The Running of the Bulls in Pamplona is a horrible cuntfest, isn’t it.
During the nine-day San Fermin fiesta, six bulls are run every morning in the city’s narrow streets and then killed in afternoon bullfights. Most tourists who go to the festival in Spain seem oblivious to the fact that these animals will be dead in just a few hours.
Each morning, a rocket is launched to terrify the six already anxious bulls so that they’ll charge onto city streets lined by drunken, screaming fuckwits who frequently hit them as they pass. The panicked animals slip and slide down the narrow streets and often smash into walls, sustaining broken bones and other injuries surrounded by the constant violent atmosphere.
The entire spectacle is really a death march.
Every evening, one by one, the bulls are forced into a bullring. The first cunts to lance them are the picadors; the second cunts are the banderilleros who also make the bull run in circles until, dizzy, disoriented, exhausted, and weak from blood loss; finally, the matador cunt enters. Not at all a coward, thus “courageous hero” stands over the bleeding, exhausted, dying bull and stabs him to death before demanding applause.
This execution of an innocent animal is called culture and entertainment
Nominated by Captain Magnanimous
The only bright spot is if one of these unspeakable cunts is gored or trampled. The one thing the EU doesn’t give a fuck about is animal cruelty and welfare.
I’m always rooting for the bull. Love it when one of them gives some cunt a bit of their own back.
Me too!!
despicably cruel and completely unacceptable, anybody who finds that entertaining is a sick cunt ……
They should do this bull running stuff in the peaceful areas of certain UK cities!
Fridays would be good days for maximun effect.
Maybe throw in a few pit bulls as well.
As for Pamplona, the Spanish are strange fuckers, maybe they should stick to the tomatoe throwing shite instead.
These filthy wawg cunts slaughter bulls and throw live donkeys off a church roof…
Yet they got all ‘offended’ when some kid blacked up for a Nativity or something…
These greasy cunts really need to get some perspective and common fucking sense….
This can only happen in Spain. The Spanish are total fucking cunts. The biggest cunts in Europe after the Germans.
Fuck off.
You forgot the French, utter cunts
Do not be critical. These people are our european ‘partners’ and thus can do no wrong.
There is no fucking excuse. It’s barbaric torture and execution. I know we are all pleased when one of the cunts gets gored in a vital organ.
A worthy nomination Captain.
Cruelty to innocent in the name of tradition or entertainment in the 21st century is cowardly and totally obscene.
Can think of many, many others not so innocent and far more deserving to have cruelty inflicted upon them in my humble opinion, and would pay good money for a ringside seat with popcorn.
The bulls fare better than the Galgo’s, tradition has it that the worse the dogs death the better the next years hunting will be.
Normally they hang the poor fuckers, fucking hate them for that, a Galgo is a Spanish greyhound
pictures from a friend who rescues them and resettles them in the USA
the Spanish are cunts, I notice the EU ignores it.
Thanks Lord Benny for showing me another reason for hating the EU so much ignoring bull running, and fighting, this appalling treatment of both Hares and of course these Galgos.
And I would very most dooshka dooshka cunts in the EU commit all kinds of animal cruelty either openly or in secret but the EU ignores that.
Yet apart from Halal /Kosher slaughter the uk has a nominally good animal rights system not perfect but better than most I’ve seen from the EU. And yet when we leave the EU animal rights and workers rights in the UK apparently will go down right down the pan. Stupid remainer cunts.
And the Bullrun has lots of millennial types showing how macho they think they are when in reality they are chicken shits. Gored and trampled to death is the best result.
Whenever one of these cunts has been gored and it’s subsequently reported in the news, I feel a small shimmy of glee. I can’t help out. Schadenfreude, I suppose.
It’s distressing enough to even read about, let alone watch. The matadors act like they’ve done something heroic rather than average. Cowardly and brutal individuals.
I like to direct ramblers through the field with the bull. That way the bull can get a bit of revenge for his Spanish cousins. It also has the benefit of me not having to check that the ramblers have closed the gate behind them,because they normally clear the top bar by about 6 foot without even touching it.
I’m having squab for my tea tonight,got a couple of nice plump ones out of a nest yesterday.
Fuck Off.
I’m having two organic, gluten free (whatever that means) pork sausages, baked beans, a large runny free range egg, and some fucking oven chips.
Good evening.
Get that dahn yer neck, mah san!
Spaniards … watered down sandw0gs.
Cunts, along with the rest of the Continental Eurotrash.
Get To Fuck.
Cruel cunts! Know most of us englishmen hate the french and rightfully so, but need reminding that historically the greasy spanish are also our nemisis, dunno why these old cockney cunts love it so much, hot fly riddled, almost desert, populated by greasy half moor animal tormentors, fuck spain and fuck the spanish!??
And the Portugese. Don’t forget those twinkle-toed greasers. Mind you, mostly Africans there nowadays.
Yeah went to Portugal once got so wound up by some cunts driving after having a big ruck with him and I actually tried to run him over however he slipped out the way the best part was my Mrs didn’t admonish me shows how much the cunt was a wanker.
Spanish “men” are just a bunch of tap-dancing maricones.
I’d like to watch a “running of the remainer snowflake cunt” event.
I’d pay real folding money to watch that!
A few weeks ago I was appalled when it was reported in the Daily Mail ( I think two yank fuck-wits ) cut off the tail of a shark and threw it back into the sea alive, with some comment like ” now see how you swim now punk ” .
I would love to turn these two mega-cunts into Paraplegics with a blunt axe. And then regularly taunt them for their mindless actions
That’s just normal behaviour for the Americans.
Exemplary cunting Captain. Almost had me in tears.
Easy to forget Spain was still a Fascist Dictatorship as late as 1977. Uncivilised cunts.
Fuck tradition when that tradition deems the suffering of a sentient being fun.
The only bullfighting I would support would be bare hands against an Auroch bull.
Love to watch the brave matador get shanked by a bull. Poor bastard bull is almost dead anyway see even the pointy bits of their horns are cut off. Very happy when Bolocos the bull killer gets a horn through the groin magic pure magic. Cruelty to animals is a cunt of a thing, cruelty for entertainment a leap beyond cuntish. Hope the lovers of such crap catch some awful pox that rots their arseholes. Cunts
Perhaps we can get the Spanish cunts running through the streets of London trying to avoid stabby bastards, see how they like it, I’d pay to see that.
Any cunt who still likes this fucking cruelty should be impaled up the arse with the bulls horns
As has been mentioned several times here, the EU don’t give a fuck about this cruelty, yet I’ve heard remoaner twats harping on about a decline in animal welfare standards if we leave. I love seeing these greaseball ponces get their arsehole ripped inside out, or gored to death. Fuck Spain, never been, never will. Leave it to the pond life mouth breathers that get pissed and eat egg and chips in the sun.
If nothing else, assuming we ever leave the EU properly, we’ll be able to ban the cruel practice of live animal exports.
I”m not a big animal rights type but i think it’s better to tenderise steak after it’s dead.
Watching these people running for their lives down the street is very much like me when there is a wasp in the house. If I could heroically stab a wasp between the eyes I would, but they’re too quick, and usually out wit me. Stripy bastards.
A long long time ago, a friend of mine at school could get a needle and stab a wasp in flight. Unbelievable.
“Animals shall not be measured by man, for they are complete, with senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear, existing for their own reasons yet caught in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the planet” – harry capstan.
A variation on this topic my fellow cunts. Many schools in the county in which I live (Nottinghamshire) only serve halal meat as they claim that to provide non halal and halal meat would cause logistical problems . My outrage as this was only exceeded by my fury at the passivity of parents who failed to register any significant objections to this.
We are all completely fucked…..
It’s the same in hospital. You get one stoneage dune-koon on the ward who will only eat meat slaughtered inhumanely according to the edicts of the evil koran and so the hozzie simply finds it easier to only have halal and so can reply to the tolerant progressive peaceful, ‘it’s all halal’.
Wouldn’t surprise me if airlines are the same.
I work with a couple of Spaniards.
One bloke is like Manuel in Fawlty Towers and thick as shit.
Turns up to work dressed as a Pirate.
The second is a woman with a hair trigger temper, always about to blow a fuse, thinks there’s an ongoing conspiracy against her.
I’ve always hated Spain and the indigenous cunts who infest the shitty dustbowl.
The Spanish language is a cunt, their footballers and tennis playeds are doped up cunts, their government are cunts, the locals are noisy over-excitable cunts and their obsession with torturing bulls especially makes them absolute fucking cunts.
Every baiting, yapping cunt from Spain who gets brutally gored to death at the horns of an enraged animal is a victory for humanity.
Was in London the other weekend and standing on the platform at embankment waiting for a train when a couple of hundred Spanish language student cunts descended on the platform.
Next up shouting, chanting, and generally loud jibber jabber cunts. My Mrs said she felt quite intimitated by them and I wondered what an older person would feel surrounded by shouty twats.
As a youth I witnessed what I believe to be 2 of the most violent “sports” ever.
I drank with a few tough lads and to be seen to be one of the lads I went out with a gang of them badger baiting. The local farmers (prior to the fox hunting ban) gave their permission to hunt these fine animals. Once the set was found a couple of nasty looking snarly lerchers were let into the entrance and their progress tracked via a radio transmitter. The next stage was to dig into the rock and rout the family. The only victory I saw was a dog with its face missing – badgers are a useful killer but the kill was finished via spades and hammers. Fucking brutal spectacle – I never mated around or spoke with the cunts who were there that day – ever again.
The second is dog fighting – an abysmal violent bloodthirsty spectacle generally involving pikey cunts. Imagine the badger baiting i have wrote about above then quadruple the violence and needless slaughter. These “sports”go on to this day. Drive around Burnley or Padiham out in the Wild North – the cunts dont even attempt to hide it from the feds, Cunts
Grim to say the least. But it’s not part of the tourism industry unlike Bull fighting and running. And yeah the EU give no fucks at all. Useless to a man.
The only thing you need to knoe about bullfighting, is the bull never wins, even when he gores the cunt with the cape.Funny isn’t it, that the EU hasn’t ‘intervened’ in this blatant animal abuse. Wonder why? Oh yeah, the Spanish would tell them to fuck off and leave then and there. Not condoning this barbarity, but it makes you think. And I fucking love it when one of those fuckers gets gored. the more the better.
Brilliant cunting. I could not agree more with it.
I have been travelling to Spain twice a year for the past 20 years as I have loved ones who live there. The Spanish are so fucking obstinate when it comes to their fucking ‘traditions’, even if one of those traditions involves the taunting, baiting, torturing and long, slow, drawn out death of an innocent animal. Both this bull running shit AND bullfighting are disgusting.
It all repulses me.
I think that the tide is turning somewhat in Spain, away from this utter barbarity, as newer generations open their eyes and minds a bit more, but sadly there remains that staunch pack of backwards, paella-troughing cunts who just will NOT let go of this shit and their only excuse for it is that it has been done for years and is their fucking ‘tradition’. They have their heads thoroughly lodged up their fat arses and that is where they will remain, ignorant cunts.
I too love to see both the cunts who are present at this despicable event and Matadors rutted and gored. It is nothing less than what they fucking deserve…..and as the expression goes:
I bet if we had bullfighting the EU cunts would be down on us like a ton of shit
The EU seemed perfectly happy to see the Spanish police breaking heads when the Catalonian people wanted to vote for independence. I wonder why…
What you have to realise is the Spaniards descend from the Moors so it’s no surprise they are hard wired to such barbaric traditions. They still have a big helping of Peaceful in their greasy Dago Wop brain cells