Talking of useless politicians, I’m nominating Gordon Brown. Today (Monday 22nd July) Brown has decided to throw a shit bomb at the Tory leadership election by telling an audience at the Institute for Public Policy Research that, “More people voted for Ed Balls on Strictly than for our next Prime Minister.” Wow. Just, wow. This guy really has a very short memory, because he’s the guy who steamrollered his way into Number 10, rather than allow a democratic leadership election in the Labour party after traitor Blair quit. Can you spell ‘hypocrite’ Gordon? And the reason he wouldn’t allow an election, is because Brown considered it to be “his turn” to be Prime Minister.
After Treason May, Brown was the worst PM this country has had to suffer for decades. Come to that, he wasn’t much cop as Chancellor either. Remember how he announced that he was selling off a large portion of the UK’s gold reserves in advance? Thereby ensuring that the price of gold dropped through the floor? Iron Chancellor my arse. Keep your mouth Brown, tens of thousands of Tories have voted for Boris to lead the Tory party, and become our next PM. NOBODY voted for you.
Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw
Brown and B.liar should be arrested for high treason.
And grievous bodily cuntitude.
….with intent to supply.
The cunts.
It shows what a gormless cunt the arsehole is that he equates the vote for a party leader and prime minister with that for some fifth rate fixed TV show made by and for pansies and drama queens. Perhaps it is early onset dementia?
Hes sort of like a scottish columbo,
Who doesnt solve the murder.
Sorry ive not a fuckin clue! Could you sign my expenses sheet please?
More like a Scottish wanker.
Yet another CUNT that gives Scots a bad name …. think; Nicola Sturgeon ‘Krankie’ ; Nicky ‘Overpaid Radio Cunt’ Campbell ; ‘wooden’ actor Gerard Butler ; ‘whining’ tennis cunt Andy Murray, etc
Brown was so fucking shite, that ‘his turn’ was the only wat he’d get to be PM. Remember how fucking incompetent & insincere he was talking to that woman and then muttering into a microphone ‘she’s a racist biggot’. Then having to go crawling round to her 2 bed terrace to say ‘it’s all a terrible mistake’ in front of dozens of reporters. If anyone trusted him before, they didn’t after that. And they say Boris a buffoon !
Oh, and whilst we’re on the subject of Scots – if they want independence so bad Mrs Krankie, & Scotlands’s so fucking wonderful, how come 850,000 of them have come to England & Wales, while only 200,000 live anywhere else abroad ?
Och aye ya bastards !
“Oh, and just one more thing, Sir….you’re a cunt.”
Perhaps someone should point out to Gordon that the cretins who watch “Strictly Cunts Dancing” may have voted for Ed but his own constituents kicked his fat useless arse down the road. Yes i’m sure the one eyed Broonster would prefer the audience of a moronic BBC shitshow as an electorate rather than the one that told him and Balls to sling their fucking hook and don’t come back.
Brown, Bliar, Campbell, Major, hang around the political scene like a huge thick cloud of stinking, toxic gas.
Popping up on the BBC on a regular basis to dispense their distorted views of the world.
No one of sane mind wants to listen to them.
Just f’ off and die you shower of cnuts.
Stumbled across a pic of four cunts in a line up – R to L, Treesa, Hameron (front), Mrs. Broon’s boy behind (!) Ham (looking, to all intents and purposes, as if he were trying to squeeze his todger into Ham’s arse-crack), and another cunt, identifiable but name forgotten.
Mr. Broon looked very shifty indeed. The cuuuunt.
I seem to remember before leaving for CH in 2004 that there was a televisual vote on the nation’s favourite dish. So why haven’t we had Chicken Tikka Masala as PM for the last 20 years ??
The personality of Mavis May with all the warmth and charm of a bucket of shit. Much missed.
Not this wonky eyed gold selling cunt again. Not hat he’s not worthy of a cunting, he just makes my piss boil. One of the chief authors of the fucking uncontrolled immigration\invasion policy during the last Labour cuntement.
Fucking Gordon dubious cunt Brown……cunt.
A Scottish plot to destroy England. Flood the south with africunts and muslims while they stay north of the wall in the 98% white British stronghold.
I wonder how many of the “Strictly Cunts Dancing” voters are “bigoted women”?
You know the ones Gordon doesn’t like. The ones who ask him awkward questions in the street he can’t answer.
Did he learn from that lesson? No, he still can’t keep his stupid spazzy gob shut.
McBroon, the one-eyed bogey eating, myopic, world-saviour is like an overgrown schoolboy who had to ‘have my turn, me, me, me, me, me”.
No-one has any interest in what dribbles from your slack jaw, you prized cunt.
Just got back from shopping. There’s an unfeasible number of stunning bitches showing out in town this afternoon, many clearly on heat.
Thought for a sec I was going to get arrested for Hate Crime outside the butchers!
Not aware of hearing a single word spoken in English… at least not before I reached the checkout in Sainsbury’s. And then it was debatable:
“No, I’m alright thanks.”
“Foive pand ten then. Nectacard luv?”
How could you shop in Sainsbury’s where you live! You’d have to mix with the great unwashed in somewhere like the Rhyl store or do you go there to meet your dealer?
I’m actually holidaying in sunny Ipswich Bsc. Willie Stroker has kindly offered to accommodate me at ‘mates rates’ in his plush bed & breakfast hotel.
More than welcome Ruff Tuff but forgot to mention that before you arrive at Strokers Hotel I should probably warn you about Mrs Stroker.
Very much an acquired taste, very bossy, no sense of humour and often partial to violence when she does not get her own way, especially when guests do not help with the household chores.
Here is our last guest helping me with the dishes.
I feared she may be a female equivalent of Cato
Just been reading what old Brownpants has been predicting for the “cliff edge” no deal Brexit. Fucking hell the whole country will collapse in FIVE days!!
Motorways jammed with traffic, food prices up 10%, people dying through lack of medicines and cunts getting laid off left, right and centre.
All this by Tuesday 5th November!!
Fucking hell, the remoaner desperation is getting completely out of hand and we’re still three months away. With any luck we’ll have mass remoaner suicides, cunts jumping under trains and throwing themselves off high buildings.
Good riddance to the thick, no balls useless cunts.
Bearing in that Brown is the thick twat who announced in advance that he’d be selling off a large portion of the nation’s gold reserves, thereby ensuring the price of gold would drop through the floor, I think I’ll take his economic advice with a pinch of salt.
I nominate the one eyed turd for a public firing squad. ! The Gerald Ratner of the Yellow Metal Industry, who sold off our assets at a discounted rate to his chums in the Bilderbugger Club of Odious Bum Sniffers.
I am / was an economist and therefore am especially enraged by the cunt who also had some training in the ‘Dismal Science’. It buggers belief that the cunt could make so many cretinous decisions whilst hiding behind a cloak of competence.
Fuck off and join John Major in the row of cunts who enjoy universal derision; the hounds of St. Dick Fiddler are too good for you.
A prominent LGBT rights campaigner has been found dead with multiple stab wounds and signs of strangulation in the Russian city of St Petersburg.
The body of a 41-year-old woman was found in bushes near her home in the city on Sunday, local police said.
They certainly don’t fuck around in Russia if they want to shut someone up.
Although on the surface an attractive solution it’s not the way to go. All voices must be heard, the problem we have is free speech is a good thing if you’re preaching from the agenda bible but it’s possibly hate speech and hence illegal if not.
Did they follow the end of the rainbow to find the body?
Clearly suicide.
Putin will say the Russian authorities had no involvement, and as we all know he always tells the truth.
I wonder if Russian media will point the finger at “West-Country Cider” ??
Maybe the photofit of the alleged killer will look like bumpkincunt Sheeran.
Falling into a bush and onto some knives is the third most common cause of death in Russia, after vodka and road rage.
Russian police say this was the worst case of suicide they’ve ever seen.
No, and they are not averse to disciplining gobby people in other countries.
I wish Jess Phillips would holiday in Russia.
Jesus wept I fucking hate this lopsided heapofshite windbag
Fuck me words fail me
How can it be possible to be totally fucking incompetent and a vile traitor at the same time?
Wherever there is rampaging uncontrollable Ebola is precisely where this total fucking CUNT should be
Fuck off to hell in an Iron Maiden
I’ve yet to see anyone in the Labour party that isnt some kind of wierd anti social oddball.
But fly catching mouth Gordon was definately on the more spazzy end of the spectrum and quite a nasty cunt with it.
I see his astute political mind is still as sharp as ever. Voting for shame washed up has been ex politician to remain the laugh at comic relief on some shit Saturday night fuckwit tv show is exactly the same as voting for someone to lead a country. As mentioned above, when he was campaigning for his day job, he was shown the door. And coming from a cunt who put his own popularity to the test, and failed miserably, you think he would know better, but then again, this is Gordon Brown.
Christ it’s a golden age for cunt politicians, ain’t it? How many more can IsAC stand to load before it crashes completely?
PS ‘Cyclops’ Brown is a cunt of the first water. Anyone remember his miserable attempt to tarnish The Brexit Party with his ‘funny money’ accusations? This from the cunt who was a senior member of a government which flooded The Lords with some decidedly dodgy appointments… Tainted.
Absolutely right, Mr Knee. Dead Eyed Dick really showed what a vicious, backstabbing, lying, son-of-a-cunt he truly is when he tried to stitch up Sir Nige with that totally bogus accusation.
I once stayed in a hotel in the town in Scotland where Gordon was brought up. This would be 2011 or 2012 and the cunts picture was everywhere. Gordon with the kitchen staff, Gordon with the waiting staff, Gordon with the managers, Gordon with all sorts of local cunts.
And in the dining room, which put me right off my grub, was a big photo of the cunt staring down at me.
It was a fucking creepy place I can tell you.
Hotels from Hell…with added Broon factor.
I think this on eyed cunt, who don’t forget put an end to ‘boom and bust’ perfectly encapsulates all that has gone wrong in politics.
It’s no fucking coincidence that a mad man or non binary gender fluid cunt knows they’re mad when they accept they’re mad.
It’s just the same in every day life, you only learn from your mistakes when you’ve accepted its you that’s made them.
The human brain teaches us many things and from a young age it starts with things like ‘that flame looks exciting I’ll put my hand in it’ and then you don’t do it again, unless of course you’re a proper fuckwit.
This is all basic stuff but it seems the inability to accept you were ever wrong has infested politics to such a point that a former disgraceful PM who’s track record should have embarrassed him to a point that he’d have done a Dr David Kelly, and who was ‘voted in’ in an uncontested election, ironically only Comrade McDonnell tried to stand against him but with only 29 nominations against over 300 it was a no contest, has the fucking brass neck to say more people voted for Balls on Strictly.
I’m not sure where the line is that separates, arrogance, stupidity and delusion but I’m fairly certain this one eyed economy wrecking bastard cunt has crossed it.
Great cunting QDM, what a shame it’s not posthumous.
As I have pointed out before, it’s quite an exclusive club to not, not only, be a cunt of a Chancellor, but then a cunt of a PM. Surely the one-eyed twat must be in the running for cunt of the Century.
Gordon Brown hypocrite “The Prime Minister no one voted for”And if you remember after He lost the General Election no one could get rid of Tying to do deals with the Liberal Democrat’s Brass neck of this cunt Him and Blair should be shot.
Fuckin jock cunt, talks like he’s a pissed up stroke victim, this type of arse hole wouldn’t last one week in a proper job, instead they wank it off in that immature playground that is parliament.!
Is that Alfred E. Newman?
The man is a cunt of the first order.
Got into office by pulling a switch with Tony Blair after the Labour Victory because he knew he could never win on his own ticket.The bloke just like the Jew Hating Labour Party are a fucking joke and are not fit for office. Catweazle banging on about Boris having no mandate to be Prime Minister because only a few selected Conservative members voted him into office another joke via the Labour Spin Machine of Disinformation via their political masters the unions
Nah. Blair pulled out because he saw the crash coming. Blair departs on the gravy train, Blair’s least favourite colleague is saddled with a nosediving economy…two birds with one stone. Brown hadn’t the wit to see it coming.
And oh for the days when Labour wasn’t, er, “Jew-hating” and had a wonderful working relationship with prominent Jewish businessmen –
I reckon I could thrash the cyclopean cunt at a game of pool.
Yes the good old days of Labour (when were they then) Sorry to burst your bubble but Brown and Blair had already agreed to switch seats before the event of the oncoming economic crash as to quote Brown it was his time to be Prime Minister as agreed before the General Election Labour are Jew Haters and have been for a long time even more so now they have a Communist Leader in place who absolutely loves the Palestinians Hamas Venezuela The IRA need I go on? Instead of sorting the problem out they sweep it under the table as with anything Labour before you even consider voting for the twats always check the small print a party not fit for office only back stabbing and snide running of the Country down just to get into office.
They’d agreed, sure. Long before. Or so Brown said. But when did Blair hit the switch? Halfway through his third term, and then pissed off and caused a bye-election.
If no longer agreeing to be influenced by the generous funding, which ‘Lord’ Levy got his co-religionists to drown Blair in, is antisemitism, good for antisemitism, I say. Having its policy determined by a religious minority itself beholden to a foreign country was the worst thing Labour ever did.
Mind you, given Blair’s vituperation of everything to do with Corbyn, including his supposed antisemitism, this strikes me as entertaining:
In the 2005 general election, Labour was re-elected for a third term, but with a reduced majority of 66 and popular vote of only 35.2%, the lowest percentage of any majority government in British history. During thiselection, proposed controversial posters by Alastair Campbell where opposition leader Michael Howard and shadow chancellor Oliver Letwin, who are both Jewish, were depicted as flying pigs were criticised as being anti-Semitic.[81] The posters were referring to the expression ‘when pigs fly’, to suggest that Tory election promises were unrealistic. In response, Campbell said that the posters were not in “any way shape or form” intended to be anti-Semitic. (Wikipedia)
Just as well Miliband was able to correct that impression.
Hmmm… Letwin, Howard, Joseph, Rifkind, Britton, Lawson, Currie…
an almost antichristian lineup….
You forgot to mention The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and Blood Libel. ?
Afternoon K.
These Jewish ‘tropes’ RT. These Jewish ‘stereotypes’? These ‘canards’ used against the Jews? Mmm…they came from the common people over the centuries…no smoke without fire?
It’s terribly simple, IMO. If they didn’t insist on being Different, they wouldn’t be Hated – goes for Mormons and Muslims, too.
Remiss of me. However the former was a fake and the blood libel’s just silly. Everybody murders children – even the IDF.
I thought this cunt was dead!
Fuck it
He sold are gold! The complete vacuous cunt