I’m fully aware that there are loads of other well deserved cuntings in the queue but I wish to nominate the rather unsexy Adult Social Care.
Basically,naive people who have worked all their lives and who were too “honest” and naive to put their assets in their dependant’s names end up payin HUNDREDS of thousands of their savings to pay for what calls itself adult social care.
The victims are deluded by thinking that they are doing the right thing by scrimping and saving whilst living like paupers for the last 25 years of their miserable existence because “someone has to pay ” for their old age.
What the cunting fuck is fair about that?!
According to Socialist doctrine, “fairness” means that uneducated inbred scum who have never done a day’s work since they left hospital (ie when they were born) are paid for by the rest of us until the day that the idle cunts die..
To get fundiing via the NHS for a deserving family member means that they have to be on a bloody ventilator or are reduced to being a brain suspended in a glorified aquarium !The cunts that make these funding decisions are paid commission on the number of cases that they turn down. Well, Fuck them! I’m going to fritter every penny that I’ve got (on alcohol and prostitutes) …the wife has given her blessing so that that some school-age bimbo can come round and clean my knob.
Aren’tI the cunt?!
Nominated by cuntator
Well cunted. Adult Social care is just one more example of another system that doesn’t work.
You think it’s bad now, imagine 40, 50, 60 years down the line when there’s trillions of Eastern Europeans and peacefuls. They’ll all be straight down the Western Union to hide their money whilst claiming free care. Meanwhile your children & grandchildren are having to get up at 5am to get out to work and fucking pay for it. Nothing will change.
You bet. It’s funny how it’s Peacefuls, Somalis ( the fucking pirates) and Eastern Europeans that know how to milk the system. The same fuckers that love the EU
Correct. They have huge families as well. They’ve got a birth rate of around 5.1 children per couple whilst the national average was about 2.2 children. I doubt that they’ll be going back home for their autumn years, sucking the udder of the Great British cow until their final breath.
Scary stuff. If death doesn’t come calling for me soon I’ll be booking a stay a The Hotel Du Dignitas.
A lot of the trouble,as well as the recent enrichers,is the fact that Social Security payments have for years been used to fund the feckless,instead of being invested to pay for the contributors future care. It’s nothing but a giant Ponzi scheme.
Monies taken now,supposedly to care for our pensions and care in old-age are dished out in benefits,along with Fuck knows how much in borrowed money. As demand relentlessly increases….people living longer,the madness of child-benefit etc.,the money is spent before it is received. I pay as little into The State as I can get away with…bit of a Cunt’s trick,I know,but I don’t believe that there’ll be any pension available to me or any State-funded care available by the time that I get to that stage.
I’m fairly confident that my lifestyle will ensure that I don’t last long enough to become a “burden on the State”..at least I hope that I don’t. Hopefully by the time that I’m dependent on The State someone will have the decency to instruct the Nurse to “put a pillow over the moaning old Cunt’s face” so that any resources that I may have unjustly used can be put towards a family of Romanian Gypsies or a sex-change for some Polish wagon-driver.
Good Cunting.
Fuck Off.
Very noble of you Dick, the Towers will be put to good use housing recent arrivals or maybe a collage for aspiring architects, with a high turnover naturally. The Grand Fiddler Library and Amber Room will be stripped bare of any shiny trinkets to fund transitioning pygmies and fight climate change. You might even get your name on a park bench.
Fiddler Towers will cease to exist when I do,LL…it’s magnificent stately rooms,my antiquities.the faded splendour,the Butler’s Pantry,the ancestral portraits, even. my solid oak front door complete with brass knocker……all will vanish into the ether only to reappear every 100 years like some dissolute Brigadoon complete with ghostly shouts of “Tally-Ho and Fuck Off” to remind the Plebs just what they have lost.
“fight climate change” – brings to mind an image of King Canut (or King Cnut)
I don’t think it’s a Cunt’s trick to pay as little into The State as you can get away with; I’d assume you were a cunt if you paid any more than you strictly had to, and I’d hope you’d “bend the rules” in your favour whenever possible (within the law… natch)…. fuck them, as you yourself might say.
Unfortunately there was rather a heated disagreement about what was “within the law”. The words “fraudulent book-keeping” and “false accounting” were mentioned at one point.
If you are wealthy enough to be able to pay for your care home, you will also be paying more than the council-funded room next door. Once again, you will be subsidising the feckless fuckers that are a blight on our once proud country.
Excellent cunting.
I could list several examples of the shit old people in this country have to endure, but I won’t give their names here.
Once their usefulness has expired, i.e. they start drawing their entitlement instead of contributing towards some other cunt’s, they are nothing more than a burden to the state who wishes that they would just hurry up and die.
Well it’s about time immigrants were put to work for the benefit of Britain, like they lied about doing on entry, or told to fuck off cos there’s genuine British people in need of the retirement and health care they were promised and paid for all their lives.
I really couldn’t give a fuck if any foreigners are in hardship regardless of where they live.
As a deluded victim, can only agree with this excellent cunting. Though I should probably not long survive the tender mercies of many care homes long enough to be deposited on the street when the money runs out. I tend to agree that those who comfortably can, should pay for at least part of their care. This is the dire consequence of the NI system being mismanaged and probably robbed for other purposes. I most strongly disagree that medical and care services should be free at the point /port of entry for non-UK citizens.
The care home industry is yet another example of private companies being encouraged to make their entire income from government funding. In the process of transformative enterprise ™, carers’ wages are cut to the minimum (using immos and unqualified staff), charges are inflated and profits maximised to the hedge funds which effectively own the companies. Money trickles out of the system to the shareholders and executives at every stage of the process. Geriatric-farming, you might call it. In fact I think I shall.
Very well put.
I’m actually quite glad that having recently turned 45, there are probably more days behind than ahead! If we think the country has become a toilet now, I doubt many of us here will want to see what it will be like in 30 or 40 years time!
The situation will get much worse if Steptoe gets in. They’re considering plans to introduce a life time gifts tax to replace inheritance tax which would affect 10 million people. Would some of the money raised be used to fund Adult Social Care? Of course fuckin not. Its more money for the fuckin feckless. If you have any money, start spending now. At the very least, it might stimulate the economy.
what do you think the chances of applying for political asylum in the US will be if Cunto Corbyn gets in?
Tip of the Corbyn /Milne /McDonnell iceberg Bsc.
Good afternoon.
Afternoon RTC. Yes, I think it’s those who are ‘propping up’
Corbyn(quite literally) who we really need to worry about.
Btw, is it true that one of the three new Carry on films that they’re talking about making includes ‘Carry on Creampuff?’ A riotous film apparently about the naughty goings on at Creampuff Manor. I’m definitely getting tickets!
Fuck all naughty going on here at Creampuff Manor Bsc. Waiting for the grass to grow and mow is about as naughty as it gets. Am going out now to buy some mince.
New Carry On films? I feel another cunting coming on…
Who would you like, to play your good self in the lead role?
I can just picture one of the scenes. You on your sit on mower chasing the French maid across the Creampuff lawns!
Idris Elba.
I think the time is right for a black Creampuff.
Great choice!
My first thought was Chris Eubank. But he’s not really an actor.
You’d be increasingly lucky to get a legacy unless your benefactor had the good taste to die suddenly and unexpectedly. There wasn’t much left after my parents spent their last years in care homes. It certainly didn’t reach the inheritance tax threshold. Given that a legator’s income is legal and properly declared, inheritance tax is a double burden and a scam. Tax has already been paid on it. And when that isn’t the case, the cunt is evidently savvy or criminal enough to hide his legacy from HMRC and the FCA.
Corbyn’s proposal is worse still, and my guess is it’s unworkable. Unearned income from the housing bubble is the target – but it will hit unrelated incomes. If Corbyn is serious about ending the continuing gross inflation of property prices, he has to look at the economy as a whole – dependent since Thatcher’s time on the housing bubble – and simultaneously with narrowly targeting property incomes, supply a solid productive investment base; tangible money for tangible products. This will be difficult outside the EU; inside, it will be impossible.
Corbyn, like the rest of us, is fucked.
Well put Komodo. The big change this tax would bring is that the threshold would be slashed to about £125,000.
Considering the average price of a house in the UK is 225k, it’s not difficult to see how many more people would be affected.
Corbyn fucked? So not all bad then. ?
I just hope that in old age i have the marbles left to claim that i’m a trans person who now wants to be called Dorothy and that i require new bloomers fresh every morning.
30 years of going to work, paying taxes and NI, and for what? Sell my hope to go into a private old cunt’s home because that’s what the state insists you do!
Live for today, and fuck tomorrow!
If that’s the attitude of the feckless and irresponsible, then I may as well join them too!
No way do I want to end up in the basket weavers hotel stinking of shit and piss and some fat Filipino bird slapping me about the head every time I don’t make it to the bog in time.
No fuck that.
Mr B senior had the good sense to be declared insane, (sectioned) so his care was funded by the NHS (Dementia, and he was violent (also still had his fucking shotgun licence too) Mrs B’s mum is a sweet little emigrant Irish girl who came over to help the war effort (our side) she also has dementia, but has remained sweet, as such her current care is costing £1000 per week (all inclusive), there will be no windfall on her demise.
I myself intend to top the most annoying person I can think off, (or as many as I can) and live out my last days in the prison hospital wing, enjoying 3 meals a day and free tv, heating ect, I don’t think I will miss birds at that time of my life so its a good plan.
Part if our council tax bill is adult social care. The only gripe I have is that the cunts who benefit are the cunts who have always benefited from benefits.
I tell all my elderly family members to “get the fucker spent while you can still enjoy it” and thankfully most have listened, much to the disgust of my workshy relatives expecting a tasty windfall and now I’m an outcast, well fuck’em the workshy shitstains.
Thanks for appreciating my cunting.
Do you think that if I put on a tired female northern accent devoid of any passion and kept repeating the mantra, “foatball’s coomin herm” I would be sectioned and qualify for NHS continuing care ?
What does it even fucking mean? Where is it now if it’s not at home?
Wasn’t it that pair of wannabe lads Bad Eel and Skinner who started this shit ? The ugly unfunny cunts.