An Ode To Joy blue & gold flag cunting please for this four eyed twat who is a “Green” MEP. He has managed to get himself booted out of the European Parliament on his first day for being…well being a cunt.
The bespectacled Dark Key says he will not fit in, so get used to it.
For the self-entitled, publicity hungry arsehole to manage to get himself kicked out of even the EU shithouse on day one is a remarkable achievement. He is probably the new Anna Soubry – all publicity is good publicity even when it makes you look like a demented cunt.
Nominated by W. C. Boggs
One from the David Lammy school?
The t shirt in that second picture says everything to me. No, immigrants do not make Britain ‘great’, they make it a thieving, run down, impoverished shit hole. And it’s called Great Britain because it’s the largest island in the British isles, you fucking uneducated cunt.
Dead right – nobody has ever proved to me the benefits of “diversity”, but everyday, I see the downside – especially in the shithole that is Londistan. Funny how we managed to develop railways, steam engines, internal combustion engines and rule 20% of the world just by being whiteys. Fuck off diversity and immigration.
Have they made any documentaries yet featuring Sir Isaac Newton as a mulatto,James Watt as a chinaman,Faraday as an African pygmy and the Duke of Wellington as a sumo wrestler? If not then I’m sending in my suggestions pronto,some PC snowflakes bound to think it trendy and right on.The Cunts.
He got in on the student vote. Students, beings as they are, fucking idiots, did not disappoint.
I fucking hate the way that today’s stewdents think that they intellectually superior to their elders and betters who voted Leave and blame Brexit for “ruining their future”.Most of these cunts are “studying” Mickey Mouse “degrees” In glorified art colleges, which accept any illiterate cunt with a couple of bottom-grade GCSEs.
They’re only worried that post Brexit they won’t be able to work in branches of McDonalds on mainland Europe.
Fuck off.
Complete fucking Bell-End.
Mind you, if he’s over in Brussels annoying the fuck out of the fourth Reich EU it means he ain’t over here annoying the fuck out of us so he is more than welcome to fucking stay in Europe as far as I’m concerned………..
What an Utter Cunt.
Make Love to Fascism?
Thanks mate, but no thanks.
I’d prefer to f**k Priti Patel.
Get in the queue!
Morning RT
Morning Ron.
Couldn’t we share? To be honest I’m really only interested in her head.
You want to kiss her Ruff Tuff?
You old romantic.
TBf mate, this is not the first time you have mentioned this!!
What is it about priti Patel that you’re all so crackers for and Im not getting?
Evening M-R.
Me and Ron have highly sophisticated tastes in women.
That probably accounts for the difference between you and us. ?
If the EU thought that we were a bunch of clowns after sending this Bell-End and that demented old Hag,Widdicombe,just wait until Boris is unleashed.
I hope that I’m wrong about him and that he can actually bluster his way to success. He’s the only politician who might be able to carry it off.
He seems to have got roughly the right idea about the EU, though:
Magid describes his first two weeks as ‘stumbling into a baffling realisation that next to nobody in Brussels has any clue what the EU truly stands for or where it is going’ including leaders and senior officials ‘soullessly waddling through the corridors of power’. He discovered MEPs ‘live in a bubble where we celebrate politicians who bailed out bankers, blamed migrants and imposed crippling levels of austerity’ and says ‘Brussels needs more transparency because institutions are plagued with convoluted customs, hidden handshakes and back door bargaining’.
And that from the former mayor of Sheffield!
I don’t wish him well, I wish him back in Somalia. But he can take the rest of the remoaners with him for company.
The cunt’s opened his eyes then.
Morning K
Morning Ron. An intelligent, if cynical, Brexit MEP might sidle up to him confidentially and whisper in his ear the possibility of combining forces to oppose the behemoth. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, etc. Is there such an MEP?
A somalian. A Fucking somalian. Representing me and my country on the world stage?
How did this happen?!?!
*I do know the answer to that.
I think he’s Ethopian. But every african infiltrating Europe is a cunt all the same. Heed the words of the Dali Lama – send the refugees BACK!
The EU is boys club to make the super rich even richer, name a member of the EU which is prospering. Hopefully Britain leaving the EU will cause like minded people(and believe me there’s more than you’d think) in other countries to tell the EU to fuck off.
The EU downgraded growth forecast yesterday, not long after asking the UK for even more money because our economies doing better than expected. If the results were the other way around do you think the impartial public broadcaster just might have made it headline news?
Somalians are the dregs of the dregs, lower than some piece of prehistoric dog turd at the bottom of an East African slime bog. Mogadishu is a hell on earth and most Somali teens aspire to be pirates.
But don’t worry, Comrade Compo will welcome more of them over here come the Revolution, in order to swell the Labia electorate.
Fuck off.
They’re behind most of the crime in London, along with the Albanians. Yeah – isn’t diversity making this country great? Cunts
Having lived in London and having seen the somalian in it’s natural habitat I can only.concur with this.
This is the twat who when he was Lord Mayor of Sheffield said he would ban Trump from visiting the city, even though he had no powers to do so.
Who do these insignificant little shits think they are?
He only said it cos he knew Trump had no intention of going there.
Yet another cunt harping on about diversity is our strength.
Not it isn’t you gormless twat.
This propaganda is being lapped up by those that want to celebrate such things. Well, let’s ask them for the evidence. But they follow baseless fairy stories and have no shame in preaching such falsehoods.
Listen fuckwit; Our strength is why people like you wished to come here.
But Diversity wouldn’t even make the top 100 of our strengths
Too many have come with nothing to offer other than a threat, a demand and a begging bowl.
This clown should simply fuck the fuckity off- and I’m sure many more more could keep him company. Too many of our goats will soon be suffering from ptsd if nothing is done.
And what kind of cunt has his first name the same as his last name?
Fucking idiot.
If he was called Cunt Cunt it would be fine
Isn’t Gary Nevilles Dad called Neville Neville? or was some cunt winding me up?
This magic maggott or whatever hes called is a full blown card carrying retard, back to front baseball cap?
What its 1993? Just a embarrassing look at me, easy money…CUNT.
Yes that’s absolutely true STC.
I can only imagine Neville’s parents hadn’t long climbed out of swamp……
‘I wonder what we should call our next sprog father Neville?
Ooh I don’t know mother Neville I’m foooking stumped, me to father Neville, mmmmm I know let’s call him Neville, wow, genius, Neville Neville so good
We named him twice’.
He is in the right place for wallowing in manufactured snowflake victimhood, lets see how the EU like someone shitting on their own doorstep for once.
“And what kind of cunt has his first name the same as his last name?”
A cunt like me that’s who.A few years back I got into heavy debt and all kinds of shenanigans involving bailiffs etc.All seemed hopeless til I found a mouldy,shit stained copy of my birth certificate- apparently a few months before my birth my Mum’s brother was killed in a car crash.So I was named after him but his Christian name was the same as my Dad’s surname.So I was given 3 names,the middle one differing ie Mr Cunt shitfaced Cunt.I immediately set about obtaining a new passport,NI number,Bank accounts etc.Saved my arse just in time
That’s the spirit,CRU.
Not laughing at your misfortune,but that post had me snorting tea out my nose.
Thanks Mr Fiddler.But what else can a little,tweeny,powerless cunt like me do?Us Cuntlings gotta eat too you know.
Quite agree. I’ve had my share of run-ins over the years with the tax-office,and have resorted to some rather dubious tactics to avoid getting a financial Lubbocking.
The “kicked out” story is just that. Fiction. Not a single witness to his amazing confrontation. He is a complete attention seeking tosser. And gets publicised on the BBC web page. Journalists are lazy cunts, none of em can walk 10 yards.
Previous claim to fame – banning Trump from visiting Sheffield when he was mayor. I’m a Yorkshireman, and I don’t want to go to Sheffield. I’m certain Trump doesn’t know where it fucking is.
Pedantic point of order: this nom should be Magid Magid (2)…
Bloody hell, it was a year ago. I’d have guessed a few weeks at most!
Time flies when you’re old and wretched.
We should send more of this immo trash to Brussels. A few months of Somali cunts hanging around, fucking things up, nicking everything that’s not screwed down and shouting “raaay-sists” every five minutes and they’ll be glad to see the back of us.
Then we can send them over to Ireland to sort out the border problem.
Where can I get a t shirt that says “ immigrants make Britain shit”?
British National Party gift shop?
Found next to the ‘Lazy as a Koon after Lunch’ loungewear.
He doesn’t look like a typical Somali cunt, too fat and features not right, his T shirt is offensive, I doubt any of the Manchester arena victims families would agree that immigration is great.
Cunt should fuck off and take his ‘great immigants’ with him.
Fact finding mission to Russia for this cunt
Good luck with that
Now fuck right off
I used to live in Sheffield, the diversity there didn’t make it great let me tell you. Somalis and porkis dealing drugs and the iron curtain gypos stealing anything not nailed down.
According to Wikipedia, he’s from Togdheer, which would like to be independent from Somalia, but isn’t. It borders Ethiopia to the south. His mother brought him here ‘to find a better life’ and his chubby chops confirm that that was successful.
By the looks of him, probably a bit of Arab in his background, I imagine, common enough in E. Africa.
The more diverse cunts we let in, the more diversity they will insist on and the more diversity we will get. It will eventually become illegal to look or behave like anyone else. Roll on death.
And std………..
What a fuckin numb wanker, has neither the intelligence or desire to pitch in and try to keep Britain great, just does what the majority of his type do, ie make a living by scamming, lying, tax dodging and driving taxi’s poorly, they also fuckin stink.!
Hey how about a shot of this self-basting, silver-backed bastard taking a shit on the mayoral table, that would be fun wouldn’t it, very edgey,
What a despicable and totally deportable coont! Utterly disrespectful of the office and its heritage whilst simultaneously screeching that it doesn’t get ’nuff rrrriiispeck’. Here’s one for ya Magic Bagoshit – spell HYPOCRISY… and y’ can’t.
God god, fer fuck’s sake somebody get a fucking drip tray under that thing!!!