Jared O’Mara (2)

Jared O’Mara has done the honourable thing and decided to resign as an MP due to ‘mental health problems.’

He has decided to go after their long summer recess. Some might think that this is due to a desire to maintain his salary whilst doing Sweet Fuck All.

Nominated by Guzziguy

28 thoughts on “Jared O’Mara (2)

  1. That was Cleggy’s old seat so it will certainly go back to the Lib Dumbs. That means we will have to put with that Swindler bitch crowing and bragging and moaning about her “people’s vote” bullshit. ?
    Stupid ginger Oirish cunt.

  2. A bit unhinged but his Twitter rants of Jamie Cullum being ‘sodomized with his own piano’ and a Girls Aloud orgy was very ISAC-like.

  3. Don’t know who this cunt is but has anyone seen him and gay bashing cricketer Ben Stokes in the same room together?

  4. According to Jennifer Barnes (a junior member of his staff), he stated that “people should call women ‘cunts’ more often”.
    That’s him gone up in my chauvanistic opinion!
    Giving women you don’t know some shit (just for larks) is a great pastime, especially if they’re fat.

  5. Yep, he isnt that mentally fucked, waits until Parliament shuts down so he cant resign until it reopens.


  6. I daresay he is not the only MP who has mental issues. Not by a long chalk.

    At least he has done the honourable thing.

  7. I see that pisshead Campbell has quit the Labour Party and has been slagging off Catweazle.
    Fuck off shithead, you’re no better than he is you fucking remoaner cunt. Hopefully he will now join the Lib Dumbs and fuck them up.

    • Listened to him on Today. He called Boris a liar. Well there’s lies and dossiers. I wonder which liar has more blood on his hands?

      • B.Liar that’s who. Oh what I’d give to see him swinging. Along with Merkel, although she seems quite adept at doing her own brand of shaking these days.

        Ebony and Ivory, Swingers and Shakers. I know which combination I’d rather see end with the most protracted, agonising conscious death possible. The Antichrist and his Antichristess.

    • Cunt never stood for MP. Cunt’s never been elected to any public office. Cunt should stfu and die. Cunt will hopefully succumb to his much-promoted ‘depression’, aka megalomanic neurosis and top himself. Cunt.

  8. Jared O’mara. Mental health problems.
    Campbellend. Also mental health problems. Flabbot?
    There seems to be a pattern emerging here in Labour.
    Funny, when i was young they would just be called yampy or fucking nutters.

    • Dont forget David Lammy, calling Stacey Dooley a white saviour, sending himself hate male and saying Rees-Mogg is worse than a Nazi.

      Stone-cold fucking nuts.

      • And now he’s blaming the ‘old white men who run my party’ for his not being on the front bench. Yes, he’s not in the shadow cabinet not because he’s a toxic, whingeing, useless cunt, but because of racism. Despite the fact there are black MP’s in the shadow cabinet, Corbyn and his minions are racist for not allowing Lammy onto the front bench.

    • Eric Joyce comes to mind Mr Fiddler. He certainly banged heads together in the House of Commons. Quite literally. Headbutting his speciality. But that wasnt enough; brawling with the police when they turned up. What a night out! That’s the kind of drinking companion you want- someone who know how to have a good time.

  9. No mp does anything, other than get paid and engineering backhanders.

    That’s about it.

    Oh sorry forgot vote on payrises

    Ooo and payrises for employed family members doing 1 day a week for 4hrs on a full time salary.

  10. jeeez i learnt something today. who knew this? all ex Prime Ministers can claim up to £115,000 a year in ‘ expenses’ until they die! and they do ! wtf? we need to see a breakdown on what exactly these ‘expenses ‘ are.

    • You should take a look at an MPs pension even when they’ve only been in five minutes like this ginger cunt. It will make your eyes water.
      Then take a look at Kinnock and Handlebum’s pensions from the EU. Then you’ll know why they are such fanatical remoaners.

    • There’s an FoI request in on ex-PM’s continuing taxpayer support – noted here:


      Given that the Institute for Blair currently employs something like 300 people to pump his vapid opinions into the public domain and grab aid streams for African dictators, you’d have thought he could pay his own fucking expenses. And pay for his 24/7 police protection, including up to 4 Old Bill who accompany him on his prestigious trips abroad, and a permanent guard on his residences here.

    • After this fucking thread, you’ll be drinking more mate.

      I have just pissed myself laughing at your futile responses and instructions,all in vain. Some days it is just not worth getting out of bed……

      But the next day super admin awakes and re shuffles them all!

  11. what the actual hell with this one……..
    Labour’s vetoing policies are as secure as Flabbott’s Maths.
    If I were a constitute I would be super pissed that this prick has effectively downed tools and used the “I need to go and sort out my mental health issues” after effectively doing FA since he was elected. You may not have agreed with Cleggy nor forgiven him for his time with “Call me Dave” but he would have done a damn sight better for the voting ward that this piece of shit. Go now you smug, crap ginger Mikhail Gorbachev tribute act, but, ohhhh, I forgot, lets have summer to “recover” and cash in on my MP’s pay. Cunt!!!!

  12. Makes me think of this fucking femme soy-boy so-called ‘heterosexual and married’ twat I had the misfortune to come across on Youtube:


    Honestly. What the chuffing fuck are we going to do if we have another, actual combat war. I’ll fucking bayonet someone if I have to, god forbid I ever have to be in that position.

  13. Of course he’s got “mental health problems”-
    He’s a Labour MP (it’s a basic requirement)
    He’s got a degree in Journalism (this is probably what caused it)
    He’s a Worzel supporter (again, basic requirement)
    He’s a Momentum stooge (see above)
    He’s a Remain supporter (see also above)
    The most heinous of all:
    HE’S A FUCKING GINGER CUNT (both are mutually inclusive).

    On the plus side, he did state that bloated slab-cracking shitheap Michelle McMungus (or whatever her fucking name is) only won Pop Idol (whatever that is) because she was fat, and that Jamie “Conceited Cunt” Cullum is a “conceited cunt”……hang on….just checking the cuntometer…….yep, despite this, HE’S STILL A CUNT.

  14. Absolute prick this nobhead should have been gone long ago.Lets see how the DWP treats this dickhead as he has so called mental health issues when he goes for an assessment when he makes a claim a proper Labour Cunt.

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