“Anti-Brexit campaigner Gina Miller says she will take the government to court if the next PM tries to shut down Parliament to push through no deal.”
Editorial standards have fallen a long way at the BBC, you’d think the editor would at least check articles for basic typo issues.
Anti British campaigner Gina Miller says she will get another donation from Soros and……say no more!
Nominated by Sixdog Vomit
Apparently Boris says we need a new treason act to replace the one removed by Blair. You might think that was to protect his own arse but I couldn’t possibly comment.
Maybe Boris had Gina Miller in mind when he came up with the idea?…
Nominated by Dioclese
Gina Miller ought to be stripped naked and placed in a prison cell with six hardcore sex offenders who have not had to do with a woman for at least three years. Then let them do as they will. She is a demented, frustrated old whorecunt.
If I was one of the offenders the bitch would be safe from me. I find the woman repulsive on every level.
I reckon its real name is Gerald.
We must preserve Parliament from Brexiteers, so EUcuuuunts can fuck it over.
Hypocritical old klingon.
B. Liar
Allow me to supply suitable hardwood batons I think that American heartwood Hickory is the way to go. You want to enjoy the experience so with Hickory you get the feel of the deal, Oak feels a bit dead in the hand whilst that old favourite Ash too springy.
Orders can be made at Wood to beat Wankers care of PH centre ward 2 Lincoln County Hospital.
Two mistakes there 1st parliament is not sovereign the people are. 2nd Blair didn’t repeal the treason law because it is unrepealable and to attempt to repeal it is in itself an act of treason. Blair committed treason many times and gets away with it because next to no one knows what the bill of rights says or means
1st mistake letting the twat into the country
First thing Boris should do, after sacking Hammond, is have this bitch arrested and put her on a plane back to the shit hole she came from. Sick and tired of seeing her smug, self righteous face and hearing her whining voice. I fucking hate this bitch.
Sorry to drag it slightly off topic, but just stumbled upon this great little illuminating video and had to share it with you all.
Apologies if it has already been recommended.
that was fucking funny…..
Lammy-Smollet. What a cunt.
The test for this will be if Lammy Tweets details of any further racist notes he happened to allegedly receive.
My money’s on that the perpetrator stops, realising what a very silly thing he is doing.
YES. The penalty for treason in the new law should be that the guilty cunt is tied to John Major and then the pair of them should be set on fire (that fucking cunt’s still got my fucking heckles up).
We could also do with another new piece of legislation….laydeez and gennelmun….I give you……..
The Being a Cunt Act 2019. There could be all sorts of awful sentences, arbitrarily dreamed up by people who have made a contribution to society, and pulled out of a hat by a little monkey with a spangly fez on. Then the carrying out could be shown on live pay-per-view. They’d make a fucking fortune.
I’d love her to be caught pissed as a fart in Saudi Arabia, given 40 strokes of the whip and for it to be shown on television. Just imagine how upset the BBC pansies and soy boys would be about that
Blair, Campbell,Letwin, Miller to star in a real life ‘Human caterpillar’.
Off subject but it was
Interesting to see the new £50 note will feature Alan Turing.
But it’s hardly news. I’m sure there are already plenty of bent £50’s in circulation
Doesn’t matter who’s on the fucking thing, I’ll never see one.
Apparently he saved our arses in the 2nd WW…
Afternoon Fenton, old bean ?
It was the Poles that broke the code and Turing got the credit for it.
The Polaks are very pissed off about this fake news.
Poland’s main codebreakers were Jerzy Rozycki, Henryk Zygalski and Marian Rejewski who joined the Polish General Staff’s Cipher Bureau in Warsaw.
Afternoon Ruff Tuff dear boy.
With great respect to our brave Polish allies, I am remeinded of the old joke about the Polish guy who goes to have an eye test and when the optician asks him to read the board, he replies, “Read it? “I know him!”
If ever there was a reason to reopen The Tower for it’s original purpose she is it.
Break out the thumbscrews, rack and iron maiden and get medieval on her arse.
I just quoted a Tarantino film. What a cunt…
Gina Miller…….who the fuck even is she? And how do they get in the news for spouting the same shite over and over again. We know! You don’t want brexit for your own selfish reasons, but unfortunately, more people voted that they did want brexit for their own selfish reasons, so fuck off and shut up.
Thank fuck we don’t have a constitution or bill of rights in this country or everything people don’t like would end up in court decided by lawyers and judges like the US. Keep Britain free.
If she were fit I’d chuckle and say, “Ha ha, you’re bananas.”
But she’s not so she’s a cunt.
Talking of ‘fit’. Did anyone see the latest photos of Nurse Cunty and Lostsheep at the latest Brexit rally? (Third photo down the page)
Phwoor! We’re lucky to have two very fit ladies on our side.
That backwards cap wearing logo should read, ‘has to be a cunt’
I sent my vote in yesterday, I almost didn’t because Boris really isn’t much of a candidate, that said Hunt is the worst sort of Tory and I wouldn’t want him as PM of Moldova let alone blighty.
Once the election is over my membership will be cancelled. My brief relationship with politics will be over.
Hunt is Mrs May in drag, or Major’s slightly thicker younger brother. He is an entrepeneur you know…
You don’t have to be a member of a party to have a relationship with politics. Getting fucked up the arse is a relationship isn’t it?
Boris os a 80% Brexiteer and that’s better than a 100% cunt like Hunt.
That bitch Mavis is slagging off Tangoman for saying the most sensible thing I have heard from a politician for a long time.
Shut up Mavis. Nobody cares what you think about anything you useless cunt. Fuck off and take that Miller whore with you.
Apparently NASA have been making plans to put the first woman on the moon. Mavis has been chosen and she’s not very happy about it. However, Phil May is delighted.
I must admit that that I am getting to be very fed up with these people trying to save me from myself. As Saint Dick of Fiddler would say’Fuck Off!’
Write to the BBC to demand in the interests of impartial journalism, that when next interviewing her that she should be asked who her client or clients are in this court action and who is funding it.
The mad cow hasnt been on the box for a while so she comes out with this bollocks to ramp up her profile and get some TV time.
We voted to leave, thats it, so fuck off you supid democracy denying CUNT
Nial Patterson on Sky news got it right on Sunday, he said “Just who do you think you are”……..
Of course he should have said: “Just who the fuck do you think you are, you obnoxious, frigid CUNT”
I wish this interfering gob-shite would fuck off back to Guyana and elicit change in their democracy as opposed to trying to destroy ours.
This country facilitated your ability to succeed – even though we’re such a waycist, misogynistic and oppressive nation – so to shit on the people who welcomed you is a fucking disgrace!
Shut up and fuck off! Cunt!
Who the FUCK does this fucking cunt think she is? She isn’t even British for fucks sake and her fucking parents were Indian. I’m totally against violence to women but I’m willing to make an exception for this attention seeking media whore and would gladly kick her cunt off.
Who the fuck is this Gina Miller
Who’s fronting this campaign to destroy Brexit? Another Dark Key with far too much to say for herself
Pity this whorecunt wasn’t in Jonestown Guyana when Jim dealt out the Kool-Aid.
Rarely do you see anyone so self righteous as this woman.
As someone said earlier just who do you think you are?
Even when the miserable cow attempts to smile it comes across more like a grimace as she tries to shit out a particularly large and hard turd.
Isn’t it just a perfect analogy that you can draw between Gina Miller and the four democratic women congresswomen who Trump says hate the US and are free to leave when they want.
Gina Miller, you are free to leave when you want. Just don’t leave it too long.
Someone get her to Tilbury and put her back on the banana boat….
Ole man river.
‘Ol’ Man River’ was written by two Jews Krav; Jerome Kern, Oscar Hammerstein.
Oy Vey! Stop kvetching.
Hava Banana !
She needs to be made to touch her toes, and then spanked very rigorously. It’s the kind of job I’d normally be happy to volunteer for, but I’ll pass in this case.
I’d fuck her.
With the thick end of a Ragman’s trumpet.
Can’t really add to what’s already been said.
Bet her arse smells bad.
When will a **judge** tell this loathsome woman to **stop** wasting her money and **court time** with these pointless court cases. What could be more undemocratic than trying to overrule the result of a referendum? It’s like trying to rig an election after the result is known.
Is the old judge complicit with the legal profession to piss her legal fees up the wall? Disgusting, but probably accurate.