Menstruation Inclusivity is in desperate need of a major cunting. I’m sure there is a pun in there somewhere but I shall press on.
I was only alerted to this horror by my 11 year old daughter who spoke to my Mrs after she had her obligatory lesson at school. Apparently some pink haired tranny gave the talk and unsurprisingly these already embarrassed little girls didn’t ask any further questions afterwards. So cue much confusion and embarrassment which my wife had to unravel and clear up, all because of course it is ok and perfectly natural for some geezer in a frock to turn up and discuss one of the most sensitive subjects with a group of pre teen girls, just because some left wing cunting think tank dominated by trans Nazis are determined to force this depravity into mainstream education at the expense of our children’s mental well being.
Having investigated further I came across this article in the Telegraph highlighting this paragon of enlightenment from where else but Brighton City Council:
Brighton & Hove City Council said in a statement: “By encouraging effective education on menstruation and puberty, we hope to reduce stigma and ensure no child or young person feels shame in asking for period products inside or outside of school if they need them.
“We believe that it’s important for all genders to be able to learn and talk about menstruation together… Our approach recognises the fact that some people who have periods are trans or non-binary.”
And so to placate the cunts that can’t make up their minds whether they are male or female, they are now set to fuck up every child’s mind and go against basic biology by telling them that anybody can have a period.
How it is illegal for me to stand up and tell these cunts to fuck off and leave my child alone tells you everything you need to know about this sorry sack of shit of a country, dominated by minority groups, warping basic fact into what ever cause they believe in. Cunts the lot of them and I am regularly embarrassed and horrified that they are allowed to continue their depraved indoctrination to the children of this country unchecked.
Nominated by Bellendiousmaximus
‘Menstruation Inclusivity’?? Fuck me! You think you have heard it all and then one nom shows that you really haven’t – Admin
Great cunting and:
“Our approach recognises the fact that some people who have periods are trans or non-binary.”
What the fuck? Are they fucking serious? I think Brighton and Hove Council must be some Care in the Community experiment for employing fucking lunatics..
The cunts.
Not the first thing you think of, perhaps, but biological females identifying as whatever may well have periods. And demand to bleed all over the Gents…complicating life for cottaging gay males, I would imagine. There’s a BBC sitcom in there somewhere.
Ridiculous. I’d be demanding a meeting with the head teacher and giving the cunt a peice of my mind if I were in your situation, threatening to sue them for knowingly providing misinformation or distress caused to the pupil and parents having to deal with the aftermath. Threatening to remove the child if needs be. Don’t forget that schools are paid per student.
Girls and women of a certain age have periods. Ok it’s not pleasant but not is taking a shit or sweating, it’s perfectly fucking natural. Parents and friends will be supportive if a young girl is struggling with changes to her body. You only increase the stigma by having some tranny trying to make it out like it’s a big thing.
Do periods affect blokes? Yes, but only because we have to put up with the extra moody bitch and sexual fustration for 5 days in the month.
So that’s where some of the local education budget goes – employing trendy right-on fuck-wits to brainwash kids about gender awareness, while completely ignoring the rather more onerous task of teaching our kids the 3 “Rs”; how to cook, how to make things, how to learn respect and civility etc. In other words teaching kids the important facts of life, and then letting them choose what subjects they want to take further when they reach 14-16.
If they want to learn more about gender issues, then come 15 or 16 let them know all about it. But not at preteen age, for fuck’s sake!
I’ve heard of this shit before but even if I hadn’t it wouldn’t surprise me. It’s all part of the libtard indoctrination that passes for education these days. What the fuck does a bloke in a dress know about menstruation? No fucking more than I do but if I attempted to explain it to an 11 year old girl i’d get locked up and called a filthy pervert cunt.
I note that they don’t have this tranny propaganda in private schools and you can bet your life they don’t have it in certain schools in Bradford, Luton, East London etc.
This country needs to wake up and grow a pair of balls…….literally in some cases.
It’s obvious why tranny ‘hate’ crimes are up 80% – because of shit like this. If they’d stick to the clubs, feature at art galleries and trendy metropolitan parties they’d be no problem. But having this shit forced down our throats, and at 11 year olds who don’t have the confidence to speak up and tell the weirdo to get to fuck or get his teeth knocked out, aggravates people and it’s totally understandable. I frankly feel like kicking the fuck out of some cunt in a dress myself just to let off steam.
‘Inclusivity’ is a completely one way street with the liberal tyranists, They don’t give a fuck that the majority of normal people want absolutely nothing to do with this freakishness, but are obsessed with the 0.01% who demand to move into straight spaces or cry ‘discrimination’ like fucking babies.
It’s a bleeding liberty I tell ya
Did you ever think someone smoking a fag would be a social taboo but letting a tranny around 6yr old kids would be ok?
Clownworld pure and simple.
Glad my kids have grown up doubt i could tolerate this shite!
I’m guessing that there weren’t any Peaceful children present amongst the group of 11 year old girls lectured by some Tranny?….can’t have been…their husbands would have probably have exploded with rage.
When they do get married, at least they don’t need to learn a new surname….
Trannies being brought into schools and discussing menstruation with young children is not acceptable. Period.
Let’s hope it doesn’t become a monthly issue….
I don’t know where the “embarrassment” comes from. It’s a normal function of the female body and I had this conversation with my daughter when she started puberty. I said to her to never be embarrassed to ask me to buy her any products as I understand it is perfectly normal. I like to think that she is now a pretty grounded young lady.
But, for fuck’s sake, having a fucking tranny doing it – that is seriously fucking weird. What goes through these cunts minds?
Nail on head. It should be down to the parents. But that of course assumes that all parents give an equal fuck about their kids.They don’t, and the entire culture needs to change so that they do. Preteens? I think not. Tranny instructors? Not under any circumstances.
Embarrassment purely in regards to the pink haired bloke asking if anybody had any questions Lord C. As with your good self my good lady wife had already had the discussion with my daughter so none of what was discussed cake as any shock, save for the fact that it came from the mouth of some geezer in a dress…
OK, so these cunts *believe* there are multi-genders, but it is impossible to argue that there are just two sexes – male and female.
Only females can have periods, irrespective of anyone’s notional gender. It doesn’t matter if you consider yourself trans, non-binary, queergender, pangender, gender fluid, gender neutral or just plain gender-fucking-bollocks, unless you have a womb you cannot have periods.
Any fucking pink-haired tranny that attempted to preach different to my daughter would have me seeking to shake the headteacher warmly – by the neck.
Most embarrassing moment for me was when I walked in on my parents while they were having sex.
Worst half hour of my life….
Bet you felt a bit guilty after that particular Wank
These rules they inflict on us for our own good dont seem to apply to peacefuls or gyppos, because they kick off, whereas we just pull a sad face, moan a bit… Fuck that!
Wheres the bulldog spirit? We should be like them ! Spit the dummy, go OTT, if not happy, once some deviant in a frocks had paint thrown on em, or once ones had dogs set on em see how keen they are to preach then.
Sick of these cheeky cunts telling us what to think, eat, do, vote, go,
How to raise our kids!
Fuck off!
Im too hot, got tooth ache, and in a right mood.
Double get fucked.
The filthy tranny should at least have the decency to lift up its petticoats and show the class where they need to insert a tampon……..No! it doesn’t go up your fucking arsehole you Cunt!
Jesus! Imagine that? Some 6ft dorothy pulling up his skirts an shoving a tampon up his kyber? Kids screaming, spewing up, fainting…hahaha
I ate around 400 pieces of chewing gum once and had no other food, on the grounds of what happened afterwards I think I may have authority to lecture on childbirth.
Oh the Wrigleys juicy fruit diet?
Bet that stung but smelt fresh
It’s even better with bubblegum.
I had a two day drive from the Kuwait border to the Iraqi border, no stops no time to eat (loads of food in the back of the wagon) but a box of 200 mini imps I had bought from the PX.
At first I thought minty farts and spearmint piss was novel, two days later crouching over a hole in the sand biting a shovel trying to squeeze the cunt out changed my mind about the humour of the situation.
One day an archaeologist will dig that up and wonder what it is, who knows maybe end up in a museum somewhere.
I love your stories Lord B. Always have me chuckling.
wait till you hear the one when I self medicated with pond pride, that was a fucking laugh (running from shed penis on fire),
Yep my life is a giggle a minuet
Don’t keep us in suspense. Searching for ‘pond pride’ revealed that this was not an underwater gay event but a two-part leak sealer:
Inquiring minds would like to know:
1/ What was the nature of the leak? A terminal abrasion injury due to your wire brush fetish? A tropical STD? A small alien escaping from your body?
2/ Regardless of the pain attendant upon coating your member with epoxides, did it work?
Your reponse will help others, if any. Thank you.
Straightforward biology is fine by me, and an important subject.
Anyone trying to warp young kids’ minds about anything that is not biologically normal is guilty of grooming them to fulfil their own abnormal sexual perversion and should be jailed for decades.
Better still, they should be put in stocks with a sign around their neck proclaiming they’re a nonce and leave it to the public to deal with them.
Remember when we used to laugh at Mary Whitehouse, old frosty knickers?
She must be spinning in her grave shouting :
“ I told ya didn’t I ? I fucking told ya ? You ain’t laughing now, clever cunts.”
If you want a capsule presentation of why the West has gone fucking mad then your nom does the job perfectly.
The only thing “educators” care about is ensuring that the warped view of 0.0001 % of the population is represented to the detriment of common sense and good education.
What a joke.
Thank fuck i dont live in the fuck-wits republic of Brighton, since when is it a councils duty to indulge in social engineering and peddling of anatomical bullshit. Those wankers should be made to bleed once a month with a public stoning , get on with collecting rubbish and fixing potholes you virtue signalling ego maniac fucking oddballs , Brighton council cunts of the first water, idiots to a fucking MAN!
Only the other day there was some sort of open letter from a load of councillors complaining about Boris. Just an idea, but maybe their time would be better spent getting on with their fucking jobs. Like organising the rubbish collections etc. Useless cunts.
On a related note, there is a fucker of a councillor near me. He takes luxury holidays from a local property developer, but in the register, says they only have a value of £500. for a eek in the fucking Algarve all inclusive – what a cunt. I complained to the council person about it (fuck all done) then the ombudsman (more fuck all done). Cunts get away with so much. The head of our council planning committee is a fucking local estate agent! Just fed up with the taking the piss out of us all.
They learn all about corruption as Councillors then use that as an apprenticeship to become corrupt MPs. There are endless backhanders for those involved in planning CUNTS everyone of them.
People will say…
“It’s political correction gone mad!”
Wrong; this is political correction working EXACTLY how it was designed to work. The objective being to get you to tolerate those things they would never dare ask you to agree with much less accept. Once that point is achieved and the public mind becomes conditioned/numbed to the “new normal” the Fabian ratchet clicks up one more notch and the legally enforcible locking pin is slid home. There’s no going back, a new baseline is established and the next round of societal stress testing is wheeled out building on the new normalcy.
…on the new normalcy.
A better word perhaps would have been the new “degeneracy”.
Incestuous relationship guidance? A handbook for those who have animal attraction? An introduction to assisted dying 5-10 year olds.
Brighton, what more need be said?
How about ‘CUNTS’ MM?
If Allah ( blessings and peace be upon him ) really existed, surely he would get a fucking great magic broom and sweep Brighton into the sea? The cunt.
It’s an absolute disgrace. I thought it was the preserve of drag queens not trannies to teach kids this stuff. The kids respond to seeing their favourite drag queens (tampons in hands) – dancing, singing along -‘Hey Big Spender’ ‘I Will Survive’ strutting their stuff down the corridor, the whole teaching staff joining in, the headmaster with a feather boa. But no, the trannies muscling in again. You give them an inch….
They ask for the full 4inches??
What the fuck has this world come to?
‘Include me out’
Sam Goldwyn
The MP for one of the wards for Brighton is the screeching undemocratic environmental lunatic so it doesn’t surprise me at all this shit to be honest.
I’ve never been to Brighton.
I don’t fuckin’ wish to visit Brighton.
However, I’ve learnt enough from IsAC’s to ask why can’t we set the fuckin’ place adrift to attach itself to France? We can then use the hole that’s been created to set up a new port for imports post Brexit and threaten the people of Hove with incoming peacefuls.
ps. I might have had a few vinos but some of my best ideas have been inspired by the red stuff.
I am fucking joining you Bsc. In spirit. Well wine. Sick to death of this heat.
Too true Miles. I too am suffering despite my punkah wallah working overtime!
Why does everything these days have to be inclusive? I mean why should everyone be included in something?
I’m male. I don’t menstruate. I don’t want to either.
What the flippitty floppitty is going on in this world?
It’s nothing less than a full-on all-out attack on Truth. They don’t care about what’s true only people’s feelings. Animals have feelings, what separates us from them is intellect. And anyone who uses their intellect is a hate mongering nazi to the so called ‘liberals’ of today.
Lefty cunts telling little children about trannies, gender confusion and how boys can have periods is a fucking disgrace and they bloody well know it.
11 you say? Another example of them trying to push the ‘P’ into LGBTQXYZ. This time by the lezzer brigade. Make no mistake you cunters, the ‘P’ isn’t confined to the pooves.
I can’t wait til the UK is under moo slime rule, as I’ll be somewhere else far away, being freely gay, whilst pointing and laughing at my TV at the images of mentally ill ‘progressive’ homosexuals pathetically protesting “but, but, we were NICE to you…” as they are dragged off to convert or die.
All I can say is……bloody hell.