Nominations are a cunt.
Don’t get me wrong some of them are very good, some witty and some remarkably long.
Down here in the cellars of ISAC a small group of (now very disturbed) individuals, spell check quantify and head your nominations.
Easy you say, well yes, I suppose it is, we search for a suitable photo to head your nominations in the correct format, find ourselves reading up on some bizarre subject or particularly unpleasant person and bobs your uncle, List it and as if by magic the nomination pops up at some point, but do you have any idea the horrors we have to see? Diana Abbot porn? Naked Corbyn ! this is just to mention a few, I am sure my firm has checked my browsing history but nobody from IT has the balls to phone me up and ask why I am googling this stuff, we at Admin put our mental health on the line to deliver your product, Please be nice to us.
Nominated by admin
Haven’t noticed much in the way of spellchecking.
Morning Admin. I’ll get my coat.
Well if you think some of the spelling, grammar and punctuation is bad now, you should see some posts BEFORE they’re checked!
For just £2 A month you can sponsor an admin. Your money will go towards therapy, beer and gimp masks. You’ll receive a letter from your admin every year informing you of their progress. Sign up now and you’ll receive a free soft toy and keyring.
Jesus, get over yourselves!
Currently the weekly spend of admin is £24 on stella, this is due to a limited sainsbury offer
I would love to help but I’m already fully committed on the charity front sending sweet FA to buffalo piss water drinking M’ Tebe in west Africa…..
I sent a pair of taps 6 months ago and didn’t receive any fucking gratitude whatsoever?
I think this has been out up because of the spat with Fimbriations last night. I think what would be helpful Admin if you would explain why a post can APPEAR and then suddenly vanish. The post appears with no ‘your post is awaiting moderation’ under it. Then it disappears. As if there has been an intervention. It has happened a couple of times to me and immediately I am suspicious that I am being ‘censored’. I am absolutely sure that it is the Wordfence thing that does it. And not you suddenly censoring a post. It would be helpful finally to have the thing fully explained.
The “ghost” of your comment remains on your screen, no one else can see it, when the page refreshes it disappears,however when the ghost is on your screen it flags on the Pending peg, we have a quick look at ok or bin it. the rules on the forum are quite clear, and word fence fucks us about too
Try posting “Sex Dwârf Soft Cell” (without the circümflex over the “a”). It’ll disappear without trace.
Morning RTCP…… Both informative and thought provoking in equal measure
I thank you squire…..
Morning Q… it’s a mad, mad, mad, mad world, innit.
Sure is !! ?
Another word that will make your post disappear is “Héinz” (without the grave over the “e”.
There are four things that can happen. You hit post and it posts. No problem.You hit post and the post instantly disappears. Why? You hit post and it appears with the strapline – ‘your post is awaiting moderation’. No problem. You hit post and it appears (as does your name at the bottom in the usual place) but then about 30 secs later it vanishes. Why? I know for a fact that this last cannot be Admin censoring it in real time because that would mean they were sat there all day monitoring this site which is ridiculous. I am just trying to put Fim’s mind at ease and other’s. Fimbratons contributions are famously detailed and thorough. If I ever work hard on a post for it to vanish it is intensley frustrating. Surely there is some techy on here who can explain Wordfence and why this third type of vanishing trick happens? (And the one where it instantly vanishes). Also just to say to cunters if I am doing a long and detailed post I copy it into a text so I can retrieve it and try again. I am just trying to be fucking helpful.
sometimes we do sit on here all day just watching the comments
I won’t post it but I may well google it now
This nom has been scheduled for ages.
The timing of any noms’ appearance is sorted ages in advance, and is not relevant.
This nom is meant in a light hearted sense.
If there’s anything really frustrating about admin duties it’s endlessly answering the question about moderation.
So, one more time, and definately NOT finally :
There is a list of trigger words.
Stuff gets moderated anyway seemingly at random.
Admin aren’t techs, we have no idea why.
I think you, admin, are a secret religious sect and exposing yourselves to the sometimes horrific nominations is a sort of modern day self-flagellation, for sexual gratification of course.
Not far off, if you have ever seen Hot Fuzz, we are a bit like the committee and we work for the greater good
Dianne Abbott po … oo …. urgghhh….. bbrwoagh ….
Clean up on isle 5 please!
Admin: you run this site from work???!!!!
Please stop!! I’d hate to log on one day and find ISAC had mysteriously disappeared without trace and that the thought police were on their way to round us all up!
I wouldn’t be at all surprised to find they all work for GCHQ and it’s just an easy way of keeping tabs on us cunts.
Surprised? I’d assumed it to be true!
Perhaps all the Theresa May postings should “accidentally” be leaked to the woman herself…
“Twilight Homes stood hard at hand,
Oh ! Convenient well-run spot,
Where unbeknownst to Mavis
We’d long reserved her cot”
Apologies to Barry Humphries “The night we burnt my mother’s things”
“Ooohh, look how hard my “job” is……..
Whining snowflake cunts.
A spell in the fucking Navy would sort you out.
I fought in two World Wars for little boys like you……….and I never got one.
you would be surprised how varied admin is, a lot of boxes ticked that you would not imagine, from gender, creed and sexuality but we do our job within the rules that are highlighted
You think that’s bad.
I fought in three world wars, lived through nuclear armageddon, a zombie apocalypse, and 6 hours of emily thornbury sitting on my face!
ISAC is becoming a national treasure
Regular Readers
The Queen
Nigel Farage
Donald Trump
BBC Board
The mayor of landon
Lord Sugar
HRH Prince Phillip
Ian Botham
Obviously the above may not be true
You forgot Geoff Boycott and Roger Daltrey…
I thought they were on admin team?
they got banned ages ago take another guess
And Godfrey Bloom… and Rod Liddle.
I reckon Nurse Cunty or Lostsheep is Julia Hartley-Brewer… ?
That, Sir RTC, is nothing but a scurrilous lie.
I am actually Katie Price. ISAC is recommended occupational therapy, in order to distract my mind from further surgical enhancements.
Hasn’t worked, of course, fuckin’ useless Quacks….
In that case will have to assume all your magnificent posts are ghostwritten. ?
Harvey says “Hello you cunts”.
Harvey for PM.
He couldn’t be any worse, and PMQ’s would be fucking funny.
Every answer would begin, ‘Jeremy you cunt…’
My genuine compliments to the picture editor/s. The pic is sometimes the best part of the nom.
You’re tech savvy Komodo why do you think or what happens when posts disappear inexplicably? What could be happening with Wordfence there? I mean if trigger words aren’t used? Can you help with that?
I’m not that tech-savvy, if at all, Miles. I believe Admin, when they say it’s naaaafin to do wiv them. It could be a WordPress problem – I’ve just had a post deleted from another WP blog comments. I can’t account for a post’s getting past Wordfence and appearing before descending to cyberhell otherwise. Bug in the software plus fat and complacent software seller equals cunt.
Lets just say we are more prone to attack than other sites so we have a few more didgeridoos than other sites
All posts can be viewed on the mod dashboard, even when not sent into moderation. They will therefore appear as usual to all cunters….but from a personal point of view, if I see a post that has frankly IMHO gone too far – as an example, there was one the other week that said that they hoped said nominated cunt would get skin cancer and die……well for me personally, that is too much, as someone whose Father had almost half his ear removed due to early skin cancer.There is a difference between cunting someone as an arsehole and being a vicious cunt. I too am not tech savvy. I don’t know why certain posts just automatically disappear. I have only ever seen posts that are awaiting moderation, then after some time disappear, then either appear again once approved or disappear entirely as they haven’t been approved. Moderation is NOT personal at all. It is just some posts push the envelope way too far, have used certain words that are a no-no or just look dodgy or spam-like.
Some links will trip the spam filter, I’ve noticed. Even the ones that don’t lead to Ladyboy Bestiality Hardcore dot com.
That’s correct, please resend said link
Can’t remember specific instance, but trimmed off the http…www header and it copied across ok (obviously without linking) Will pass on future instances if any, TY.
It could be many things, it depends how the filtering works. Many word filters use AI now and will filter out combination of words in a sentence. The definitions can be changed and when certain issues are a concern the solutions can be tailored to block phrases and words on the fly.
Twitter was found to be filtering posts so that the user saw there comment posted but it didn’t appear to some or all people viewing their stream.
There are various word press plugins that also rely on AI systems and deep learning.
Big Brother is not only watching he is editing and censoring.
I see Corbyn has officially backed a second referendum putting the final nail in the coffin for working class Labour supporters who were still under the delusion that this party still supports them. And making it clear they are the Party for London Liberal Cunts.
That loses them my last remaining shred of sympathy. Note to the Brexit Party, if you’re reading this. If you’re canny you can pick up the disenfranchised Labour Brexit vote AND stuff the unions.
WTF are you waiting for? Corbyn’s proved himself a broken reed now, and the left is as sick of PC crap as you are.
Do I detect scales falling from your eyes K?
I’ll stop being tactful on this one.
He could have a contender if he’d got rid of the Blairite fuckers and stood up to the commie-baiting professional Jews. He dropped the ball, but only after a lot of dirty tackling. He’s been successfully de-Syriza-ised. Well done the centrist cunts. Well done the establishment. This was a replay of 1923 -24, with added cuntery.
It’s really painful to watch the organised kicking he’s been getting from ‘his own’ side, let alone the wholly impartial and fairminded BBC, Guardian etc. Which, I seem to recall, you aren’t too keen on? Funny how allegiances change.
Mine remains firmly against funny money, globalisation and loss of sovereignty, btw.
Bugger. Fatfingered the addy again.
WTF happened to your avatar, it turned into Harvey.
Just wait until my nom. for “The Kentucky Klondike Bar” lumbers it’s way into view….
Just by way of a point of info re. ‘moderation’.
EVERY ONE of my posts goes into ‘mod’ first. I’ve no idea why, and neither does anyone else as far as I know.
It just seems to be one of those quirks in the system.
Almost none of mine. Is it the device or the website? That is the question.
I’ve noticed that when I mistype my email addy, the comment goes into moderation. I wonder if the address you are typing in matches the one you first appeared with? Maybe the system thinks you’re an impostor?
yep and it bangs your arse straight into moderation
I wonder if my nom suggesting the nukeing of Brussels and Frankfurt is now pinging its way to Verminhofstadt and the Frumpenfuhrer; I do hope so.
I don’t think anyone could take that one seriously; how many of us have got the latest OLEG 50M-Ton thermonuclear device stashed away at home?
I do remember Carol Vorderman saying “Everybody’s got something at the back of the wardrobe”…
Actually, I think the bloody thing’s sprung a leak, and is burning through to the bathroom. OIRO £50- gladly accepted; buyer collects.
Man up Admin you whinging cunts. This will make you feel better, more relevant and worthwhile:
no that is the one we fired for deleting a post, works at NORAD now if I remember
I feel the need to cunt virgin dwarf midgets engaging in decrepit sex acts with animals, transexuals and Diane Abbot, all taking it up the arse for the first time.
That should do it 😛
nope; we wouldn’t tell you any way
El Shafee Elsheikh and Alexanda Kotey were captured by Syrian Kurdish forces.
British investigators have enough evidence to prosecute two of the so-called Islamic State “Beatles” in the UK, the Supreme Court has been told.
El Shafee Elsheikh and Alexanda Kotey are accused of belonging to an IS cell which is thought to have kidnapped and murdered Western hostages in Syria.
They are currently being held in northern Syria.
The US wants to use evidence amassed by British investigators to put both men on trial there.
However, Washington is refusing to give the UK a standard assurance that neither man would be executed if convicted.
Mr Elsheikh’s mother, Maha Elgizouli, is trying to block the government from handing Islamic State ‘Beatles’ could be prosecuted in UK over the information – after it decided to help the US.
It has emerged that she also wants to take the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) to court for failing to put her son on trial in the UK.
Fuck off. The evil cunts should be tried in the US and if found guilty should be executed there. It is what they both deserve. Don’t give a flying fuck if their family does not like what is happening. And any British lawyer who takes up the cunts case against the government should be boycotted.
now I am fucked is this a nomination?
I would say it’s worthy of being one. Ticks all the boxes for me.
You want cunts? I’ve got ’em…
Lingard is the biggest cunt I’ve seen in a long while….
So Solid Crew? Stormzy? What a complete cunt trumpet…
fuck sake.
Unconscious bias” can lead to racist behaviour even if people do not consider themselves to be racist, the Duke of Sussex has said.
Writing in Vogue , Prince Harry said unconscious bias was “something which so many people don’t understand”.
He said prejudice was “learned from the older generation, or from advertising, from your environment”.
Unconscious bias? What the fuck is this privileged wanker on about. But he’s probably close to the mark about the older generation having prejudice. Because we live in the real fucking world and can see what is happening to this once great country.
And what’s the answer to “unconscious bias”? …………”diversity awareness” courses…….”re-education”…….they used to do that in the 1930’s, in a place called Dachau! I wonder if the boy Hewitt knows about that.
I seem to remember the boy Hewitt dressing up as a Nazi complete with swastikas. Now he’s lecturing us about “unconscious bias”.
Fuck off poshboy, we pay MPs to patronise us we don’t need you .
What the fuck do you know?
really? write it up in nominations.
Harry obviously never spent enough time with Phil then? Hold on Harry, getting all precious because you’re hooked up with a woman who has a black mother?
If you’d turned up with Serena Williams I’d not be thinking you’re unconscious bias was at full throttle and you are just a hypocritical fucker after all.
Unconscious bias is not learned it’s part of a small thing called evolution. You’re dick getting hard at the sight of Megan was you’re unconscious bias you nob!
So why Megan and not an actual black girl, one of those big booty mamas with the extra pounds and ethnic black features.
Unconscious bias Harry? Tut fucking tut
Oddly enough, some of Harry Hewitt’s incoherent ramblings were taken off an English comprehension test, as people couldn’t suss wtf he was drivelling on about. Reminds me of the old jug-eared codger whose hice he grew ip in.
Everytime that ginger cunt or his mulatto wife open their mouths I move closer towards republicanism. Ship those twats off to zimbabwe and fucking leave them there.
Speaking of Britain’s Underclass, I see the slippery slime that is the Labour cunt Keith Vaz(eline) has been done yet again for breach of conduct by trying to procure some Bolivian marching powder on behalf of someone else (no doubt his rent-boy for the evening).
This dodgy cunt should have been ejected several times over due to his nefarious activities over the last 20yrs and yet here he still is.
Funny how he always manages to have a medical get out of jail card with some mysterious heart illness, sexual addiction illness, and now mental illness to try a garner sympathy and evade the persecution he so richly fucking deserves.
I’ll say it now, had Keith Vaz not been of the adulated melanin rich contingent, he’d have been booted on offense #1, however as he represents the “very best” of diversity and inclusivity, survive he does.
He will be suspended from office for 6 months (why can’t cunts like this just be sacked??) and on his return it is assumed (although not guaranteed) that this will trigger a by-election where this total cunt will be allowed to throw his hat into the ring in order to be re-elected.
Given that his seat is Leicester East – a wonderful “Majority Minority” (see what they did there) utopia of multiculturalism – he’ll likely get back in yet again; I’m pretty sure the resounding number of postal votes will guarantee it (just like the “not suspicious at all” Peterborough by-election win that was also postal voter heavy, probably more votes than there were people eligible to vote…ahem).
Keith Vaz you are scum! You are a slimy untrustworthy cunt of Mandy Mandelson proportions only without the morals!
Total fucking cunt!
If your arse EVER polishes green leather ever again, it will be the biggest travesty since the 5th column, anti-democratic traitor MPs – who crossed the floor – were not forced into by-elections for their treachery against their constituents!
Fuck off! Cunt!
An emergency cunting please for that cabbage headed mole faced cunt Nicola Sturgeon. I’m no fan of the Lib Dem’s however the way that odious troll jumped around on her pig trotters when the SNP won the East Dumbartonshire seat made me want to rap a bagpipe round the horrible cunts head. Disrespectful horrible jock cunt just showed how much a small mentality her and all her associates have, a pity her legs didn’t fucking break under the weight of her fucking bolder head. She needs put on a dog lead cos she fucking looks like one.
Off topic
Ken Loach is on the AL-BEEB (now) crying commie tears over Labour’s demise yesterday.
Champagne socialist cunt!
His face looks like a rat licking cat piss off a dog turd – GOOD!
Hey Ken, why not make another preachy-whiny shitfest of a film to keep the Poppies and Tristrams of London happy in their faux appreciation of life “oop norf” by proxy!
Hey, you could even donate all of the profits to leftist social programmes like the chemical castration of prepubescent boys just because they looked under the skirt of a Barbie doll once!
Keep them tears coming till my cup runeth over! They should be salty but those loser tears are as sweet as nectar!
Admin would suggest putting that in the break news post, Rebel.
Yes but that is a moribund thread and I have the span of attention of a goldfish!
C’est la vie!
That’s where the off topic stuff goes for now until Admin can sort out a separate page from the left-hand side dropdown menu button.