Drag Queen ‘culture’ needs to be brought to fucking heel as a matter of urgency.
As with so many of these kinds of topics, it needs to be said that if a man chooses to dress up as woman, whether through comedy, business, fetish or sexual orientation, then that is up to them. It holds zero appeal for me, but whatever these individuals want to do in their spare time, their choice.
Except, it can never, ever just stop at this, can it? The legal freedom to express their degeneracy in seedy clubs or the privacy of their bedrooms just isn’t enough. No, these exhibitionist deviants need the entire world to see them in all their badly made-up glory – whether it be parades, television, even fucking 15-year old school proms, for cunt’s sake.
And upping the ante as only the depraved liberals can, the concept of ‘drag boys’ has become a real, and very fucking dangerous fad which as the name suggests, involves truly fucking despicable parents allowing their 6, 7 or 8-year old boys to cavort around as women, in totally inappropriate clothing, being cheered and clapped on in clubs. It seems to be something limited to the Americas at the moment, but just give it time and we’ll have it right here in Blighty. Just what kind of utter, utter fucking cunt would expose their children to this heinous world?
Try and wrap your heads around this mind-bender: needy, attention-seeking women – you know, the Instagram-type cunts who are all me, me, me – are wanting in on the massive publicity which is being afforded to the trans/drag ‘movement’. So these women make themselves up badly and dress up to become ‘female drag queens’. That’s women, pretending to be men who pretend to be women, just to be noticed. I shit you not:
But don’t get me started on the trend for that cunt Ru Paul’s abhorrent reality show, packed to the gills with fucking trannies. Championed by the internet’s finest along with shit like ghettospeak, I find this celebration of drag to be utterly unpalatable. There seems to be great joy from the onlookers in associating with the trashy, down-at-heel lowlife facade these drag cunts have utterly played out – at least when Paul O’Grady was doing this schtick in the 90s, it wasn’t a criminal offence to call him a fucking cunt and change the channel.
Promoting utter degeneracy and now attempting to normalise the sexualisation of children. Who could me more deserving of a solid cunting than these in-your-face, obnoxious drag queens?
Nominated by The Empire Cunts Back
Went to see Barry Humphries aka Dame Edna Everage back in the early 1980’s. Most excellent as I remember. Very witty and entertaining.
Having said that realise he was probably talented and clever one off.
Hated Danny La Rue and genuinely feel there is clearly something seriously wrong with sad bastards who feel it necessary to dress up in women’s clothing.
It’s unhealthy and just not right.
Mrs. Shufflewick (somebody in my digs lent me an LP in the early 80s) was bloody funny, but particularly because both my Grannies had friends that were a dead ringer. Rex Jamieson never struck me as being totally up his own arse (though others may have been…).
The trouble is, that most blokes that dress up as wimmin end up looking loke the Queen Mum ot Mavis May, and one of each is surely enough too much.
Much preferred him as Les Patterson the Australian cultural attaché. He did make me laugh.
Good evening Willie.
Stanley Baxter was good and all… And Kenny Everett taking the absolute piss as Cupid Stunt and Verity Treacle… All done in the possible fucking taste…
All done in the best possible fucking taste… Cunt…
Kenny and Billy Connoly as a bearded Hinge and Bracket was also good fun… I once remember a Corrie episode in the 70s when the Street’s ladies did a male drag show for a bet or giggle… Bet Lynch as Stan Laurel, Norma Ford as Ken Dodd, plus others… People had a sense of humour in those days and weren’t offended it somebody had a bit of fun…
The sexualisation of children is all part of the Establishment’s plan (aided and abetted by those pervs at the BBC).
If every wierdo and his cousin is thrapping over little boys dressed as girls on staurday night prime-time, it’ll soon be viewed as “normal” (by the PIE-sponsoring left, anyway).
Before you know it, the government will lower the age of consent, gradually, to ……well, zero.
Then all the pervs can hump away to their delight, and there’ll be no more Saville-esque scandals.
Coz shagging kids will be the “norm”.
These fucking degenerates, as well as the likes of that affront to nature Jenner, are the thin end of the wedge.
Good cunting.
Goodness gracious! Owz about fucking that then!
Fuck the BB Fucking C…. A cesspool of deviancy and abnormality…
Well said, Empire.
I even disliked seeing Danny La Rue on TV, fucking creepier than Savile, the old cunt.
There was this the other week on the BBC, I could barely watch it.
I thought young people with Downs Syndrome are especially vulnerable and need protecting from abuse. I’ll be fucked if this isn’t abuse. It lays them open to the most horrible ridicule and I hope others on this site will give whoever is behind this a good slagging, not the kids themselves.
36 seconds I managed……..had to switch off before I puked ? and threw my phone against the wall. Fucking disgusting. The sexual exploitation of children and the disabled……..all promoted by the Buggers Broadcasting Corporation. Those cunts at Jimmy Savile House need hanging. No wonder the peacefuls think it is ok to fuck Infidel children.
The BBC is now a seriously fucked up establishment.
The programmes broadcast reflecting the views they hold dear are in no way representative of the majority of the Britush public.
Time for them to go.
Daniel Vais sounds like Ollie Plimsolls – “Put yourself into a child.”
Surely taking trannies and assorted weirdos into junior schools comes under the crime of Sexual Communication ??
Well cunted.
Not much to add on this one except the mother of a particularly famous drag kid has hit out at Peados for sexualising her 10 year old child. The same mother allows her kid to pole dance in gay clubs whilst fully grown men throw money at him.
Irony? Hypocrisy? Call it what you want. It’s abuse, plain and simple.
If you can stomach it. Here’s the video. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sedWsEZmYiw&lact=14&itct=CB0QpDAYBiITCMGQ05_YueMCFcfQtAod0N0A0jIGc2VhcmNoUiBkcmFnIGtpZCBsYWN0YXRpYSBkYW5jZXMgOG4gY2x1Yg%3D%3D&csn=geQtXdqCC6yCxwKBx7eYBw&noapp=1&client=mv-google
Jesus H Fucking Christ. I’m tempted to say ‘now I’ve seen it all’ but the way the benders and the leftist enablers are going I fear it’s just the start.
That’s the sickest thing I’ve ever seen on the internet that’s worse than scat porn.
Fuckin’ hell, had to look up what ‘scat porn’ is. You surely don’t watch this shit?
I can’t believe theirs such a thing as shit porn.
Do you really expect me to swallow that ?
You say that like watching a cuckolded man being served a steaming turd direct from the battered arsehole of a skanky crack-addicted slut is somehow unusual?
In today’s context probably not!
Fart porn is all the rage these days don’t you know ?
Not on my computer it ain’t FF!
These fuckers always make my skin crawl. La Rue was particularly creepy as above but at least he was just an old queen not a persecuted minority with rights.
Dawson and Barraclough were good and the Pythons as well but then they were taking the piss not establishing a perversion as normal a la Izzard.
Here is “Cissie & Ada” CC, it might almost be Margaret Beckett and Anna Soubry putting the world to rights:
Too pulchritudinous to be Bucket & Sourtits…
Dick Emery was great too, and well into his motorcycles.
Harry Enfield owes his whole career to Emery…
I believe as far as Bunny Beckett is concerned, the Lords Adonis and Mandelson regard her as a very beautiful woman. It is believed they only became irons because the delectable Ms. Beckett had to turn them down, and it broke their hearts.
Maggie of course is very busy as chair of the Labour Ladies Naturist Group. They will be meeting tomorrow evening as ever at the Lizzie Dykes Memorial Hall, which, as you know is in Mincing Lane. They are holding their summer bring and buy sale. It will be interesting not so much what they bring as what they bring it in.
Who could forget Mrs Nîggĕrbaiter? ?
She was my best friend
Do you like your little rattle? Do you?
Forgot all about that gem….
Thanks for that. Reminded me how good they were.
Ello ! Been shoppin’ ?
Nah. Been shoppin’.
Whatcha bought ?
A piston-engine.
Whatcha buy one of them for ?
Ooh, it were a bargain, wonit ?
It’s those bits of Python that stick in the memory. I never really quite got the dead parrot sketch, humourless cunt that I am.
I think the Daily Mirror was sued by Liberace in the late 50’s because they suggested he was an iron.
Fake news again.
Reminds me of Fat Reg and his 80s skirmish with The Sun…
Don’t go breaking my arse….
All part of the Establishment driven ‘ Bumming is normal ‘ mantra.
On a brighter note, Ebola has surfaced in Goma.
With a large, backward and transient population, poor hygiene, and shite medical facilities,this could be a perfect storm.
Come on Ebola, you can do it !
Get To Fuck.
Lammy will probably stop any white western nurses/doctors going there to help.
‘We don’t need your whitey help’.
Ok then lets see how they cope then.
He’ll have my full support.
Oh yeah.
….then moan when they all buy the farm, blame it on Brexit.the Tories and claim to have personally known most of them…….
Synchronicity, there. Only last night I did not reach the off switch in time to silence a Radio 4 gender queer BAME girl proudly presenting a celebration of ‘voguing’. What dat? I will let the Guardian most appropriately explain…
Oh yeah. Cunts.
Fucking sick, fucking disgusting. What a bunch of fucking freaks.
I swear the black girl in that photo is the young Joan Armatrading.
These people are utter cunts who should be slapped to an inch of their lives.
C’mon Lenny Henry, International NHS Rescue action stations, little M’tebeh cant build his village well if he is coughing up his own lungs.
Not little M’tebeh?
If he dies, who’s going to drink all the cow piss?
These cunts make my skin crawl.
Surprised that the militant feminist haven’t taken issue with these freaks….
They fucking should do. Following their fucked up thinking surely this is “gender appropriation.” Not only that but a drag queen often tries to parody a woman’s role by exaggerating her stereotypical bitchiness and fondness for cock. That can’t be right in the mind of a feminazi.
Also if a white man can’t black up for entertainment purposes why is he allowed to parody a female in such a stereotypical fashion ?
Do I have to do all their thinking for them the dumb bitches?
Yes, please think up some sporting games for women and write some films for women to direct and act in because everything they’ve come up with so far has been shit.
Sadly British boy pansies are jumping on the camp “School Prom” act now. There have been two in recent weeks in the papers, both 15. When I was 15 you wouldn’t have caught me or my mates doing anything remotely girly. Or at any age come to that, but 15 must be the age for the mid-life crisis now. They should bring back the cane and use it on these mini-perverts.
The mothers need the caning first the stupid bitches. In every one of these cases there’s no bloke around and the proud mother is some fat, ugly , thick as fuck slag.
Bang on the fucking money, I have to watch this fat bitch pass my window every morning walking to my youngest lad’s school with her son decked out in a fucking skirt, pink Parka and poncey fucking bowed quiff to top the ensemble. Again no Father in evidence, glued to her fucking mobile. Freaks my lad right out!
If that little narcissistic look at me pepperami jockey had done his prom queen shite at Moston Brook he’d have been mercilessly leathered… But what’s sickening is the little cunt will probably get fame and a media career out his attention whore stunt… The repulsive little creature will be on telly, might get a record deal, you fucking name it… This horrific little freak will now be set for life while decent and hard working people struggle on… The abnormal is now normal and the deviant is king (or is it queen)…
Great Britain and common sense and decency RIP….
Hopefully he’ll end up like this cunt:
I mean I feel sorry for the guy but if you go around acting like a raging fag you’re asking for trouble. I live in Scotland, do you think I’d fly the England flag when the team wins at football? It would be my right to do so, but it would also be fucking stupid. I bit of discretion isn’t asking too much but some cunts just have have to advertise being gay.
Boy wanting to wear dresses would have earned the sexually confused boy in question the biggest kicking in the history of adolescent homophobia. Or the attention of bummer Bettridge and his store cupboard.
Those really were the days but not if you emphasised the womanly side. How I yearn for those halcyon schooldays of time past.
Real drag queens were people like Regina Gong and Mrs Shufflewick. Not this bunch of wanky pansies.
Poofs,the lot of ’em.
Fuck off.
Fellatio featured cunts who should be arse fucked with the rough end of a pineapple.
38 doctors and nurses turned up in a rubber boat on the Kent coast today. Another great addition to our NHS.
Well i would never have believed it .Did they all actually have thier diplomas with them(sarcasm)and someone must have fucked up surely you can seat 50 people in a rubber boat meant only for several but somehow seating 38 .They must be very fucking shrewd cunts to as they avoided Air express.
I blame Brandon Flowers coz he fucked a boyfriend who looked like a girlfriend or something.
Dressing up as ladies has been used for comedy for hundreds of years but post-Python it’s been dead. The ones I’ve seen walking about are definitely not funny-looking. They resemble brickies doing a school production. If they have severed their pork swords, they should ask for a refund.
‘..Dressing up as ladies has been used for comedy for hundreds of years..’
Thousands of years..
I’m bloody sure the Pythons, even though they ripped off Milligna and the Goons, ripped off their comedy drag stuff from Aristophanes…particularly this
The dressing up as women stuff they no doubt got up to at their public schools probably helped them perfect their act, though that little public school pastime can be traced back to the old traditional fondness they have for ‘Greek studies’ at these fine institutions..
Is Lady Nugee a drag act ? It looks like one. Four fat boys in a Primark suit.
She’s very…Queenly.
Todger Gaga is the most successful drag queen around… One day her knob will fall out onstage and she/he/it will get a knighthood foe bravery…. Western society RIP…
Excellent cunting I really must say.
However the level of cuntiness displayed by these dragsters has cracked my phone screen.
Why don’t they fuck off?
It is truly a strange world we’re living in these days. It’s always assumed that the “swinging” 60’s was a time of change and expressing yourself. Fuck me, they’ve got nothing on this decade. Talk about anything goes. Since when did it become ok for grown men to cheer a 9 year old drag queen.??!! Bunch of pervs!! Is saying “NO” against human rights nowadays or something?Unbe-fucking-lievable!! The world’s gone mad. Armageddon!! (Armageddon out of here)
Scottish junkies are dropping like flies. And the problem is?
Who fucking cares?
Not me.
Nicola Seaweed is expected to make an announcement shortly that, ‘SCOTLAND IS LEADING THE WHEEEEY!!
What in obesity, alcoholism and drug deaths?
There’s actually a semi-comatose junkie half falling where he tries to crouch at this very moment on the opposite side of the street. Hopefully the neds’ll come and give him a kicking.
They shouldn’t tackle the problem. It’s one of the pillars for which Scotland is famous: Having the second best whiskey in the World (after Japan), getting off their tits on Heroin or Shortbread, and being embarrassingly shit at football.
Also, Cressida Dick at the inquest today for the three mudslime cunts who murdered 8 people at London Bridge.
She was commenting on the justified termination of these cunts. Makes a change from innocent South American electricians, Cressida…
Didn’t see any ladies putting their lives on the line.
It was gentle stuff in the past; Danny La Rue, Melvyn Hayes, Dick Emery all did it for humour. Danny La Rue was the most ‘draggy’ as it were. But that was the character; a glamourous queen of a woman. And he played her as kindly, vulnerable, erratic. Just like a woman. The exact opposite of modern ones, like Ru Paul, who only have one string to their bow; viscious.
Viscious: a portmanteau word meaning vicious and sticky?
Too much description.
Utter fucking bollocks, until opinions are made totally illegal, it will remain my opinion that this shit is out of fucking order.
Some people used to take their kids to a freak show…..
Live and let live isn’t the same as enforcing people to embrace every fucking kink on the planet. Drag Queens isn’t about gender identity it’s a straight forward choice. It’s entertainment in gay clubs, it’s gay culture. It’s not a maligned minority it’s a bunch of blokes who like to dress up like Cruella DeVile.
In a world where dressing up like a black & white minstrel is construed as a hate crime I’m told I have to embrace people making a mockery of femininity and twerking in front of children.
Blacking up and singing mammy is enough to get you pilloried but introducing children to the Drag scene is right on and applauded, what fucking planet did we wake up on?
Planet Fucked Up Beyond Belief.
Right is wrong, up[ is down, etc. etc.
Darwinism will prevail.
Ants will rule.
Get To Fuck.
Just terminate all Liberals. There, sorted.
I always found Dick Emery and Barry ‘Edna’ Humphries in particular very funny, because of course they’re applying ladles full of irony and pisstake to their act.
Drag acts however are at best unfunny, and at worst, pathetic and even a bit creepy.
My first encounter of a drag act was donkey’s years ago. My dear old ma asked me to take her to see ‘Hello Dolly’, and I was very happy to do so; it’s a decent show, happy-go-lucky and some good tunes, so what’s not to like?
Well the answer is Danny ‘my fifty yahs in shew business’ fucking LaRue as Dolly Levi. I didn’t actually realise that the cunt was in it until we got to the theatre, but had to sit through it for ma’s sake. What a preening cunt he was, fucking weird watching him swan around without the slightest hint of a nod and a wink to the audience that he was ‘really’ a bloke dressed up. He fucking loved it, the sad old tranny exhibitionist.
Alan Turing’s face will feature on one side of the £50 note, with his gaping arse on the other side.
Ooooh ducky ??
They don’t call it a Bullseye for nothing.
What a gay day.
Fuck Off.
‘Shut that door!’.
Blatant poofery on the 50 quid note? Sounds like one of Eddie Hitler’s forgeries….
What a joke though… The cunts are putting him on the 50 for one reason and one reason only… It has fuck all to do with what he did in the war and they know it… I suppose Douglas Bader and Monty were too ‘toxic masculinity’ for the Wank of England… Cunts…
I am in favour of the move.Putting someone who could actually do maths on the note might be an example to future Governors of the Bank of England. Although I doubt they ever handle anything as small as a fifty.
Another ‘note’ of agreement.
Morning K. ?
Just read the new 007 after Daniel Craig is to be played by a strong independent black woman. Something about a post MeToo era blah blah blah. Part of me doesn’t give a fuck but it feels like the cock of diversity is being rammed down my throat. Admin, I assume the is already a cunting in the pipeline?
Will the new OhOh7 be a vegan lezza who’s traded in the Aston Martin for a Raleigh to help combat climate change? It’ll be fun seeing how they work in the ‘physically impaired’ angle.
Is there any truth to the story that Eddie Izzard has been cast to play a cross-dressing M?
Pound to a penny the new villain’s a Trump supporting, white supremacist misogynist rascist Nazi, whose one redeeming feature is that he’s dying from a particularly vicious cancer.
No doubt a cuckold Mr Moneypenny who knows his place in the hierarchy of this brave new world, maybe Q will do a drag act on the side as well as inventing new gadgets that don’t violate the Human Right Act.
Phoebe Waller Cunt is a horrendous twat… I hope the Bond franchise dies a death now…
She needs to grow a pair
of tits that is
That would make a terrific comedy Ron! A sort of modern day Austin Powers in reverse. ?
‘The name’s Bond, Clitty Bond. On the pill and licenced to thrill’.
If you hear a funny noise it will be Ian Fleming and Old Cubby turning in the graves….
Maybe Izzard should get the part of Bond. I can see him entering the office tearing the beret off flinging it on the hat stand. Then a sly look from the new Moneypenny (played by Emma Thomson in black face)–‘Why don’t.you come to see me more often James?’ He shakes his head petulantly then sweeping into office (his skirts trailing) Greta Thunberg as M her round face at desk level-‘We’no time to lose James we’ve only a week to save the planet you must go out and campaign against climate change, that is your mission’.
As far as I’m concerned, the Bond films ended in 1998 with The World is Not Enough, in which the cracks were even then starting to show…
Maybe Danny Boyle was right to try and kill off Bond. Better that than to cut his balls off.
Bond is overrated anyway imho. There are the classics my favourites goldfinger, moonraker, man with the golden gun, dr no, and live and let die .
Its a shame they are doing this but it doesn’t surprise me with woke capital and the metoo era of cuntishness
It could be worse. It could’ve been that insufferable cunt Idris Elba.
No, no, Ron Ron Ron
No, no Ron Ron.
(Courtesy of the Crystals)
Bad news cunters, a would-be migrant was picked up by a French patrol boat this morning after trying to cross the Channel in flippers and a float. The NHS’s loss of another heart surgeon is the Frogs gain.
I heard he was an architect. They needed him to rebuild that cathedral that burnt down.
Scroll down and look at this cunt.
https://www.edgehill.ac.uk/news/2015/04/university-offers-uks-first-drag-I studies-module/
You couldn’t make it up!