A special cut price cunting for supermarket cunts Asda, please.

There is a worrying trend for woke employers to police the views of employees and sack them if they express views, even privately expressed views, with which the pc obsessed woke cunts disagree.

The latest offender is crap supermarket, Asda. Brian Leach worked on the tills at Asda. However, on his private Facebook page he shared a joke by Billy Connolly to do with peacefuls . Now this is Billy Connolly, otherwise known as Sir William Connolly CBE, the much loved Scottish comedian, the “ Big Yin” himself. Yet judging by Asda’s response you’d think he quoted Adolf Hitler or Tommy Robinson ( whose real name, by the way, is Stephen Yaxley Lennon!).

Mr Leach was sacked for gross misconduct after a fellow employee complained at the skit, in which Connolly apparently takes aim at all religions. The fuckers at Asda said that they do “not tolerate any form of discrimination from colleagues or customers and take such behaviour extremely seriously”.

Fuck of Asda, you demented, fucked up woke politically correct cunts. An employees personal opinions are none of your business. Asda says Mr Leach violated their social media policy. If correct then Asda. wants to revisit its policy.

In the meantime, fellow cunters, avoid Asda like the plague.

Nominated by Marvellous Mechanical Cunting Machine

109 thoughts on “ASDA

  1. Wait till you try there new click and collect system its like a fucking game show!

    • I’m glad I buy most of my food from Gousto now after you say this. It’s cut at least £200 spend a month from using them. When I next use it I will report back with my experience of the game show.

  2. Agree, nicely cunted! But the guy was nieve/ gormless, management monitor social media, befriending staff so can keep tabs on them.
    Represented loads of people through this in disciplinary hearings where, some dozy cunt phoned in sick then posted on Facebook, him an kids on beach in Blackpool.
    Why accept a managers request to nosy into your private life?
    If any cunters have bosses, shift managers, etc on facefook, unfriend them! Spying on you kids!

    • I went through a very bad patch of absenteeism my driver was the regional managers best mates son.
      He would phone in sick (multiple reasons) he had the good sense to tone down his social media, unfortunately being a total cunt and and having a level head, I focused on his friends.
      His friends reported him to be at various social venues, beer festivals , raves ect.
      Now not being funny you are my customer, yes you cunters out there, People paid for labor forces that couldn’t work because equipment that wasn’t delivered .
      I could pin point the location of my underling and tell my superior exactly where they where, but fuck all happened.
      Most frustrating time of my life I have to say, any way He got fired after a 9 month absence.

    • Superb. Who says ISAC is a spent force !

      I can go to bed in the knowledge I have done some good today ?

    • This could lead to multiple possibilities Creampuff, maybe ISAC’s collective powers could indeed harpoon Thornpiggy one day for Ron.

      • Who the fuck needs a ‘meeter and greeter’ in a supermarket? Another stupid Yank idea. I want to get my shopping done, not be pestered by one of these cunts.
        As far as Asda is concerned, it’s no worse than any other shop and I can recommend their baked beans, wholemeal and rye bread and their apple and blackcurrant squash.

  3. One, just one, of the troubling things about this case is the fact that he was grassed up by a fellow employee. What a sneaky little creep. What the fuck did this arselicker hope to gain?
    It reminds me of Nazi Germany where cunts were grassed up to the Gestapo for telling jokes or making adverse comments about Hitler. At school little cunts were encouraged to inform on their own parents. This case is very disturbing. You have to be careful what you say and to whom. Freedom of speech? Fuck off.

    • He’s a peaceful naturally and was enraged by the blasphemy of Sir Billy Connolly’s joke. Hope he gets beheaded on his next trip home.

    • This all had a whiff of brainless checkout monkeys on the same estate with the Asda at the top of the road having a spat on Facebook and one of them figured out the best way to stitch the other one up.

      The MRs do not shop in places like Asda.

    • Gotta love the BBC article. A photograph of about 40 fit, healthy black-as-coal fighting-age men in a dinghy and what’s the next close-up of? A black man you say? Get to fuck it’s a light brown BABY! and text all about wimminz and their helpless children coming to europe for a better life awwwww.

  4. Never trust a company that calls itself a *family* – hypocritical bastards. What I loathe most about Asda is their fucking asinine “radio station” formerly Asda FM now “Asda Radio” same old shit with gushing “presenters” who are no doubt delusional arseholes who imagine in the crimbling ruins ot ehri drug-addled minds that they are Radio 1 presenters and not merely minimum wage disc jockeys playing at being radio hosts. All about 30 going on 15 who live at home with their mums

    • They also like their employees to refer to each other as “colleagues.”
      What fuckin’ line of work does a ‘colleague’ stab you in the back?
      (apart from politics obviously!)

  5. Apologies for swimming against the deludge of cuntings here but my local Asda is really quite good. Friendly staff who have time of day for you and my autistic son loves his Saturday morning shop there, sitting in the toddler’s seat of the shopping trolley, being ferried around and having his hash brown treat from the hot counter.

    Like all chains, the level of management cuntitude will vary from place to place, but the staff do appear quite happy in their work and this will inevitably come down to how they are treated by their management.

    • customer service is local, I hope that you have e-mailed the manager and commented on exceptional service and named staff.
      Sometimes its good to have great feedback, I left justifiable feedback for a supplier and ended up with a call from the manager to thank me?
      fuck knows why.

    • Staff at my ASDA are generally polite & helpfull – the few that are still there.

      Most checkouts are now a windows AI touch screen ‘unexpected item in packaging area’ flashing red beacon ‘administrator input required’ load of bollocks.

      I once used one of these in a Tesco store. 15 items succesfully scanned & then ‘ERROR – CANNOT COMPUTE’ – a sour faced overall intervened ” I’ve had to clear it – you’ll have to start again” – “I think not – keep your bloody shopping” I left and went to another store, one still operated by hamsters.


  6. David Milliband on LBC today.
    The son of a Marxist actually complained about the gender pay gap between male and female refugees.

    The sad twat also suggested said illegals should be seen as an assest and not a threat.
    Not enough Columbians to clean you bog in NYC?

    Total gravy train riding cunt.

      • And no more a Marxist than Krav is. So why drag his dad into it? Is it cos he is…no, shouldn’t go there, should we? Completely irrelevant.

      • If the sons were a bit more old labour (giving a shit about the working class) their party wouldnt have to scrape the barrel and find nutters like Corbynov and McDonnell. What they actually stand for is anyone’s guess, just aa with Blair, Cameron and May.

      • Yes. A lot of us thought Corbyn was Old Labour, and we stand corrected. Corbyn is Old Woolly-Minded Cunt. Wish we had a Varoufakis, personally. The basic problem is unchanged from the 1920’s but the solutions need to take account of the last century.

    • He was a completely useless CUNT when he was MP for South Shields. He scuttled off to America for a highly paid non job and left the town in a state worse than Chernobyl. His Marxist dad left his dysfunctional sons thousands of pounds with of property, which, so far, neither of the hypocritical cunts have given to their homeless comrades.

      • Hartlepool, Sedgefield, South Shields…has NE Old Labour yet woken up to the fact that their constituencies are simply launching pads for the highly lucrative careers of parachuted-in elite cunts?
        Incoming MP: Why aye as I believe you chaps say, I’m a reet canny champion of the workers, marras.
        Outgoing MP: See you, suckers. My regards to your whippets.

  7. Asda is a pitiful supermarket only beaten to the shitty Gold and Silver medals by Lidl and Aldi. Lidl is full of loud, tattooed, aggressive Dooshka-Dooshkas criminals and that’s just the staff. Asda is full of pikeys scrimping 20p purchasing, cardboard bread, salad that decays before you’ve reached home, and teabags made from soil and sawdust. To arrive at the Peaceful-infested tills you have to negotiate the playground of the aisles where indifferent parents allow little Kevin and Kylie to go crazy, running around like it’s a fucking Laserquest smashing groceries, their blood-curdling yells like feverish rapë victims. The food is shit, the fruit & veg tastes artificial, and the whole places stinks like the swimming baths after an incontinent geriatrics’ special morning.

    They should pay me to shop there.

    • We can’t all afford Waitrose, the proof being that one in Leicester is closing and Lidl are taking over.

      • I remember last time I was in ASDA… Full of ‘Happy Ramadan’ banners… They were still cleaning up the blood at the Manchester Arena and a shop down the road is actually glorifying and celebrating the psychotic scum who did it?!! This once green and pleasant is now brown and unpleasant… In short, we are frigged…

      • Moggs, I don’t go to Waitrose, I just don’t want to negotiate kamikaze kids when buying my grub.

  8. Everyone says the cut price supermarkets are great but after forcing myself to try them I have to disagree.

    The saving are NOTHING special unless you like your baked beans from friendly manufacturer Zagaton or something and the whole place smells of skint people.

    In Leeds they are full aspiring architects, eastern europe trash and the poor.

    Nasty places.

  9. Aldi and Lidl are shit and ASDA isnt far behind.

    As a confirmed racist with a particular dislike of the peaceful variety I can confirm that I will not be shopping at ASDA due to their employment policy


  10. I haven’t shopped in an asda supermarket for a long time because there isn’t one near me.
    Is it OK to give the employees a gentle pat on the bum and say, “That’s asda price”?

  11. if you were desperate for a job , went for an interview at Asdas and they asked: ‘ what are your views on our Muslim friends ‘ would you;
    a. tell them to fuck off and mind their own business.
    b. tell them what you actually felt or
    c. lie though your teeth and give them the answer you think they want to hear?

    • a.

      Closely followed by

      d. Play them the Billy Connolly clip on my phone..

      We don’t have an Asda here that I can boycott, from other comments I now know why, we don’t have the requisite percentage numbers of ‘ethnically challenged’ living locally for them..give it a couple of fucking years though.

      The worst part of this incident was the grovelling apology they got the poor bastard to write to the backstabbing offended peaceful..especially this bit

      ‘…”I have spoken to affected Colleagues apologising for my post, taking their feedback onboard. I have realised people’s faiths are very important to them, and the nature of the post regarding the sensitive nature of it relating to the holy place of Islam. ‘

      Fuck ye right off, that was scripted by one of these cunts and this poor sod, without anyone in his corner, fucking put his name to it probably thinking he’d keep his job by doing so, so they got him to grovel to this cunt, then they sacked him.

  12. Went into Lidl once. Nearly everything was stacked on pallets.
    Thought I’d walked into a famine relief centre….

  13. I finished shopping at asda a few years back when one of their “colleagues” decided that it wasn’t her job to show me where such and such is down which aisle to which I said it is your job so do it.

    She then told me to fuck off so I called for the manager.
    The manager unbelievable sided with her and called security to escort me off the premises, because she made out that I had threatened her.

    Suffice to say I have never been shopping in another asda ever since, or ever brought petrol there ever again.


    • I’m afraid I just don’t believe you, SYM. They told you to fuck off, called the manager then complained about you? That’s FAR too much English language for an Iron Curtain or Somalian. Pull the other one.

  14. Sinister. It’s completely wrong to invade privacy, but it’s also been quite obvious for a few years which way this social media age was heading and those still on these batshit platforms ealised it’s now turning into a digital Stasi and left.

    Asda can fuck off with their offended story. The parent company sells bullets to numbskulls.

    Go woke, go broke, go and fucking choke.

  15. Wow, what a bunch of snobs. I’m no great fan of the cheap supermarkets but if I don’t want to starve the only alternative is shoplifting at the M & S Simply Food round the corner where , it seems, you fucking shop.

    • Haha, im like you moggie couldnt give a flying fuck where i shop as long as the foods fresh, reasonably priced,
      And not owned by ethnics.
      Couldnt give a fuck if got a straw floor, and run by satanists.

      • It’s not snobbery, Mogs. It’s having to weave around vulgar cunts with the trolley sense of drunken drivers, having to avoid being rugby tackled by mewling ankle-biters, and having to stand in the queue next to loutish, loud Eastern Eurotrash bellowing to their Bucharest mates to pick up more 8 Ace Polish lager as they’ve just received their Benefits, to which I contributed. They have less manners than a gibbon and are evidently allergic to showers. The hum is simply repulsive. Buy one fewer bottle of four quid Dobska vodka and purchase some bloody soap. Cunts.

  16. Most large firms have middle managers with fuck all better to do than catch out some poor bloke posting a joke or saying the wrong thing and telling teacher about it in the guise of i vas only following orders.
    No one likes a fucking worm.
    By the way has Billy Connolly been arrested yet?

    • No, hes got ‘fuck off’ money, plus hes on his last legs.

      I see him at hammersmith a few years ago when he did that sketch. Wasnt that controversial, then…..

  17. No Asda pr Lidl anywhere near me,but if I’m ever anywhere near a Lidl I make a point of going. There normally have a range of Polish foods in…must admit I’m not too sure what type of meat is in some of the sausages,but the hounds and I enjoy them. Some of their pickles are fucking good too.
    I’m no food snob and will eat just about anything.

    • Good for you Dick. Just because a brand isn’t some instantly recognizable american shit doesn’t make it rubbish. When I’ve previously shopped in Europe, 90% of the brands were unknown to me but I ate well.

      • I think my ability to enjoy just about any food comes from growing up on a farm where nothing was ever “out of date” or wasted, and a succession of schools where the food would have had a pig thinking twice before tucking in.
        I do enjoy eating stuff that I’ve shot,caught or reared myself,but have no qualms about ‘eating “cheap” and,tbh,I’m far too tight to pay double the price for something that I can get at a reasonable price in the likes of tesco,aldi pr lidl.

        Evening, Moggie.

      • Evening Dick, know youve got land,
        You farm livestock? Or crops? Bit of both?
        My mum n dad were sticklers for us kids to clean a plate, which was fair enough, worked to put it on table who am i to get picky?
        As a adult now feel guilty if any food is wasted, luckily when get home from work im 10minutes away from cannibalism…

      • Hill land mainly, MNC….but must admit that I do very little these days. I let most of it out and tend to do a bit of forestry work now and then.

      • My family used to have land in cheshire, where Lindow man (bog body) was found, used to cut peat for sale upto my dads teens, but gone now, family vultures squabbling etc, my grandad should of inherited it but told them to shove it, bless him, prime real estate now where man utd players live.

    • You’ve probably got a Co-op near you. The latest tv ad for the co-op boasts of their contribution to the local community and to Pride.
      Fuckin’ makes me sick when I see it but how many people do some shopping at their local Co-op?

      • There’s a Coop 6 miles away but I rarely use it. I’d prefer to drive the extra 20 miles into town, go to Aldi. and do a big shop.

        Evening BSC,

    • I don’t think you can beat the LIDL pickles gherkins. Big fat ones just like you get at the chippy. The quality of supermarket and patrons varies massively according to location.

      The Chelmsford Asda and LIDL, for example are OK places. But fuck going to the corresponding stores in Basildon, where folk have struggled to evolve sufficiently to walk upright.

    • With you all the way there Dick. Have even visited a totally Polish shop in search of their excellent pork products, and a good Lidl gives plenty of room to experiment with the unfamiliar, at low, low prices, due to the lack of shelf stackers, marketing cunts and shiny displays which actually add nothing but extra costs. Of course, come Brexit, Lidl will go out of business and we will be stuck with Tesco Metro along with all the other frightening stuff I can’t be arsed researching, but it’s frightening…

  18. It all started going wrong when they started calling staff, colleagues, partners and fucking stakeholders ,im a steakholder when i can afford it.

  19. Well it didn’t take long for Boris to fuck it up.
    Amnesty for illegal immos?
    No, no, three times fucking NO !
    Fucking get them out you soppy cunt.

    • And stop telling ill-informed ‘jokes’ about kippers!

      Own goals like that make him look as inept as Catweasel and Flabbott.

      And get a proper fucking haircut. And stop smirking like a naughty schoolboy.

      • If he’s hoping to court the libtard vote, he can stop dreaming.
        They hate him almost as much as they hate Trump. If he does what he says he’s going to do on October 31st then he will be top of their hate list.

      • Apart from being pro-Brexit (allegedl) he’s always been socially liberal.

      • Certainly thoughtful in his people for ministerial jobs. What has been said about him he knows how to put the right people in the right jobs. That is a skill. Because he doesn’t work himself but that’s OK.

    • Yup, flagged up this fucker’s rigorously liberal proclivities yesterday, no surprise at all; phase 3 begins bang on cue.

  20. Social media tag ?

    Sixdog Vomit.

    Interview terminated.

    Fuck it, never really wanted to work for hope not hate anyway!


  21. Paul Joseph Watson covers this perfectly on YouTube. I suggest you subscribe to his channel before it gets taken down.

  22. Nothing in the freezer yesterday so went out to eat at strange restaurant.
    Waiter showed us to a table, gave us a menu, then asked if I’d like to hear the specials.
    I said “Sure, why not.”
    He said “This town….is coming like a ghost town.”….

  23. Went out to lunch today to a place the wife described as a posh Cuban restaurant.
    Bit of an exaggeration, little more than a Castro pub….

  24. I worked in a branch of this shit-show for a few years when I was a student. The highlight of the week was when me and my mate had to do the reductions on a Saturday morning. We’d put the Halal meat in the bottom of the fridge then cover it with sausages and pork chops. We would also get swarms of peacefuls hovering about the reductions each night, ready to pounce on you when you went to do the final reductions. One manager hated the bastards. He would tell us to take all the stuff off at 9pm and chuck it in the waste. “I’d rather see it all go in the bin than let those cunts have it.”

    • Yeah, but they weren’t REAL peacefuls you raaay-sist.

      A real peaceful would have just shoplifted the stuff in the first place.

    • Poundland is handy for Bic razors and toothpaste…
      Crammed to buggery with Dooshka Dooshkas though…

      • Poundland is great. Rattle cans of black and silver paint for a quid a pop. I can paint a whole motorcycle frame for a fiver.
        Packs of Stanley and hacksaw blades, bike inner tubes, printer paper, drill bits that are better than the pricey ones from the DIY store etc etc.
        Valhallah for the self employed penny pincher.
        I am a tight cunt… 😀

    • These are like places where the underclass shop to be honest. I’m all for a bargain, but bargain carpets, silverware and furniture. I don’t care if my loo rolls cost £2 more than they should.

      Don’t get me wrong Waitrose has its problems – ridiculous shopping experience packed full of self absorbed twats who won’t move out of the way for you. Tescos, on the other hand, seems to have patrons who move about with their trolleys in a very considerate manner. Sainsburys has gone the way of Waitrose, what with more and more self entitled customers monging their way through the shop without any self awareness of who they are impeding.

      Lidl and Aldi smack of going into a Russian shop in the 1980s. Poundland shops usually smell horrible and the stock looks like something the dog puked up yesterday!

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