Intolerance & Social Media


Surely I’m not alone in noticing the ever increasing amount of narcissism that is polluting the air, like an obese mans fart straight into your nostrils.

The intolerance of difference of opinion is higher than ever.

*Don’t like a film or piece of supposed entertainment that they do? Here comes the hissy fit. On top of that you are a racist, sexist, misogynistic bigot etc etc. I find it rather interesting the media barely mentions the existence of misandrists when I see quite a bit of it about , in particular against the “straight white male”. Forget about simply thinking the film or series was a char grilled pile of elephant shit.

* The “Anyone who doesn’t agree or says this , is getting unfollowed”. I mean fuck off will you. Just fuck off. How up your own arse do you have to be like this and I’m not even talking about the more serious topics here, I’ve seen this plenty when it comes to opinions on sports teams or some stink bomb chewing cunt on a reality show.

* it feels like dumbing down and sensitising the population even further is a global plan and the next generation will be even worse. True there has always been the more arse wipe type people out there but since mobile phones are the necessity to many these days, folks have gotten worse even away from the screen.

* Trolls are filling their boots and will likely never run out of so many easy pickings again. I say good luck to them and may they mind fuck these charmless cunts to oblivion.

*Whatever happened to not giving a shit to liking something others didn’t?

Nominated by Travis The Shat Thrower

38 thoughts on “Intolerance & Social Media

  1. Good cunting! This is not just on the left but on the right too, dont agree with the majority? Out comes the hankies!
    Its good to have your own opinions, dont ever back down to others, if a room of 30 people have same view and you think otherwise doesnt mean theyre right!
    Dont go agreeing with them, fuck that!
    Everyones equal, stand your ground, firm your balls, and say what you think.

  2. Its the same crowd mentality that produced Nazism and Maoism. Social media crushes individuality and enhances hysterical crowd thinking. It’s a huge problem and it’s creating a race of moronic pc woke zombies.

    Fuck off.

  3. This all seems to be pushed for by twatter, look at the story the other day where that trans fella got that canadian journo banned off twatter for reporting on him not getting his balls waxed, nevermind how he ripped into her for her problems with conception, it seems to be as long as you’re on the liberal thinking side you can say what you want and hate whoever you like without persecution, but oh no you better not misgender someone or say your wife cooked a bang up meal last night for fear of the thought police banging you up, world’s gone crackers

  4. Off topic. Boris is Already hinting at a 2 year extension for Brexit.
    So much for Leaving on the 31/10/19 do or die.
    I’m surprised because I thought he might stop bull shitting us untill nearer the time .

  5. If one could still troll these gimps witbout fear of prosecution it would still be fun. However, the social media firms and corporate media wont let anything be said about their delicate footsoldiers, authoritarians such as Mavis push more hate speech laws while activists from clickbait sites and trump-hating schlebs can call for the deaths of teenagers and molestation of Trump’s grandchildren without the slightest fear of a suspension.

    That’s why i called it a day.

  6. We should be thankful that IsAC is a different platform type of social media or is it?
    Discuss. You have two hours.
    Sorry, thought I was back at school for a moment!

    • I have often wondered if there is a leftie IsAC type forum out there somewhere with a ‘Wall of Cunts’ containing Farage and BoJo. In a parallel universe, a gender neutral, vegan hipster ‘Islington Fiddler’ typing furiously away on his smartphone about Brexit and Donald Trump outside the eco-friendly pop-up artisan juice bar.

      • Great thought LL. It could be Mr F’s long lost twin, separated at birth.

      • I’ve just had a horrible thought that the ‘Islington Fiddler’ could be none other than Catweazle. There is a passing resemblance between photos of each.
        What a TV drama that would make. . . . . .
        ‘Twins of the Great Divide”. One grew up to be a bearded, power hungry individual with a taste in unusual women and the other a useless leader of Her Majesty’s Official Opposition.

      • ‘Discuss. You have two hours’

        You’re waving your big tick in front of our noses aren’t you?

      • Mailwatch is about as close as ive seen. Probably defunct now but it used to have threads about Tories and DM journos.

        Even though i was no fan of the Mail i left because one opinion i held on prisons didnt gel with the groupthink and i was subjected to ‘so you think that x is good and Y is bad? ‘ typical lefty twats.

      • Thatd be great! We could do a student exchange! 2 of them for 2 of us for a week? Be magic the shit thatd kick off!
        Imagine. Theyd need a safe space after 10minutes!

    • ISAC is just an old-fashioned blog. Nobody makes profiles or tries to post selfies, and hopefully our likes arent sold as has a lot more in common with the forums on sites of shared interests that social media.

      What has been referred to as the Web 2.0 was inaugurated with Myspace and the birth of true social media. It could be argued that Friends Reunited was another social network but it didnt have the reach of Myspace, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

  7. Fucking hell, ”Surely I’m not alone in noticing the ever increasing amount of narcissism that is polluting the air, like an obese mans fart straight into your nostrils.
    The intolerance of difference of opinion is higher than ever.” you cunt, surely womens farts smell equally as bad now they are fucking liberated. Good cunting btw.

  8. I can’t believe in this day and age that wearing underwear in the garden could offend so many people.

    Fair enough, it wasn’t my underwear, or my garden but…

  9. The overly sensitive cunts of this world are ‘offended’ about every damned thing these days and sadly, it is much easier for them both to make a statement about this, or a big fucking show of it (and proliferate that sentiment) via bloody social media, dragging MORE snowflake cunts into their drama to ‘support’ them and egg them on.

    This is one of the disservices (amongst many others) that the internet has done the world. We have to tolerate these fucking big babies getting ‘deeply hurt and offended’ every five seconds about mostly trivialities, that in ‘ye olden days’, a person would just brush off, build a bridge and get over.


  10. I’m wiv you on this babe, yeAH? I’m there to support you at this terrible time in your life when that disgusting guy said he supported Trump AND brexit. You did fantastic by , like, not retreating to your safe space for almost a minute. Legend babes.

  11. Just watched the news, the two Sinn Fein women spouting veiled threats, they are scary looking cunts.
    They make the two above look like pussy cats.

    The IRA is live and kicking certain parts of that god forsaken land, it wont be long before they are fucking everything up again.


    • Oooops , put this under the wrong post, that half pint at lunchtime gone to my head, should have been on the Ruth Davidson Nom.

      I’ll get mi coat!

    • Seems the IRA* are now calling the shots over Brexit. In league with the usual Remoaner suspects.

      Appeaser May has been replaced by Appeaser Johnson.

      * Along with Corbyn, Sinn Fein /IRA were solidly anti EU until recently… Any enemy of the British Government is a friend of theirs.

  12. Some banana boat merchant on LBC today. PhD in wwaaasyyyycccciiiisssssmmm no doubt. Said any criticism of Megain Sparkle is, you guest it, racist.

    Fuck off back to the plantation,love. That cotton ain’t gonna pick itself.


    Ole man river.

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