Richard Curtis (2)

Richard Curtis is a cunt….

Apart from producing steaming cultural turds like Notting Hill and Love Actually, this cunt trumpet now wants to resurrect Blackadder… Now, Blackadder was very good originally, apart from the extremely overrated and badly done fourth series (the war one)… But now Curtis is a fully paid up member of the PC mob and I have no doubt that a modern millennial Blackadder would be a masterclass in ticking boxes and would have far too many gobby wimmin in it, and there would also be a peaceful or two and more colours than jelly babies…. Curtis said that his idea involves Blackadder as a college lecturer… Which basically means a load of snowflake students and ‘diversity’… In other words, a load of PC bollocks… I only hope Rowan Atkinson has the sense to say no…

And let’s not even start on the latest Curtis abomination… A supposedly ‘feel good’ film which is just a load of sinister ‘diversity’ propaganda about an Asian personage stealing the Beatles’ legacy and making it his own… ‘But… but that’s cultural appropriation!’ the snowflakes will cry… Not this time they won’t… It’s OK if they do it apparently…

Nominated by Norman

66 thoughts on “Richard Curtis (2)

  1. Hes got a cheeky little irish face hasnt he? Not a fuckin clue who he is or what his films are like, but if you say hes a cunt big man, I’ll take your word for it.
    Hate dicky bows though with a passion, proper cuntswear dickybows are.

      • People of Colour Adder?

        Transadder? (featuring Ian Laddie ‘Buggeredoff’ Munro?)

        Parking Stanlee Heritage Adder? (think Doctor Who has already done this one)

        Aspiring Architect Adder?

        Femstapo Adder? (Don’t be surprised if the character is now a woman, like Jodie Whittacunt in Doctor Who and that overrated Lezzing Eve dog dirt)

        Osama Bin Adder? (or some other peaceful sucking shite)

  2. Fuck him, actually he’s fucked himself, he’s devoid of new ideas so resurrects a 30 year old classic.

    It will be like seeing Elvis in June 77, a parodying itself, if lucky you might catch a glimpse of greatness but you’ll be left wishing you’d never seen it as it will tarnish the memories of what it once was.

    Leave the audience wanting more.

  3. Despite everything Four Weddings was a cultural landmark and I’ll always be willing to cut this cunt some slack.

  4. Four Weddings a great film.

    Curtis’s cunning plan to attempt a resurrection of Blackadder however should be avoided at all costs. It is a poorly though idea, which will be unfunny PC bollocks and will certainly blemish the memories of the original.

  5. The fact that he was born in New Zealand, and managed to end up on UK shores is probably an even bigger travesty than the crap films he has written. I do like the Blackadder series, but a remake just wouldn’t work now. You couldn’t do it without offending. The original was made just as comedy started to change on TV with the alternative comedians like Alexei what the fuck Sayle and Lenny laugh at my own shit jokes Henry vommited themselves onto our screens. I could include Ben Elton but will excuse him on the grounds of making a decent job of Blackadder but let’s be honest if you’ve got that many Oxbridge graduates in one room, then you can’t make too bad a job of it….. maybe they should have gone into politics.

  6. Four Weddings a great film? Jesus Christ is this is-a-cunt or snowflake lefty bollocks site. Plus it inflicted that steaming pile of wank Love Is All Around on us forever and a day.

  7. I loved blackadder.
    Percy was great, melchet, and even balrick was great (even though Tony Robinson is a cunt).

    “He’s famous for having the worst personality in Germany…
    “As you can imagine, he’s up against some pretty stiff competition.”

    I wonder if they’ll allow that kind of humour, because without it, it’s not fucking blackadder anymore.

    • I saw some old episodes of Faulty Towers recently, casual xenophobia, sexism and lazy stereotypes galore, it really was refreshing. Incidentally there is a new Charlies Angels film coming with a female director which should be a red flag with bells on for a feminazi PC orgy.

      • From what I’ve read about the new version of Charlie’s Angels, they are now a team of assassins.
        Nice role models. Bet they only kill white men…

      • Don’t worry, they’re Hollywood assassins who only kill bad people, and they feel guilty about it afterwards. Sat thru Killing Eve, I had a few drinks thankfully, she kills someone by throwing them into a truck and it gets covered up by MI5 because it was supporting the mission?!? Fuck that! Lest we forget shit actor and professional bogeyman Mad Dickklesen peddling his adorable serial killer routine to sell beer. Oh but he’s really sophisticated so it’s ok. Nothing pisses me off more than the sexy serial killer genre. There’s only one serial killer I like and that’s The Punisher.

      • “The funny thing was, she kept refering to the Indians as nigg@rs….
        No no no no, I said. The nigg@rs are the WEST Indians…
        These people are w@gs….”
        the major.


        Imagine the outcry now.

      • A film that nobody wanted, with a cast of nobodies, and full of woke crap.

        Looks like Star Wars 9 will have competition.

      • Episodes 4, 5 and 6 were the beginning and end as far as I’m concerned, the rest can fuck off. Coincidentally just watching 4 on tv at the moment. Never seen Four Weddings and doubt I ever will.

      • Opinion is split on that.
        All the other captains say its not.
        I say it is.

    • Yet another gargantuan effort by general melchett to move his drinks cabinet another 6″ closer to berlin!funny as fuck some of them esp stephen fry

  8. Only good thing about Four Weddings was it turned some people on to the Troggs (via those knobheads, Wet Wet Cunt)… It propelled the odious Hugh Grant into the limelight too… What a chinless cunt he was (and still is)…

    Loved the first three Blackadder, but for me the fourth was poorer… Poor ‘gags’ like Baldrick saying ‘Boom Boom’ over and over and that Fry cunt going ‘Baaah!’ and saying ‘Poo Poo’ about a dozen times… Hugh Laurie shouting in a loud voice every other scene didn’t help either… And the much hyped ending was a forerunner to today’s snowflake culture… Apparently to show Blackadder getting out of the Big Push would have been ‘disrespectful’… I think showing one man who wasn’t stupid or gullible enough to blindly obey orders would have been better and in keeping with the character… But instead they schmaltzed it up and it was hypocritical… A whole series taking the piss out of World War I, but suddenly at the end it’s ‘not OK’ to do it? Early virtue signaling there, I think…

    Best ever was the great Frank Finlay as the Witchsmeller Persuivant…

    • Best thing Brian Blessed ever did too. Plus Peter Cook was great as Richard III. Shame he wasn’t in all of series 1…

    • There is one good episode of series 4.
      The one with Mayall and Edmondson.

      I agree with your points about the majority of the series. However I think Blackadder getting out of going over the top wouldve soured the poignant ending, which was trying to transcend the genre and make a point about the tragedy of war and that for all his cunning, Blackadder was swept up by the forces of history and sent to his death.

  9. Would love to see a blackadder type program based on a radical Muslim preacher, focusing on jihad and demonisation of the west.

    Would it be too far fetched, surely it could never happen in the religion of peace.

    • A parody à la Four Lions with Blackadder as a muslim zealot has potential. It would say more about ‘modern’ britain than any multicultural bollocks.

    • Mr Khan was bad enough, Islam isn’t good comedy matter really is it?

      Bomb thy neighbour

      Four weddings one groom and a mass funeral

      6 pillars towers

      Only infidels and camels

      That said what comedy is funny these days?

      Recently that Iranian comic was slaughtered for mocking welsh place names.

    • It could be called “The Terrorist Bastards That Infest CF24″…

      You want extremist, HATE-spewing slime preachers (no, not really…) ? Cardiff’s got them in spades.

  10. Doubt they’ll have Flasheart in the remake.. the snowflakes would literally explode in a little ball of lefty fury.

    Props to Rick Mayall though – the fucking genius stole the entire series, in my opinion.


    • It’s rumoured that Ben Elton intended the audience to hate Flasheart as an early example of “toxic masculinity” and was horrified when viewers loved the character.
      Same applies to Stephen Fry’s battle hungry Duke of Wellington.
      “Our regimental crest your majesty. Two crossed dead Frenchmen, emblazoned upon a mound of dead Frenchmen”

      • Wellington was Fry’s funniest performance in the serious by some distance.

        He and Mayall, as well as my favourite of all Blackadder performances, Tom Baker as Captain Rum, really worked well in heightening the madness.
        I thought Nursey was the funniest female character.

  11. Currently on al-BBC 1, discussion on whether peacefulls are portrayed negatively in the media? Only one way this is heading, PR machine action stations!

    • Every day we creep towards leftist tyranny. Civil war is ultimately inevitable if the politicians continue to refuse to deal with islam the same way we would neo-nazis.

    • Peacefuls portrayed in a negative way ????
      What sort of monsters would even think of these peace loving people in such an appalling way.
      Next you will be suggesting that Hitler and Corbyn are anti semites.

  12. This would be the same Richard Curtis who thought killing children who question climate change was a great addition to his shit film on the subject.
    I hope Atkinson tells him to shove it, but he might have his beady eye on a new Aston Martin…

  13. That new film about the Asian bring touted for “Yesterday” looks shit. You must have a tiny bit of reality in film. If he drove a taxi and was a kiddie-fíddler terrorist it’d be more believable.

    “? Yes-ter-day…love was such a grooming game to play…”

    • It’s forbidden to tell the truth about non-whites as it’s ‘racial stereotyping’.

      • that’s why the white family late for a flight to Benidorm get the third degree by Stansted “security” cunts while those in full burkhas get waived through.

  14. Please find me a good film these days, lefties running everything. I watch films very little but decided to watch Darkest hour a couple of months ago. WW2 tube scene central London – token bag of soot thrown in. Ruined it for me.

      • Only BBC things post 99 that are good are Life On Mars/Ashes To Ashes and the League of Gentlemen…. Eccelston was good as Doctor Who then it went wank and SJW and is now dead… Endeavour on ITV is ace and rumour has it that Shaun Evans has vetoed any leftie PC crap in the series… Top lad….

      • I recommend Archer, Rick and Morty, The US Office, but on the whole I avoid TV.

  15. A great cunting.

    From Blackadder to Love, Actually. What a precipitous tumble.

    He was awarded a first in Eng. Lit. from Oxford yet wrote one of the worst lines of dialogue ive ever heard, ‘ ‘Let’s get the shit kicked out of us by love’. (Love, Actually).

    Nails down a fucking blackboard. Then again he had a lot of help from some of the brightest comedic talent of the time for Blackadder.

    His TV stuff has been better than his films, which are largely excrement shovelled to clueless yanks and Bridget Jones-wannabes. I thought Four Weddings and Notting Hill were pretty awful, yet things got even worse with Love, Actually that God-awful piece of shite is on my list of the worst films ever made, and The Boat that Rocked seemed to be a sixty-something’s nostalgic wank fantasy with creepy old fuckers leering over posh bird Tallulah Riley.

    Hopefully Atkinson and co. Wont be involved in any new. Much like Red Dwarf, Blackadder has had its day.

  16. I’ve got the entire Steptoe dvd box set , I was watching an a 1965 episode where Harold made a remark about Fuzzy haired gentleman which Albert replied “ you can’t say that about Dar keys anymore”
    So PC was starting way back then.

    • Top lad! Man of taste like me! Galton & simpsons finest, cant be beat!
      Like one where theyre on a plane for ww1 ceremony, and yank staring at Alberts medals, “what you bleeding staring at?”?

      • Here he goes again bleeding americans always late and he has a go at the french guy!

  17. Just watching the cricket final; the camera picked out two very fit birds in the crowd. Then the bloke to the left starts waving madly at the camera.

    Listen dickcheese not one person in the entire world audience cares you’re on the telly.

  18. Cunt though he is, at least Curtis does have something good like Blackadder in his past.. Unlike that utter gash, JK Rowling who will milk and cash in on Harry fucking Potter for all cunting time…

    And that ‘Yesterday’ film?… An Asi@n type nicks the Beatles song catalogue and passes it off as his own… First off, this sort of shite is ridiculous in the extreme… The Beatles didn’t exist but everything else is the same? Without the Beatles there’d be no Byrds, no Rolling Stones as we know them, and plenty of others… The idea that everything around still exists and the Beatles don’t, yet everyone they influenced does (including fucking Oasis) is stupid shitty writing… And the cheeky peaceful chappie nicking the Fabs legacy? Typical leftist ‘diversity’ propaganda and utter turd…. Had it been a film about a white English bloke blagging the Bob Marley songbook or Stevie Wonder’s back catalogue the screams of ‘Colour/Cultural Appropriation’ would be heard for fucking miles and miles… And Ed Sheercunt is also in this steaming pile of shite as ‘the nation’s top pop star and musical genius’… That alone proves this shit of a film should be shoved down the bog and flushed away to fuck… Curtis really is now a cunt…

    • Danny Boyle must be getting desperate after losing the Bond gig, not that it would have been anything other than crap with Barbara Broccoli running the shitshow…

      • Danny wanted to kill Bond off… But whinging shortarse Daniel Craig spat his dody out and Boyle resigned….

      • I think he was right to do so. Bond has been around for decades and Danny boy comes along, no history with the movies, and wants to kill the iconic character for no other reason than it hasn’t been done yet. It’s Bond, he doesn’t fucking die. It would be like him not getting any fanny or going vegan it just doesn’t happen.

      • Well, there’s a new 007 in the new Bond film, and it’s a ‘strong’ black woman… Playing second fiddle in a piece of PC bullshit? He’s better off dying…

      • Fair point I’d certainly rather see Bond die than go PC. But I think it’s more lazy writing where producers kill off a character eg Batman, reboot it a few years later kill them off again with almost nothing of significance happening in between. Ah doesn’t bother me it’s all shit now anyway, stick to 60’s Bond fuck the rest.

    • Glad I’m not the only one who sees Yesterday as propaganda. Also the fact everything else is unaltered is a great point and it sounds like incredibly lazy world building, another thing I despise. As for Ginger Goblin Ed Sheeran, being at the top of the charts now is like being the sole survivor of a nuclear war.

      • To be fair not everythings the same I believe. Oasis no longer exist for example, though I won’t be watching the film modern cinema is utter shite.

      • Oasis are supposed to be sort of mentioned in it though…. It also forgets to say what the actual Beatles themselves would be doing if they weren’t Beatles…. Lennon would probably be still alive for a start… A Beatle-less world would be totally different, even now… It’s badly thought out lazy shite and pure PC propaganda, I agree…

        Why didn’t they do a film about a world with no Ed Sheercunt?….

    • God dam right /i aint watched that pile of shite but agree 100 percent.Bmw spot on.

  19. ‘Four Weddings’ was saved by some great lines and superb cameos. ‘Love Acshully’ was one of the biggest cuntfests I’ve ever seen. Nauseating to see Curtis shoe-horning in all those American characters and situations in what’s basically a London based film (surprise there) to try to pander to the ‘mid Atlantic’ market.
    Bill Nighy and Gregor Fisher were good, the rest was a wank sock.
    Curtis is a ‘right on’ cunt of the first water.

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