Theresa May (27)


Theresa’s legacy

Apparently the wicked witch of Downing Street wants to piss 29 billion quid of OUR money up the wall to secure her legacy. Hammond has threatened to resign over the issue . Staggeringly I find myself agreeing with the cunt!

Get it through your head Treeza – your legacy is that you are the one who failed to deliver Brexit, destroyed the Tory Party and are the only person ever to win three Cunt of the Year awards in a single year.

So just pack your bags and fuck off, there’s a good girl…

Nominated by Dioclese

77 thoughts on “Theresa May (27)

  1. Who the fuck does she think she is? It’ll take a lot more than 29 billion to wipe out the memory of what this dozy old crone has done. Pack your bags, say goodbye to the Downing Street cat, fuck off and don’t come back.
    I don’t ever want to see her stupid face, her hunchbacked frame or hear her cunty voice ever again.
    Brexit means Brexit. Fuck off bitch.

  2. I never want to see that woman’s face again.

    Fuck off.

  3. This scum know exactly what they are doing. None of this shit is spontaneous, it is all carefully choreographed. In order to create a “New World Order” (their turn of phrase, not mine) they must destroy the present order of things. I also personally believe that all these so-called ‘feuding parties’ are all colluding with one another as well, just pretending they are enemies. This chaos that they create, the disdain they propagate is the first part of the destruction of the old order. From this degenerate mess a new order will arise, like a communist phoenix, with a technocratic soul and a brutal spirit.

    For instance. I hate the BBC more than anyone, I haven’t watched the shit-pump (T.V.) for 22 years, but I am fully aware the orchestrated loathing of the BBC is all about destroying it, along with any other established enterprises. The BCC will be replaced with a hardcore communist propaganda outlet, that will put China to shame. But once again. In order for the new state sponsored (Ministry of Truth) the old has to be destroyed. It is very difficult because, we all have to be very careful just what we wish for as there is always a price to pay, always.

    drop the “P” word and it wont go into moderation

    • I’ll agree that what we’re seeing looks like a form of ‘Bread & Circuses’ being played on a global scale to distract the masses, with someone formenting dissention between the various tribes of the masses to keep them at each others throats while ‘They’ implement their master plan, but It’s amusing that you think that the people behind this, the 1% of the global population who own over half the planets wealth as-is and probably directly control the disposition of the majority of the rest of it, want any sort of ‘communist’ New world out of all this.

      I’m thinking that ‘They’d’ rather have their New World ‘vacant possession’, as it were, and are planning along these lines..

  4. 108 times …. we are leaving on the 29th March 2019!

    So I guess that is the legacy!

  5. I’ve genuinely ran out of things to say about Khan, Corbyn and May; such is the frequency of their cuntings.

    • Me too ….
      I’ve floundered on the rocks cunting the hunchback….
      A truly despicable cunt……..

      • Considering she has been cunted more times than Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin and Chairman Mao put together, its quite an achievement. Maybe we should send her a turd rolled in glitter with a little ISAC flag as recognition.

      • I’ve even tried other languages still nothing original.
        May, suckdick and all the rest filed under mega cunts and goodbye. If these dozy twats have not realised that they are rather unpopular then what is the point.

  6. Just shows the contempt the fuck-wit MPs have for us – they’ve thicker skin than a fucking rhino. Fuck off May you cunt and never come back. Dare say you’ll fuck off to Cunt-house of Lords shortly.

  7. At least the peaceful is out of the running… It’s Bozza’s for the taking….

    • Yes Norman,
      Enough with muslim mayors (several) and the dark keys creeping into the fabric of English life. If the bald headed one had made the cut it would have been full of the cunts in No10.
      As it is and unpalatable to some at least we have a reasonable chance of Boris making PM – his gaffes will be as memorable as Phil the Greek. I miss his gaffes. BoJo may not be ideal but the crud kicking at his heels are all fucking washouts.

  8. I am no history expert, but this useless waste of skin has got to be the worst PM ever?
    If she isn’t, the cunt must surely be in the running?

  9. I thought it was really ironic – a nom for Mavis directly following one for the female orgasm!

    Now she definitely was faking it.

    • Weekend weather looking good. Darn it, dam caravans will be blocking the motor ways. ? ?

      • Arghh! And I resisted getting involved with all those misogynist jokes on the other channel!
        I shall be looking for revenge Lostsheep!

      • Testing. I’ve just succûmbed to your charms Lost Sheep!
        God, this moderation software is so crude, it’s useless.


  10. She has no legacy. She will be hated in the same way that Blair is hated. Everywhere she goes cunts will shout out “no deal is better than a bad deal.”
    I just hope she doesn’t have the front to come on the telly in the future and start lecturing us.
    She needs to fuck off to the House of Old Cunts and keep out of the way. I won’t be buying her book, the cow.

  11. May’s legacy will be three years scuppering Brexit, a task she performed with distinction. That and being useless idiot in every other possible respect.

    One silver lining, her porn ban appears to have failed too. Something tells me Boris won’t be making banning porn a priority in his administration.

  12. Two female prime minister s in our history . One was among the best , the other is certainly among the worst.
    Her legacy is failure and not knowing when to give up the ghost .

    I wish we could get back to actual issues though other then Brexit. All the stabbings going on around here and the state of the NHS and police is horrendous.

  13. I have cunted what this legacy actually is elsewhere as ‘more green bullshit’. Add to that a choice between 3 utter cunts as PM and there you have her bequest.

  14. I don’t think modern victimhood/liberal lobbying culture will ever allow us to have a strong, forthright leader ever again. Not without some kind of cultural revolution that overhauls the concept of pandering to attention-seeking, manipulative minorities.

    Being a PM post-Blair is all about being the everyman, the appeaser of all demographics, the one who causes no offence to anyone and thereby just ends up as a toothless fucking turncoat, lacking in any hard conviction over any issue.

    This is why each major party – which used to be distinct Labour, distinct Conservative and distinct Liberal – have all seeped into each other to form an insipid faecal brown mix of insipid bullshit. Precisely the reason why a cunt like Chukka Ammuna can legitimately fit into an of the parties.

    Don’t bank on Boris being straight-talking for long.

      • I thought her party piece would be would be taking it up the chute of a Jean Claude Junker doppelganger.

    • Christ Norman; some Domestos for the eyes is in order.

      I cannot ‘unsee’ that now.

  15. Why couldn’t the useless fucker resign 2 years ago? All she has done is drag her worn out heels along and shown no leadership at all, apart from bending over and letting the whole of the EU have a go and thanking them for it. She described herself as a ‘bloody difficult woman’ Wow, words, words and more empty words. I am a difficult woman and I would have got us out of that racket on the first fucking day! I am looking forward to seeing what her next job will be?
    Dick Clegg has done alright in America and waxwork Cameron has a cushy number. Lets hope we never have to see her useless mug again.
    Fuck off and make your beans on toast, you total and utter cunt!

    • May couldn’t resign 2 years ago because her remit from the Establishment was to fuck up Brexit and she hadn’t managed that by then.

      And she couldn’t resign before June this year because the egocentric bitch was desperate to beat Gordon ‘bigoted woman’ Brown’s pathetic length of tenure in office.

      Not that she was ever in office anyway. The lights were on in No.10 but nobody was home.

  16. In the courts……
    Ban on arms sales to Saudi, could cost jobs!!! where are the socialists and libs complaining and blaming brexit!

    • For Christs sake! Who the fuck are these unelected judges deciding what our democratically elected parliament can and cannot do? FUCK OFF and let our leaders make the fucking laws you arrogant lefty cunts!

  17. Off point….
    Sky cunts have outdone even those fuckwitted cunts the BBC!!
    This mornings sky hatchet job was predictably about bojo and the Tory leadership contest…
    Skullduggery sky’s headlines claiming alleged. “ bullying , threats and intimidation “ had happened in the race!
    No hard facts just smear!!
    Tonight it’s turned out that hunt will face bojo! So Gollum toothed spitting sky political sky correspondent
    Lewis Goodall slyly suggests “ it’s all worked out perfectly for Johnson “ in other words the fix was in , another piece of smear shit from SKY REMAIN BROADCASTING CUNTS!

    • But it’s true! Gove was the only real threat to Boris. Boris’s team have been very clever. They’ve stitched up Stewart and Gove and put them back in their box. However, it’s all above board and has fuck all to do with Sky. I fuckin’ hate that Sky slag Beth Rigby.

      • Of course political games have been played but sky have made out the fucking campaign has been handled by the MAFIA!! “ threats, bullying, intimidation “ ? I’m surprised a horses head hasn’t turned up in some cunts bed!
        Sky just want to discredit Johnson as the remain camp see him as a clear and present danger , somebody who can galvanise leave…

    • I’d assumed that all the dirty tricks would be performed by all parties. They’re politicians ffs. Why pretend they might have morals?

    • Has to be Jeremy Cunt OC; it will be a gift that just keeps on giving to cunters on IsAC.

  18. In her resignation speech, she said that she was the second female Prime Minister, but that she wouldn’t be last. She was right when she said that. However, through her deliberately lying and sabotaging Brexit, she has ensured that it will be a very long time before any party votes a woman in as their leader, especially as PM. As I’ve said all along, May never had any intention of enacting the will of the people by bringing us Brexit. All that about ‘Brexit means Brexit’, and ‘No deal is better than a bad deal’, was complete and utter bullshit.

    The one and only reason for her standing as leader was her ambition to be Prime Minister. Fuck the British people. She lied from the start, and kept going. She’ll go down in history as the worst, most deceitful Prime Minister the UK has ever had. And now she’s saying she will help bring down the government if Boris, should he become PM, dares to listen to the British people and pulls us out of the EU with no deal. I wouldn’t say this very often, but I hope she and all the other traitors suffers a brain haemorrhage and drops dead. She’s a piece of shit.

    • Bring down the government…. ????
      I’d be surprised if she can pull down her own tena pants, let alone the government.

      • Saggy May needs inco pads. Tena’s are just not man enough for the incontinence of her shit, piss and wind.

  19. Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt.

    A couple of out of touch with normality cunts.

    Wouldnt trust either of them to do as they promise.

    Fed up with the whole fucking sorry mess that is British politics. Fuck the lot of them.

    • Eton cunts Willie.
      The few leading the many.
      Why is this cuntry in this day and age still run by the elite, it baffles me.
      Are we sheep ? or are we cunts.

      • You think the cunts running this cuntry are superior in terms of ability or quality to the rest of society MPG? Cos that’s the definition of elite.

        If only this country was run by the elite!

      • Cunt’s Charterhouse, not that it makes any difference. Both went to Oxford, where Cunt read PPE like any privileged toff who wants power does. Boris read Classics and has remained 2000 years behind the times ever since.

      • Boris is a fucking chump.

        Since the pigfucker, the standard of Tory Leaders continues to slide. I suppose we haven’t quite hit rock bottom just yet?

      • Corbyn is what we will get, if silly bollocks boris does not stay true to his word.

  20. I don’t think she will have a problem DTS. Her arms are so long she can tie her shoe laces without bending down.

  21. Watching QT. More fucking BBC bias. You’d have hoped they might have learned a lesson from that utter shitfest the other night. Bunch of cunts.

    • In Tottenhamabad? Must be joking – the brown and black eyes are Liebour to a tee. The same borough that refuse to cough up the murderer of Keith Blakelock who almost had his head cut off by the cunts. The racist old cunt Doreen managed a damehood out of it and £300 a day plus endless amounts of brass and self pity from the same cunts who are doing all the stabby shooty stuff now. Nothing but a wall or a sizable nuclear warhead will clear out that shithole. I had to turn QT off, that Liebour cunt and Ed Davey had me close to kicking the TV off the wall.

      • Some serious ooking and eeking from the Tottenhamstabistan audience tonight.

        “It is de commoonity fault innit. Ize be havin 14 grandkids n sheet.”

        Tim Martin and Kwarsi Kwarteng the only voices of reason and commonsense.

        That fucking Pidcock mutant must breathe through her ears, the cunt.

      • I could only stick five minutes of it, that Pidcock harpies was to much to bear. Blaming Tory austerity for all the stabbing going on, shows how full of shit her, and her kind are. Arguing about how shit Brexit was going, but failed to say when asked how she would vote in another referendum. Gobby old boot.

    • Jesus, don’t do it to yourself.

      The entire programme, from crowd to panel via the host, are the most infuriating scumfucks this side of the fucking Danube.

  22. All kicking off on question time. A group of women screaming at the panel about the government’s lack of action on knife crime. I’ll wager these are the same sort of women who go quiet after a fatal stabbing and refuse to give the police information because Tyrone is a good boy who loves his mom. What a fucking mess. Let’s up the cultural enrichment and flood the slums with more Somalian people looking for a better life, with the knife.

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