‘Gay Pride’ Week

A nomination for ‘Gay Pride’ week.

I have nothing against gays or lesbians. They should be free to do whatever they want to do in the privacy of their homes and they should not be discriminated against because of their sexuality.

What I do object to is militant gays ramming their homosexuality down my throat ( sorry for that image) and snarling up central London with their obnoxious bugger-fest. And if you don’t enjoy this parade of perverts, if you are not seen to be cheering the marching sodomites and clit rubbers, then you must be a homophobe Brexiteer, fit only for shunning, milkshaking and non- personing.

Even worse is the corporate bollocks on display in shops down Oxford Street proclaiming their support for anal buggery and multiple clit rubbing. Even Laing Construction have a sign up proclaiming their support for anal intercourse between men. WTF has it got to do with them? Corporate virtue signalling bollocks and it drives me mad.

Fuck off.

Nominated by Marvellous Mechanical Cunting Machine

130 thoughts on “‘Gay Pride’ Week

  1. I can’t recall where this was mentioned – some recent nom here in ISAC – but for precisely the reasons you state, I have no interest in supporting the degenerates flaunting their perversions for all and sundry.

    I suspect many of these cunts just love to shock and unsettle regular folk by being such brazen exhibitionists; it’s long stopped being a protest event for oppressed gays to be treated fairly and now has simply reduced into an endless bumming and scissoring sleaze-fest.

    I recently nominated Drag Queen culture which covers similar concerns – part of me feels that the endgame with so many of these overt campaigning homosexuals is to fully indoctrinate and sexualise children without recrimination. Christ, between the Muslim rapists and the liberal left child sex sympathisers, the young are truly an endangered species.

    Pride marches are pure cuntery and it will be a cold day in hell before I support these flamboyant cuntfucks.

      • Excellent. That cheered me up. I’d like to see these poofs take their “pride” down Brick Lane or the Barking Road. See what a welcome they get from their peaceful friends.

      • That was old Right Said Fred and Tatchell.

        Right Said Fred took a couple of hard rights from some irked Ruski. Perhaps he felt he was so sexy, it hurts…

      • One of the comments made me laugh…….”is this the first time they were both fisted in Russia?”!

      • Certainly not my Lord.
        Peter Tatchell went to Moscow to protest on behalf of the Bolshevik Bummers and got a good beating for his trouble.
        He must have massive balls going to Russia and promote Buggery. I’ll give him that???

      • To be fair to Tatchell he did what all those who campaign against oppressive regimes never do.

        He took his campaign right into the Lions Den knowing full well he did so at great risk to himself, that’s balls.

        How often do we criticise the never ending stream of cunts that for example berate the U.K. Government for selling arms to Saudi yet refuse to protest outside the Saudi embassy, these are the same cunts that believe Donald Trump is the Anti Christ and go all deranged over his State visit yet have no problem with a whole host of tyrants being afforded the same hospitality.

        The Chinese ‘government’ commits some of the worst human rights atrocities against its own citizens, we know this because there’s always some sanctimonious lefty twat telling us so and demanding our government should take action, yeh right, that’s the way to do it, shout and scream, send virtuous signals so you can look good around your mates and every now and then vandalise an unguarded property or symbol of your sixth form angst but whatever you do, never ever ever put into practice what you preach as only a fool or a person driven by true conviction is prepared to lay themselves at the mercy of those that really wish you harm.

        On a side note, I bank with Barclays and the app on my phone has gone all rainbow, I can only assume this is in support of the bummers, deviants and pervs that I’m supposed to celebrate.

      • I have very little time for Tatchell’s lefty politics, but admire the cut of his jib campaigning against oppressive regimes and injustice etc.

        Anyone who attempts to arrest Robert Mugabe is alright by me.

    • The ‘P’ is soon to be added to the Alphabet soup of LGBT. There are articles on certain clickbait sites written by damaged rich girls, banners and the TED talks. The activists are working on it.

      Once we get to animals we can add E- I- E- I- O.

  2. A primary school round my way had a gay pride week which some parents objected to. I’m not sure what it consisted of other than drawing rainbows and stick men holding hands, but in this case, it’s literally the thought that counts.
    Anyway, two kids, 10 years old , were suspended for a week for “homophobia”.
    Fuck me…….labelled for thought crime at ten years old! Be careful what you say!

  3. I would love to see a ‘Normal ordinary heterosexual people’ march, shit loads of people walking along QUIETLY with mugs of tea and a ham sandwichs.
    What a sight that would be.

    Fucking Gay Pride, dont they just call it Pride now, what a bunch of cunts, where do the get all this rainbow bollocks, surely shit stabbers should be brown, bumming must involve some brown stuff, or do woofters shit out of a different hole.

    Fuck off you bunch of cunts LGBT Q, just get on with your fucking deviant lives, no normal people care or wish to know who or what you are.

    God will forgive you for your sin, so dont worry


    • Ham Sandwich? That’s brave. I expect two obese bull-dykes in thongs to crash through the cordon, and start licking it with studded tongues while flicking themselves off to prove how degenerate they are.

  4. I actually don’t give a fuck as such, what I do give a fuck about is the miss use of the word, to be proud of something you care and promote it (agreed)
    Well the mess they left on the beach at Brighton was nothing to be proud of, tents, plastic shit, litter it was horrendous, if you want me to respect your pride you need to respect it yourself and not be a total cunt.

  5. It’s market-driven cuntery. Virtue signalling, corporate sponsorship, free publicity, what’s not to like for your local councillors and companies? The pink pound (it may well be homophobic to call it that these days) is a market opportunity, so let’s all monetise the invented culture.

  6. Agree with the sentiments of this cunting. Get on with it, no problem but there is fuck all to be proud about. Why not a paedo pride march? These fuckers also claim it is perfectly natural.
    I remember George Michael being caught doing something disgusting in a toilet in the States and he turned that into a gloating sneer, the vile cunt.
    Live and let live but fuck off with your celebrations.

    • What’s the similarity between George Michael and a pair of Wellington boots?

      They both get sucked off in bogs.

      Anyway, thing is, the Greeks invented in and Georgey boy was a bubble. Like the Greek boy who left home – didn’t like the way he was being reared.

      I thank you laygenelmun.

  7. I’d have thought that these over-the-top. “We’ll show them” displays do more harm than good to The Gay Cause. Most people these days aren’t too bothered by The Gays,but many would object to such a blatant display of Bumfoolery designed to annoy and provoke.

    Fuck Off.

    • Yes I agree.
      I’ve no problem with the gays but I do have a problem with men walking around the streets in bondage gear, especially when there’s children around.
      Sick fucks….

  8. That blonde at the front is gorgeous, if she’s gay what a fucking tragedy for the straight guys.

    • Not necessarily. She might have gay friends and just gone along for a laugh. Like I used to go along to Upton Park with West Ham mates hoping they would lose so I could take the piss.
      No doubt you could find a crowd photo with me in it and the caption “A bunch of West Ham cunts.” I wouldn’t be happy about it but I couldn’t deny it. I was there.

      • Good point, although, since I would have no chance with her (or even a woman in general nowadays), I’d prefer to feel better by thinking she’s gay.

      • They all say to me at work, hey Fenton you going to Pride this weekend ? Fuck off why would I want to attend that ?
        I’m then treated like an apostate, lectured and sneered at.
        Fuck off you deluded cunts.

      • Utterly weird that you’d be the oddity at your work for not wanting to go. What are those cunts trying to prove – that they hold the same widespread acceptance of gays and such in this part of the world as any other day? I wonder if they attend with the same shitscared rictus as those cunts in North Korea dancing for the Dear Leader, fearing social isolation for not watching the Venga bus-meets-the Marquis de Sade?

        We’re heading that way.

  9. I know very few people who have a problem with the Gaylords. Whatever bumming and teabagging they get up to in private is fine by me.

    Pride would have been a great thing years ago when Gaylords were persecuted for their peccadilloes. Not now, the UK is by and large very accepting. Pride does nothing now apart from piss most people off with the forcing of the Gaylord ideal down other’s throats. I suppose Tatchell the Teabagger would be at a loose end without his beloved Pride. If he is unoccupied, why he can’t amuse himself by inserting pieces of selected fruit n veg into his anus instead, I really can’t begin to wonder.

    • Tatchell is a professional gay. Fruit and veg are old hat to him. I bet he’s been stuffing all sorts of small furry rodents up there for years.
      That reminds me, I bet Nurse Cunty has all sorts of stories about blokes who have “accidentally “ got things rammed up their bumholes or attached to their cocks.

      • My Mrs worked as a Doc in the local ‘orsepiddle A&E some years ago as part of her training.

        Some old farmer type was rushed in with a rusty tractor nut firmly wedged over his old John Thomas. The sharp rusty internal thread of the nut had cut into his pork sausage as he got a cob on and then the swelling wouldn’t go down. Ouch!

        “Nurse, fetch the chilled spoon”

      • Blimey it was only a 14mm now if it had been a 3/4″ Whitworth now that would have been impressive. Tiny cocked chinese cunt.

      • Just after I got my job in A&E, a fellow nurse told me about a bloke that came in with a mop handle lodged up his poo passage. He claimed that he ‘slipped in the bathroom’ and whoops, up it went.

        One of the greatest regrets of my former career is that I was not working in A&E at the time to witness this monumental event.

      • Mrs B MKII was given an x ray by matron, it showed a toy cement mixer truck in a strange place, ooh that’s clever she said, thinking it was a prank from radiology.
        she then had to baby sit said patient until the foreign body was removed.

      • well fuck that, I know in the future I am going to have one of my feet chopped off (lower leg claudification).
        I looked up the price, I could get £30 on e-bay for it!
        No actually I will claim some bizarre religious belief and mention the day of resurrection take it home, get it cleaned and wired so no one can say I have lost a leg, because it will make quite a nice conversation piece on the book case.,

      • Call me old fashioned Freddy but if you allow another man to ejaculate in your arse then you have crossed a moral line never to return.???

      • I am another Nurse Cunty and “work”’in Theatres. Any foreign body that gets stuffed up where it shouldn’t has to be offered back to the patient/victim/degenerate afterwards. Unlike something that naturally forms in your body like gallstones or an appendix which you aren’t allowed to take home. Infection control, innit? It’s a whole world of mad that would make your eyes bulge.

      • The NHS could save a fortune by tempting the gerbils out of The Gay Gentlemens’ arseholes using a juicy slice of carrot instead of expensive invasive medical procedures….Perhaps you could suggest this to management?

        🙂 .

      • I haven’t heard of any animals, it’s more the contents of their fruit bowls, vegetable racks, mantelpiece and bathroom cabinet. The winner for me was the lava lamp.

    • Tatchell did attend hospital when he discovered a lettuce leaf hanging out of his arse.

      On examination a doctor said, “These poofs will shove anything up their arse. This is just the tip of the iceberg”….

  10. There is a small minority who actively demonise the Gays.because of that they feel the need to demonstrate their ‘Pride’ in their Gayness while overlooking the fact that the overwhelming majority don’t give a flying fuck what they get up to and if the Gays didn’t keep banging on about it wouldn’t even think about them.personally I find sticking your cock up someone’s arse unattractive and unnatural and not something to be associated with ‘Pride’. But if that’s what you want to do just fuckin do it ,don’t fuckin keep on and on about it.

  11. Perhaps Pride is short for Prick-ride?
    Fuck ’em (not literally though)

  12. Those disingenuous shops that display the poster “proudly supporting Gay Pride” for less than a fortnight in fear of being seen as not complicit with brown-love, are ridiculous. Embarrassingly transparent. It’s an insult to the brown-hatters.

  13. Wireless 4 jumped on the bandwagon big time this morning. *Untold Stories with Grace Dent* at 11 told the story of a couple of lezzies, one of whom is apparently becoming a bloke, iron or not I don’t know. I didn’t listen to it – put me off my tea and Hobnobs, but be prepared for loads of right on bollocks on Wireless 4 especially this week.

  14. I kid you not, but yesterday I was in The Strand and COUTTS BANK, the Queen’s Bank, the whole front about 50’x30′ at least, turned into a fucking great rainbow. The cunts can’t get their account administration right or sort out their fucking computers, bit virtue-signalling shite, no problem. Should be called CUNTS BANK, the Bank for Queens. For fucks sakes….

  15. It’s almost as crass as Royal Ascot. Flamboyant exhibitionists with excess spare time and money. Earnest enquirers after truth might ask, though, why someone is entitled to be proud of something which is (according to the same someone, and I accept that) beyond his or inclusively her control?

    Makes me proud to be lizardly, anyway.

  16. The problem with the Gays/ Lesbians is that they knows its wrong as if every man and woman was a Gay/Lesbian the human race would become extinct.
    They are obviously wired up wrong and that’s obvious with the male ‘female’ types who think they are female and the dyke cunts who wish they didn’t have a cunt and dress and cut their hair like a man.
    Obviously mentally ill individuals and they can fuck off.
    Prouncing around in ‘clothes’ showing their ass’ off on broad daylight and expect decent folk to accept them as normal… You’ll never be normal fuck off.
    Like any minority (and I am half black) you give them an inch and they take a mile.
    Not satisfied with making the government legalise their way of life they now have to be able to get married in a church, have Gay/Lesbian Vicars, and some cunt wanted his passport to say he wasn’t male or female.
    FUCK Off.
    Say what you want abaaaaaht Russia they don’t fuck around and don’t put up with this liberal bollocks we have to deal with here.
    The cunts.

    • I am annoyed but you are wrong to say being gay is mentally ill. I understand you are frustrated but you are so wrong,

      • BWC is wrong in more ways than you can imagine, he criticises other peoples depravity to gloss over his own,
        I just shut the fuck up in these discussions, no point poking them with a stick.

    • You’re a very naughty Black and White Cunt.

      Imagine suggesting that The Gays are mentally ill !! I’ve never read such ill-founded and offensive views in all my life. You’ve quite upset Jason with your vulgarity.,and I must admit that I’m shaken to the core by your beastliness.
      I,of course,would never suggest anything so crass about The Fruity Contingent.

      LOL and Fuck Off.

      🙂 .

      • I don’t dispute people are born Gay I’m on abaaaaaht the mentally confused ones like the men who act like and probably believe they are women and also Lesbians who dress and act like a man.
        Neither are what the fuck they think they so they ARE mentally ill.
        If I went down Oxford street dressed like a Lobster and said I am a lobster everyone would say I am a mentally ill cunt and rightly so.
        What is this is a cunt or is a snowflake?

      • You understand I am frustrated? Sorry but how the fuck do you know that? I suppose you’ll say I am secretly gay next.
        Another thing I thought this website was about airing our cuntishness and opinions. We are all entitled to say what we want as long as we don’t insult and go for eachother? I read blatant racist jokes and shite and genuinely laugh at most of it… Do I go round saying this and that and pulling people up on their views which they have the right to express? No.
        The reason I don’t is because I’m not a righteous person and accept people’s views joking or not.

      • Joking aside, B+WC, I totally agree with you. This site is all about having a bit of a laugh and not taking things too seriously.

      • Dead right black and white. You take some stick on this site(not from me I might add). However, I’ve never heard you moan about it. As I’ve often been told, if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

      • @ Bluntspeakingcunt

        I haven’t noticed B&WC taking much stick on this site? Then again, I’ve lived a very sheltered life. ?

      • No good back-tracking, you offensive man. My previous well-researched and totally justifiable Posts on this site regarding The Gay Problem leave no doubt as to my position…. ( Fuck, I hope “Jason” doesn’t chance upon my ” Spunk-guzzling anal worm causes The Gayness.”……at least you can play the Dark Key card…I’ve got nothing !!

      • I always try the ‘I know naffink abaaaaaht it’ first and if the evidence is overwhelming I use the Race card… Never fails.

      • You might need to nip down The Blue Oyster for a stiff one and calm your nerves Mr F.

      • I’m quite giddy LL… I shall need my smelling salts and wafting-fan before much longer.

      • The banter is good on here and a set to from time to time is no bad thing.

  17. I feel like hiring a large vehicle and going snackbar at the next pride. After the deed is done I’ll naffink abaaaaaht it of course.
    I’ll blame it on Mr Fiddler for radicalising me. ?

  18. Sexuality is nothing to be proud of. It’s political, it’s attention seeking.

    Last year i was unfortunate enough to be in the city centre on pride day and the city council couldn’t have been more accomdating to them, closing the roads on a football day, erecting a stage, putting live music on, they also spent £1500 on giving an ambulance and police car a rainbow livery. The policing for the event was paid for by the football supporters, the council reclassified the match as high risk so the club had to fork out extra on the plod both before, during and after the game.

    Sixxdog’s comment regarding scat and water sports is actually quite an interesting point. Where does it stop? Sadist and Masochist pride? Urilagnia pride? Throat stimulation pride? Beastility pride? Peado pride?

    At 2pm they called all the gays in to the parade whilst all the straights stood lining the pavements, clapping and cheering then as they went past. The amount of kids all rainbowed up and in the march was truly shocking. These poor kids are going to have absolutely no chance in life.

    The Labour party had their own stall there, Identity politics at its most gruesome.

    • “The Labour party had their own stall there,”

      No doubt this year to celebrate Lord Adonis *coming out* at a quite advanced age. He will be personing the refreshment tent with his good friend Lord Mangledbum. Take tea and fairy cakes with the Gaylords.

      Free admission. Thirty quid to get out.

  19. As everyone knows on this site, I am a homophobic racist biggot, intolerent of youth, the snowflake generation, mobile phones ( meeja in general ) pikey’s Dark Keys, Monkey’s and carpet licking sandled arse upward cunts. I am in short, very intolerent. I make no concessions to the alleged “pride” events.

      • I like black and white cunts. Harvey Price, for example, always makes me smile.
        Hello you cunt.
        You and Harvey could have a black and white pride march.

      • Hello Freddie, Harvey is unfortunately busy and unable to be the face of the Black and White pride March which begins in Oldham. Bob Marley ain’t abaaaaaht either.

      • Chuka Remoaner’s probably available. You’d look lovely holding hands in matching pink tutus.

      • It’s true. He was performing at an “Autism’s Got Talent” event in St.Ives the other night.
        All the makings of a world class concert pianist.

    • Our all-inclusive diverse community embraces you and feels your pain, ASA. #grouphug But you’ll still never get a job at the Guardian.

      • Don’t have any pink clothes, strictly black and white… Black and White is the new black.

      • No need to march B&W. Just get a few of your similarly coloured friends and have a party on a zebra crossing.

      • The problem with that Miles is that I can’t hide I stand out on the white and the black.

  20. I agree to getting too much. As a gay man I am pleased how far things have changed but what I am witnessing is seriously stupid and part Of the liberal nonsense the government and media and leftists are forcing on us. Even my Barclays app on my phone has now changed their logo colour into the rainbow flag. I hate all these stereotypes pride portrays to wider society. That all gay men love Kylie and dance wearing hot pants and sexualised imagery. It’s not what gay rights was about. I am sick of all this shit. As a gay person I apologise for these twats who are making you see all this.

    Firstly Jason, We don’t have a problem with you, Secondly, I am letting you through, Thirdly, a major rule is don’t cunt the cunter’s, they cant fuck with you, you don’t fuck with them, and watch out for Lord B he likes blokes in dresses.
    Lots of love Admin

    • Jason, I agree with you. I don’t think that Gay pride parades/weeks/whatever help whatsoever when it comes to ‘acceptance’ of homosexuality, not that I think that it should have to be accepted…..it just is what it is and each to their own.

      Nobody gives a damn that I am straight, nor should they, so I don’t see why anyone should give a damn that someone is gay or have it shoved in their faces during these events.

      I agree about stereotyping too. I have had a fair few gay male friends over the years and all of them have been down to earth, ordinary guys….no flamboyance or overtly sexual referencing, just guys that happen to be gay.

      You also shouldn’t have to apologise for this. I think that most intelligent, rational people can see that this is not an accurate reflection of the vast majority of gay individuals.

      • I also agree. The purpose of my cunting was not to get at gay people per se – although my language might have been a little “ flowery” in parts (ahem) I was trying to make a distinction between the vast majority of gays, a number of whom I know, that live quiet decent lives as loving couples. It’s the millitant fucking twats on gay pride marches and the relentless corporate virtue signaling which grinds my gears. They don’t represent most gays and actually do them a disservice.

      • Yep, they grind my gears too, MMCM.

        I just don’t know why we have to have this bloody song and dance all of the damned time. So you are gay…good for you, now get on with your lives and stop making a damned show about it, is my opinion.

        I also think that Pride just fuels marginalization rather than inclusivity, which I am sure is not the aim at all. Be out and proud by all means, but why do we need to know about it all of the damned time?

      • Tempted to agree (but at the same time knowing you are female and hoping for your attention) .
        Working abroad I met a GSG9 bloke, very masculine, he was a giver, decent bloke and no, not the sort of bloke you want to argue with.
        May I just comment on the Admin post?
        You are incorrect I do not like “Blokes in dresses” my minium requirement is a pair of tits, (I am rather fond of them) Thank you.,

    • Pmsl admin
      Thanks for letting me in. I’m sorry I was having a joke, thought I would write a reply pretending to be a snowflake lovely liberal. But I see you saw right through the cunt I write. I will be on my best behaviour

      A more novel user name would have been nice

  21. Two condoms are walking past a gay bar, “Wanna go and get shitfaced?” says one to the other.

    • Why did the hömo run away from home?

      He didn’t like the way he’d been reared.

  22. It’s gay pride week but it didnt stop Andy Ngo, a gay Vietnamese-American journalist, getting beaten and milkshake laced with cement thrown at him.

    It wasnt Far-right extremists doing this , but Antifa. Twitter was full of comments from who are now correctly called the ‘feral’ left (they skipped febrile), saying Ngo was ‘asking for it’ by recording them.

    Funny how gay asians and women are ‘asking for it’ when they do something the left doesnt like.

  23. I couldn’t give a monkeys what these people get up to in their own time. What does fuckin’ irritate me is the way the English language has been misappropriated to suit their needs. Look at the word ‘gay’ in a dictionary. It’s been completely hijacked. The original meaning of ‘cheery and light hearted’ is even shown as being ‘dated’. Not in my fuckin’ book it ain’t. A rainbow ? is a meteorological feature. Go and fuckin invent your own terms.

  24. So we are all clear anyone who has bothered reading any of the shite I have posted on here in the last five years or however long will know I hate everyone…
    Black, white, fat, thin, as I’m superior to most I can’t help it and I’m also a cunt and don’t pretend not to be.
    So with the highest amount of sincerity, everyone including me can go fuck themselves.

  25. Like many heterosexual perverts I do enjoy my Lezzie porn and there are so many genres to choose from.Old Lez seducing Young Lez,Big Tits on Small Tits,Big gal dominating small gal,Lesbians in Stockings,Hairy and Shaven and my own favourite Perversion,schoolgirls getting over the knee spankings from the Headmistress.See I ain’t Homophobic,Lesbians can do whatever they want,especially if I’m allowed to watch.Bum Bandidtry also doesn’t offend me but I refuse to watch it as even Im not THAT perverted,you gotta draw the line somewhere

  26. Last year, during this pride month crap, the makers of Skittle sweets decided to remove the rainbow colouring from the packaging and the sweets and replaced it with an all white pack containing all white sweets. The message was, ‘We have removed the rainbow from our product, because during pride month, only one rainbow really matters.’
    I would’ve cunted them, had I known of ISAC at the time.

    • Fuckin’ hell. That takes some beating.Try telling that to your kids!
      “Sorry darling, that nasty man over there has stolen all the colours from your sweeties”

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