Justice Secretary David Gauke says he will resign if the next prime minister chooses to pursue a no-deal Brexit.
Tory leadership favourite Boris Johnson has pledged the UK will leave the EU on 31 October – with or without a deal.
However, Mr Gauke told the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show that a “sizeable” number of Conservative MPs believed the UK should leave with a deal.
His comments come as Tory MP Sam Gyimah said more than 30 Tory MPs could vote against a no-deal Brexit.
The EU has set the UK a deadline of 31 October to leave the bloc.
Many people are of the opinion Mr Gauke that of fucking course we should leave the European Union with a deal if possible however it is clear that after over 3 years of “negotiation” the deal offered by the cunts in Brussels is absolute fucking dog shite and we should leave without one.
You useless cunt.
Nominated by Willie Stroker
Fucking resign then. Oh wait, No, don’t go David. Then who will we get to do whatever the fuck it is you do??
Yeah go on you cunt fuck off.
Everyone’s at it again, same old shit, even the posh bint who’s head of the farmers Union is saying a no deal should be avoided at all costs. The fact is and Mr Gauke should pay special attention as well as all the other no deal bashers, any deal made will mean each side having to make compromises, and it’s more than likely we would have to make the biggest, therefore there will never be a situation where Britain gets a good deal from the EU. With that fact in place the only way we can leave is by not having a deal in place, enduring the instability (of which would be the same as the current instability from not being clear on what the fuck is happening) until trade agreements are put in place, probably around 12-18 months, some will come considerably quicker than others though so the actually volatility would probably only be 6 months. Considering we should have left in March we’ve already had 2 months of bullshit and the likelihood is it wouldn’t be much worse than this. Instead of prolonging this merry go round, let’s just fucking leave and we’ll be back to normal within 6 months, but the caveat being we’ll control our own destiny, which just means sorting out our own shit house government.
Head of the Farmers’ Union. Head of the Cunts’ Union more like.
“Brexit will lead to the mass slaughter of ….”
Just fuck off. These EU parasites are going to run out of fear-mongering dogshit by November. You can almost feel their hysteria.
Approximately 65% of farmers voted to leave so who are the Farmers Union representing?
As for David (Harry Enfield) Gauke he should be facing imminent recall and deselection from his constituency party.
Jeremy kHunt wants to give Farmers £6 billion in a No Deal EU scenario. WHY? Let those pîkeys die off and let’s buy everything from abroad. Who cares about these incestuous turnip-munchers. Thank goodness Jeremy Fox-Hunt won’t ever be in charge.
Fuck the EU, Fuck Hunt the Fox-murderer, and Fuck Farmers, the shitty, gammon-faced in-breeds.
The remoaner wanker is getting the sack anyway so he can shut his cunt mouth.
I don’t know what Johnson is playing at with his “do or die” leaving on October 31st shite. I can only assume that he has taken legal advice and thinks he can just do nothing and let the clock run down. However i’m sure the remoaners have also taken such advice, and they’ve got that Bercow cunt on their side.
Of course, the other possibility is that Boris is just lying through his arse to get elected. Surely not?
(Great photo by the way)
Is this supposed to be a threat or a promise? Either way, brexiteers won’t give a flying fuck what this wanker does should we leave with no deal, if at all. We all know he’s full of shit and won’t resign, they almost never do since the cunts have no integrity.
Traitorous cunts like Gauke Clarke and Grieve should be put up against a wall . There all prepared to bring the country to its knees out of self interest .
Does Mr Cock really think anyone gives a shit if he resigns or not? There’s plenty of old fish in the sea, so please do fuck off and don’t come back sniffing for a Front Bench job in the future you utter cunt!
In fact, why don’t you leave the Tory Party, form your own party called “Clueless Cunts!” and then 10 minutes later resign and join the LibDums!
F.U.C.K….R.I.G.H.T… O.F.F.!!!
I second that emotion
it’s not a no deal Brexit we have to worry about but what these cunts are capable of to destroy the Nation. If we can’t get our own way then no one else will.
If every Politician put their efforts into making this work we wouldn’t have a problem
Too much self-interest and lobbyists from big business to care two shits what the majority of the public think!
Let’s face it: if you were an MP allegedly receiving some hefty brown envelopes and/or the promise of a few directorships, wouldn’t you completely ignore the wishes of the majority, as well as telling his constituency to fuck off too!
Please Dave we are begging you dont go!! Whos gonna claim £thousands for lying through their fuckin teeth now? Oh hold on loads of greasy cunts like you in westminster? Yeah but cant hold a candle to you, no one lies quite like you eh? Mitmot.
Never a truer word spoken, Fenton.
If ever in this country’s history any single issue warranted cross-party support, it was the implementation of leaving the EU.
Funny that the parties could come together when it was all about pumping more cash into the economy and saving the big banks in 2008; not in slightest bit any kind of vested interested, eh?
Of course, considering that all the major political parties other than 2015 UKIP were complete and utter cunts, cross-party co-operation was never going to fucking happen in the first place.
I can only hope that the Brexit-voting public at large truly punish Labour and Conservative beyond recovery at the next general election.
There already has been cross-party co-operation. To scupper Brexit.
Not just cross-party but cross-country. Most of fucking Europe has also tried to fuck it all up, including Krankie at home.
The Justice Secretary cunt Gauke was born and educated in Ipswich.
Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer John McDonnell ” If Johnson undemocratically tries to force through a “No Deal” Brexit” was educated in Ipswich.
Nick Griffin (former BNP) was educated at Woodbridge, just outside Ipswich.
Something in the water perhaps?
Cyanide hopefully.
People like this cunt and Grieve would sooner see the fucking mad commie terror supporters in no. 10 than leave without a deal.
Who the fuck cares if he resigns?
He’s just getting in his excuses in early. There’s no way Boris would have him in his Cabinet.
I’d lock him in a wardrobe.
Yes Moggie and with a hose from your car exhaust going in the wardrobe.
You can feed him to the pigs my pedigree chums.
I wouldn’t waste the petrol on him. A good vindaloo and fill it full of farts, see if I could make it smell more of shit than this cunt would by simply being in it.
He’d enjoy sniffing the farts.
Gaucke, Sambo and Grieve are disloyal undemocratic motherfuckers and they should be slung out of parliament now, not allowed to ponce off us till the next election
Fuck Gauke. Another treasonous shit bag with his head up his ass. Why the fuck can’t we get a good deal – because cunts like Grieve and Gauke keep taking no deal of the table. All the EU has to do is sit back and watch Parliament tie itself in knots.
Do these fucks realise this? I believe they do – taking no deal of the table for them means blocking leave.
Perouge Parliament. And then boot these useless twats out.
Fuck off.
To be fair, which I’m loathe to be, it wasn’t Grieve and Gauke who negotiated what Sir Nigel described as “The worst deal in history.”
It was Treasoner May and the remainiacs in the Civil Service.
Do you mean ‘prorogue’ parliament?
If so, I think you will eventually find Boris is forced in to this position
the nearer we are to the end of October.
Dream on Bsc.
Boris is a minge-juice bottler. He’ll get Barnier’s treaty through with Labour votes.
Absolutely no way! To do so would be the end of the Tory Party.
RTC and BSC I think you are both right. It seems today fucking Labour will do as the unions tell them and demand a second referendum. Given that I thin the tories will have to decide which they hate most – Theresa’s *deal* of capitulating to the unions, who are and will be at their bolshiest since the 1970s. The lesser of two evils I suspect.
Gaucke and his pals should shut the fuck up and resign from the party today.
Can anyone help me? What is the position of the Labour Party? Supposedly after ‘thrashing things out’ Labour want a GE and if they win they will negotiate a new deal with the EU. They will then put that deal to a confirmatory vote. So is it their deal yeah or nay or will Remain be on the ballot paper? At that point? Will they campaign to Remain in the General Election itself? Surely they cannot negotiate a deal and then campaign against it can they? (If Remain is on the ballot paper I mean). If there is no GE the position is (I think) Labour are asking for a second referendum at the time of any deal the Tories come up with. Around Halloween. So a confirmatory vote on the Tories Deal. But now (I’m sure they’ve said) they want Remain on the ballot paper and WILL campaign for Remain. Is that the position? So in effect what they are saying is up to Halloween we are still respecting the Leave vote. At Halloween (at the witching hour I suppose)) we change to supporting Remain. Is that it?
That bit if there is to be a GE what is their position? Is the position we are going to negotiate a new deal with the EU and give you a confirmatory vote on that deal (with the option of Remain on the ballot paper). But the inconsistency of that position NOW is Labour is for Remain (what was ‘thrashed out’ supposedly) (it’s overarching policy position I mean). So they would be negotiating a deal to Leave the Eu while campaigning to Remain.
That’s about right Miles. Except they’re not waiting for Halloween, they want a second referendum now and they’re unequivocally campaigning to REMAIN.
Its just one of the many tactics to stop brexit, if no deal is removed then the only options are ‘a deal’ or remain, the deal is shit so the remoaners have the fucking nerve to say let the people decide, shit deal or remain.
No you cunts, if you want a vote then it should be a leavers vote, deal or no deal, if those were the options then you can bet there would be a lot more effort into getting a better deal with no deal as the default.
It hasnt happened because the cunts in Parliament dont want to leave
The left of the party wants out:
The rest want to be LibDems.
One thing that Brexit has exposed is the traitorous Self serving Politicians . They will do everything they can to bring the country to its knees and when it’s all over the wretched cunts like Grieve and Gauke will fuck off to their Houses in France and live happily ever after supported by Eu money. Fuck me what a loathsome bunch of cunts.
If this was during WW2 these cunts would have sold us out without any conscience.
Fuck off then, you undemocratic cunt!
Of the voting constituencies in the UK 68% voted Leave.
The only regions voting Remain were London, Scotland and NI.
The vast majority of MPs represent Leave constituencies. However, the vested interests of MPs puts Parliament overwhelmingly Remain.
I’m sure the ballot didn’t say:
Leave if–
Remain if–
Before the vote the Irish border wasn’t mentioned. No Deal wasn’t mentioned. Economic disaster was predicted by the Establishment. And still is.
Article 50 was voted for by an overwhelming majority.
There is no justification other than vested interests for MPs’ stance.
London can get fucked. It is starving the UK of infrastructure investment. Fuck the Jocks. Let the fucking IRA (sorry, Sinn Fein) have NI.
This cunt and hundreds more are a fucking disgrace.
Gawk. The name says it all.
On the BBC 4 two part doc on Brexit negotiations (still available on Catch Up) has nobody but me seen it? Outrageous fucking orf poor Blighty. Had cunt Verhofstadt stating and, fair play, he sounded disgusted that cunt Oily Robbins had asked him if he could fix him an EU passport. Am I living in a parallel Universe but have read nor viewed any reviews orf this incendiary confirmation orf the EU stitchup.
I think you probably mean this Sir Limply. It’s been posted several times on ISAC, still essential viewing:
And part two:
Apologies Cunters, ignore the links above. This one works:
We talked about it when it was aired back in March, I recall. Remainers ignored it as rubbish but the Reich’s jocular sneering was obnoxious, as was close-ups of that lunatic Verhoffdungseffekt. Olly Robbins is a cunt though I’ve nominated him on two occasions, I can’t cunt him thrice. Can I?
Evening to you, my limp old liege. And to you Sir Limply.
Cunt him 11 times Captain and he still probably wouldn’t make it onto the wall…
Guten abend.
Yahvöhl, Herr Kremepüff.
Eine Klein travesty.
I thought I saw a comment on here about an Employment Tribunal case. It seems to have “disappeared”. Well the case involved a prison officer claiming unfair dismissal. The Complainant was a Mr B Plaistow and the Respondent the Secretary of State for Justice, currently the Rt Hon David Gauke MP. What kind of behaviour do his minions exhibit? According to Employment Judge Ord … “they have treated the Orders of the Tribunal …. with contempt”; “the respondent’s conduct of these proceedings has been unreasonable Their disregard of the basic rules of disclosure, their corruption of documents by conflation, amendment or post dated creation demonstrates in our view a clear desire to obstruct the claimant’s presentation of his legitimate claims, to place themselves above the rules of procedure and to mislead not only the claimant but also the Tribunal. ” “The conduct of the respondent has been reprehensible. Documents have been corrupted and even forged. Documents have been hidden from the claimant. Even the most basic processes have not been followed.” This is the kind of justice that Gauke presides over. It is a fucking disgrace. Well done Judge Ord. Well done Mr Plaistow. Fuck all you prison service bastards working for Gauke who tried to fuck Mr Plaistow over. Read the judgement Case Number: 3400502/2016. Why hasn’t this cunt Gauke been dismissed? This is a truly shocking litany of corruption and malfeasance by the Secretary of State for Justice. What a fucking sick joke his holding this office is. Don’t disappear this comment please like mine in response to the gayness epidemic. I can’t be arsed writing if it goes straight in the bin.
Yes, they’re “no longer available”.
Sorry about that. I blame Sir Limply for his misleading comment “still available on Catch Up.” And Brexit of course.
Here it is Richard – This link works:
Why do these no-name cunts threaten to resign? Maybe it’s for their 15 minutes. It’s good to get rid, a sort of political natural selection, we can only come out stronger.
Posted my Boris vote today ☺
Very incidentally, ‘Gauke’ is Old Norse for ‘cuckoo’ . Not a lot of people know that, even now I’ve told you.
Lets try again:
Gaucke, Gyimah(?) and Grieve are disloyal undemocratic motherfuckers and they should be slung out of parliament now, not allowed to ponce off us till the next election.
What Employment Judge Ord said about the Respondent, the Secretary of State for Justice, in an Employment Tribunal case is a matter of public record and a fact in law. So why the fuck has my comment been pulled?
Fuck me, your post was not ‘pulled’. It went straight into moderation along with six other comments. I have just logged in myself as believe it or not, I and all other mods do have a life outside of ISAC. It is now posted.
If it went straight into moderation why did it appear and then disappear? I don’t understand. My “gripe” was not aimed at admin but you appear to have taken it personally. No I will not fuck you, not even if you ask nicely. I have a life outside ISAC too. Goodbye.
Time of the month?
i posted this before but it vanished, i know if it’s off topic but it’s fucking bugging me. remember the BBC series Year after Year? the main couple were a ‘ mixed race’ couple? fine i don;t give a fuck. now we have a new series and ffs the main couple in this are mixed race too. why do they keep doing this? it doesn’t reflect reality it’s just more PC bollocks.
Just want to point out that Labour MP for Vauxhall Kate Hoey will not stand in the next general election. She was an advocate for leaving the EU back in 2016 and still believes we should leave (after all it’s what we voted for) but because her London constituents voted otherwise, she has said she doesn’t represent what her constituents want so will not stand in the next general election. My question is, if a pro brexit MP realises her constituents voted remain (even though the referendum result itself should really trump local results) and does the honourable thing and offers to stand down, why do we have cunts like Gauke, Grieve, Cooper etc. Not doing the same and offering to fuck off, because their views don’t represent that of the public! Why do we have no control over these fuckers, I thought that was the whole point.
It’s self-selecting, isn’t it? Honest MP’s like Hoey, who listen to their constituents, piss off, leaving the field to dishonest cunts subsidised by hedge funds (and see Boris). She was intending to go in 2016, btw, but stayed on to fight the snap 2017 election.
Hopefully, though, the recent deselection of MP’s such as Onasanya offer a way forward when an MP fails to remember who put him into the Commons. And there is a real possibility that the traditional two-party electorate is subdividing. Lab v Con doesn’t even begin to offer a real choice, except between two cartoon stereotypes who will cheerfully drop their campaign undertakings if that helps their career.
I bet he did hand jobs for sweets at school
……and rim jobs, the slimy cuntbastard.
Dear David,
Nobody, especially me, gives a flying fuck if you resign. In fact, just do it- if you’re still there on 24th July, I’m going to sack you anyway, you useless self-centred cunt. If I were you, I’d go and join those other useless cunts in the CUK party.
Keep your cunt shut while you do it.
PS You cunt
The Laws of Treason and Sedition only apply to us. Asimp