Drag Queen ‘Culture’

Drag Queen ‘culture’ needs to be brought to fucking heel as a matter of urgency.

As with so many of these kinds of topics, it needs to be said that if a man chooses to dress up as woman, whether through comedy, business, fetish or sexual orientation, then that is up to them. It holds zero appeal for me, but whatever these individuals want to do in their spare time, their choice.

Except, it can never, ever just stop at this, can it? The legal freedom to express their degeneracy in seedy clubs or the privacy of their bedrooms just isn’t enough. No, these exhibitionist deviants need the entire world to see them in all their badly made-up glory – whether it be parades, television, even fucking 15-year old school proms, for cunt’s sake.

And upping the ante as only the depraved liberals can, the concept of ‘drag boys’ has become a real, and very fucking dangerous fad which as the name suggests, involves truly fucking despicable parents allowing their 6, 7 or 8-year old boys to cavort around as women, in totally inappropriate clothing, being cheered and clapped on in clubs. It seems to be something limited to the Americas at the moment, but just give it time and we’ll have it right here in Blighty. Just what kind of utter, utter fucking cunt would expose their children to this heinous world?

Try and wrap your heads around this mind-bender: needy, attention-seeking women – you know, the Instagram-type cunts who are all me, me, me – are wanting in on the massive publicity which is being afforded to the trans/drag ‘movement’. So these women make themselves up badly and dress up to become ‘female drag queens’. That’s women, pretending to be men who pretend to be women, just to be noticed. I shit you not:


But don’t get me started on the trend for that cunt Ru Paul’s abhorrent reality show, packed to the gills with fucking trannies. Championed by the internet’s finest along with shit like ghettospeak, I find this celebration of drag to be utterly unpalatable. There seems to be great joy from the onlookers in associating with the trashy, down-at-heel lowlife facade these drag cunts have utterly played out – at least when Paul O’Grady was doing this schtick in the 90s, it wasn’t a criminal offence to call him a fucking cunt and change the channel.

Promoting utter degeneracy and now attempting to normalise the sexualisation of children. Who could me more deserving of a solid cunting than these in-your-face, obnoxious drag queens?

Nominated by The Empire Cunts Back

106 thoughts on “Drag Queen ‘Culture’

  1. I love this Senior Lecturer cunt…….a lecturer in poofery and trannyism. You can imagine the bitching that goes on in his class.
    But he sorts it out in the old fashioned way. He puts the “girls” over his knee, pulls down their knickers and spanks their little botties.
    The British education system …….the finest in the world . ?

  2. Looking at these videos your posting… I truly believe God has abandoned us.

    We are lost and cannot find our way back. I don’t think we ever will.

  3. Letting little boys dress in drag as girls? Yeah i’m sure this slippery slope won’t end in disaster Theres nothing harmless about this, these boys are being encouraged to be mentally ill by saying they can be girls if they want to be and groomed by poofs for their sick boy love fantasies

  4. I am a drag queen,you don’t know what you are missing. Anyone wants to try it let me know and I can provide some tips. Have you never tried on a gorgeous glittery frock? Plus I am friends with Dana international such a diva.

    • Im not sure Jason, I heard that was Fritzl’s defence when questioned about his dungeon antics.

      He didn’t have any glittery frocks though; just a white whale net vest, Y -fronts and moccasin slippers.

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