Bob Lazar

I’d like to nominate Bob Lazar.

Who is he? He’s just made a documentary that’s on Netflix about his time working on flying saucers at Area 51.

I read about this attention-seeker many years ago and his amazing discoveries that he never trips himself up over or contradicts, and he seems to have terrible memory problems and migraines. Perhaps it’s all that fucking ice cream he used to eat with his small grey chums (acvording to Bob the grey alien has a fondness for strawberry ice cream, a detail left out in both Close Encounters and Fire in the Sky).

Why should anyone bother watching his documentary when he botched his story under the slightest scrutiny from Joe Rogan. The guy has had 30 years to get it right!

I bet the US Dept of Defense love him, the timewasting cunt. His UFO nonsense distracts people from stuff that might actually be happening, such as PRISM and the paedophile rings in high society.

Nominated by Cuntamus Prime

49 thoughts on “Bob Lazar

  1. I remember seeing a pic of the “Roswell alien.”
    Looked alrmingly like a wanked-out ID-S.
    Hillary Clitworn needs sorting. Is the old hag continuing to wilfuly rob the world of oxygen, sunlight and water ? Or, for that matter, darkness ?

  2. I don’t know this bloke,but must admit that I am curious about the idea of Aliens. I can’t see why,if space is infinite,we should be the only creatures to develop. I also wonder if,in the past, some other species did give us a “kick-start”….must admit the idea that “God” was an alien makes a bit of sense to me.

    • It’s a well known fact that God is a sadistic alien pervert who created the world so he could get his rocks off watching its inhabitants suffer horribly.

      Morning Dick.

  3. Plenty of aliens at the BBC. I’m pretty sure they’re on a different planet to me anyway.

  4. Some cunts are partial to a bit of anal probing, with or without strawberry ice cream.
    Just another half baked conspiracy theorist. Harmless I suppose.

  5. Made a few quid out of talks and books no doubt? Dont doubt theres life on other planets, but picking out icecream flavours with Bob? Sceptical.
    Once saw big saucer shapes flying through clouds in rawtenstall, immediately thought flying saucers, then realised that they appeared when car headlights went by on a road down the hill, was some atmospheric thing to do with density of the clouds apparently and way light reflects, impressive though! Thought id icecream my undercrackers!?

    • That sounds like Monty’s Moonlight. They bounced the light from searchlights of clouds to light the way for the tank crews in Normandy after D-Day.

  6. We have proof that there are no aliens on earth, if there were they would be given priority housing and snowflake cunts would be protesting for them. If the little green cunts arrived firing proton torpedoes at us the snowflake cunts would claim it was our fault.

    Has anyone seen a picture of Joe Biden touching an alien inappropriately? No, because there are no fucking aliens on earth!!!

  7. I’ve driven through that area in the Nevada desert. You see the occasional security patrol and there are signs everywhere saying “deadly force will be used” and shit like that. Every tiny little town has at least two shops selling souvenirs with alien shit all over them. I bought a t-shirt with a big alien face on it and some slogan i’ve completely forgotten…….”Area 51 sent me out of this world” or something like that. It’s big business, there’s a lot of money to be made.
    Speaking of money, the new face on the £50 note will be Alan Turing…….a fucking poof! Well at least it wasn’t a peaceful or Greta Thunderbirds. Not yet anyway.
    New name for £50…….a bummer.

      • The slang word for a fifty pound note is a Bullseye. Seems appropriate. Also it’s pink.

      • If your new slang word takes off Freddie they’ll be word soon that they ‘they bunged a few hundred bummers in brown envelops and the thing was sorted’.

      • Alan Turdburglaring?

        The Poles cracked that Enigma bollocks long before him…

      • Mike Ashley has a load of bummers in his pocket.

        But this is all I’ve got. We don’t take bummers here.

      • Fuck off. I’d sooner it was a bent Brit who cracked the code than a paralytic Pole.

      • And he used English boffinry to crack the code with the sole and unambiguous purpose to fuck the krauts; that’s gotta be a good current message.

  8. Statistically there has to be life out there. Everywhere on earth we thought life couldn’t survive we found it.

    I thought his story was more reasonable than some of the other nutbar whackshit that’s out there. Personally I’m still undecided as to whether the ufos came from another galaxy or were just joy rides that methed up centenarian Nazis crashed.

    • During WW2 the Germans did experiment with circular aircraft/hovercraft designs. The concept drawings do somewhat resemble early UFO descriptions but the whole idea of an enclosed helicopter was flawed and hopelessly unstable. The Yanks copied the idea after a canny Nazi scientist got himself into America (and out of the hands of Uncle Joe Stalin) by dashing off a quick drawing, and built the Avrocar saucer (see youtube for actual footage) which was so crap, having a maximum flight ceiling of about 12 inches, that the project was eventually binned as an impractical waste of money.
      That’s why NASA used rockets and helicopters look the way they do…

  9. DF you would like the docu film
    The Unacknowledged..all about how Trumplanders manage the UFO sightings and includes people who worked in the industry and not some tin foil hat wearing conspirators.

    • Cheers CF.
      I’ve just watched the trailer on Amazon. Think I might buy it later.

  10. Travel xtee billion light years to stick something up a weirdees arse. Fucking right on.

  11. Lazar?, not this idiot. I thought people got bored of his shit ages ago…still, I suppose there’s a whole new generation of unthinking morons out there to fleece that know him not of old..
    A cunt?, well, yes..he’s an annoying prick, but if he’s in the (probable) business of parting monies from unthinking morons, maybe only Demi-cunt status should be awarded..

    ‘…and he seems to have terrible memory problems and migraines. Perhaps it’s all that fucking ice cream he used to eat with his small grey chums….’

    Ah yes, these would be the self same wee grey buggers with the penchant for doing a spot of the old ‘anal probing’, eh, Bob?, memory problems, eh?, ‘screen memories’ of gobbling ‘ice cream with the aliens’, eh? (is that the contactee equivalent of ‘tea with Mr Tumnus’ perchance?)

    ‘…I bet the US Dept of Defense love him, the timewasting cunt. His UFO nonsense distracts people from stuff that might actually be happening, ‘

    If you get bored sometime, have a look into the history of the weird and wonderful world of UFOnuts, one thing is striking, that even from the early days of the setting up of the USian ‘civilian’ study groups, it’s ‘interesting’ how many of the people involved turned out to be ex-military or ex-spooks, this side of the pond wasn’t much different (I give you, as an current example, the ‘apparent’ chief ‘civilian’ spokescunt in charge of UFOnuttery..Nick Pope)

    • Nick Pope? You mean the former keeper of the British ‘X’ Files? Or Ferret Mulder as I call him.

  12. Roswell Flying Saucer and it’s official explanation – a weather balloon?
    Was it fuck a weather balloon.
    It was a captured V2 rocket with a payload of astrochimps that came back down to Earth, that confused the local hicks.

    • I reckon the USAF accidentally dropped an unarmed nuke, leaving bits of contaminated crap all over the desert and cooked up the alien shit to cover things up…

      • It was actually an early case of peacefuls trying to sneak in and blow up the air force base at Rosewell, the only place on earth with nooks at that time.
        The Septics didn’t want to annoy the nascent SJW movement on the west coast by giving them a chance to shout Islamophobia, so to keep the snowflakes quiet they said it was a weather balloon after they’d rounded up and topped the cunts.

  13. Lazar is unable to provide any material evidence of having worked on advanced projects, alien or not.
    Nick Pope is basically rent-a-spook for every wobbly UFO documentary ever made and has wrung a few book deals out of it.
    George Adamski was an out and out fraud, whose films of visiting flying saucers are obvious cardboard cut-outs and Chrysler hubcaps on strings from before the days of halfway decent special effects.
    Gulf Breeze sightings? Fake.
    Pleiades sightings? Debunked and fake.
    The only one worth listening to is Stanton Friedman, because he is actually a real scientist…

    • You can’t say M** in B**** anymore Mr B.
      You have to refer to Persons in Colour.

      • Or even “weirdos and fruitcakes employed by the U.S. Goverment to dress strangely, drive about in black vintage cars and freak out anyone who simply just caught a glimpse of the latest Air Force prototype”
        Allegedly… (and probably) 😀

  14. I believe in life on other planets and other intelligent life on earth but that the future evolutionary path is an expansion of consciousness, the physical body being an unevolved form of life, and aliens will be met in an expanded consciousness not through advanced machinery.

    • One of the sci fi writers ended a book with humans developed to that stage, travelling the universe as pulses of energy.

      It’d be fucking hard to shake their hand and take them to you leader.

  15. According to Lazar, he saw about seven alien spacecraft, of different designs while working at the so called Area 51. I’m pretty sure the place is actually called Groom Lake, but I could be wrong there. Anyway, while I have no doubt that there’s intelligent life on other planets. Some of it will be more advanced than us. I do doubt though that, while being advanced enough to build craft capable of crossing interstellar space, they’re absolutely useless at making them capable of flying in a planetary atmosphere during a storm. Maybe one or two could have had accidents and crashed, but to listen to the hardcore UFO believers, they’re falling from the skies like rain. Some of them believe the Soviets were practically at war with them, and that various governments have mega top secret special forces units, whose sole task is to retrieve crashed alien ships.

    I saw the Joe Rogan interview, and I thought his bouts of ‘migraine’ were pretty convenient. I saw part of the Netflix documentary but had to turn it off. Boring. There is evidence that Lazar did work at Area 51 (apparently including a phone book entry for the place), and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. I doubt that he worked on any alien spacecraft. It’s a shame he went with this, because we’re talking about a guy who puts jet engines on cars for fun.

  16. I woke up with a sore arse yesterday. Can’t decide whether it’s a haemorrhoid or whether I’ve blanked out the nightmare of an alien abduction.

    • No implants, missing time or strange sunburn?
      Or a note saying “Love and thanks from the USS Enterprise Gay Officers Club”? 😀

  17. on a related conspiracy issue. tomorrow is the 50th anniversary of the launch of Apollo 11, an absolutely awesome achievement but there are still fuckin dingbats around who say ‘it never happened. was filmed in a studio by Stanley Kubrick’ blah blah blah.. anybody here think it never happened? give it your best shot..

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