Think Tanks


Think Tanks.

Just what exactly do these fucking inept daydreamers do that is of any practical use?

Today (4th June ’19), I read that a ‘leading think tank has suggested that chocolate should be treated the same as cigarettes’, i.e. warnings and blank packaging. How about banning public consumption of chocolate too? Jesus H. Cunt.

Think of any Tory/Lib Dem politician who you despise. If they are 50 or under, then there is a solid chance that they spent some time in some think tank, suggesting anything and everything they can to fuck you over. Cameron was in one – enough said.

I am truly open to an education here – any specific reason why Think Tanks are anything other than a mass congregation of shitcunts?

Nominated by The Empire Cunts Back

50 thoughts on “Think Tanks

    • Good stuff Mike.

      The Blasphemy laws in England and Wales were finally abolished in 2008. The last thing we need is the religion of peace reintroducing them through the back door.

      Or the letterbox….?

  1. Guess they have to give jobs for the moronic gender studies idiots somewhere….
    I think mcdonalds would be a better use of their talents but unfortunately the media need twats to pump out useless studies and “facts” to sell them papers.
    Bet they’re all women and soy boys….

  2. Think Tanks are just a job creation Ponzi scheme for aspiring libtard politicians. Not one good idea has come out of a Think Tank. All they do is further separate government from common sense and therefore from the electorate.

    Bugger off.

  3. Think of them as high capacity bullshit factories, the world runs on bullshit and think tanks produce premium bullshit. They are sold on the basis of existing to examine complex problems and come up with solutions, seemingly the reality is they invent problems and then invent solutions that either cost us more money or remove personal freedoms.

    • Couldn’t put it better.

      Indeed, they solve nothing and invent issues to be cast as ‘problems’. Problems which as you say, can be used to manipulate freedoms and specific demographics.

      More sinister than it initially appears, when you think about it. How many issues in modern society have been manufactured at the various think tank ‘ministries of truth’?

      I suspect much of the current politically correct age has been heavily contributed to by think tanks, acting on the shrill cries of various gender-bending and feminazi lobby groups.

  4. We can all see how generations of think tanks have created the wonderful world of diversity we now abide in. The amazing talents of the members of such gatherings have truely blessed our corner of the universe. In view of the present state of affairs a think tank containing used condoms would most likely generate better solutions.
    Sadick really is a cunt, he just can’t help himself.

  5. Anuva fallen solja on uxbridge road, Bruv, oh my days, etc etc.

    Shit times to be an AA.

  6. ‘Boy crowned prom queen by schoolmates’:

    These utterly stupid fuckers. Forevermore, these fuckers will look back on what should have been a care-free, happy event and see how they allowed it to become tainted by the fucking smear of political correctness.

    I fear that there is no end to this fucking degeneracy.

    • BTW, my nomination so I have exclusive rights to hijack it. What a conniving cunt I am.

      • The title ‘Queen’ has always been reserved for females. This male has usurped the position therefore he is not the legitimate queen. That would be Sarah maybe in year 9.
        What I mean is it is like when Macbeth usurps the crown of King Duncan. Everyone knows (in the play) that he is not the legitimate king. Likewise here everyone knows that Xavier is not the legitimate Queen.
        It’s a form of male oppression. Facilitated (as in Macbeth) by evil witches.

      • Yes a kind of toxic masculinity, the boys can’t resist barging in on good clean girls fun and shitting all over everything

    • Maybe the fucking peacefuls should be in charge!

      ‘A blatant display of Poofery’

      Don’t worry when they start kidnapping people, chopping of peoples heads and blowing children up we will do something about it.

    • “The main thing is he is well aware that not everyone agrees with his decision to express himself but regardless of that he takes comments on the chin and rises above that.”
      Probably not the only thing he takes on the chin, and I suspect a big pair of bollocks being one of them.
      Oh, how I miss my old boarding school days…

  7. I have had the honour of being in numerous management ‘brainstorming’ sessions. Or ‘blamestorming’ as was often the case. These are the bullshit management equivalent of political wanktanks. Fuck all has ever been achieved in the history of mankind due to these groupings.

    • Indeed, I fear mu current employment will soon come to a screeching halt. The problem being the amount of bullshit being forced upon me.

      I am considering exiting the career I have spent the last 20 years making my living from which has some profound consequences to me personally due to my growing intolerance to BS.

      The rats are winning the rat race but I’m not a rodent.

      • “The rats are winning the rat race but I’m not a rodent.”

        Brilliant. That sounds exactly like something the late Giga-rigsby would have said. He was forever cunting ‘the rat race’ generally.

      • SNAP!
        I am only waiting until some management cunt notices that I am effectively employed to address ISAC daily, and that I am ignoring all the boxticking. My job used to be hands-on technical, but it’s all bullshit amid an ocean of bullshit now.

        Contact me when you leave, SV and we can set up a thinktank. Very profitable, minimal overheads, no consumables and we can rent more ‘thinkers’ when it hits paydirt with a Government contract.

      • Maybe it’s a common theme in the technical arena, I used to be hands on and now all I do is produce documentation for idiots and write proposals. Maybe they think people over 50 can’t manage technical things?

        They’ve never dealt with DOS, Netware or NT 3.5, written a script or installed hardware without plug & prey. Demoralising to realise I have become a bullshit facilitation technician.

      • Slightly different here. They assume I can manage technical things, but won’t bloody let me. OTOH I have to liaise with people they’re afraid of and take some of the flak for manglement’s (good word) uninformed, regular volte-faces. While being excluded from the decision making process. Everything gets rearranged every five minutes, everything’s compartmentalised and our ratio of management to tech is currently 1:1.

        Sorry. my piss is in a permanent state of ebullition on this one. I need a drink.

      • Too many chiefs not enough Indians?

        Useful simile but glaringly wrong at my last posting in SEAsia where the entire upper middle management was occupied by Indian nationals. Employed because they will not hesitate to scream intimidate and bully the nationals; and also forming an internal mafia controlling bloc.

      • Hindus, am I right? Only ever had one Indian boss – full Brahmin Punjabi cunt. Dishonest as fuck, empire building slavedriver. Aced him, though. I did my research.

  8. Maybe want tank would be better –

    Anything new today – No still wanking.


    • So there I was, lying on the sofa, cock lubed up and looking forward to a nice quiet wank when some prick from DFS decides to phone the police….

  9. Think tanks and Business speak go hand in hand, Organisations tend to stagnate under poor leadership the poor leadership not recognising their own shortcomings then brings in Consultants who quite often do not understand the nature of the business or the issues at hand.
    The think tanks then apply previously set plans that had worked in another scenario in the belief that they will succeed in the current scenario.
    To whit we have had a consecutive number of rather incompetent governments who have used think tanks to attempt to rectify the situation that the Governments have caused, unfortunately the think tanks understand that honesty is not the best policy and at no point have they said “ Instead of squandering your money on us, how about you do your job properly or even better resign and put forward a candidate who actually does know what they are doing”.
    In my boring hum drum job I have watched my company shares drop in value by 7k, I am not impressed and I am not happy when some university twat rolls out an old plan as a new plan and states it will work this time, well no it wont.
    I fucking hate, consultants, think tanks and Business speak. If you apply for a job you should be able to do it and not cause additional expense by employing another person to do the job on your behalf I have yet to hear a Government or Business think tank come out with that one which is why they are a bunch of parasitic cunts too!

    • Consultants don’t need to understand a business. Before they even get out of bed they know the problem is management. All they need to do is find anything BUT same management to blame and the cunts are set for life.

    • ‘…..If you apply for a job you should be able to do it and not cause additional expense by employing another person to do the job on your behalf..’

      That’s one seriously fucking quaint, nay, outmoded concept you’re espousing there…*every* cunt I’ve had the misfortune to ‘induct’ in well over a decade has been, to varying degrees, a fucking chancer..

      Next you’ll be saying that my previous employers were in the wrong when they got me to train up a talentless cuntlette offspring of a relative of one of Manglement and then paid me off, leaving it to do my old job..
      (interestingly, a year on, they’re now in shit creek…I might be in the position real soon now of purchasing their old workshop equipment for next to nowt….what goes around, cunts, what goes around…..)

      • No not really, I will train you to do your job not mine, I can do your job and my job, You cant do mine but because I can and used to do yours I can see where you fuck up, why and how we can fix it.
        My insane employers once went on a graduate recruitment scheme bringing in middle management from Uni, after auditing one trail of mayhem I assigned the culprit to a porta cabin in Southampton. You can imagine their surprise when they received their redundancy notice and their kingdom was taken away by a HIAB.
        One other little thing, when asked to formulate sales and client data do it, but do it for yourself right any old shit on the forms because when you go they will use your graft for the next half price twat in the chair.
        some of the best things, used the clients dead relatives as contacts, list his girlfriend/ mistress as a company secretary.
        You would be amazed how much damage your replacement does to the old Business, whilst you make advances to encourage your old clients over to your new employer, who pays you more.….what goes around, cunts, what goes around

  10. Think Tanks and so called Government advisors/consultants and other associated “expert” fuck-wits – all of them undemocratically elected, and yet seem to have an awful lot of power and influence within government circles.

    And because no one voted for them, they’re not responsible for the actions should their recommendation become an Act of Parliament – they can just blame the politicians because that’s what politicians are there for.

    I don’t know who pays their wages to think up the latest load of old bollocks, but I would take a stab at it being the Taxpayer!

  11. Yet again totally off topic,

    You may recall me mentioning our morbidly obese cleaner and the possibility of an armpit fuck (and the mechanics behind my request)

    Well today she has appeared in her lovely grey sweat trousers, there is now a nice wet stain directly in alignment with her arse crack, so I am guessing she must have a sweaty arse.
    I saw it but now it is imprinted on your mind, both of our days are fucked up (no lube required on that one me thinks)

    • Back in 2008 or 2009 at the last company I worked for, I was staying back very late one evening, hunched within a meeting room on a lengthy call. When I emerged and wandered the long, lonely corridor, I noticed upon arriving at the common room that the cleaner was present and, obviously not knowing that I was around, had helped herself to some of the provided fruit, mineral water and biscuits bought for the staff.

      Once she caught sight of me you could see the look of sheer horror that she may have scoffed her way out of a job. In the instants after her seeing me, and realising that this then-40+ blonde Eastern Bloc milf was not bad looking at all and with huge lips, it did enter my head to say “handjob for that bourbon and we’ll say no more”. But instead, I simply smiled knowingly at her in an assuring way that no-one was going to report her for gross misconduct.

      That was back when, believe it or not, I was still something of a pushover with women.

      Had that happened now, not only would I have said nothing and pulled my expensive J.Crew pants down in dutiful expectation of said handjob, but after the event I would subsequently look her in the eye as I reached for my phone, call Bradley from HR and say “Regretfully, I have caught our Lithuanian cleaner red-handed stealing company property. Contact the police.” Seeing her tears welling up at a combination of her lost job, lost dignity and my villanous untrustworthiness, well that would have simply given me a reprisal erection.

      Thankfully though, our current cleaner is less 1980s Czechoslovakian pole-vaulter and more 2010s Trinidadian Diane Abbott tribute act, so even if I caught her in flagrante delicto, there is no risk of any remote form of sexual bartering.

      • Empire what the fuck are you doing here? You’re far too nice to be a cunter, most cunts here would have demanded perverted sex ad infinitum, access to any tasty daughters,sisters,nieces etc and 20% of her wage.Far too nice a guy to mix with your typical ISAC member

      • Very kind of you to say so, chap. I am clearly the well-adjusted, forgiving humanitarian within the esteemed ISAC ranks.

  12. I wish a think tank would advise Gary Linekar.
    When I say ‘think tank’ I mean actual tank.
    When I say ‘advise’ I mean shoot.

    • You’d set a tank on one of our national treasures? Maybe if you’re going to the trouble General you could instead call an air strike on one of those award ceremonies where these cunts gather to massage their ego’s?

      • National Treasures demand fewer bullets because of their thinner skin.

  13. Too much truth in the comments to add anything much. It’s virtually a self-cunting topic, isn’t it? Consultancy, think tanks, lobby groups….corruption with a smiley face.

  14. The joy of being self employed and working with animals in a centuries old trade, no think tanks, but the PC cunts are invading the Farriery trade now through the apprenticeship legislation. Though the health and safety knobs will struggle to make the job safer thank fuck.

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