Tom & Eve Penn

A Neighbourhood Watch, Friends and Neighbours cunting please for this *public spirited?* shitstain who was so concerned for the welfare of our future Prime minister and his tart that he phoned the police, and also had the presence of mind to record the brouhaha AND send it to *The Guardian*.

The Guardian says it all doesn’t it? Some fucking nose in the air do-fucking-gooder with too much sodding time on his hands. I smell stitch-up

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

Boris Johnson’s neighbours are right Guardianista interfering cunts.

Its one thing calling the police to a perceived affray but recording it and giving it to the Guardian is another. They obviously don’t like Johnson and now have a perma-erection thinking how brilliant they are that they’ve knocked 10 bells of popularity out of our best candidate for prime minister since Maggie Thatcher.

I hope Boris get’s the job and gets to live in nice Chequers and Downing Street away from those awful Guardian remainer plebs.

Nominated by Cuntologist

121 thoughts on “Tom & Eve Penn

  1. He looks like Tom Watson reinflated. There’ll always be work for Specsavers with this pair around.

    • They have ‘Wanker’ written all over them. ! What Cunts.

      Btw, Jeremy hCunt – fuck off telling us what Boris should do ; you should try holding your breath for a few hours & put us all out of our misery, looking at your Twat face & listening to your privelleged fucking whining, you massive CUNT !

  2. A very well deserved cunting.

    Who do these idiots think they are?

    And taping a next door neighbour seems just like the kind of thing a pathetic publicity seeking knob would do.


  3. Just look at that picture… One can smell snowflake cunt a mile off…
    And you can bet that daft mealy mouthed posing tart in the stupid shades pulls the fat one’s strings… Definitely… He’ll be your classic gaybeard millennial cry at anything ‘feminist’ new man cunt… But I bet she is absolute hell on earth to live with…. I bet she cooks their alternative gluten free macrobiotic tastes like shit vegan sunday roast by breathing fire on it…

    A pair of thermonuclear cunts, guaranteed…

    • I understand that the term “Bug man” applies, my second thought is where are the fucking seagulls when you need them.

    • This pair of goggle eyed twats are not what you hope for in neighbours thats a given. Bet theyre a right laugh at parties!! The type who look for issues to take offence at, never happier than when correcting someone, telling someone what theyre doing is wrong, or spoiling someones fun. Well im not going to Tom & Eves dinner party this weekend, her organic hummus is only fit for mortaring bricks, her nutroast tastes like shite, and i hate fuckin bread wi seeds in.

  4. Pair of libtard, champagne socialist, remoaner, climate change, gay and tranny rights, peaceful loving fuckwits. About 60% of the white population of Londonstabistan are like this. I bet you can find these wankers on a Saturday night in one of the trendy ok ya bars in Brixton, waving their credit cards about, wearing their Dulwich Hamlet FC lapel badges and braying loudly about that awful, misogynist racist Trump.
    That’s if they’re not spending the weekend at Mummy and Daddy’s place in Hampshire or with their gay pals in Brighton.
    How I would like to smash their smug cunt faces in.

    • Too right Freddie, that cunt is a typical soft cunt you find in London. Thinks because he hangs abaaaaaht in Brixton ‘Village’ he is a bit of a lad. No doubt his Mrs slaps him about if hasn’t done the ironing etc.
      What an embarrassment.
      Boris needs to have a word with Blair… and arrange a ‘visit’ from some of Blair’s mates.

      • Yessir Freddie. Londistan is full of cunts like these. I hear them on the tube, I hear them in the pubs and bars. Makes me fucking sick. London is a shite-hole not representative of the UK and it makes me depressed how much it has changed in one generation. My folks were proper cockneys who couldn’t wait to get out of the East End – now all the cunts want to go back and live there.

      • It’s horrible, Blunty. Like the Calais Jungle but with newer trainers and older crims.

      • Too true MNC. The only way to market Brixton well would be to cement the place.

        Beirut without the nightlife.

  5. I was wondering how a bitch like this could make any money punting her weak as shit liberal apologist plays.

    1. She’s a spoilt heiress cunt
    2. We pay for it through our taxes via the Arts Council and (naturally) the EU

    Fuck off back to New York and please don’t get yourself shot while there, that would break my fucking heart.

  6. Maybe the ‘coppers nark’ reprisals of the old days should come back… And the word ‘Grass’ be daubed all over their outside walls?…. Because that’s what they are and that’s what this country has become… It is now acceptable – and even commendable – to be a grass… In short, we are fucked and World War II was for nothing…

  7. You’d have to go a hell of a way to find a couple that look more leftie cuntish than this pair of Corbynistas.
    Well, outside of Londonistab anyway.

  8. Any excuse will do for the remainers, second referendists, brino-ites etc. If this pair hadn’t popped up (unanswered question to date, how much did the Gaaaghniad pay them for their story?) some other cunt would have done. Nice try, cunts. Politics is a bit complicated, so let’s go for the personal, the emotional, the family-friendly, cartoon takedown. They’re still banging on about it on Radio 4, well done you.

    And today I see that Johnson is being cunted for a picture of him and Ms Symonds not having a row being slipped to the Mail. The story is that Boris slipped it, and that’s not at all unlikely since Symonds does PR for the Tories…but if that is the limit of Johnson’s duplicity – it isn’t – he should be ashamed to call himself a politician.

    I had a look at what the interfering beardie said to his newspaper of choice:

    In a statement to the Guardian he said: “Once clear that no one was harmed, I contacted The Guardian, as I felt it was of important public interest.

    Someone having a domestic upstairs concerns us all, eh?

    “I believe it is reasonable for someone who is likely to become our next prime minister to be held accountable for all of their words, actions and behaviours.

    Didn’t hear you objecting to the last four actual Prime Ministers, did we?

    “I, along with a lot of my neighbours all across London, voted to remain within the EU. That is the extent of my involvement in politics.

    Well, that and my wife crossing the road to give the Foreign Secretary the finger in person.

    “The unpleasant things being said about myself and my partner, and some quite frankly bizarre and fictitious allegations, have been upsetting for not only us, but also for family, friends and fellow Camberwell neighbours, who are currently being harangued by the media.”

    You evidently mean ‘harassed’. You’re the one doing the haranguing…Anyway, that’s karma. What comes around goes around, and maybe going to the press wasn’t such a brilliant idea after all, eh?

    Utter fucking cunt.

    • The curse of cuntishness is upon them already, they have suffered enough and a bit like the TV debate I am sure someone will dish the dirt on them ” Eva is only a vegan outside the house” or something like that or “Tim punched a pygmy when he was doing aid work”

    • I’m going to keep an eye out for the cunt in Camberwell, Brixton, Dulwich and Clapham where all these snowflake cunts hang around in Sarf London.
      If I see the wanker and his slag Yank Mrs there’s going to be an exchange of words.
      I’ll leave it at that.

      • Take Anthony Joshua with you as back up freddie! If soyboy turns out to be a ‘lively’ one and he starts to get the upperhand you can leave AJ getting his arse handed him while you make a tactical withdrawal!?

    • The ‘Cunt Look’. She’s got it down perfectly; the headscarf, the sunglasses, the smug pout. He hasn’t any fashion nous. So has settled for the ‘Mug Cunt Look’.

      • There is no such thing as friendly fire! they all hurt and the Friendly stuff is worse because you are not supposed to shoot back!

      • Benny, when are you going to tell us how this rumble with the two Croatians turned out?

      • if you are referring to a punch up. it was 3 Bosnian’s. Logic dictates take out the big cunt first (at this point I would like to take credit for introducing the noble headbut to Croatia) unfortunately whilst I was pummelling the shit out of him one of his boyfriends managed to kick me and break my right rib, I didn’t know about it until the next day.
        Moral of the story is, should a short arse turn up in a war zone they probably know what they are doing so don’t tell them to fuck their mother no matter how big you are.
        I did have a little dance with an officer from Tigrovi, twice, second time round was because he thought the first time was a fluke, then he wanted to be my “Friend”.
        I had an MRI scan 2 years ago it shows a fair bit of damage too my neck, probably related to the cunt trying to unscrew my head.

      • Let me be the first to Up Tick you, Lord B. Your recent threat to go to MumsNet worried me. I’m not sure that a delicate flower such as yourself would be appreciated in that Cauldron of Hate.

        🙂 .

  9. It’s times like this I hope Karma is visited upon people. Hope someone digs some shit up on this pair of cunts and it’s splashed all over the media.

    See how they like it

  10. These Corbynista Remoaner scum must have creamed their collective undercrackers when they heard Boris and his slag begin to row, not for the first time I suspect. No-one plays dirtier than the Left, they’re completely without scruple, the means always justify the ends. Boris must have been aware of this. He knew who his neighbours were and that they hated his fucking guts. Why he allowed the row to get so noisy at this crucial time in his campaign to become prime minister is beyond me. A subconscious self-saboteur perhaps?

    As Derek would say: “THEY’RE ALL CUNTS OUT THERE!”

    • One of his other neighbours ‘Fatima’ said that his bint was making most of the noise and smashing things. What are you supposed to do when your bitch kicks off, tell her to calm down and it’s like fuel on the fire.

      • The Tories rejected the only two half decent candidates (Raab and Leadsom) imo. Am past caring about Johnson and his bonkers bird, they probably deserve each other.

        Thing is, does the country deserve Boris?

      • RTC – get real. Raab and Leadsom are out of it . You’ve got to deal with the reality of it. Boris is no great shakes but neither were that pair.

      • That is what I said Bsc!

        The Tories rejected Raab & Leadsom, e.g. they’re out of it. And my way of “dealing with the reality of it” is to be past caring.

        As Joseph de Maistre said yonks ago, “Every nation gets the government it deserves.”

        That’ll do for me.

      • I don’t think there’s much between us on that one RTC, apart from what we mean by
        “half decent”

  11. Afternoon RTC! Haha yeah im getting a shoeing off moderation as well! Cant work it out? Scanned my post, nothing that could be offensive!

    • It’s so fucking random MNC. Every time I post now I cross my fingers it will go through, there seems to be no rhyme or reason, all very frustrating.

      Just noticed mine’s out now, that was quick, thanks Admin ❤️

      • Afternoon RTC. I think you’ve got the wrong idea about this moderation lark! Obviously, you’re not being offensive enough!
        Seriously, I’ve had the same problem, usually with longer posts. I think the computer algorithms that are used are just dated. I wonder if posting a longer comment in two parts would make a difference?

      • It’s you wealthy cunts with too much technology. I’m on twenty quid smart phone and I never have a problem posting.

        It could also be because there is nothing moderate with me such is the purity of my vision.

      • Afternoon Miles. Is your phone a Huawei?
        If so, the Chinese have probably got enough on you already to send you to a re-education camp in Xinjiang Province.

      • My thought Bsc is if I have the cheapest phone Mossad or GCHQ don’t bother to investigate. They will be looking for the latest tech with triple ‘locks’ and all that. While I slip through.

      • The other reason is on Mrs Plastic’s drunken nights out she always loses her phone or gives it to the taxi driver as insurance to get her back. We get a new phone almost every week.

  12. I suppose if the roles were reversed and they were under the microscope, or rather the microphone by their neighbour, they would be up in arms screaming invasion of privacy!

    But the good thing is that they’ve become targets. They will enjoy their 15 minutes of course, but after that the cold light of day will boot them in the bollocks/flapbox – and then they will have good reason to howl!

  13. A glimpse of Boris’s diary on his ‘to do list’ on his first day as PM would probably read something like this: –
    22nd July. a.m Deport Eve Leigh to States. Reason …….. overrun visa
    ‘’. ‘’. Extradite Pinhead Stewart to Hong Kong. Reason….dumb
    “ ‘’ p.m. Inform Jeremy Cunt he’ll have to lick my arse before I’ll give
    him a job in my government.
    “. “. p.m. Sack Cressida Dick. Reason ……. obviously unsuited to the
    job if she thinks it’s right to record conversation in an ordinary
    domestic dispute as valid evidence. No, on second thoughts,
    make that a demotion to pc. She might just respond to

    • ……….sack Hammond and deport Carney.
      Reason : for being lying remoaner Project Fear cunts.

      • Set Mavis May in concrete and throw her off Blackpool North Pier. Reason: Popular demand.

      • Be sure to get her proxy vote first, in fact do the same for Grieve and all the other pussy cunts.

    • Recommence intense area bombing of Berlin and this time Brussels, it worked before.

    • …Retake Brittany from the frogs.

      …Pause islamic immigration.

      …Rebuild hadrians wall.

  14. The fact that Cressida Dick has supported recording and using conversations like this as ‘evidence’ says more about her than the incident. You know we’re in the shit when the political establishment come out with all the dirty tricks but when the police join in, this country is truly fucked. Come on Cressida, tell us about the progress in tackling knife crime if you must sound off. What? …silence? Dick by name, Dick by nature.

  15. He looks like somebody who “codes”, drinks at Starbucks, spells English the American, childish way, eats pulled pork, plays Mine-craft, actively seeks out tanned friends, drinks Scandinavian cider, smells of mildew, and takes it up the Arsenal by his man-hating girlfriend’s strapped on rabbit.

      • Indeed, only Aspalls Premier Cru or Weston’s Vintage for discerning cunters.

    • That sounds like a very accurate description of MR. Jess Phillips. I bet he is a really poncy little soy boy. Like this cunt.

      • Oil!! I’m wearing a lacoste polo shirt and a shaved head. I’m about as opposite of soyboy as you could be!!

      • Jess Phillios does have a penis but apparently it’s almost as tiny as Keir Hardie’s so qualifies as a female (level: Shot-putt).

  16. I hear that Pret-A-Minger is a playwright, directly benefiting from an EU culture grant. Meanwhile away from the London bubble the roads are falling apart, local businesses, community centres, recreational facilities and organisations and clubs are shutting down and disappearing in to the vaults of history.

    The pub is British culture! Do you see The EU throwing money to your local publican to keep his business open? Of course not, the market decides whether they stay in business.

    As for their “Rather endure him as a neighbour than a PM” poster. Very tolerant from the left again. I’ve got millions of neighbours who I don’t want to live near: Smackheads, thieves, the non-working polski’s, loud mouth neighbours, peacefuls, swarms of kids on bmx’s shouting abuse, drug dealers and piss heads to name a few. But you put up with it if you stay out if eachothers way. That’s the rules, that’s tolerance. Practise what you preach. pair of unbearable smug cunts.

    • If they don’t like it they can fucking move. If they can find anybody willing to have the cunts move their recording equipment next door to them.

      • Im a removalman, might send em one of my cards? If they sit in van with me we could share some vegan buscuits and discuss politics! Be nice that….

      • I bet they are glued to the *Property* section of Wednesday’s Evening Standard – have you seen it? Talk of Pseuds Corner – things like “stealing a march on getting a property in to up and coming aspiring North Woolwich or Mile End”, or “My dream home above a Balls Pond Road Horsemeat Shop”

  17. Another one down the pan! Too many posts are now moderated but a fair few disappear in to the ether never to be seen again. I’m slowly becoming a conspiracy theorist.

  18. Re; Boris.

    I remember I got a job with some responsibility. It was a surprise to me that I got it. But this was my big chance to finally succeed. I prepared as best as I could; pouring over the requirements. I bought a new suit. Everyone was saying ‘well done’ and ‘good luck’. I got blind drunk the night before and didn’t turn up.

    • Spot on Miles. Subconscious self-sabotage.

      Deep down Boris knows he’s not up to the job, but his vast ego, sense of entitlement and innate narcissism is driving him onwards regardless. It’ll be be his own subconscious that nobbles him in the end.

      • Great minds think alike RT. You’d made the same point earlier. As you say it’s a ‘subconscious thing’ and the arguing and shouting is just a release from the pressure he feels.

      • I think there’s something subconscious going on with Mrs Plastic and her phones Miles…

        Deep down she’s like me – she doesn’t want one!

  19. Now there is a pair that don’t look like a pair. Bet she is only with that speccy, moon faced cunt because he has money. He could also fit a pair of windscreen wipers on those glasses, which will come in very handy with Londonistan’s current climate, aka pissing down.

    You just know that a couple named ‘Tom and Eve’ are a pair of upper middle class cunts who eat tofu and couscous, and are open-minded and accepting of all (except their neighbour, clearly)

    Apparently they are both in ‘theatre’. Says it all, A pair of lefty, liberal, irritating as fuck CUNTS.

    If they are both literally ‘in theatre’, hopefully they will soon be on a stage somewhere and some helpful soul will open the trap door beneath the cunts.


      • Theatre people you say Nurse. Maybe they just happened to outside in the moonlight practising Romeo and Juliet looking up at Boris’s -‘But soft! What light through yonder window breaks…it is Boris and get the phone start recording…’

    • I am deeply offended. I eat couscous. Mind you, I was doing so long before it got trendy. Makes a change from rice and spuds. Tofu, no. There is some shit I will not eat.

      • I have only tried couscous once in my life. In my youth (during the Stone Age) I had lunch at a very lovely friend’s flat and she brought out a big bowl of the stuff. Of course I couldn’t announce that I would rather have a cheese and pickle sandwich, thanks awfully, so I politely partook. The bottom of a birdcage sprung to mind, as did rice that has had a nervous breakdown.

        My irritable bowel almost absconded from my nether regions with one glance of it…..

      • Is it? Doesnt look like it, im notoriously suspicious about foreign food, only italian food ill eat is spaghetti hoops.

      • Think slightly larger semolina grains. Which can substitute for it should you not have access to a woke vegan emporium. Very versatile, cooked in stock with whatever you care to throw in, but if you are (rather fashionably) gluten intolerant, forget it.

      • Think I’ll give it a miss, doesn’t sound my cup of tea, what do you eat it with? And dont fucking say knife & fork! Meat? fish? Long pig?

      • Works well risotto-style. Shred chicken, pre-fry lightly with onion, pepper, mushroom, salvageable contents of fridge, in a little oil. Also bay leaf and black pepper to taste. Couscous cooks by absorption, get it to the boil with a stock cube in about the same volume of water, remove from heat, stir occasionally until it dries out ( if too dry you can still add a little boiling water and wait a bit longer) add to sauted stuff in pan, mix, eat.

        Alternatively, you can find packets with instructions in the supermarket. Despite having a picture of Jamie Oliver on them, there’s not much to go wrong with couscous, and it fills a gap.

        Great for the solitary reclusive lizard who can’t be arsed doing real cooking.

        You can eat it with chopsticks if you are patient…

    • That moon faced cunt can never have earned the money. He must have inherited it from his father who was probably king of a porn empire.

  20. Recording your neighbours is a fucking level of creepiness up there with Jimmy Saville. Not saying they have committed a crime but that is just pure creepy. These cunts have and will be rightly outed. Imagine if someone had recorded them going about their business. They would be outraged. If my neighbours recorded me they would be roundly clipped around the head with a baseball bat.

    • We once had a neighbour… Demented neurotic cunt, he was… Weedy Woody Allen look-alike with a very ugly coloured bird as a missus… Asked once if we could hear the ‘vibrations’ from the M62 (can’t say we ever did), then his psychotic mrs accused every other person in the street of putting ‘racist leaflets’ through their door… Strange, because black families had lived there for years with no trouble and no other house got this ‘racist’ ephemera (the black families included)… Truth was, she did it for attention and was as mad as a truckload of chimps on PCP… Weedy Woody once also stood in our garden waiting at 5 in the morning in his fucking pyjamas as my old man was going to work… He complained about the ‘loud music’ he said he heard… Again, nobody else had this problem or complained… My dad told the cunt to get a grip on himself… Woody then turned threatening (well as threatening as a gimp like him could get) and he said he’d record it… My old man said he’d shove any recording equipment up his bony arse if he even attempted it… The cunt did it and sent it to environmental health and the police… And both told him he was off his fucking rocker (and a cunt)… Last I heard of these weirdos they had moved to another district and were pulling the same creepy shit on their new neighbours…. I hope they’ve both been certified by now, the cunts…

  21. I believe the Yank bitch has a multi million dollar fortune inherited from her dead Daddy. This is how she can ponce around writing crappy plays and crying about the “working poor” who, if she ever met one she would describe as “gross” and hold her delicate little nose.
    The beardy cunt describes himself as a “magician”. Yeah, poncing off your parents at the age of thirty is quite a trick.
    Fucking useless pair of cunts.

  22. And what are the odds that fat cunt Tom Penn loves those shitty Marvel films and Harry fucking Potter? I bet these two turds also adore Game Of Cunts…

    • Claims he’s a ‘magician’… That’s cuntspeak ffor a sad fat fuck with a Hogwarts duvet then…

    • Bang on Norman!
      And Box Sets!!! Oh yes, they’ve got Box Sets written all over them.
      And they call everyone “dude.”

  23. I get the feeling that if you shagged this cunt’s Mrs, he’d bring you breakfast in the morning

  24. I’ve said it before, but it’s worth repeating. I’m sure that Eve was once Steve. She looks more of a bloke than that fucking specimen.

  25. These two look like a right pair of busybodying cunts.
    Johnson and his bird had a set to. These things happen.
    I wasn’t there so don’t know how loud things got, so maybe calling the rozzers was justified. But taping things and then giving the tape to The Fucking Groaniad? That’s just malicious and downright creepy cuntitude.
    I bet they’re really pleased with themselves. Let’s hope for a bit of Lennon’s Instant Karma kicks both of these arsewipes right where it hurts, and soon.

    Great bit of cunting both!

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