Modern Life

Modern Life is rubbish! Proclaimed Blur, and I wholeheartedly agree! I’m a child of the 70s and miss a lot of things that have disappeared since then. But it’s more about what’s happened since; mass immigration, crybaby culture, mobile phones, electric cars, feminist men, shite tv, celebrity worship, foreign muck food, rabid trannies, and utterly shite music. Feral kids who never got told ‘no!’ or slapped off a copper. Jesus, nowadays a copper’s more likely to ask if you’re going to a pride parade! Know it’s just what is classed as ‘progress’ but don’t have to fucking like it! And what’s with old ladies having bright purple, blue, and red hair? That was hardcore punk when I was a kid! Not something your nana did! So fuck modern life, I’m not impressed and I refuse to join in, got a letter off me mam saying I’m excused! Get fucked.

Nominated by Miserable northern cunt

77 thoughts on “Modern Life

  1. Well said..though

    ‘..And what’s with old ladies having bright purple, blue, and red hair? That was hardcore punk when I was a kid! ..

    You have to remember, some of those old ladies were hardcore punks back in the day….

  2. Superb cunting MNC.

    One point of order: Back in the 1960s my great-aunt Evelyn had purple hair. It’s nothing new. Blue /purple rinses were quite common amongst ladies of a certain class and vintage. They were the godmothers of punk!

    • Ah, the blue rinse to dull down the grey, those were the days. ?

      What hasnt changed in decade they still smell of Lavender, nauseating

  3. I used to listen to my Father forever moaning about “the youth of today” when I was a child,and think “miserable old sod”….he was a rank amateur compared to what I’m capable of these days.

    Fuck Off.

    • If I could live any time I’d go back to the 50’s.

      Before I was actually born ? – yes
      Only 2 tv channels, mainly B&W ? – yes
      Not as ‘enlightened’ about homosexuality & people of colour ? – yes, but then again not PC gone mad & rammed down your throat every 5 minutes.
      No mobile phones or internet ? – Bliss
      Yellow pages & hard bound encyclopedias ? – Great
      Could walk your dog off the lead ? – yes & sensible

      More Bank robberies ? – yes, but the coppers used to catch them & put them in prison. Also less likely to meet a teenager armed like a fucking Ninja

      Less cars on the road, easier to repair, cheap petrol, easier to find a parking space, no charge to park at hospital.

      More disease, less cures but you didn’t need to book a doctors appointment 3 weeks in advance, wait 5 hours for an ambulance or a year for an operation.

      All that sexual promisquety to look forward to in the 60’s

      Send me back to the 50’s I say….hooray !

      • I remember the 50’s. Waking up in a grotty council house, no central heating with a sheet of ice across your window.

        Fuck off.

      • Besides, who could afford a car in the 50’s and no IsAC as a safety valve. Nah, I’m not going back there.

      • Ice on the inside of the windows, no bathroom, outside bog, stone flag floors.

        Were we happy, were we fuck….

      • Not to mention school! ?

        I miss reading the Beano, Dandy, Beezer, etc, though.

        Keyhole Kate used to freak me out.

      • Don’t mention school! You used to get caned for breathing. I was caned once for not crossing the road by the lollipop man and frogmarched down to the crossing and made to apologise to him. Could you imagine the scene if that happened to Jess Phillips kids today? She’d take the school for every penny she could get. What do you mean it will leave a hole in the school budget? My kids come first.

      • That happened me in a privately rented house with central heating in 2007!

      • The brief period in history when Johnny Foreigner trembled at the sound of British jet engines…

        Before all those Comets dropped apart and the bastard politicians gave the tech away virtually free to both the Septics and the Reds…

      • You only wait five hours for an ambulance because of cunts using us as a Big Yellow Taxi and chances are, if someone can wait five hours for an Emergency Ambulance, they don’t fucking need one. Not every time, but a lot…

  4. Wrote this ages ago, thought admin had binned it! Yeah im a ex punk and a right hypocrite being shocked at biddys with dyed hair eh? Just never occurred to me that they were young once too!? same with old grannies with big tattoos, shocked! What a hypocrite! Haha anyway off to Adlington for dogwalk with missus and sunday lunch in boozer, have a good day cunters!!

    • Grannies with tattoos are simply awful. It’s bad enough when you see a young filly with Chinese characters on her neck or a bluey Keanu Reeves on the leg but gnarly old biddies pushing their grandchildren in a pram with Chelsea f.c. on their wingflaps turns your stomach.

  5. So true – I also don’t understand “modern life”, To be honest, I don’t want to understand it. I don’t want all the shit rammed down my throat. What the fuck has happened to this country?

  6. Modern life has had it. It’s snuffed it. It has ceased to exist. It is post- life.

    For my money, the 70’s were the best decade. I was a baby at the beginning of the 70’s but I remember a greater freedom and a lack of pc shite.

    Modern living in the West has become a prison sentence with a state that nannies and prohibits 24/7 and social media that prescribes what you can and can’t say. Meanwhile the useless and the mediocre are given advancement if they can tick a pc box and normal people are regarded as outcasts. The young are mentally retarded fuckwits that have to be protected by society, so sensitive are they, the useless cunts. Honestly, if this generation perished from the Earth It would be no great loss. Another biblical flood is required to wipe the Earth clean so we can start again.

    Fuck off.

  7. My 14 year old son has unfortunately started to listen to monotone rap style “music”.

    Tell him to turn the shit off or use his headphones.

    He tells me that I probably sound exactly like my own father when telling me to turn off my “rubbish” music, like the Who and Genesis.

    Perhaps I do but modern day “music” really is indisputably utter fucking shit.

    Everything about modern life is a cunt. And sorry to say it’s only going to get worse.

      • No time for mowing today Willie. I’ve got to sort out one of our sheds.

        We’ve got 2 sheds. I’m known by the neighbours as Ruff Tuff ‘Two Sheds’ Creampuff.

      • I have two sheds too RTC. One for bikes and one for bits of bikes.
        My empire is expanding… ?

      • You can have my old bike if you want Mr B. Haven’t ridden it for 20 years. It’s an old 1970s Riley with small wheels. Might pump up the tyres and go for a spin later…

    • When the fad is seen as cool by 12-year-olds*, it’s finished. Not long to go. But what godawful noises will follow its demise?

      *e.g. Slipknot.

      • I consider myself to be fortunate to enjoy many forms of music and can usually respect the artistic merits involved in the making.

        With rap music in almost all cases the it is neither original or melodic and is bereft of even a modicum of basic artistic merit.

  8. Being born in Bliar’s first election year I’ve unfortunately known no different

    • Blairs election anthem of ‘Things Can Only Get Better’ seems like a cruel joke and we’re the punchline. Nice to see young cunters like yourself anyway and not all need an app to show them how to wipe their own arse.

  9. I used to play Ummaguma Pink Floyd and wait for my dad to come flying in and tear it off the turntable saying you keep listening to this Fenton you will end up taking drugs…
    The wise old bugger’s prophecy came true.

    • You’re like my long lost twin Fenton. Same dad, same record collection (live half of Ummagumma seldom off the turntable), same penchant for drugs…

      • Yes Ruff Tuff,
        I would borrow or buy albums just to see the look of horror on my Dad’s face.
        Trout mask replica and an evening with Wild Man Fischer we’re particularly effective.
        By the time he heard Derek and Clive come again he concluded that society was totally broken.

      • “In the year of 1963, I was committed to a mental institution!”

        My dad never saw my album covers. It was the constant noise that bothered him. Trout Mask (which remains one of my favourite albums) even troubled him at low volumes!

        As did Lumpy Gravy. And Dance Of The Lemmings.

        Fortunately for my parents I had left home before Derek & Clive Live arrived…

    • Don’t worry, Fenton.

      My childhood was spent listening to The Strauss Family, loads of organ music, Beethoven, Mozart, Brahms & Liszt et al; I’m taking loads of drugs….
      Allopurinol, Sodium Valproate, Gaviscon, Lansoprazole, preventer inhaler…

      • That lans is wicked stuff isn’t it HBH? I’ve been on it for about 4 years. If it doesn’t cause your bones to break, then you’ll either suffer from heart failure or dementia. Your acid reflux will be fine though!?

      • Cheers for that!
        Reflux improved to the point I can sleep at night, but have been wondering why I rattle when I walk…

  10. It’s a fucking rat race, I detest being part of it. Right now I’m working on breaking loose and withdrawing as much as possible.

    The worst thing about modern life is always connected syndrome. If I want to escape work bullshit I have to turn my work mobile off. My boss is a cunt who is always at work and believes staff should be.

    24/7 news, messaging apps, social media, 24/7 shopping endless grinding consumerism.

    It’s an effort for people to escape the 24/7 365 bullshit.

    So sick of bullshit. PC bullshit, BBC and co pumping out their agenda of LBGT, African migrant bullshit, my life as a trans shop mannequin bs.

    Fuck it

    • Agree Sixdog.
      I’m in Crete on holiday at the moment and I have to block my bosses and work number to stop the cunts from phoning me.

    • I never gave my bosses a home contact number. They even offered me a free phone at one point, which I declined. Works for me. IMHO if management can’t arrange its affairs around the agreed hours of the less-lavishly-paid, it’s shit management. You want me out-of-hours, then fucking pay me out-of-hours.

  11. I’m sure older patrons of ISAC will disagree with me, but from my own observations of the world, I firmly believe that quality of life peaked around the mid-nineties. Culturally, socially, arguably economically (wrt houisng, pensions etc) – everything in my humble opinion started to degenerate once the internet got a firm foothold into every aspect of everyday life.

    Creativity and freedoms have been utterly demolished under the guise of ‘progress’. Take music – you can find anything you want anytime, anywhere, any-when – but it’s all synthetic, sterile and over-produced. Films the same, and literature has taken a monstrous downturn in the digital age.

    The irony of my comment is not lost on me, as the internet allows me toI communicate with a bunch of -like-minded individuals using a remotely connected mobile device, whilst I am – genuinely – taking a Sunday morning bowel-evacuating shite on my Armitage Shanks faecal interface unit. But for all the perks of the development of the internet, it has heavily contributed to the dumbing down of society.

    Throw in decades of political correctness which peaked under Blair, the fortification of the EU and the birth of Islamic terror 2.0, and it can be seen that circa 1995-1996 were in fact the last days of Babylon.

    • Spot on Empire
      A very thoughtful and accurate observation of modern fucking life.

    • Very sobering Empire, Orwell’s 1984 becomes more of a reality by the week with hard fought freedoms and liberties curtailed, a society infantilised and nannied by the state along with personal responsibilities and accountability cast aside.

      • A cross between Orwell’s 1984 and Huxley’s Brave New World, if you ask me. Freedoms and liberties curtailed but balanced out by mindless consumerism and ‘reality’ TV.

      • I was at school late 70s/early 80s. A great English teacher made us all read 1984, Brave New World and Clockwork Orange. He said that was what we needed to read to understand the way life was going. What a star.

      • Oddly enough, although I had some really good staff at school, the English teachers were consistently the best.

    • For me life peaked in the mid 1970s. Wouldn’t choose to be without the internet though. Or CDs.

    • Agreed.

      I was most happiest up to around 1996 then something profoundly changed.

      The rot in my opinion started in 1997 with the annunciation of the archangel president T. B. Liar, and like a cancer it spread throughout the country, liberal socialism, mass immigration and a succession of sovereignty handed over to the higher powers of Brussels to an unelected orgy of socialists ruling and interfering with every aspect of our lives.

      The end game has yet to play out but the current brain washed generation is a telling indictment to the censorship yet to come in not being able to think or to write or to act upon any opposing view of this Utopian vision, sleep walking into the terrible consequences of allowing Islam to spread its peaceful message across all the developed western world.


      • Spot on. B. Liar occurred, like an epidemic or a meteor hitting the planet. There was no escape from then on; we were utterly fucked over.

      • If there actually was such a thing as the AntiChrist, it would be Tony “cunt for all times” Blair.
        “Things are gonna get shitter…”

      • “The end game has yet to play out but the current brain washed generation is a telling indictment to the censorship yet to come in not being able to think or to write or to act upon any opposing view”

        And this is the trick that Liberalism plays; it doesn’t have to resort to overtly authoritarian tactics such as banning or burning books when 30% of the end product of comprehensive education are functionally illiterate and the remainder have a reading age of a 12yr old. (when analysed Obama’s last ‘State of the Nation’ speech was authored at that level f.f.s.)

        Any dissenting position is ably taken care of by the meeja which will launch into a reflexive frenzy of vilification against anyone even slightly to the right of Arthur cunting Scargill!

        Empire’s summation of the current state of play is correct of course but I have to disagree that political correction reached its peak under Bliar. Trust me people, we ain’t seen nothin’ yet, Blair’s PC shitfest was just the warm up act; a piece of socio-political ‘shock testing’ to see just how far we could be pushed before we manned the barricades. I was going to say ‘non-destructive’ but it strapped a fucking shape charge against the buttresses of every social and cultural edifice we have. The cunt knew exactly what he was doing which is why he had the death penalty removed as a sentencing option for treason. There can be no doubt that his whole tenure was one endless list of consciously treasonable acts.

    • Totally agree. The best years of my life were the late 80s and early 90s. A lot of it had to do with the age I was, early 20s, young enough not to have been crushed by reality, old enough to know how lucky I was. And, before the me, me generation fucked it up. Life now is rather empty, superficial and shit.

    • Not only dumbing down society, but the loss of thousands of jobs in favour of ‘doing it online’ or via ‘apps’. Id go back to the 70s in a heartbeat.

  12. I was born in the late 50’s , my brother was a DJ around the clubs in Hove and Brighton and as a kid would go round helping him set up his gear.
    For me this was a magical period meeting all these mods in fab gear and getting hooked on the music weather it was Soul Pop or Rock it all had a quality about it . Life from then up to about the mid 70’s for me was exciting and new.
    I can remember my brother drove me Along Brighton seafront in 1964 in his Thames van when it was about to kick off with the mods and Rockers . Genuine teen culture and most of us had hope for the future.
    A renaissance period never to return. Not in most of us cunts lifetime anyway.
    I feel sorry for today’s young. The ones I speak to at work etc have no interest or motivation to do fuck all.
    Fuck Modern life .

  13. Threre are three main problems with modern life.

    Lack of discipline in schools
    Victim culture
    Lack of moral fibre

  14. Top cunting, I hate modern life and modern fucking people with a nuclear loathing.
    No manners and the me me me culture, treating idiots like their Einstein cos you dont want to upset them, never ending traffic cos the King cunt Blair opened the doors at Dover to every Jonny foreigner, the removal of competitiveness at school so the best never rise to the top, and the soft fucking nancified fucking youth a pox on each and every simpering one of em, we are royally buggered without any doubt. FUCKING roll on the happy release of death.

  15. Holes in trousers and jackets (and actually paying to look like that!)

    Grown men in Marvel/Hogwarts/Game Of Cunts/Star Wars T-Shirts (Kidult wankers)

    Counselling for Game Of Cunts withdrawal (Why don’t these cunts just die?)

    Men on the cover of men’s magazines (Have fit birds been banned?)

    Kids fairy stories as PC and Feminazi propaganda (isn’t that child corruption, you D!sney cunts?)

    Transfreaks seen as women and treated better than real women ( ‘Woman Of The Year’ Brucie Bonus and supafreak Buggeredby Munro come to mind)

    Mediocrity labeled as genuis (Ed Sheercunt, Titless Swift, Todger Gaga, ‘Stormzy’)

    Uppity chiggun eatin’ cunts giving it royal and behaving like Louis XIV on crack (Beyonce, Jay Zed, Kanye Cunt, Kim Slagdashian)

    The Slagdashian/Jenner Dynasty/Disease

    Football all but destroyed (Half/Half Scarves/Sky TV/Social Media Mongs/Gorton Globetrotters/Paul ‘Cunt’ Pogba/The Chinki Version of Tizer Cup etc)

    Madogga still not dead yet (Awww Fuck!)

    Entertainers and TV people as ‘political minds’ (ie: self centered gobshites… See Linekunt, The Johansscunt, Kunty Perry, Lily Mong, Bendibus Cuntberdinck and so on)

    Appeasement/Blind eye to all things ‘peaceful’ (if they let a nuke off, the BBC would refuse to name them)

    A loud and jabbering Eurogyppo voice (not in English) from every other person in town

    The BBC and all who sail in her

    Phone zombies/worshippers (pig ignorant cunts)

    Doctor Who (RIP) as Femstapo/Dyke/Peaceful/Aspiring Architect fodder (‘Ex-ter-mi-nate the fucking lot)

    Luminous coloured hair (Don’t they realise they look like complete cunts?)

    People axed and careers ruined by getting sacked for telling a joke or posting a video on social media (ASDA, you utter fucking peaceful sucking cunts)

    Not accepting the result of a democratic vote (Be it Big Don or Brexit… That is treason, you cunts)

    Wimmin having to have hand in absolutely everything (the aforementioned Doctor Who, Cricket, Football (Lionesses my arse), that self satisfied female Partridge Maitlis cunt hogging political TV, Phoebe Waller Cunt hijacking 007, that Killing Eve dog turd etc)

    Youtube nutjobs and social media narcissists (Chewbacca Mom Mong, ‘Reacts’ videos, Youtube ‘stars’ and ‘celebrity bloggers’ Gas the whole fucking shebang)

    Bastard kids owning their parents (muttering a simpering ‘Not good, dude’ instead of a deserved slap)

    The reaction to terrorism murder and human filth (‘Don’t Look Back In Anger’ Bumble Bee stickers on cars Run Hide Tell! Do fuck off!)

    Ariana Grande as a role model to young ‘uns (Say no more… Apart from Cunt! Cunt! Cunt!)

    Modern life? Fuck it!

    • For me the decadence of our culture is well summarised by the battery-powered skateboard, together with the manbunned beardie 35-year-old cunt who still plays with it. Plus all the above, of course.

    • Breathless after reading that Norman – top post, agree with every point – you win the internet today 😉

    • Mediocrity hailed as genius is particularly worrying.
      They can’t all be genuises as it devalues the very rare quality of the creative genius.

      I’d add Adele to that list of mediocrity.
      Ive heard so much gushing about her warblings that i cant reconcile with the din that comes out of her blowhole. I wonder if its a trick being played on me; everyone knows she’s a pie-loving, boring caterwauling ham-face but pretends she’s ah-maaazing to wind me up.

      Also, ‘reacts’ videos. A good nom for a cunting by themselves. I dont believe they are genuine. What level of narcissistic cunt records themselves reacting to film trailers or scenes?

      It’s slightly unnerving that people take pride in their emotional incontinence, more so that they gladly fake it.

  16. I’m 38 and agree. Ive deactivated my Twitter and Facebook accounts. Both are simply full of cunts who simply do not care about anything but their own boring lives and certainly not what is true.
    I’ll be off Amazon as well as Jeff Bezos is a cunt and i’d rather buy my books in the physical realm.
    I havent been to the cinema in over a year, i have Netflix but rarely watch it.
    My main source of entertainment is YouTube and reading. The BBC gets about 20 minutes viewing for local news, and i dont listen to the radio, apart from Classic FM. I work outside so get a lot of sunshine and my clients are mostly retired and have led good interesting lives.

    Im already very cynical about the society successive governments have created for us since the eighties and find myself agreeing with conservatives about economic and social issues.

    I’m also very grateful i live in the middle of a national park , rather than some grubby suffocating warren of a city that has lost all of its working class communities and now exists as a hive dedicated to consumerism, with few real public spaces and under surveillance by an increasingly authoritarian state.

    I believe Aldous Huxley’s vision of future society was more accurate than Orwell’s. Brave New World was based on the idea that the state wouldnt need to improson people because they would be too stupefyed by drugs, casual sex and vapid culture to offer effective resistance. I believe there are far too many people living in that state, especially the young.

    Huxley shows prescience in understanding how this new form of living is possible, it really explains a lot of the narcissistic fuckers we see in today’s society and their tragic desire to ‘fit in’.

    ‘They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness… if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted’.

  17. I think Arthur Janov was also right… Most people are just bigger versions of kids and spoilt ones at that… The at all costs attention/approval seeking look at me cunts all over social media and Youtube proves that… The 70s is classed (usually by cunts who weren’t there) as the Me Decade… Well, the 2010s should be known as the Me Me Me Decade…The cry at anything and safe space offencerati cunts also show that this is the case… The fallout of the EU referendum has had scores of grown adults acting like spoiled kids… Just because they didn’t get their way they want democracy to be abused and subverted…. And the adults that wet themselves over shite like Harry Potter, that PC Marvel bollocks and call themselves ‘Whovians’ need to fucking grow up…. My granddad hardly ever mentioned the war or what happened when he returned from the Far East… Now there are grown fucking men who cry (fucking cry, mind you) on reality TV turd like X Factor and Cunt Island…. Modern life is indeed shit, but it’s people – with the help of social and mainstream media – who make it shit…

    A new slogan for our times?
    Don’t Ban The Bomb!
    Drop It On The BBC!

    • You’ve got your finger on the pulse Norman.. And it’s hardly beating. There is absolutely nothing going on creatively.
      And they think everything is so great and informed and leading lives that all past generations aspired to. So great in fact they will laboriously explain how good Modern Life is. Dave Gorman about sums it all up. His boring bland face.
      There is simply nothing going on. They won’t learn from the past so all the ‘culture’ is just novelty after novelty and outrage.
      Like the twats on those programmes laughing at the ‘bizarre’ behaviour back in the 70s. They’re so full of themselves. So empty.

  18. Another thing is there are no classy stars any more… Gone are the likes of Deborah Kerr, Audrey Hepburn, Greer Garson, Susan Hayward, Jennifer Jones and Simone Signoret…

    Now almost all of them are utter slags and morally bankrupt cunts who plaster their ‘hacked’ (Pull the fucking other one! It’s got bells on!) pics all over the show then have the nerve to lecture us ‘Riff Raff’ about Me Too… Cunts like J Law, Emily Ratashagbag, Slagelina Jolie and -who else – but the Johansscunt…

    Whatever happened to all the classy birds?

    • “Miss Jennifer Jones is lying dead on my porch, do-do-do-doo-ah…”

      (Wild Man Fischer 1969)

  19. I’ll just throw in HG Wells for fun –
    “A queer thing I soon discovered about my little hosts, and that was their lack of interest. They would come to me with eager cries of astonishment, like children, but, like children they would soon stop examining me, and wander away after some other toy. The dinner and my conversational beginnings ended, I noted for the first time that almost all those who had surrounded me at first were gone. It is odd, too, how speedily I came to disregard these little people. I went out through the portal into the sunlit world again as soon as my hunger was satisfied. I was continually meeting more of these men of the future, who would follow me a little distance, chatter and laugh about me, and, having smiled and gesticulated in a friendly way, leave me again to my own devices.

    (The Time Machine)

    We are being systematically infantilised , though not by Communists, as Wells hinted at one point, but by mass marketing in the service of consumerism. The Eloi, in this vision, have evolved physically and mentally to occupy a society in which no challenges or incentives are left. Everything is provided. They are too far gone even to be able to defend themselves against the Morlocks (for which now read automation and technology, since the decline of the manual worker and his skills. Or, perhaps, China). For they are in a symbiotic relationship with the now wholly alien forces of production.

  20. The cuntfests that Halloween, Easter and Christmas have become… To my family Christmas was a small reward for the 12 months of shit every working class family went through in those days… Now it’s a debt breeding greedfest: with kids getting fucking X-Boxes and iPads instead of a bike or some toy… And Easter is just making kids who are cunts into fat kids who are cunts… Most of the little cunts won’t even know what or who Easter is about (I presume Christianity is now banned in our ‘diverse’ and ‘enriched’ schools?)… Just an excuse for the satanic little turds to get loads of chocolate… Whatever the little cunts want, they get… And that Trick or Treat fuckery? Cunt parents encouraging their already entitled brats to be scroungers…. Fucking cunts…

    • Too true.

      And, slightly off topic, “Rabbit a la Berlin” is well worth a watch.

      Rabbits are for life, not just Easter… (or is it “April Holidays” now ?).

  21. Oh, and British high schools and comps now having Proms… Fuck off…
    In my day (cue Hovis music) these entitled Me Me Me cunts would have been egged to fuck and given a traditional leaving party (ie: more eggs)… And that attention seeking little tranny prom queen cunt would have been fucking leathered…

    • Sadly, as a cunning linguist (Leeds University), it’s seeing the English language being wrecked that provoves TUT episodes in me.
      I know very well what you mean by “leathered”, referring to the tranny prom queen, but sadly, today, I suspect (tho am not 100% certain) that it means all dressed up in certain clothes.

      That’s why I enjoyed living abroad. Foreigners appreciated my efforts to learn their language, even to the point of complimenting me occasionally. The plus side was that I didn’t get to hear English being fucked up. JC, though, what a shock when I came back to the UK after ten years. I felt like a foreigner in my own cuntry; but I guess that is not an unusual sentiment here…

  22. Like others I would date the beginning of the end to the year 1997. Blair, yes, internet yes but, more importantly the death of the Spencer slag.
    The whole country went fucking apeshit during that fortnight and the media realised the power they had to manipulate the masses. They could even turn the country against Her Maj.
    They’ve never looked back, the cunts.

    • Not quite the whole country. I lived near Oban at the time, near where Frances Shand-Kydd, Diana’s mother, lived. The public blubberfest was notably absent there, probably because a Paris car crash had had no impact on tourist income.

  23. And fucking cunt cyclists, and druggies, and litter louts, and franchise films in multiplex cinemas, and third wave feministas, and Owen Jones, and cunt politicians, and the EU, and political fucking correctness, and fucking Starbucks, and Americanisms, and Social Justice Wankers, and Gary Lineker, and trash tv,
    and al-Beebra, and gobby slebs, and Fucking Harry Potter and…and…

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