
I´d love to take a blunt scraper to the prick who first thought of circumcision and give him a taste of his own medicine. The idea of whacking a bit of skin off a newborn baby´s tiny dick is horrendous yet it continues to be done all over the world. No wonder Moslems are always angry. They have had their dicks shortened by a bloodstained penknife and can´t even have a drink to compensate. The Jews have the same torture inflicted on them but at least they can turn to drink (although I´ve never known one who does) or Woody Allen jokes about his mother.
I had to be circumcised when I was in my 50s after suffering from recurring lesions on my prepuce that made peeing an agony when the urine came in contact with the cuts. The doctor promised that removing part of the foreskin would solve everything. When I saw my poor little dick after the operation – hacked to pieces and stitched together with cable wire – I almost cried. It took five weeks before I could walk straight and now I gaze mournfully at my mutilated member that was once a pleasure pole to comely wenches and nymphets. Alas no longer. Woe is me.

Nominated by Mr Polly

79 thoughts on “Circumcision

  1. Apparently some priests or rabbis or whateverthefuck actually suck the foreskin off the baby’s knob….
    If that’s not an arrestable offence I don’t know what is!
    Fuckin sickkos.

    • I can think of a few politicians who would pay to get that job. They would lose their expenses, but would be allowed to keep the tips.

    • Yes i remember reading about that in god Is Not Great. They use their manky teeth to bite off the foreskin, leading to some babies dying from fucking blood poisoning.

  2. What a pile of cunt.
    If God didn’t want us to have a foreskin then we wouldn’t… I bet most of these circumcised cunts have the cheek to whinge abaaaaaht female genital mutilation.
    The cunts back in the day probably didn’t realise that washing your bellend properly stops the bellend cheese. Backward cunts.
    Piss off.

  3. I was circumcised as a child (no, I’m not a Peaceful or a Jew) for medical reasons. It’s no big deal.

      • To just made a comment about Patrick McGoohan’s manhood RTC and got moderated ?

        Be seeing you

      • When will you ever learn Fenton? “cîrcümcised” is a moderation trigger word… unless you write it like what I just did.

        Re the state of Mr McGoohan’s appendage: sadly I have no information. Will check Number Two’s files next time he goes for a dump.

        Be seeing you.

    • Morning RTC. Same with me. We must compare operations some time(not in a gay way you understand.) Whilst we’re getting it all out in the open, a bobby’s helmet has proven to be healthy for you, reducing the chance of infections.
      When I looked at the nom photo, I couldn’t decide at first whether it was about cîrcumcîsion or female gênital mutilation. The chopping procedure is similar.

      • Having done extensive research in to this area, I must dismiss the comments of people who regard this as some sort of third world operation. The procedure reduces the risk of sexually transmitted diseases, urinary infections and the incidence of cervical cancer in a partner. Mrs.B has a ‘lot’ to thank me for. Anyway that’s what Dr Akinyemi told my parents.

      • Afternoon Bsc. I decided against mention of the health benefits. Wasn’t in the mood for incurring the wrath of our uncîrcümcised colleagues…

      • Good afternoon RTC and BSC

        I had an undesended testicle and had it operated on when I was 11. The Jewish surgeon did for my foreskin at the same time, I am not sure if my parents asked him to do it, they said not but I don’t believe them.

        I think it gives you a bit of extra sensitivity during a bit of how’s your father. The woman I would liked to have practiced on would have been dear old Dame Vera Lynn but I was too young for her.

      • Afternoon Wanksock. Parents are among the biggest liars on the planet. My father told me if I smoked marijuana it would make me sire black babies. Naturally I chose to be childless, but after taking expert advice from Nurse Cunty I’m now beginning to think he may have been telling porky pies…

      • Afternoon Wanksock. It’s a good job you sorted out that problem otherwise you might have been denied the pleasures of “teabagging!” That is unless your partner prefers weak tea.
        ps You’ll never get Vera back. She’s devoted to me!

      • That shit about the health benefits of circumcision is just propoganda. Apart from religious custom from desert regions, which may be valid in areas with a lack of running water for hygeine, circumcision has been largely propogated by puritanicals waging a war on masturbation.

    • Ditto RTC – didnt get the option – apparently it was a 60’s thing. I asked my ma before she carked and she was never asked, Pitied my boy though – he had a “tight fitting” one and used to bleed when he got a touch of the horn. At 9 he had the op done in the local hospital done by a fourby with a clinic list of a dozen or more – all fourbys, my boy was the only WASP. He started the day laughing at the young lads having had the snip crying in pain and he was last on the clinic list – done at 9pm after sitting there since 8am – the cunts. He came out screaming like a stuck pig – fixed his problem but as a Father you wouldnt choose to watch your son going through such barbarity for a non surgical reason, particularly a religion.

      • I remember nothing about my operation Cunto.

        I do however remember the medical symptoms that led to it – the discomfort and inability to pee properly – it was very distressing. Have always assumed I was put under general anaesthetic for the operation itself.

        Must have been 7 or 8 at the time, late 1950s /early ’60s.

        Surely your son would have had a local anaesthetic at least?

        And what do you mean you “didn’t get the option”? Was yours not done for medical reasons?

    • Me too RTC I was about 9 or 10. You were lucky; my cock hurt like fuck for months. In hospital, we (there was another lad in at the same time) had gauze dressings on the ends of our knobs, which stuck on, but were supposed to gently soak off in a tepid bath. Impatient nurses used to just rip the fuckers off. They nicked all our chocolate too, CUNTS!

  4. A Harvard study concluded that if all the severed foreskins from over the years were laid end to end, then they would reach Uranus. My foreskin, alone, reaches my anus.

  5. Nice cunting. Not sure about admins choice of picture though. Sick bastards.
    oh yeah? who corrupted us?

    • It weren’t me admin! The damage was already done way before I got here.

  6. One of the fetishes left over from religion though this child abuse can’t even be called anachronistic as it was brutal when it began. Yanks I worked with abroad were amazed when they encountered anybody who hadn’t been butchered, as if it were still normal.

    • True story: my son and his girlfriend had a son in an Essex private hospital a few years ago, and they asked him pre and post birth if they wanted the baby boy to be circumcised. My son said no and on the second time of asking the doctor said it in front of both of them. I can only assume that it was a way to get more money out of whoever paid the bill.

    • Americans think anything that isn’t fashionable right now is abnormal. OMG I saw a bush that wasn’t shaved! OMG you DIDN’T get Botox ever? OMG!

  7. Unless it’s done for medical reasons, male circumcision is appalling just like female circumcision. Religions which demand this are even sicker than the rest. These barbarians don’t deserve a place on this Earth.

  8. There’s a factory in Saudi that collects all the foreskins and sews them together to make shopping bags. They are very expensive because if you rub them they turn into suitcases. OK I deserve to get it caught in the zip. Ouch!

  9. I don’t get where some committee decided god wanted a foreskin lopped off if he put it there in the first place?

    It must of been a lazy scribe and a typo?

  10. Circumcised at 8 for medical reasons. It was pleasant, but bearable. Compared to the pain that I endured with torsion of the testes at 16 it was easy. It’s where the tubes attached to your balls get twisted, cutting off the blood supply and strangulating your nuts. They were the size of snooker balls for over a week afterwards and bruised like they’d been repeatedly hit by a baseball bat.

    Thought it was all behind me, until at 49, I went for a vasectomy. After a failed attempt at keyhole surgery, it was off to the hospital for having my nutsack cut open again. Another week of bruised and swollen plums!

      • After reading abaaaaaht your testicle problem yesterday I asked my mate Abdul the butcher (former wrestler) and he said all that was needed was a kick in the bollocks.
        What a cunt he is.

      • Indeed B&WC he is indeed. A kick to the nuts would have made little difference as they felt like they would burst any minute anyway.

    • A myopic old crone pulled out in front of me on my motorbike. I impacted the tank full on with my nadgers, reducing my speed from about 35mph to 0mph in a thrice. Needless to say, I looked like Buster Gonad for a few weeks and was most painful.

      • My eyes are literally watering just reading your post Lord C. I have been hoofed in the nuts a few times but a bike, a tank and a sudden stop – less thought about the better 😉

  11. Very valid cunting indeed.

    This whole ‘the foreskin is unclean so needs to be removed’ bullshite is such backwards, antiquated, incorrect, whacko thinking. It is laughable, but not for the poor little sod whose foreskin they are hacking off.

    We had a poor little mite on the ward many years ago…the fucking moron Rabbi had done a hatchet job of his circumcision and it was not completed and severely infected. So who do they come running to when their ‘ceremony’ goes tits up? Oh yes, the good old NHS will sort their shit out.

    The ONLY reason that a child should be circumcised is for medical reasons such as a tight foreskin which inhibits them peeing/is painful… other reason, and there IS no other valid reason, despite what these nut job religious freaks say.


    • How very dare you Nurse Cunty! I can’t speak for RTC but I can assure you that I am not a ‘nut job religious freak.’

      • I’m talking the crap poured out by religious groups who do it because…well….that is the way they roll, BSC. Jews for instance say it is ‘a commandment from God’….

        ….sorry, but i don’t believe any God (especially if it is a man) would say that hacking a newborn’s penis is a-okay.

        Circumcising a new baby who has zero say in the matter, yeah, I do have an issue with that. If you, or any other adult wish to have their foreskin removed for perceived health benefits or just for the fun of it, go for it.

        It’s your willy.

      • Crikey Nurse Cunty, I wish we’d had you as school nurse back in my school days. None of this LBG&T crap, just plain hard facts.

      • @ Bsc

        Nurse Cunty wasn’t referring to us when she said: ‘nut job religious freaks’.

        I assume, like me, yours was done for medical reasons, which Nurse Cunty stated was the only valid reason.

        Btw, a growing number of Jews decline to have their sprogs done nowadays.

      • You’d have died for our school nurse Bsc. She was a fucking stunner! Just like the bird in the Trivago adverts.

  12. I believe the operation is performed on some to reduce their dimensions from 4 !/2 X 2, in accordance with the sky fairy’s requirement for a standard product…and this was passed on to the Christians. As an officially CofE product I had it done when too young to be bothered about it now. And so, the school showers later revealed, did many of my contemporaries, but I think the Catholics were exempt.

    • The CofE cîrcümcise their flock K? That’s news to me. Can’t find any evidence of it online either. Could it be there’s a dark secret lurking in your lineage?

      • I think it was customary among those who felt the Old Testament had something to do with it. This was several decades ago, and has probably died out completely. Nothing untoward in the three generations preceding mine, anyway.

        You’re chapel, perhaps, bach?

      • My parents were ‘off the peg’ CofE. Although I was Christened I never got to be Confirmed as I was an atheist by age 12.

        What do you mean by “bach”?

      • Wow, you can tell you’re an Englishman living in Wales! It’s a term of endearment as in ‘how are you Creampuff, Bach?
        Oh! I forgot you’ve driven all the natives out after they couldn’t afford the extortionate price of housing!

      • “Bach” a term of endearment?

        I hope you’re not fucking me around again Bsc.

        And in case you hadn’t noticed, I didn’t exactly ask to be here.

        Not that I’d want to return to Londonistab.

        Northumbria sounds quite nice. Maybe I could rent a suite of rooms at Fiddler Towers? Dick will no doubt be looking for a new source of funding after his lucrative EU subsidies dry up due to Brexit.

      • Straight up bach, no kidding!
        I had no idea that you didn’t wish to be there. Are you a prisoner?

      • Sorry Dick, my last comment was meant for that Bluntspeakingcunt cunt.

        Adolf Eichmann Suite? It’s a Deal!

      • You’ll be next door to Miles…I’m sure you’ll be the best of friends and neighbours in no time.

      • I must have missed something RTC in order to have incurred your wrath.

      • He’s not such a bad cove, as long as he remembers to take his medication.

      • @ Bsc. You know damn well I’m a prisoner. No need to rub it in.

      • I could put him on the straight and narrow Mr F after his wayward intellectual wanderings.

      • We have to thank the first Pope (at the Council of Jerusalem 50 AD) for deciding that the Mosaic law regarding circumcision was not a requirement to become a true Christan.

      • That’s what I thought Miles. Someone should have told Mr & Mrs Komodo, poor cunt.

      • ‘In the Old Testament cîrcümcision is clearly defined as a covenant between God and all Jewish males.
        Cîrcümcision is not laid down as a requirement in the New Testament. Instead, Christians are urged to be “cîrcümcised of the heart” by trusting in Jesus and his sacrifice on the cross.
        As a Jew, Jesus was himself cîrcümcised (Luke 2:21; Colossians 2:11-12). However, cîrcümcision was a big issue in the early Christian Church. Adult Greeks, in particular, who converted to Christianity were unwilling to undergo the painful operation.
        The ritual was not enforced amongst non-Jewish converts and cîrcümcision was even seen by some as being contrary to the Christian faith. It became a sign of separation between cîrcümcised Jews and new adherents of Christianity.
        The issue was debated in the Didache, one of the earliest Christian documents discovered.’

      • I started the day in moderation. Now I’m ending it in moderation. Despite my best efforts. Hey ho…

  13. One of my all time favourite quotes was made by David Lloyd George, who said of another politician ‘when they circumcised Herbert Samuel, they threw away the wrong bit’.

    • Yeah, I love that quote too, Sir Knee. Your post just reminded me of it…???

      • Hello Nurse, hope you’re well!
        Yes, it really is one of those quotes you wish you could have thought of yourself!

  14. Had to have this done when I was 50, cause me some serious suffering…..It’s a bastard at that age. Taking weeks for the stitches to “pop”, salt baths etc. During the recovery time when the nurses are having a good look, I thought I’ve seen this film and fuck knows how they managed that after. Also during the course of the day when you sweat….it really lets you know!!

    I had it done on the NHS, I would’ve gone private….
    if I were a rich man…..dubby dubby dubby dubby dubby….dub.

    • I can remember when I was 16 having the most gorgeous student nurse having a look at my testes operation. I’m sure she was there to make sure my dick still twitched…and it did!

  15. I’ve never had a problem regarding my member with the opposite sex. They’ve always accepted that mine is circus-sized.

  16. My poor old stones were the size of big grape fruit and purple like Victoria plums and leaking fluid for 3 weeks when I was I’ll winkie was the same but with a narrow part like a link of sausages, beats circumcision hands down, cos had that as well

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