A nomination for ‘Gay Pride’ week.
I have nothing against gays or lesbians. They should be free to do whatever they want to do in the privacy of their homes and they should not be discriminated against because of their sexuality.
What I do object to is militant gays ramming their homosexuality down my throat ( sorry for that image) and snarling up central London with their obnoxious bugger-fest. And if you don’t enjoy this parade of perverts, if you are not seen to be cheering the marching sodomites and clit rubbers, then you must be a homophobe Brexiteer, fit only for shunning, milkshaking and non- personing.
Even worse is the corporate bollocks on display in shops down Oxford Street proclaiming their support for anal buggery and multiple clit rubbing. Even Laing Construction have a sign up proclaiming their support for anal intercourse between men. WTF has it got to do with them? Corporate virtue signalling bollocks and it drives me mad.
Fuck off.
Nominated by Marvellous Mechanical Cunting Machine
Call me old-fashioned but rather than beatify/Demonise gays as a whole i try and judge on character.
Douglas Murray and Peter Whittle seem decent blokes.
Milo is a bit of a prat.
Owen Jones and the Big Brother gimp Brian Dowling. Flouncing cunts.
It’s all a bit moot now that white gay men have now been lumped in with the white privileged males in general, because the intersectional feminists tend to be ‘queer’ female humanities graduates who have a burning hatred of all men and write poetry and blogs about their cunts.
Gay Jews such as Dave Rubin are now Nazis because they disagree with screeching idiotic harpies, and this view is supported by sycophantic (straight, white) soyboys who work for clickwank sites, skulk about in black pyjamas with AntiFa and wank off to Captain Marvel
I’m confused!
About your sexuality?….I suspected as much.
Nah! But I must admit to having had my eye turned by a pretty ladyboy. That is of course till I found out who she really was! It left me feeling completely emasculated.
Who was she/he? Surely not Monroe Bergdorf…
You wouldn’t want to get Catweasle jealous Bsc. ?
I think her name was Long Mint, or at least that’s what she said on X- Hamster.
Don’t be confused Bsc… be confused.com.
Brace yourselves!
The Gayness will be made compulsary soon enough.
wtf is teabagging ? ( not sure i actually want to know).
It is when a man dips his ball sack inside his sexual partner’s mouth, or rather in and out of it. That is where the ‘teabagging’ slang term derives from. (I’m not sure you really wanted to know this either, but consider it done)
Not that I have experience of this kind of thing myself, perish the thought (ahem)
“Fancy a brew?” will never be the same again.
Nobody’s taking me for a mug….
Do you put the milk in first or last?
How is it squeezed though?
Lactating lesbians.
I think after a bit of ‘teabagging’, it is definitely milk LAST ???
One lump or two?
I don’t mind gay folks being proud and marching, or corporates spending cash virtue signalling.
In fact, I don’t mind anyone marching, so long as they’re peaceful and respectful (except antifarts and other closet nazis).
What fucks me off is cunts taking kids to marches.
We have a huge threat from radical terorists that was in the news only last week (holiday warnings about likely terorist attacks in europe, including the UK).
Surely a pride march is right at the top of a radical mussies bucket list, so why the fuck would anyone put their kids in danger like that?
Any parent that lets their kids go, or takes their kid to a pride march whilst we have such an obvious threat, is an utter cuntbag in my book.
I’m sorry but I hate them!!!
Sad confused species that has gone wrong.!
I notice that ‘Glasto Hero’ Stormzy has not been condemned hysterically by the progressive liberal left for scores of nasty anti gay tweets he posted on social media for a period of four years…
Funny that, eh?….