Care in the community…………..
People have problems, I have problems, you have problems too but why make them other peoples.
Mrs B and I have moved to a nice ground floor flat with a garden a lovely neighbour who we will call Mrs fruitbat lives next-door, I know she is lovely because Mrs B told me so, mrs Fruitbat is a very nervous person and this is the first time she feels safe in a community (she like us has just moved in).
Any way in the build up to the move I replaced the end fence on our property to be and Mrs fruitbat asked a few questions, “Does the fence have to be that big”?, No it wont be I replied, its feather edge in 6ft lengths and I will cut it down to 5ft.
Next was the “is my fence big enough? “ I said it should be and she asked about the dogs I explained Greyhound good with people but likes to chase small and furry.
She broke down, ooh I was going to have kittens! I cant have them now, your dog will kill them, what about my grand children? Will they be safe?
Well it seems that after that Mrs Fruitbat decided to complain to the housing association saying we had dangerous dogs and that she can not have her grand kids round in case they are attacked.
The housing association has yet to contact us on this matter, nor I them about her accusing me of knocking on her door for no reason (as kids would say WTF, why would I want your attention)
That my dear is why you have a nervous disposition and believe everyone is against you, because they are, not because you have a “Victim aura” but because you are a stupid fucking attention seeking cow, manipulative bitch and a bit of a cunt to be honest
Any way I feel better now, because Mrs B phoned me up and said this was all my fault “Giving her the wrong idea” as opposed to Mrs Fruitbat and her crusade to convince all she is the victim of society
Nominated by lord benny
After reading your posts on this site for the last couple of years,Lord B.,I wouldn’t be too keen of you moving in next door to me either….nothing to do with the hounds,you understand.
Kick her in the Cunt.
I am a kind and considerate Neighbour, Last person to call the police on me ended up being told to keep well away from me or face prosecution them selves (that was rather amusing)
Fruit bat is a socially self harming individual, she now has two friends a bipolar gay bloke and another one who may have been in the band eels, both unemployed and have a chemically enhanced view of life.
as for us DF
I personally can not see us strolling arm in arm through the woods singing “I’m a lumber jack” and my lack of mobility takes the fun out sheep worrying, so alas I fear we will never be neighbours.
(I also suspect you have excessive body hair and a funny accent)
Sorry to hear that lord benny
Perhaps instead you should resort to being a bad neighbour in order to educate her about the difference.
Here are a few ideas for you to mull over
That first one’s fucking insane but I bet she’d be a fantastic shag.
She gives me the fucking horn.
Yeah! I like how she keeps going crosseyed!! Bet shes wild in bed, bitting n scratching etc.. But id sleep with one eye open!!!
I thought she was going to projectile vomit ? over the other woman. Anyone got the number of an exorcist?
The woman with the camera should of caved her fuckin skull in with camera while she was grandstanding, the fuckin loon.
For me any cunt who says ‘biitch’ with that street trash attitude is an instant turn-off. Only from behind holding her by the scruff would I deign to copulate with this creature.
And I wear 3 condoms to be sure.
Stab proof fabric for the three condoms, you wouldn’t know what the fuck she’s got up there
Loving number 5
There are a few about…
Jesus, Lord Benny! Thought you were one of the more thoughtful and mild mannered cunters on ISAC? I know mrs Fruitbat and shes a lovely old biddy! Happy to help,cheerful, good neighbour, you fuckin move in and shes under siege! Just what is it about terrifying old ladies you enjoy so much??
My neighbour, Also Mrs Fuitbat, is a nosey gossiping attention seeker. My son kicked a football into her garden which I watched go over the fence, bounce and land in a hedge. She was in the garden and shouted ‘ow THAT HIT ME! Holding her head crying while her family gathered round her giving me evil stares. It was nowhere near her. I SAW it. Interestingly I erected a 6 foot fence after this which really pissed her off but nothing she could do about it. I don’t argue back. Just quietly and legally send a little fuck you every now and then. That’s how you deal with cunts.
Be aware – where there’s blame there’s a claim!
Give it a few weeks and some cunt will have you and/or your son for GBH; while the old bag sues for millions due to loss of memory; PTSD, and all the usual “I can’t live a normal life any more after that traumatic and vicious assault! Um, how much compo will I get?”
Well I am in two minds about what I wrote, you see my lovely neighbour has ingratiated her way into the community with some success.
The sweet little old lady at the end of the block has allegedly popped round next door with her cat litter tray and dumped it on the patio.
Fruit bat has a large sign in her window forbidding the postman to drop packets with anyone but her, she thinks the other neighbour nicked her stuff.
As for me, well I don’t give a fuck for a further two reasons, the first one being the agent has admitted that the lady has a lot of problems and has to be rehoused regularly (normally at the point when the locals start building a large bonfire out of season) and another funny story she made up about me shouting, I actually never raise my voice and am very quiet spoken so she lost a lot of credibility on that one too.
All in all things are not going well for Fruitbat, I have found out that she is a cleaner in a local cinema so I might pop down there for a shit one night.
Take a condom, fill it with your foam, and leave it there too!
Bo Jo say no more.
Hopefully when he becomes the prime minister we can sit back and watch it. That’s care in the C.
Care in the community? Don’t make me laugh.
Just received the ballot paper for the Tory leadership. According to Jeremy The Cunt Hunt, he’s going to give loadsa money to the NHS to improve social care because it desperately needs attention. He also points out that it’s himself that’s the long serving Health Secretary in British history. In other words the system that needs the money and reform is the one this arse is responsible for fucking up in the first place.
I’ve voted for Boris…
oh worthy one, once upon a time there were things called convalescence homes, a halfway house between hospitals and home where the frail could recuperate.
I don’t care which party sold them off or which party failed to re open them, but the expensive NHS proper hospital beds are blocked with people who are too frail to go home, or were too frail to go home and had another fall, which is fucking it up for every one and adding to the cost of the NHS whilst slowing its performance.
The NHS is fucked through Government abuse.
And now he’s fucked the NHS he wants to fuck the Country….
Excellent cunting, I can see why you were afforded such a prestigious title m’lord.
I can empathise with your mental bitch neighbour problems. I too am unfortunate enough to have a victim neighbour who causes all sorts of problems. She plays the victim all the time. However it’s the depression card she plays.
Said neighbour only returned to her home recently after 4 months in Butlins (Wimminz HMP, same thing). I miss the relative peace we had for a short moment of time. Her crime? Battering her boyfriend in a Wetherspoons garden. She was already on a suspended sentence.
This bucket biff cunt regularly screams help from her flat and has huge arguments and fightd with her buck-toothed Dark Key boyfriend. She cries on her balcony, claiming to be depressed, yet she’s constantly out on the piss or throwing wild parties at home. That is not depression! That is pumping your body with a depressant all waking hours. No sympathy from me madam.
She stands on her balcony every night having loud phone conversations with her friends, usually until at least 2am, often crying, yet when she hangs up and calls another mate she’s all fine again. Myself and a couple of other neighbours have asked her to stop and be considerate to others. She either gets aggressive or apologetic but nothing changes.
The police are out to her twice a week, maybe more, being sympathetic to her and her “problems”, advising it’s boyfriend and reminding him that the housing association have banned him from the building and that he had to leave. Time after time. It’s ridiculous.
Sorry to rant, but this topic coming up today couldn’t be better timed considering the selfish bitch woke me up twice last night by screaming and crying. The second time being 4am. Just 3 hours before I needed to get up. I work from home and had the pleasure of overhearing another argument at around 11am this morning. I’m tired and I’m pissed off (and I’m starting to sound like a victim)
People have problems. It’s a fact of life. Personally I have no problem with other people’s choices but when they start to disturb others choice of living in peace then I do have a problem.
As the housing or plod won’t do anything, it’s left to us to either deal with it or put up with it. We won’t put up with it much longer but I guarantee when we end up taking action the old bill will be interested because she’s the victim in all this. Apparently.
Ah, I had one of them once, she used the bin cupboard to store “Stuff” and would leave bin bags outside the door, fox would come and spread shit everywhere at night (normally in the hedge between the paths).
Walking the dog one evening I found the discarded box of what I can only assume was the biggest fuck off dildo on the market, I lovingly refolded the box and placed it in her hedge near some of the other shit lodged in the branches, but clearly visible from the path.
It stayed there almost two weeks before they clocked it, they then cleared the hedge out nicely and we moved.
Christ if there was any justice parasitic cunts like that would be stuck in gulags and worked to death away from decent folk.
It’s not just the fruitbats of the world. I frequently take my two collies to the park for a bit of ball chasing. Fuck me, some kids scream when they see the dogs, and the parents huddle round them like I have a pair of manic hyenas. The bitch collies loves kids by the way and is great with them. The dog loves kids, but hates builders – but that’s another story.
Fucking idiots. Mind you, I walked them both through a heavily asian area a few years back and it was like parting the Red Sea. They really do not like dogs. Ha you cunts!
Owning dogs soon to be officially islamaphobic.
yes that too, some big cunt offered to kick my dogs teeth out, i am familiar with all mouth and no trousers.
I clipped him on ( the dog) whilst said big boy carried on with his phone conversation it didnt bother me that much,” white man says action is stronger than words”, to be honest I don’t have much to live for so wtf, just make sure you kill me.
Lord Benny move to the wilds of Lincolnshire. Two plods to 10 trillion square miles loads of places to hide the body. Mouthy twats tend to feel the resounding slap of karma and blood feuds that would make the Albanian pikeys look tame. No one should suffer fuckwit twats like mrs fruit bat cos the mrs fruit bats are always right no matter what; basically they suffer from mental illness which has a delusional component. 30 years ago the pain in the arse would have been in an asylum. Likewise the majority of stabby paranoid schizophrenics, speaking as a life long manic depressive I feel I am qualified to point out that neighbours such as yours should be in secure accommodation. Care in the community is was and always will be the biggest betrayal of those that should benefit from said care and those who have to suffer the consequences of interacting with a person/persons who obviously dwells in another dimension
Come off it Bb. “Move to the wilds of Lincolnshire?” Enjoy life amongst the Polish potato pickers? Out of the frying pan into the fire comes to mind.
You’d have to at least get as far as Northumbria.
Try this link
Valid points raised Bsc. Boston can be difficult for a native English speaker but the sheer number of our eastern friends giving birth kept the maternity unit at the Pilgrim hospital open which was a plus for natives. If you want a measure of peace then the Lincolnshire Wolds are the place to be. In fact away from the main centres of population the Immigrants etc are not found in any number.
I have a Mrs Fruitbat oposite. A 76yr old violent pisshead with a hatred of men and who attacked her own 40yr old daughter last year, got hospitalised and promptly had a restraining order placed against said daughter.
As soon as the daughter was removed from the equation it was my turn.
Me and the wife look quite young, with 2 kids and to be fair, we don’t do too bad (hard graft with my company that until recently I was running from home, means we have a nearly new car on the drive and are DIY’ing the house to make it nice).
Anyway, said Pisshead oposite is adament we don’t work and has taken it upon herself to enact some social justice which culminated last year in her waiting for my wife to leave before coming over the road and trying to stangle me… Bloody nutter, I’m in my prime (age wise) as fit as a butcher’s dog and an ex-kickboxing instructor.
Thankfully, I have a set of iron gates that she was too pissed to operate the latch on, but it’s a weird feeling looking over your shoulder waiting for a frail pisshead old biddy to attack, knowing full well that you need witnesses if she does, because trying to prove self-defence (a 30 odd year old male against an 70 odd year old frail whore) will be almost impossible.
Start a rumour that the nutter is planning to abuse peacefuls and lgbtfgdsera persons. Something along the line that peacefuls are retards cos of inbreeding. For the lgbdtres etc a good line would be God is going to fuck them all with molten lead. Just casually drop into conversations with neighbors “Have you heard her screaming about parking Stanley’s being inbred retards” I can vouch that this black propaganda does work. Takes a little time and you have to lie obviously but remember you are dealing with a dangerous person who is lost in their own shitfest suppose she really takes umbrage and tries to shank you or torch your house car etc. The nutter could do anything just cos she’s 72 and a pisshead means nothing.
You need a doorbell camera.