I would like to give Extinction rebellion a a mega 100 gun broadside of a cunting for being an absolute bunch of time wasting, carbon emissions raising, job, business and life ruining bunch of gobshite snowflake, inconsiderate jobless, worthless ,do gooding cunts, these fucks have caused mayhem in various cities around the UK for the sake of the environment and all they have managed to achieve is a months worth of carbon emissions in 3 days, various businesses’ suffering in an already difficult time, people getting layed off as a result, useless coppers should have kicked their fucking heads in, and now they are just another bunch of cunts like green peace or fathers for justice, Greenham common, vegans, lesso,s and hommo,s, who no-one takes seriously due to going about things the wrong way, these cunts probably drove to the campaign, so they can cause mayhem, act like cunts and even stopped one guy in Bristol getting to his dying father before he passed, these cunts should have tear gas and a baton to the teeth, and I wonder if Emma Thompson flew over again to whine about the environment, until, India, Pakistan,China,Japan,USA, Africa and the fucking Arabs start cleaning up their act we in the UK may as well do our worst because its all a waste of time, the world is fucked and cunts like Extinction rebellion and the like only make it worse…..Treble Cunts
Nominated by fuglyucker
Extinction rebellion cunts today padlocked their necks to a door handle (u shaped bicycle locks.)
The dozy cunts did not know that the energy company they were after had moved over a year ago. The current occupants are a green energy firm.
The smug looking cunts.
I would have pulled those D locks and strangled the unwashed hippy vegan cunts.
Sorry,I just had to let it out.
I think somehow they might have been garrotted…
These smug,po faced museli knitting Corbyn living cunts need the novachalk treatment plus Ebola on top.
Vile cunts, the lot of em.
We need a rebellion extinction.
Wow betide any of them who try and block my path.
I fucking hate these cunts. No, I really do. A bunch of up their own arse wankers who think they are so superior and love telling people what to do. The only reason the coppers aren’t kicking shit out of them is because they suit the ruling class agenda. They want to make us afraid, they love to scare the shit out of us and it gives them a good excuse to rob us blind. It’s all for your own good dear. Yeah, fuck off. It’s for YOUR good you rich cunts.
Extinction Fucking Hurry Up you middle class, tree hugging , happy clappy fucking dozy dipshits.
You’re spot on Frogster – these ER cunts are peddling the myth about global warming/climate change/whatever-the-fuck-else-it’s-called, which goes along with the political elite’s agenda to raise taxes. They also don’t want the plebs moving about, so we have the whole issue of making car use evil.
Absolute fucking cunts.
The public should be allowed to give these ubercunts a fucking good kicking. I though obstructing the queens highway was a crime? Bastards to a man,woman LBGT twats.
Sit in the road and hold up all the traffic – nothing happens to them
Park on a double yellow line – all hell comes down on you.
Poor little Cressida Strap-On says the police don’t have specific powers to intercept a pink boat being brought into central London to block the road… really? Pull the other fucking one.
A piss boiling piece Creampuff but I did enjoy one of the replies in the comments section below.
“Dress it up as a Brazilian electrician and it will soon be despatched”.
The name says it all , Cressida.
Never hear that on a council estate.
Given the job as a token to Lbgtxyz p.r.job. our progressive lesbian, police chief is a fishy breath mans haircut type, oh wonderful ducky!
Problem is shes fuckin useless, weak as piss and out of her depth.
Yeah, I bet the fucking virtue-signalling promoted-far-beyond-her-capabilities flaplicker would do all she could to intercept a 14″ pink knobbly strap-on being brought into London to block up her minging beef curtains, though, wouldn’t she?
The useless fucking cunt-munching harridan.
I see that little retard Greta Thunderbirds is crossing the Atlantic in a solar powered yacht, or some such shit, to extol her 16 year old wisdom to a bunch of rich cunts in New York.
Then she is travelling all over central and South America, presumably on a fucking donkey (watch out for the animal rights cunts Greta) to receive the adulation of millions of cunts who haven’t got 2 pennies to rub together. Great work for a fucking school truant.
You really have to be seriously dumb to buy all this bullshit.
Apparently she will be touring South America in a car like the one Fred Flintstone used to drive.
She is a ‘selective mute’ I was reading. She will not talk for long periods. Seems to me (from having seen an interview) she selectively mute if challenged on her views.
Also, she has forbidden her mother to fly. Thus stopping her internationally-recognised opera singing career. Greta is in charge.
Fuck off, is this bollocks for real. Selective mute? Why on our poor benighted Earth would anyone want to listen to a sixteen year old weirdy blather on then stop blathering when her cunty views are challenged. Solar powered yacht??? gets fucking worse. I must have come to in an alternative universe.
Wednesday addams lookalike greta is a strange kid, yeah a selective mute!
Also suspect her of having powers,
Like that documentary ‘carrie’.
Sssshhhh!! Shes listening…..
That little cunt is never going to maintain a vegan diet in south America. She’ll be sneaking llama milk and grilled toads while the rest of the camp’s back’s turned.
If these cunts want to help the environment long term, then they and their associated SJW’s, LBGTXYZFU’s etcetera should drink the Koolade.
The same kind of people as protest about Fox-Hunting…layabouts,menopausal old bags,middle-class busybodies….but all naive. They seem to think that only their view counts,that they are a bit cleverer than the “thick” people who they inconvenience and patronise. They are going to impose their silly narrow viewpoint no matter whether people want it or not…it’s their duty to save us from ourselves,like it or not.
I’ve nothing against legitimate protest,but when these protests prevent people from going about their lawful business,strong action needs to be taken. You occasionally read about a fox-hunter who has reacted to these scummy peoples’ provocation and law-breaking by trying to peacefully move them on or reason with them…pointless job,these people know better,and their view is the only one that counts. However,not everyone has the patience of the average fox-hunter and eventually someone will give one of these selfish Sods a good sound thrashing…I can’t wait.
Fuck them.
As if you hadn’t already, Dick…
And what a shitlicking soyboy wrote that report. You thug.
Well done you.
No footage or mention of what the daft cow was doing to provoke him. He should have kicked her up her sanctimonious Cunt.
Morning K.
…and called her a jealous Pleb,of course.
The man showed surprising tolerance not pushing his fist in their lestard faces.
They are cunts, the world is full of cunts and this lot are cunts who’ve joined a death cult, they’ve been persuaded we are all going to die from climate change, something that’s been and will always be changing. Ridiculous cunts.
It’s hardly surprising with a media that’s always pushing agenda at us, this morning the BBC wants me to be concerned that out of nearly 3 million Muslims in the country, only a handful of them are female jockeys!!!
Me I was appalled, not by the lack of female Muslim Jockeys but by the fact their are 3 million Muslims in the country.
Bit of good news on the horizon – reported in RT news but, unsurprisingly, not on the BBC. The goat fuckers are not taking up flu vaccinations as they contain pig gelatine. Great – bring it on. They can all fucking die of flu. Stupid cunts.
Need a good strong strain of flu, peacefuls and vegans cleansed from our island.
Bring out yer dead!!!!
Wouldn’t it be ironic if millions of the fuckers died of ‘Peaceful Flu’?
Be like Christmas every day wouldnt it?
Be even funnier if they died screaming in pain, like their victims.
Looking at the above picture, I’m not sure what fucking annoys me the most. Obviously the green leftie pricks need a kicking BUT the piss boiler for me is plod.
Look at the two useless wimmin plods in the picture, stood there, thumb up arses watching a fucking crime in progress and letting it carry on…….
Where is the tough Police of yester-year?
Oh that’s right all the big 6foot4 Rugby playing, hard bastard, ex-military blokes we used to have in the police force have all been sidelined, kicked out for being ‘to aggressive’ or retired off early in favour of Barbie doll looking wimminz, pygmy effnicks, Gaylord’s who don’t like confrontation or rug munching senior coppers like ol’ Cressinda who share ‘common ground’ with these eco vandals.
Meanwhile Joe public suffers at the hands of weak policing! (A-fucking-gain!!)
All of them are Sheep’s CUNTS!
Yeah, but look at the bloke, the senior officer. He isn’t watching the hippies, he’s looking at the two female officers. He’s making sure they don’t do or say anything to make the snowflakes cry. The snowflakes have very important Mummies and Daddies.
The cunts.
I saw a female copper at the airport yesterday. I first thought it was a travelling circus as she was about 2ft tall. Maybe she WAS a midget and had been recruited as part of the diversity issue. I could have pushed her over and knicked her gun in a thrice.
Funny story of how the police are backwards, the industrial estate where i work has had a lot of complaints about our lads and other firms parking too close to the wall, therefore dog walkers can’t get past, a few of them got nip’s for obstruction, yet these clowns are being praised for saving the earth, how the fuck is a dog walker not getting round a car obstruction but a bunch of knobheads doing “die-ins” on main roads ok? Fucked up
I hate these fuckers with a passion, honest to god what benefit is it to hold up traffic? As already stated they increased pollution, i wonder how many peoples cars were running for over an hour when their journey would have normally been about 15 minutes, i also have to chuckle at emma thompson, such a crusader for the unwashed and the tree huggers, yet rather than, swim, walk and pushbike to england she flew over here in “the most polluting vehicle on earth” and proceeded to “fight the power”
What a load of shit
I’ve never seen the point of environmental protection, regardless of what we do the end of the world is inevitable, pollution or not, once the sun starts to die off everything else will too.
They all go home, probably on some sort of motorised transport, put their lights on, use their kettle, their oven, keep food in their fridges and freezers, watch TV and use their heating. But are more than happy to say ‘we’ are the ones creating climate change. Fucking hypocrites, the lot of them.
In reality we’ve come a long fucking way since the industrial revolution, but changing to new more efficient and cleaner methods takes a lot of time and intelligence, these pricks seem to not comprehend that if we shut down all the power stations today it’d be fucking anarchy. The country would grind to a halt. They never seem to have alternative solutions on hand either, just like children screaming with fingers in their ears.
They go home as soon as it starts raining.
The first thing Boris should do is get his water cannon back.
they want anarchy – nobody listens to Marxist anarchists anymore, but do listen to “environmental activists” – same thing.
They used to call themselves “Reclaim the Streets” years ago.
Nothing really to do with the environment, just closet snobs calling themselves “anarchists” and venting their contempt for anyone who actually doesn’t begrudge working for a living.
Spoiled, lazy, privileged little cunts too thick to see through the corporate agenda that they now unknowingly promote…
Now I call them Itstinksion Smellbellion.
Great cunting as always
Let’s see what protests they do in winter ,
I would Go around to there house’s turn the gas off, electricity and water ,
Practice what you preach cunts,
Get 2 fuck
Anyone who classes themselves as a anarchist or marxist should have their property seized, bank accounts cleaned out, car and home taken,
Put money where their mouth is as all property is theft isnt it?
Oh happy Avocado day! Haha
Most of these cunts will have an old van, with a carbon footprint of Bangladesh. The fucking boat you always see them pulling through the streets gets there via a dirty big 4+4. Let’s see how popular they get if the shutdown Heathrow this summer. Hate them.
Let’s see these limp wristed pricks try picketing a motorcycle race meeting, or the Bulldog Bash, instead of bringing soft arsed fucking London to a standstill.
It would be a slaughter…
Lets see them lie down on a major thorough fare in Beijing or superglue themselves to government offices in Moscow. No doubt they are paid-up members of the grand EU project so no mention of the monthly jolly to Strasbourg along with all the paperwork, official cars, assistants, clerks and MEP’s.
W.T.F are those coppers doing? Guarding the fucking safe space? Cop the dozy tart on the right with her plastic drink bottle. Should have it filled with piss instead. Fucking cunts get a job and stop leaching off Mummy and Daddy or the state. Piss now reaching boiling point
Run them over in a tank
Then reverse over the cunts again.
Look at this. Roger Hallam is a founder of the ER cunts:
I wonder how much in farm subsidies the cunt got. Did his tractor run on rat’s-piss or diesel (red I assume).
Roger has a few million it seems!
Prime farming land, good business,
Surely rather than sell it at profit he’ll donate it to a charity for feeding the homeless?
Thats what your going to do isnt it Roger?
Surely anything else would be capitalism?
I am perhaps a twisted individual and an opportunist, any fucker who glues themselves to anything well.
1, out with the cordless trimmer, lets sort that hair out for you.
2, want to be green? not a problem I have this lovely green gloss paint.
3, now lets sort out those emissions out a bit of expanding foam down your pants, that should sort it for you (doubt you have pubes so shouldn’t be that bad)
Lastly should they have been stupid enough to glue themselves to a vehicle.
4, Lets go for a spin so you van spread the message to the wider public
There that cheered me up.
Imagine what would happen if a right wing group were protesting and blocking city roads .
If it was national action or Tommy Robinson’s lot blocking roads, police would go in very hard, all get battered and arrested, thats a given.
But because its organic olivia and fairtrade Tobias, plod just stands about with cock in his hands.
Front right one has knockers that’d take some getting over…
Aye and a face you could grate cheese on
The hills have eyes
There used to be a law that a gathering of more than 12 would result in immediate stop and search and dispersion by the police. During the Poll Tax protests I believe6. Why don’t they do the same to these cunts?
Its all bollocks. There’s too much money to be lost if the planet is fucked so big business won’t let that happen will they? Bring back lead in solder.
Good morning Admin – this should be Extinction Rebellion (2) ?
PS: appreciated your kind comments yesterday.
If you want a job, apply for one, initiation does involve paddling with a cricket bat, hope you are up for it.
good morning RTCp , I think Admin would benefit from access to your database.
Not my database SOI. It belongs to Number Two.
As a smart arse secret agent I do however manage a peek every now and then.
Message received. I’ll give it some thought, thanks.
” initiation does involve paddling with a cricket bat, hope you are up for it.”…..
Oh,he’ll be “up”,alright. Even the thought of a good paddling is enough to get RTC “up”
You’re not wrong there Dick.
Have already spent my semen once this morning. Now waiting for the sap to rise again, hopefully after coffee (decaff) and digestives (McVitie’s).
It’s funny the fuzz were quick to shift the Greenpeace Wankers trying to block Bojo getting to Buck house.
Poor old Joe public doesn’t get the same help.
I don’t understand why the government can’t take out an injunction to stop these cunts blocking roads.
Fugly, you’re wrong to include Fathers for Justice with the rest of the bunch.What would you do when every turn you’ve taken to see your kid has been blocked by the mother and you had no other redress.I have been in this situation and the only tool left was to stage protests to try and highlight the injustice of the system against fathers.I went to court 5 times to try and get to see my daughter my ex never turned up once despite having a court order and custodial order put against her.Nothing ever happened to her and I didn’t get to see me daughter .
Gobshite system.
These bastards need arresting for public disobedience offences running through the courts and massive fines imposed plus a criminal record.DWP need to also get involved because most of these twats are on benefits stop their benefits make them turn up at Jobcentre Plus at various times of the day if they want to reclaim benefits of any kind and prove they are actively seeking work Why is it normal people have to tow the line but these towrags think they are immune from the law rent a mob rule needs stopping Emma Thompson is a stupid rich old slag she also needs running through the courts civil disobedience should not be allowed to work without consequences.
Attention-seeking, narcissistic mongs overindulged as children and now the eternal students.
I’d stand over them singing ‘get a job, get a job, get a jooob’.
What those extinction people are doing is wrong.
Are they doing it for a good cause or just for the attention?
They should check themselves before they wreck themselves.