, perhaps each successive government had more pressing needs to address? Just a thought like, you stupid cunt,

      • Hang on a sec, I may be a cunt and I may be stupid but…oh yeah that’s fine carry on then.

  26. What self respecting man would be talking about his wedding a year in advance?
    Fuckin’ wimp.

  27. Aren’t these pair of cunts teachers? No wonder kids are mongs, they are being taught by mongs like these. Fuck off back to Instagram, you shallow little twats.

  28. Let them reflect upon their comments and the sacrifices of the greatest generation within a corrugated iron Japanese hot box, rats included. Snowflake prats.

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