Melania Geymonat

Melania Geymonat her partner are to be nominated despite having an element of sympathy for them.

Earlier this June, these two women were subject to a totally unjustified and appalling violent attack on a bus, when some scumcunts beat them for refusing to kiss on demand. The assailants appear to have been arrested and will be dealt with accordingly:

So why on Earth am I cunting the victims here?

It is really, really unfortunate that these two women have taken the opportunity to use this assault to demonise all men via identity politics, and apply the very same judgemental attitude that their assailants no doubt did.

Comments they have made since the assault, speaking to The Telegraph and The Guardian:

“[We] have been out with women [on dates] before, and every single time, I am going to assume they were heterosexual men, interrupted us. We were just doing our thing, existing. And I think there is this entitlement men feel, to women, and especially two women together. They feel like our sexuality is for their entertainment.”

“I do think that, of course, porn plays its own part in contributing, in treating women as objects that are there for the male gaze.”

It is probably fair to say that the overwhelming majority of men would not beat up two women for refusing to ‘perform’. As ever, the entire net has been cast over the ol’ heterosexual male bogeyman to further an agenda. And I am so fucking tired of reading this kind of bollocks from the liberal left.

May I venture to speculate that a fair number of ’heterosexual men’ were there to help you after the attack, including the police, the people who helped give you photo evidence, and the people giving you a platform to speak out against the abuse?

I truly sympathise with the terror of being subjected to that kind of outrageous assault. But I can’t, not even in these dire circumstances, allow such an exhibition of cuntitude to remain unchecked.

Nominated by The Empire Cunts Back

37 thoughts on “Melania Geymonat

  1. Judging by the language they used it is clear to me at least they’ve been surfing the web looking for some examples of intellectual victimhood!

    In reality they’re probably a pair of tarts, and about as bright as a 40watt light bulb. But once you’ve surfed the web and found a place to big up your moral compass you end up with this faux shite.

    Give it a week or two and they’ll be back to gobbling for £10 again.

  2. At least they actually suffered an attack, unlike tie some string round my neck and call me Subway Smollet.

    The troubling thing for me is cunts are getting attacked all the time by yobs who target easy prey.

    Unless you’re gay, ethnic or disabled it doesn’t get much media attention.

    Let’s cut the crap, if you assault someone unprovoked and not in self defence it should not matter a fuck what your motivation is.

    The crime is the same and so should the punishment.

    Btw there’s a new petition I’m sure we all want to sign.


    • Thanks SDV
      I duly ignored that petition……..
      Although the assault was truly despicable these two have really gone out of their way to make capital from this unfortunate incident!! I have absolutely no fucking time once cunts start playing “ the game” As previous poster said innocent people get attack all the time and they don’t receive a fraction of the publicity these two girls have had……

      • In this age of Social Media, they can get their 15 minutes of fame and live on it for months as its their only hope of being noticed!

        But again, when you post that kind of shit on SM don’t be surprised if you get a shitload of abuse along with all the faux support. You can’t have it both ways!

      • I found his FB page.


        He must be a gamer?

        Player Unknown I suspect, also suspect he’s dyslexic.

  3. Ungrateful pair of cunts arent they? Reading between the lines think as feminazi gobshites think they might of pushed the wrong peoples buttons and got discount nose jobs in return. Disgusting attack if just pair of lesbians on bus minding theyre own business but somehow feel they might have mouthed off to some naughty boys! Maybe get a tandem and give the bus a miss?

    • I had a crazed feminist threaten to call the police over a twitter argument when i questioned what she’d been saying to Brexiteers during campaigning for remain before the referendum in order to merit a smack in the face, which she was very keen to share pictures of.

      I said i didnt condone it, but wondered if she had said anything to upset anyone. Not sure that was a crime, although it probably is now.

      The level of outrage from her and her lesbian chums was hysterical, in both senses.

      Remember folks, ‘believe all wahmenz

  4. There was something not quite right about this story. Were they promoting anything? A book or a film? A lesbo piece of theatre? A man-loathing guide to London bus etiquette?

    Something not quite right, something I can’t quite put my finger on. I also wouldn’t put my finger on either of these rough bulldykes.

    • They were promoting a piece of vital street theatre. Steven Berkoff is taking them on tour. On a bus.

      • It’s the name that’s suspicious- a Dyke called GEY-monat? By the way the Lez on the right is the spitting image of a young Jennifer Connelly,whom I’ve always found very attractive.Shame that this ones a rug muncher, but I’m sure a few hours with a heterosexual degenerate Pervert like yours truly would soon make her see sense and become a decent,law abiding slut

    • I think some lesbo actresses WERE involved in a very similar incident, and, somewhat unbelievably, the show did NOT go on.
      I thought they’d have been supremely, wimminly brave amongst all the warm pink pwincessy fluffy – cuddly support they’d get from their feminazi friends; but no, they just slunk off.

      Glad they weren’t around to fly Spitfires, what ??! They’d have turned one into a piece of conceptual fart (art is a four-letter word; the f is silent).
      On that note, I think the Hilda Pierce character in Foyle’s War is superb.

  5. They were probably tongueing each other on the bus; how the fuck would anyone know they were dykes otherwise?
    Pair of minge-eating lefty shitcunts.

  6. Of course if it were a bunch of girls/women picking on and ultimately kicking the shit out of a couple of innocent blokes, it would be a different story no doubt.

    Seems that gangs of women beating up blokes as some justifiable legitimacy in some circles – not least with the wimminz groups. And the police don’t give a shit either,.

  7. A fine example of the cunts that now occupy Londistan. Only in London could the victims be foreign, but I smell a stench of Somali about the attackers. For God’s sake, somebody nuke the place.

  8. I walked into a pub in east glasgow wearing my union jack hat humming Rule Britannia and was victimised by the unwashed patriarchy! I should be able to be myself wherever I want and not have to hide in the shower!! I blame xhamster!!!

    • Depends which pub you walked into. There are plenty which would give you a sanding ovation and buy you a drink.

  9. The american trends of chauvenism, victim status, antagonism, and division are well and truly upon us. Gone are the days of old blighty when you could count on a certain amount of common sense and reasonableness in public interaction and conversation. The extremists are now occupying the centre and where left is there for common folk to exist?

  10. It reminds me of how women dress up in provocative clothing on a Friday or Saturday, and go out clubbing and walking the streets late at night, prick-teasing and goading as they go along.

    And then some of them end up raped or sexually abused, and ultimately start complaining about how “men are so beastly and one-tracked” etc.

    I am not condoning rape or sexual abuse, but it does piss me off when these things happen and they bitch about it as if they’re innocent Snow White fucking victims!

    • Remember Judge Pickles?
      “She was wearing a mini-skirt, so she was asking for it, the harlot. Case closed.”
      Fucking genius……

  11. Being in a lesbian relationship they should be familiar to violence.

    Gay men have the lowest rates of domestic abuse.

    Men are normally more violent across criminal, as are their preferred methods of suicide, but introduce violence in relationships (straight, bi and lesbian) and the stats dont reflect kindly on the sisterhood.

    • Yeah the yoofs or ‘youths’ who attacked them weren’t white chavs. I believe they were young darkeys or possibly peacefuls who assaulted them chavs attacking lesbians doesn’t fit the mo

      • There was a story of up to 400 slaves being kept in the UK today. The presenter could barely hide their glee as they announce the slavers were polish, as in ‘Yes thank fuck we don’t have to pussyfoot around the fact they’re dark keys! A whities are evil headline is on point!’

  12. No-one deserves to be treated like this. Much of my sympathy evaporated when these two, non UK citizens, started bitching about Boris, BREXIT Yadda Yadda…..

    NONE OF THEIR FUCKING BUSINESS and frankly we don’t give a shit for their views on these things, while Al-Beebzeera, Shyte News and others hang on their every irrelevant view and ram it down our throats as “news”.

    Worse is the reticence to identify the odious shitbags who attacked them “in the interests of community cohesion” or somesuch BOLLOCKS. You can be certain that had they been white, it’d been wall to wall.

    • So if that is indeed the case and the scumbags cannot be identified for reasons of “community cohesion” or “racial sensitivity”, how does that stand with the fucking victims? And not just these two dykes but across the board?

      Will the feminists agree with the position of not identifying the alleged “non white” men because they support minorities and other VS bullshit; even though it means it will be more difficult for the police to prosecute, as well as meaning other women in the area could be vulnerable because they have no idea who to look out for?

      But on the flip-side what if the feminists disagree with the position? Will they demand that the thugs are identified even if they are “non white”?

      Again, the Lefty groups dug themselves into this VS hole, and now they have no idea how to defend or retaliate against other VS groups when it affects them personally.

  13. I was involved in an incident that had certain similarities to this article.
    Making my way home on the bus after a pub crawl in Plymouth the other night I was faced with two foul-mouthed knickerless chav sluts in denim mini skirts on the top deck who asked me if I wanted to watch them having a sixty-nine .Well I didn’t need asking twice! Within seconds they had their tongues (and fingers) up each others’ arseholes.The filthier of the two offered me her finger to suck but I politely declined, explaining that I was allergic to sweet corn.

  14. I remember watching a interview with these two carpet lickers and the blondie had a tshirt that said down with the kkk. I mean the kkk is practically a dissolved order now, their might be anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand members in the usa but most of them are larpers and are practically harmless but whatever if you want to pretend they are still around and still have power and authority be my guest. The boogey man is real if you persue him long enough I guess

  15. There is no evidence that anyone is ‘being dealt with’. Apart from arrests to facilitate questioning not one person has been reportedly charged with anything. Why is that? Is it because?

    A The cops investigating the case have gone off on maternity leave?

    B Those involved are of a politically sensitive nature?

    C The incident did not happen as it has been reported and no crime occurred?

    • or
      D An affray did occur but the two ‘victims’ were as much involved as the gang of youths?

    • The group were definitely darkies, I reckon the lezza threw the first punch, possibly youths from a local mosque and the police want to ‘protect’ the muslim community as they always do.

  16. I think these girls are snowflake twats, they were also sprouting about white privilege and how lgbtq xyz etc voices are not heard and how the media reported on them as they are white. Piss off. These are typical middle class, londerers who love playing identity politics and be all high and mighty about discrimination but only say these things to make themselves feel better as they love on their lovely white areas where the only time they mix with minorities is when interacting with the help. These twats do not speak for the gay community. Please fuck off.

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