Jonathon Van Ness

A nomination for Jonathan Van Ness. No I’d never heard of this fuckwit until just now. Anyway the story is this. Queer Eye star Jonathan Van Ness has said he identifies as nonbinary and “gender nonconforming”.
In a new interview with Out magazine, Jonathan described the gender binary as a “social construct” that, as he’s grown older, he doesn’t feel he fits into.
The 32-year-old explained: “It’s really cool! The older I get, the more I think that I’m nonbinary — I’m gender nonconforming. Like, some days I feel like a man, but then other days I feel like a woman.
Jonathan continued: “I just am either like gender-bendy or nonconform-y or nonbinary and somedays I feel like a boy and somedays I feel like a girl.”

The question though is this – Do you ever feel like the cunt which you undoubtedly are?

Nominated by Mystic Maven

64 thoughts on “Jonathon Van Ness

  1. It seems bearded soy boys will do virtually anything to appear “cool” even if it means making a complete cunt of themselves. If there are genuinely “men” who are as conflicted as they make out they are, there ought to be more mental hospitals and psychiatrists to deal with them. Preferably military ones.

    • army shrinks are the best, mine drugged me into obliteration, and at the point when I could no longer register outside stimulus I was able to sort out my internal shit.
      I’m better now

  2. Sounds like an attention seeking cunt with to much time on his hands.
    If he was born with a dick he must be a man. If I met him he would get a swift kick in the Jacobs , the excruciating pain would soon make him realise he’s a bloke.
    Pathetic Cunt !!!

  3. ‘Some days I feel like a woman’.
    I feel like a woman every day, but sometimes the wife’s a bit tired.

    • Good afternoon Ron,

      If he is on Queer Eye I would be surprised if he ever feels like a woman.

  4. It’s all fucking bollocks and I can’t be arsed with it.

    What a nonentity cunt.

  5. Meet the man of the future. In 50 years all men will be like this – the Millenial generation come to fruition. They will all be “ gendy bendy” PC obsessives living their lives on social media safe zones. Women, in the meantime, will have become steroidal aggressive cunts looking like a cross between Arnold Schwarzenegger and Clare Balding.

    We are well and truly fucked.

    • Men turning into women, and women into men.

      Certainly in this country that is true. In Japan however, the women are demure and feminine (well most of them anyway).

      This country is totally fucked,

      • Same in China as well. This is primarily a disease of the West. Although there are signs of degeneracy in Japan which is really a western country in many ways. But they are not as far gone as Europe and the US.

      • You are absolutely right MMCM

        In Japan it will be the many negative US influences now seen there. Having said that any change it will be minimal as discipline and traditional values in Japan are very strong and the vast majority of peoples both young and old are highly respectful of their culture.

      • Absolutely right Willie. The Japanese will fare better than the West. When a society forgets its cultural roots it forgets itself and the result is decline and degeneracy where we think we have to go around the world apologising for our past.

        Nothing pissed me of more than that cunt Cameron debasing himself and the UK in India saying how humble and apologetic we are about the Raj and the Empire. Fuck it, I’m proud of our empire and of our contributions to the world. And apologising to a third world shit hole like India – our economy is still bigger than India’s, which thinks its the next China but in reality is way behind. India will always be mired in filth and corruption.

      • I respect India becuase they don’t give a fuck about british colonialsm, it was something that happened and had advantages and disadvantages for the colonised land but they don’t blame their problems on other people like the african countries which have gone backwards since white people left and somehow their utter ineptitude is our fault.

        Japan was decimated in the 1940’s, utterly destroyed saved from starvation only by american aid, but they didn’t feel sorry for themsleves and by the 80’s were the richest country in the world. Fuck the whinging ex-colonies grow up you weak cunts.

    • And like a certain Charlton Heston film, the apes will take over… Oh, hang on, they’re already doing that with half of ‘Di Congo’ and the like clogging up every health and housing list….

      • And there’s one in the Royal Family now, who refuses to be photographed in case the similarity is noticed.

        Go ahead, sue me !

    • When you said Shirley Bassey, I expected “Hey non Gender” (spend a little time with me) to belt out when I played it.

    • Just some daft fuckin hippy, get yer fuckin hair cut, woodstocks that way ?
      NonBinary? Gendybendy? What ? You need working on…..

  6. Soppy attention whore. “Some days I feel like a girl”………you’re not a girl, never have been so how do you know how it feels? You may as well say “some days I feel like a tortoise “.
    Just because you’ve had miles of cock up your bumhole doesn’t mean you know how a bird feels getting it in the fanny you wanker. I can eat a banana, it doesn’t mean I know how it feels to be a fucking monkey does it you cunt?
    Taking cock up your arse doesn’t make you a woman you dozy wanker.
    Now why don’t you feel like a spider so I can stamp on you , you fucking useless cunt.

    • Lionel Shriver said the same thing about these supposedly gender fluid dickheads, that she doen’t know how it feels to be a girl so how the fuck would they? Cunts.

  7. ” I’m gender nonconforming. Like, some days I feel like a man, but then other days I feel like a woman.”

    Everyday he is a bonafide CUNT!!

    So he wakes up on say Thursday morning and identifies as a bearded lady, with a cock?

    Fucking hell, we now applaud insanity .

    I’m still digesting the idea of drag queen sessions for kids.


  8. Who fills their heads with this non-sensical, self obssessed, arrant nonsense?!

    God help us if theres a war, etc etc.

    • American youtubers/twitter-cunts. It’s an echo chamber of invented reality where fallacies are created, new words invented to describe those fallacies, and this nonsense becomes these screen-addicted low-iq degenerates reality.

  9. What a ridiculous little wankstain.
    My dear departed Grandma would’ve kicked his fucking face in.

  10. I work in IT but today I identify as a surgeon. Want to let me do your gender reassignment surgery Jonathan?

    • Cut his “soft parts” off, and ram them into his facial orifice.
      Without the benefit of anaesthetic.

      • I only identify as a surgeon, meaning I don’t have the correct equipment. I’ve only got a lump hammer and a pair of pliers. Wish him/Her luck as I also identify as having Parkinson’s.

  11. Does he want to wander around without a cock on the days he feels like a woman?
    Maybe whipping it off would give him more certainty while he cries clutching his pillow about the days he had a shchlong.
    Can’t have it both ways. You’re not funny either because you’ve got that stupid facial hair that makes you look like an elf on the natch. You’re just sad,

  12. Am i missing out on something? I never feel like im a girl, seems lots of young men do nowadays, i never find my genders bended during the night, or that ive a urge to put on lippy, and rouge on my cheeks, or my beard would look nice wi a pink ribbon in, dont give a flying fuck if some loon wants to just do it and stop ‘platforming’ about it. Also as a endangered minority (white straight working class) i think its reasonable if my belief that you should be burnt at the stake is taken as a cultural difference with no penalty under law.

  13. Its like in the ‘old’ days when blokes with little going for them shaved their heads to look ‘cool’ and get attention, this cunt is just the same, a fucking nobody seeking attention by coming out with complete bollocks.


  14. What a fucking granola shovelling, pillow chomping shitwick. A damn good kick in the bollocks with a steel-capped boot would make him realise that his cunt isn’t between his legs. It’s between his ears. Fucking soy limpcock. Cunt off.

  15. I genuinely feel his pain. Some days I identify as a member of the human race, and have to undergo counselling.

  16. I don’t believe in any of this twaddle.
    There are two genders, male and female. There is no such thing as a gender-fluid man who pretends that he’s female in order to have sex with other men. The correct terminolgy is effeminate homosexual,i.e. cunt. Most gays want sex with a “man”,not a fucking freak.
    Wannabe female-to- male “trans” women are just ugly fat dykes who are too lazy to attach a strap-on to their hideous torsos. Certain cunts in the medical profession have encouraged the notion of gender-dysphoria so that they can call themselves experts and charge confused individuals a fortune in their dubious private clinics.
    So my message to Mr Van Pness is fuck off you cunting daffodil.

  17. It all started with decline in old fashioned manual labour they have gone from boy to fuck knows what without the hardening effects of hard graft, no apprenticeships with all the necessary leg pulling and obedience of rules dealt out by older blokes who know what’s what , now from school to offices staffed by women, PC mad health and safety twonks and a culture of indulgence and the equalisation of the fucking dopey and the clever, each and everyone a cunt to a man

    • Couldnt agree more, well put civvydog!
      Manual labour is the best thing for a young man, broadens your shoulders, helps you get a good nights sleep, makes you appreciate how things were made, how your dad & grandad toiled etc. My dads now retired, (bone marrow cancer) but if given half a chance hed be out with me n lads grafting! Body says no! But the minds willing!;)

      • Chairman Mao had the right idea. Two years in the fields when you leave school, and then we’ll see about further education. Perhaps.

  18. I must say his-her boat race is an affront to my eyes
    Fuck right off at once.

  19. Ive got some bad news for him…

    He’s called Jonathan, therefore he’s a bloke.

  20. Not that he and his ilk should ever have to but I read about shallow cunts like this and I have just finished a book on the 1st July 1916. The first day of the bloodiest battle ever fought by British troops. Real voices cleverly and sympathetically collected by the Imperial War Museum – voices of young men long dead. As I stated in my opening line – not that wars need to be fought but this false peace we have endured since 1945 is just that – false. Young boys of 14, 15 and 16 went to fight in the Somme, Flanders fields, Mons, Paschendale – too many to mention. If the need ever arose to enter into a conflict that required volunteers or conscription I look at this wanktrumpet and his ilk and the cut of his jib tells me he would be away quicker than Jack Flash.
    Even from over a Century ago the words of JS Mill prove my point far more eloquently than I could ever dream of.

    “War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things: the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth a war, is much worse. When a people are used as mere human instruments for firing cannon or thrusting bayonets, in the service and for the selfish purposes of a master, such war degrades a people. A war to protect other human beings against tyrannical injustice; a war to give victory to their own ideas of right and good, and which is their own war, carried on for an honest purpose by their free choice, — is often the means of their regeneration. A man who has nothing which he is willing to fight for, nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety, is a miserable creature who has no chance of being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself. As long as justice and injustice have not terminated their ever-renewing fight for ascendancy in the affairs of mankind, human beings must be willing, when need is, to do battle for the one against the other.”

    ― John Stuart Mill, Principles of Political Economy

    • Often quoted through the 1st World War-

      ‘I tell you naught for your comfort,
      Yea, naught for your desire,
      Save that the sky grows darker yet
      And the sea rises higher.’

      GK Chesterton.

      Doesn’t that feel like the darkness we are in now?

      Also he often said (in the interwar period);

      ‘Now we know how evil peace can be.’

      • Great riposte there Miles. For a young lad you have grasped your history very well, unlike the majority of youth and I expect many of your peers today

    • What type of crack do you reckon he’s after? He doesn’t look like a drug user.
      The only “gender-fluid” when referring to this cunt is his gonorrhoea flavoured felch juice.

  21. I’m guessing that a population of “men” like young Jonathan here will be very easy to govern.
    And of course by govern I actually do mean control. Dominate. Push around.
    Enjoy the future Jonathan old chap.
    You have truly earned it.

  22. I have to sit down to piss because of legs, hips being fucked but I do not ever think of myself as a women. The reason for my non selection of binary gender is because I am a male born a male and hopefully die a male. Know what I cannot think of anything else to write because my meds cannot cope with all this gender bollocks such a mega cuntfest. Transbendery/gender dynamics blah blah must be worth fucking billions for the sordid twatery to be so prominant in our lives.
    Do whatever you like as long as you do not cause me problems get on with whatever charges your bong. Please stop making such a massive crock out of all this discrimination that you suffer in UK for example. Try acting like a binary cunt in Iran and you’ll either be the bum slave of some rancid mullah or swinging from the end of an iron fairy crane jib. Bollocks to the pills there’s alcohol to swill.

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