Yesterday we witnessed the mysterious disappearance of a topic, This caused some concern (and conspiracy theories) amongst you.
Last night ISAC HQ held a webex conference call where the site logs were discussed and examined.
We found that Admin gbz1825 had in fact deleted the Topic in error, in their defence they stated that Admin hdz6140 had called for assistance due to “pressing work matters” and that the high volume of comments going into moderation caused gbz1825 to “Press the wrong button” .
On behalf of all the team at ISAC we would like to wish Admin gbz1825 all the best in their new career at NORAD and they will be sadly missed.
As for you lot, carry on cunting.
Yours sincerely
The Auditor
So we haven’t been rumbled by the peacefuls? Well not yet anyway.
As for this admin cunt there’s more than a whiff of “the grassy knoll” and “the second shooter” about that story.
more of a case of “what does this button do?” I am afraid.
I copied and pasted the Nom, including all comments up to 11.26 am. Would you like me to try reposting it here Admin?
You naughty boy! chuck it in nominations and I will fix it
This is quite sinister RTCp, copying and pasting Noms and comments, is this a ‘regular thing’ , is it on the instructions of No.2, where do they go…… and who is No.1
We are all our own Number One
The whole World is “The Village”
I think that’s what the last episode was trying to say but I could be mistaken…
@ Sick
At the time the nom mysteriously disappeared I was using the village iPad, then later found the page fortuitously still open on No.2’s computer!
He must have gone off for a No.1 and left it up.
Like any secret agent worth his salt my first instinct was to print it out and keep…
@ Mr B
You are correct.
Well done for your quick thinking.
Creampuff has got tabs on us all! I told you he used to work for GCHQ.
Who is GCHQ?
We want information… information… information…
Used to? Not according to a casual acquaintance I have never met or communicated with in Moscow.
Are you creating files on us on behalf of azaaaz? There goes my career in politics then.
Nothing so sinister MandroidZ. In fact I am currently compiling a book called ‘The Bumper Fun Book of ISAC Cunts For Boys and Girls’.
My publisher expects it to be a runaway Xmas bestseller!
Will it be a pop-up book?…….
Will their be cartoon characters of all isac favourites.
Book me a copy, I will give it to bent Dennis for Christmas.
@ Dick, MPG
The publishers will be D.C. Thompson & Co Ltd (Beano, Dandy, etc), so am confident they’ll take your suggestions on board.
Good luck with that , Ruff Tuff. I’ll be first in line to buy the de luxe Limited Edition, signed and numbered by yourself with gilt edges ?
It’s already been done, I’m afraid. Remember Viz in its prime. A veritable bible of cuntishness.
I think you’ve missed the point MMCM. The book will be a comprehensive collection of ISAC posts, comments and replies. Including several of your own…
I’m going to be rich beyond my wildest dreams!
Robbie Williams eat yer stretched ringpiece out.
“I’m going to be rich beyond my wildest dreams!”……
I fucking knew it. You’ll be boasting about “picking a pocket or two” next.
🙂 .
Just you wait til Miles trundles his way onto your boast.
I prefer to keep admissions of criminality under my kippah.
Done. It’s now in moderation…
It will be back in time for lunch!
I was outlining a comedy drama the other day with Dick Fiddler, obviously renamed, as the protagonist. So many anecdotes worthy of the screen. I can see it on Netflix now and my massive advance £££.
There’s a dark, dimly lit traffic tunnel in Paris……..
One may have thought der Prinz von Battenburg would be a fan of this site.
Is this the same admin bod that deleted the harmless David Mellor thread a few weeks ago?
I don’t even know who david mellor is and it wasn’t my shift
David Mellor. Fat, ugly gap-toothed Tory who banged some slapper while wearing a football strip, as I remember…
What do you expect when you let the Village idiot use the Village ipad?
I suspect Admin gbz1825 or hdz 6140 had left their glasses at home again! The following recording has been recovered from the Jumbo black box.
JUMBO PILOT …….. Air Traffic Control, do we have permission to land?
AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL…………… Sorry Captain, can’t find my glasses!
JUMBO PILOT ……….. What the fuck do you mean, you’ve pressed the wrong button? Mayday, Mavisday. We have an emergency landing!
I don’t press the wrong buttons, that’s why I am here and why you landed safely after your last holiday.
So I’m not wanted by GCHQ for my comment, then?
No, Not for that one anyway.
Admin are either far too honest or its an elaborate cover up….
a simple statement would have been sufficient
“There was a technical issue on the site”
There was and we resolved it, but due to an outbreak of mild the paranoia we chose to soothe your souls with the truth.
I thought admin just randomly ignore any of my cuntings, now I know the truth.
All cunts are equal though some are bigger cunts than others.
so going by the picture did you really “delete with extreme prejudice “?
just asking.
that’s shit every one else gets an answer from God and I don’t….
I allso don’t get many tickies here either.
I take it I’m not one of the gang.
fuck it I’m off to mum’s net.
Is that picture the cunter who called Dio ‘middle management’?
no we don’t publicise those.
as I remember it was concrete shoes and a helicopter trip out too sea.
forgive me there have been so many.