London Pride

Now I realize that I’m immediately going to be branded homophobic for this nomination, but let me say straight away that that’s bollocks. I’m not afraid of people of a different sexual persuasion, I’m just sick and tired of having it rammed down my throat.

Being ‘gay’ – whatever the fuck that actually means – is the new hip and happening thung to be. If you’re not gay, then you’re not part of the 21st century scene. You’re somehow backward and retarded.

Well fuck that. I’m normal. If you’re gay then good luck to you but for fuck sake just get on with it and shut the fuck up.

Alternatively hold a straight pride day for all us homophobic cunts…

Nominated by Dioclese

108 thoughts on “London Pride

  1. Calm down ducky! Get a string vest on and celebrate dear, im not homophobic ill take theyre money good customers the bandits, always pay no quibbles even tip when i work for em. Shite taste in music theyve got though…

  2. Dioclese I am shocked… I always looked to you as a fountain of knowledge, wisdom and tolerance.
    I’m was going to go to pride…I’m going to Bristol Carnival instead now.

    • I’m perfectly tolerant. I’m just sick of stuff like this being rammed down my throat by the PC mob…

      • Everything about Londonistan is being rammed down our throats.
        Being a bandit is the the new normal, bend over and take it up the arse.

  3. If the most interesting thing about you is your sexuality, you clearly aren’t interesting.

    An old friend of mine is a gaylord and he can’t stand poofs. Can’t help but think some of these twats don’t actually want equality but special privileges. Watching the usual suspects tie themselves in knots over that school protest in Birmingham has been highly entertaining.

    And I fucking hate Meghan Markle…

    • Good piece CMC. I note the Markle bitch, as I predicted last week, turned up at Wimbledon this week. Not in the Royal Box though , but with 2 of her mates in the pleb section, surrounded by empty seats. I wonder if she was told that you can’t take that pair of scrubbers in the Royal Box? She wouldn’t be happy about that but seems to have grafted that stupid rictus grin on her mush. The two bob slag is shedding her administrative staff and domestic servants like nobody’s business and it appears she is not very popular in royal circles. I reckon the boy Hewitt will tup her again and then she’ll be back in the States hoovering up the dollars.

      • Does anyone know who Archie’s godparents are? It’s driving me mad not knowing. What are they trying to hide? I reckon it’s Tom Daley and Dick Fiddler. Dick probably got Harry & Meghan to sign a gagging order. Yeah, that must be it. Explains everything.

      • I’d happily make that Markle one gag until she passed out,then I’d bring her around and do it all again….Harry can watch.

        Morning, RTC.

      • Morning Dick.

        Harry would love that, with Daley and his ‘wife’ spunking up his arse and smearing jizz across his ginger beard.

        What a debauched bunch of sordid cunts these royals are.

      • You just have too much heart, Dick. Letting Harry watch shows your thoughtfulness for other people and may even appear over caring to some.

      • Archie’s godparents are probably Elton John and the Flabotamus, the poor little fucker. No wonder they want to keep it quiet.

    • Markle is not at all photogenic; god knows what she looks like close up. Megan Hewitt is an ugly CUNT

    • “ if the most interesting “ absolutely spot on CMC
      I live in hove which has its fair share of gay people , not the shouty look at me I’m gay type! , just normal people that have a different sexual preference to my own , I’ve had a few conversations whilst walking my dog and found many gay people find these prancing shouty pride exibitionists as Fucking annoying as the posters on this site do…….
      indeed many think that the whole pride thing has run its course, that the message has been heard by vast majority and some of the outlandish antics that accompany pride actually have a detrimental impact on the gay community…….

      • Come off it. You’ve all been taken in by the so called ‘reasonableness’ of these ‘ordinary’ gays. There’s an analogy here with the peacefuls. They both say in private how dreadful the behaviour of their brothers/sisters is but you’ll never hear them say this in the media. They may not agree with the ‘means’ but will be more than happy with the
        ‘ends’ i.e world domination!!

        Beware of living next door to a PASSIVE PUFF.
        We’re all doomed I tell you! Oh God, that little episode’s set my twitch off!

  4. actually “Metrosexual” is the new thing (I thought it meant people who had sex with tube trains).
    Its supposed to be a flexible outlook on sexuality expressed openly.
    However the title “London Pride” has a lot to be desired, having been there, worked there (and having to go back again next week) I think london is a shit hole that is totally fucked up, in fact I would rather holiday next to a sewage outlet on a pebble beach than go there.

      • Where-abaaaaahts are you in the Greatest city the world has seen Lord Cuntingdon.

      • Actually Essex innit. Last stop on the central line. Close enough to get occasional visitors from Lahndan tahn enriching my area with their thievery.

    • I thought metrosexual were just brain washed cunts who read the Metro, the lefty rag for free brain washing paper who’s purpose is to annex anybody who lives in a city into being left wing.

  5. Surely it shouldn’t be called London Pride… That’s blatantly confusing this pile of cunt with a fine ale.
    Go fuck yourselves.

  6. I’m offering odds of 7-1 on for a snackbar to make there presence known today.
    Send your money to black and White cunt @ PayPal. If you win I’m not around, and I knew naffink abaaaaaht it.

    • There’s a lot of women and children there so it’s certainly a prime target for our peaceful community that make britain great.

  7. I do wander what would happen to us minority heterosexuals should we apply to close a city dress in our underwear and float a truckload if inflatable vag and tits in the air.

    • We would be jailed for hate crime and oppression of wimmin and gays. There’s no hope for perverts and sex criminals like us. In the New World Order, wrong thoughts and wrong sexuality must be purged.

    • They’d probably set up helplines for all the ptsd-suffering bufties who’d been persecuted in the homophobic ‘violence’.

  8. I trust the Pride route will be going through Newham and Tower Hamlets? What I hear you say? No. Surely not – London is diverse and vibrant and we all get on so well.

    • It wouldn’t be pride but fried after the lovely residents of that part of town set alight to the various floats etc.

      • What, no ‘Its Raining Men’ played from the minarets?

        IS did that in Syria, quite controversial, but they used high rise buildings.

    • it might cause offence to the AAs and other camel herders if the Poofs Pride ended up anywhere near those no-go-areas.

      Funny how the Gays love to demonstrate their right to being Gay at heterosexuals; but don’t dare do so at less tolerant communities.

      I wonder why?

      • “Gays don’t dare do so at less tolerant communities.”

        Peter Tatchell tried it on in Moscow a few years back and got his arse handed to him on a plate by those homophobic,prejudiced,intolerant,poof bashing,brutal Ivans. Dont yer just love the Russkies.

  9. I love it. Tasteful, good colour, makes you go a bit wild eventually but lovely on the tongue. They use decent hops to get the correct flavour. I love a pint of Pride.

  10. Years ago in the early days of a Pride in Brighton they would hire a bus for £500 out of council tax funds. My mate wrote to the council and said he would like a bus payed for out of public funds to tell the good citizens of Brighton that we fuck women.
    He received a letter back warning him that his homophobic comments will land him in trouble.
    If he did that now he would probably receive a custodial sentence.
    Most people don’t give a shit where a bloke wants to stick his John Thomas but when their are draconian measures in place to stop any perceived wrong think then the cunts can expect a back lash.

    • I happened to be down in Exmouth last year when they happened to be having their Pride festival. I’m guessing the council said they had to have one. It’s not the most cosmopolitan of places. The poor cunts just looked confused,there were motability scooters with rainbow balloons tied on and OAP’s dressed in rainbow garb. What a waste of time and council tax. Wish there was this much fuss about St Georges Day. Pile of old wank.

      • No chance. Every fucking libtard cunt would start yelling about how St George’s Day celebrations are xenophobic and rascist. Like that fat cunt Dangleberry.

  11. Last night Mrs. Boggs was engaged with the latest episode of the contining drama Eastenders and they had their own *Pride* festival. Mrs. B is a sadist and recorded it at a time when she knew I would be in the same room working on an order form, and so I saw and heard bits of it – a fat lesbian, an *out and proud* gay man, a man in the closet, and a monstrous drag queen with a fucking beard and moustache, were amongst the cast.

    Why do the BBC or anyone else think that irons want to see men done up as wimmin?. Despite being in the navy many years ago, so I know what went on, even though I never partook, the irons were quite straight acting – they had to be or else they would have been under observation. It seems to me that these festivals, real or on telly are just excuses for attention seeking weirdos who like to look like cunts and shout and scream like a twelve year old girl – and there can’t be that many Eddie Izzards about. think if I were as bent as a nine bob note I would be very offended to be regarded as an Izzard.

  12. I just looked up the Grandstand tickets for this parade of poofs. £65 a pop + £3.25 handling fee (Oooooh ducky)
    Only one ticket left. I note that the under-16 tickets are sold out. Why would you take a kid to see this ridiculous nonsense? Poofery gone corporate…….loads of cunts making money, hand over fist.

    • Dread to think what you typed into ur web browser was it something like I like watching queers in London taking it up the bumhole, I shudder to think Freddie 🙁

    • Surely under 16 is “sexual communication” and therefore an offence ?

      Having watched Merde-Dale, I wish I’d had a teacher like Maya…
      All we got was a Scandi blonde English teacher who looked like a streak of piss, and spelt “school” with a K… and that was mid-70s !!

  13. There is a Black Pride event in some London park on Sunday and have made the news by banning a home office stall from the event…..

    I guess they are affraid that half the people attending are illegal, or it could have been because it had been sited next to the A Class stall.

    Anyone know where the White Pride event is being held??

  14. This “Care in the Community” lark has got totally out of hand. If one particular group of the mentally-ill are encouraged to flaunt their illness,where will it all end?….Parades of serial-killers dancing in the streets?…Float loads of Napoleons driving through town centres?
    I have nothing but sympathy for Nutters,but don’t think that they should be encouraged in their delusions. The money would be better spent on trying to find a cure for The Gayness. I believe that some Syrian academic has already discovered the existence of the Gay Worm that hides up Fruity Mens’ arseholes.The money spent on these Pride marches should be sent to her so that she can complete her’s for The Gays’ own good….nobody is born Gay,or,if sane,wants to be a Gay, therefore as a supposedly advanced nation we should be trying to help these poor deluded Crafty Butchers and not be treating them as some kind of carnival side-show by encouraging them in their insanity just so that we can have a good laugh….it’s akin to laughing at The Elephant Man….just cruel and heartless to mock the afflicted,I believe.

    Fuck Off.

    • Omg Dick, float loads of Napoleons. I’ve got tears rolling down my face. Mrs Fistula is laughing to. ???

    • If TV comedy were funnier, we wouldn’t be forced to go out into the streets and laugh at all these ridiculous stereotypes.

  15. If anyone’s having a parade of Napoleons I want a piece of that.
    Fuck Wellington and death to the Prussians. Merde.

  16. Read this week about a heterosexual march planned in Boston MA this year although still to get officially sanction by town hall
    Bet it doesn’t

    • Apparently their HQ was the victim of a ‘terror’ attack in the form of rainbow glitter. Only in America.

  17. I’ve decided I need to make a stand and put a stop to all of this.
    I am running for Mayor.
    Here are some of my proposals:

    Move all the the gays to Bradfordabad,

    Move all the peacefuls to the Tower of London,

    Move the Blackies to the isle of White,

    Move the 20 or so whities left to Essex,

    Ban sticking your tongue up your ladies asshole,

    Move the Somalians to Romania,

    Move the Romanians to Somalia,

    Move myself into Buckingham Palace,

    Have naked, sexy female only tube staff to help cure the gay.

    Bring back public flogging,

    A compulsory shot of Rum for breakfast,

    Ban Kenyan Airways…poor Tarquin is scared to go into his garden now.

    Go fuck yourselves.

      • Those were the days Mr Fiddler, when I was riding up through the murky underworld… I am legit now anf the right people get paid to allow my empire to flourish.

    • ‘Have naked, sexy female only tube staff to help cure the gay.’ How would this work on the gay women? Many of the other points have my approval.

      • I would cure the gay women Moggie63, a quick flash of my sculptured physique and and a performance of my latest gangster rap tunes will have them bitches straightened aaaaht.

    • “Ban sticking your tongue up your ladies asshole”. No way- that’s the only thing left that I enjoy. My missus is a Chink – you’ve not lived until you’ve tasted a Chinese woman’s asshole – very sweet and sour.

      • I am shocked MMCM, I see what I have been joking about all this time is actually performed by a lot of people.
        Well I never.

      • I’m a degenerate, I know. But at least I’m a heterosexual degenerate ?

      • Is that some disreputable movie you are referring to Fistula? I have no experience of such things ?

      • My comment appeared in the wrong place.

        She could be Japanese. What’s the difference?

        Like Mr Cunt I asked for a Chinese one when I placed my order ?

    • Isle of Wight is lovely and relatively free of people of colour, they haven’t worked out how to get there yet.

      Can we not move them to Canvey Island so the Essex lot can lob bricks at them?

      • Mr Fiddler is giving the blackies swimming lessons.
        I am waiting for the PC brigade to request a name change to the Isle of Black.
        In fact created I might start a campaign on Twatter.

    • Now that’s a manifesto I can relate to (well, all except the bit about sticking your tongue up your bird’s arse; that’s got to go)

  18. Happy Bumbuggery day, my fellow cunters.

    Get the fuck out of here.

    • Sounds great, shame I don’t live closer as it’s just the sort of thing I’d love to visit.

      • one of the largest. lots of kit and you can get hands on with it.
        looking forward to the chieftain this year, my first ride.

  19. Is Suckdick Cant going to make a speech later about how open and tolerant lundon is or is that against his principles and his fellow flock of tolerant peacefuls?

  20. Anyone remember The marmite mayor if Doncaster Peter Davies ?
    His controversial policies included axing two thirds of his councillors, banning political correctness and cutting translation services for immigrants.
    He also said you are welcome to celebrate Gay Pride but the Gays will have to pay for it.

  21. At least they got the picture right – the gherkin does indeed look like an anal dildo

  22. Anyone driving through London later or tomorrow… Get your winter tyre’s on your motor… You need the extra grip as those dead gerbils, used shit stained condoms, piles of human shit on the floor, pools of semen, and lycra outfits are very dangerous.

      • They should make a Barrymore Love Island – each week the public choose a buftie to get bummed to death by the host allegedly.

    • ‘…You need the extra grip as those dead gerbils, used shit stained condoms, piles of human shit on the floor, pools of semen….’

      You joke, but I used to live round the corner from Brockwell Park for a couple of years.

      I remember making the mistake of taking the dog for her early Monday morning walk after the first time they’d taken over the park for the festival while I stayed there.

      Used condoms, human shit and blood stained tissue & toilet paper all over the place, no gerbils, admittedly, but on the subject of small furry rodents, even the grey tree rats had disappeared from their usual haunts in the park, even they’d decided ‘fuck this for a game of soldiers’ and, umm, buggered off….no discarded lycra, that I recall, but ‘soiled’ boxers and y-fronts beside and hanging from some of the shrubs.

      Needless to say, avoided the place until they’d cleaned up the visible worst of it, but still had to keep the dog from chasing the tree rats into the bushes for a couple of weeks…

  23. What the fuck has London got to be proud about? Poofs, trannies, stabbings, politicians, royal parasites, the fucking mayor, diversity (ie closed communities), grossly overpaid company directors, slave underclass, sucking investment from the rest of the UK, Johnson&Hunt, unaffordable accommodation, hipsters, snobs, and every other class of cunt imaginable.
    Fuck London.

  24. Why isn’t there a ‘Men Who Want Access To Women’s Changing Rooms And Toilets Who Self Identify As Female’ March?

    I feel horribly discriminated against and marginalised.

  25. Ive never watched this homage to BumFoolery. Just out of curiosity is it similar to that other Wankfest Notting Hill? I mean are there dozens of floats representing specific sections of the bent Commoonitiy?
    Is there a float full of pensioner poofs? And one for old lezzers?
    A float for those who only like taking up the arse?
    One for the cunts who only enjoy giving it up the arse?
    Float full of Negroes Only.Ditto mixed race,chinks,wasps,gypsies,jews and muslims etc?
    Catholic priests float?
    Float full of aids and HIV victims?
    Surely a Celebrity Float full of Bumfoolery luminaries like Dame Elton John,Lady Adonis,that welsh rugger cunt,Frankie goes to hollywood,Ricky Martin,Kevin Spacey,Dame Ian Mckellen etc?
    And is there a minutes silence for tha Fallen ie Freddie Mercury,Kenny Everett,Cock Hudson,George the Greek etc?

  26. Quite happy for this kind of thing to be happening in London and reman in London.

    Signed: A non London resident

    • I was in Birmingham the other week, and had the misfortune to bump into one there 🙁

  27. There ought to be a parralel ‘SHAME March’. Flagellants in monks robes, consecrated virgins in white dresses, a banner of St George in supplication at the front.

  28. The Irons have deliberately hijacked 6th July which is the perfectly innocent ‘World Kissing Day’ so the twats will be declaring a monopoly on kissing everywhere but the lips.

    With so much shit happening today, I agree with Half Man Half Biscuit, I can confidently say “It Must be National Shite Day.”

    “There’s a man with a mullet going mad with a mallet in Millets”

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