People that wear sunglasses indoors

People that wear sunglasses indoors are cunts…
I used to have a couple of mates that did it …. !?!
I went to a club a couple of years ago (the last time, I’m too old for that shite now) and there were cunts all over the place wearing sunglasses. IN A DARK FUCKING ROOM!

How vein do you have to be to wear sunglasses in in a dark room? Stumbling around, not being able to see a fucking thing just so you can look “cool”.

Well you don’t look cool, you look like a cunt.

I hope you fall down the fucking stairs…..

Nominated by Deploy the Sausage

26 thoughts on “People that wear sunglasses indoors

  1. Haha good cunting DTS, I remember wearing them on the tube once. That miserable multi millionaire cunt Kimi Raikkonnen had them on at night under the lights in Singapore or Malaysia whilst being interviewed.
    You see we have taste.

  2. I’m ok with people wearing sunglasses indoors.
    The eyes are windows to the soul and people who wear sunglasses indoors, much like the gingers, don’t have souls.

    It’s people who wear their sunglasses on their foreheads who are the real cunts.

      • I misread, I rest them slightly above my forehead.
        Get the London look.

      • What, tired, fed up, too busy, been stuck in traffic all day, breathed in a load of fumes, going back to my £800 per month cupboard with a bed in it, need a line to keep me going look…… ?

      • You know all abaaaaaht it, living in London eh. You can stressed out looking out the window. ?

      • If you’re posting here, you’re a cunt. Law of nature.
        I automatically assume someone wearing shades indoors is jacked up on drugs and/or alcohol, or at least nursing a nasty hangover.

    • Ha ha …. I do that. Every time I go into a shop I just flick them onto my forehead. I’d better check my cuntitude….

  3. Same with the cunts whose cars have darkened back windows. Cants see at night and adjacent cars can’t see though then at roundabouts etc.

    They seem to be owned by pretentious small fucked cunts or those of the Religion of Fluffy Bunnies to keep their women hidden from us filthy pigs and monkeys khuffar further reducing their vitamin D resulting in rickets and osteoporosis. Blacked our cars….. UTTER CUNTS

    • And can’t see motorbikes at junctions as their windows are too dark. Cunts

    • I pass this cunt every morning with darkened out everything on his car, even his number plate.
      Yes the cunt drives a BMW.

  4. 100% with you on this cunting Deploy.

    It’s usually inadequate cunts, or sinister fucks like Seumus Milne with something to hide, who wear sunglasses indoors. AVOID.

    • Hasn’t that cunt appeared in ISAC yet? After all he is the next but one PM.

      Typical, privileged upbringing, public school type scion of an ex-Director General of the BBC whose champagne Marxism is bound to be underpinned by Daddy’s Trust Fund. Never done an honest days graft in his lily livered life.

      He has that pale-all-year-round ascetic complexion. Reminds me of someone I once knew who spent his days being arse-cucumbered 24/7.

  5. I always wear sunglasses indoors. I can’t see the point you are trying to make Deploy.

  6. I laugh when i some leathery orange old bint wears them at the supermarket. They walk past you in the aisle, slurring and mumbling. When i used to work in my local supermarket at weekends i’d see them stalking along the aisles like vultures, barking and snapping, making waspish comments to check out girls. The level of bitterness and cuntishness for some old lush to insult a teenager on a till actually made me smirk in the knowledge that their lives were basically fucking over, compared to the lovely girls i got to work with; bright-eyed, ripe and pert.

  7. I often wear sunglasses first thing on sunny days, the light’s too bright man. And yes I am cunt.

  8. I like to wear them on the train so I can perv without anyone clocking where my gaze is set (tits, arse and legs)

  9. To my sad old eyes nothing looks better than an old tabby in an expensive drop top car with sunglasses on her head

  10. Good Cunting.

    Stevie Wonder,David Blunkett…pretentious twats.

    Fuck Off.

    • If you wear sunglasses indoors you can’t see the cunt Bonio. So there’s a reason for it after all.

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