Dara O’Briain

Dara O’Briain is a smug unfunny Libtard remainer.

He presents as an extremely arrogant member of the Irish Libtard show business cuntocracy (together with Sir Bob Cuntdorf, Boner and Graham Nortyboy). He’s a charmless nork who looks down his nose at everyone.

His biggest sin Is chairing Mock The Leavers, that Libtards wet dream of a “comedy show” where he comes over as a controlling fat ass.

Fuck off back to Bog Land you cunt.

Nominated by Marvellous Mechanical Cunting Machine

39 thoughts on “Dara O’Briain

  1. Professional Oirshmen are a pain in the arse. This fucking pudding is just the sort of crap the BBC loves – when they want to save even more money and they start using robots this cunt will be the template for all the other robotic cunts they spew out.

  2. Rehash of Terry Wogan and about as funny Fucking fat pompous cunt who should go back over the water where he belongs How do these unfunny Bog Trotters get a job over here in the first place has he been sucking Tony Halls nob ?

    • …and that accent. You don’t know if you’re going to be shot, stabbed or blown up. Give us a clue, Dermot.

    • Did not mind Terry Wogan as he appeared to be a decent, genuine, likeable and sometimes amusing individual but particularly because of his piss take commentary on the cuntfest otherwise known as Eurovision.

      Also don’t mind Ed Byrne on the odd occasion. Of course a Remoaner but intelligent enoughnot to include Brexit in his material as does not want to alienate 50% of his audience.

      Think I am about 1/8th Irish but as declared before went to Southern Ireland once in 2000 and to be sure did not care much for the people I met.

      • Whereabouts did you go? If it was Dublin, I’m not surprised you didn’t like it as there are hardly any Irish people livin’ there. If you go down to the south coast (Cork, Kerry) you’ll meet decent Irish people.

      • No ones perfect ssoc What kind of fucking name is Dara is it Irish for cunt ?

      • Indeed, Wogan ALMOST made Eurovision Pong Contest bearable, but really he’d have needed miracles that even the Pope’s boss would struggle to do.

      • Isn’t “Enda” an oirish name too ? Sounds like something for rectal insertion. But then, looking at Gayham Norton, Mrs. Broon &c…

  3. What a whopper of a cunt, his parents obviously thought so and named him Dara…Fat, demented looking cunt. Go fuck yourself.

  4. Him and Russell Howard never see eye-to-eye!

    Physically that is…

  5. These types of Libtard ”comedies” are about as amusing as ball-cancer.

    Fuck off.

  6. Fat, baldy , ugly, deeply unfunny, libtard, remoaner Oirish sack of shit. O’Nobrain must be earning a fortune from the BBC as his fat, baldy, smug face is never off their screens.
    I can’t stand the cunt, but i’m not surprised the slime at Jimmy Savile House love his useless fat arse.

  7. Every delivery’s got the sane structure. Respond to somebody, turn to the camera and say, “Urrrrrm….” with a knowing look.
    BBC “Comedian”: Look at that silly, overweight child.
    Dara nO’Brain: Nobody mention Boris Johnson. Urrrm…
    Knowing look, Audience guffaw, Audience applaud.

    Dara nO’Brain – you’re a useless, unfunny cunt. Urrrrm….

    • That also goes for his useless Oirish mate Ed Byrne. What a pair of twats.

      • Evening Sir Blunt.

        I don’t know Ed Byrne but he sounds like a turd. I can’t abide Irish comedians. The worst one was that Aisling Bea from 8 out of 10 Cats. All the confidence in the world but not a funny bone in her body – and that’s when jokes are being written for her! I wrote a nomination for her that wasn’t published alas. Overrated bitch.

        The only time I ever want to hear Irish comedians is when they’re doing the death rattle.

      • You must have heard of Ed Byrne Captain. They were both best men at each other’s weddings.
        Their fuckin’ wives must be hideous.

  8. I fucking loathe this bog trotting fat cunt.

    Spud munching Bog-Monkey O’Briain thinks it’s his place to promote and lecture the British about how good his beloved EU is (through the comfort and safety of his British TV job)

    Let’s hope Boris’s new points based immigration test stumps this fucking thick cunt and he gets deported back to his dreary unemployable financially crippled I.R.A lepracaun riddled shit hole home isle.
    Let’s see how fucking funny he thinks that is without the money and protection of his BBC job.

    Gas yourself O’Brian, you IRA loving OiRish Cunt.

  9. What the frig has how the (majority of) British people voted got to do with this unfunny fenian fat fuck?…. At least Wogan had the gift of the gab and a bit of charisma… This fat bald cunt and that Mrs Brown’s Cunts shite is the BBC in a nutshell… ie: fucking crap…

    I wonder if Bozza is quietly waiting his time to gun down the Grauniad once and for all?
    And those two libfuck narks: who record their neighbours and encourage grass culture?
    Go get ’em. Boris….

    • I caught an episode of Mrs.Brown’s Boys once. How did that awkward shite get commissioned? Painfully unfunny. The BBC has become Laughter’s assassin. Anti-humour.

  10. I recall when a now doddering Monty Python did that embarrassing reunion/cash in at the London O2… Those cunts at Only Fools Gold (that’s all they fucking show!) did a night based on the final show… That Dara O’ Bogbreath presented it and licked copious amounts of Python arse… As the laughably incompetent Gold couldn’t (or wouldn’t) show most of Python’s show before the watershed, we got O’ Bogbreath talking endless self gratifying shite for the best part of three hours… He was also joined by other comedy uppercunts like Coogan, Brydon and Grade A supercunt Mike Myers (‘I lurve Mon-tee Pie-thon!’)… O’ Bogbreath – like David Baddiel – is made for UK Gold… An absolute cunt who talks more about himself than the show that is supposed to be on… The type of cunt trumpet who films himself laughing at an old comedy show: meaning you see Python or Eric and Eernie, but you see a smug lesser talented cunt laughing falsely and having an ego wank… Fucking fat cunt….

  11. Is this the educated bog trotter who always mentions that his old tabby is a doctor, cleverness by association, is also a fecking know all expert on everything he opens his gob on and in common with his razor sharp witted compatriots on mock the week believes he is adored by the halfwit public who hang on his every word, twat of the first water, modern comedians cunts to a man.

  12. When his beloved EU put up their “hard border” in Arrland they can use this fat turd as a road block.
    He would certainly make me stop……..if only to piss on the cunt.

  13. I cant stand his whiny voiced hyperactive specky cunt of a mate either, Ed Byrne. If O’Briain is a lump of dog shit, then Byrne is the irritating fly buzzing around it.

  14. Ironic that an Irish bloke can look so much like a fucking potato.
    You love your precious EU so much then fuck off back. I doubt any other country would have a state broadcaster pay you millions to make pre-written one liners seem ad-libbed.
    You’re a mouth peice, a voice in an echo-chamber. Not a pissing comedian. The only way he could make me laugh is by contracting the deepest, most violent cancer and live streaming himself wasting away.

    • ‘Looks so much like a fucking potato.’ ??
      When you go, take that fuckin mate of yours Ed Bŷrne with you.

      • Oh I remember that scruffy cunt. Told a joke about a cat once, was mildly funny. Didn’t realise he was still on telly. Would have thought they’d have replaced him with someone who ticks more boxes by now!

  15. Googly eyed cunt. Funny only to have picked audiences who can only cope with satire if it’s aligned with their deep seated beliefs.

  16. Lefty wankstain lobotomised to the Al-Beeb mantra. Fuck the fat smug cunt right up the Saville smokepipe.

  17. When I used to watch television, I noticed on mock the week, Dara was a joke surfer.

    P.s Errrrrrrrmmmmmm.

  18. Is he Human or Sontaran? I think we should be told. Either way a hammer to the back of the head will have the desired effect.

  19. I for one am totally fucking sick of Irish cunts, Froggie cunts, Kraut cunts, Belgian Bastard cunts, peaceful cunts, expat cunts, celebrity cunts, BBC cunts, and knickerless banana gobbed cunts telling the British people what they should and shouldn’t do…. They can all fuck off and eat shit… Cunts…

  20. When we do leave the EU snakepit, I hope the BBC is utterly destroyed…. It is beyond saving and all the good stuff they did could be on a pay as you watch service… But new stuff? I have no desire whatsoever to watch a channel that just caters for remainers, freaks, blacks, peacefuls and wimmin… They can fuck off…

  21. Luckily for me I avoid BBCistain TV so never clap eyes on this fat barrel of shite
    I’m surprised they haven’t replaced him with a Parking Stanley however
    Get to fuck

  22. Can’t stand this bugger-eyed unfunny Mr.Blobby -look-a-like cunt.
    Get to feck.

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