Asdrit Kapaj, aka ‘The Wimbledon Prowler’, has been jailed for 14 years after lifting an estimated £10 mill. in swag from around 200 houses in Wimbledon over a 10 year period.
The thieving Albanian cunt arrived in the UK in 1996 (how so many of his fellow cuntrymen get in remains a mystery to me) and was given indefinite leave to stay after falsely claiming to be a refugee from Kosovo. He subsequently began his one man crime wave seemingly to fund a gambling addiction. Kapaj originally stated upon arrest that he’d been ‘sleepwalking’ (!!) when breaking into people’s homes, but later coughed to numerous offences.
Thanks to this stinking bastard, numerous residents were afraid in their own homes. At least two householders are reported to have sold up, and several children have needed treatment due to being traumatised by repeated encroachments. A number of cleaners and childminders lost their jobs as a result of being suspected of theft.
I’m sure that cunters everywhere are as pleased as me to learn that we’ve now got to fund this shitstain’s stay at HM’s pleasure; plus, no doubt, a raft of benefits for his family. I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m definitely suffering from that newly identified but extreme psychological condition dubbed ‘enrichment syndrome’, characterised principally by a deep and vicious loathing of cunts like Asdrit Kapaj.
Nominated by Ron Knee
Cunt. Albanians and Somalis – both are fucking pirates and cutthroats and there’s bound to be some near you, courtesy of HM Government.
Fuck off.
Yes, those fucking buck-toothed cunt Somalians. The only thing that I like about this is the irony: the fuckers in Wimbledon are mostly middle-class twats who love enrichment and diversity, but the reality very rarely impacts them. So, here you go – the reality of un-controlled and un-fettered immigration. Suck it up you cunts.
Totally agree with that LC
I imagine Wimbledon to be full to the brim with remain / diversity cunts so maybe it’s a nice introduction to the real world.
It’s just a pity nobody ever caught him in the act and beat the living crap out of this sack of shit with a baseball bat ….
and yes I’ve got one!
You’re right I live there and am probably the only cunt who voted leave. SW19 is full of sanctimonious cunts who bang on about the environment whilst the cock starved missus drops little Jonny off to a fee paying shithole of a school in their gas guzzling Volvo SUV (thinking their hit the big time) 100m from their burgled house. Hubby jumps on his bike and thinks he’s saving the world when jumping red lights and riding on the payment …. wanker. Fucking three holidays a year and moaning about the third cunting runway … bunch of Lib Dem hypocritical coffee shop cunts.
Never fear; I have no doubt the Left will be raising a crowdfund to get him a second trial because clearly he was the innocent party – the victim of imperialist so-called justice.
Just like old Begum whateverthefuckhernameis, he will probably be released very soon and deemed a martyr for the good cause of immigrants, multiculturalism and how wonderful and wholesome they are!
The people that he burgled probably deserved it because they were rich right-wing scumbags etc etc,
I met a Dutch bloke who did time in a Romanian prison (trafficking women)
The cell was overcrowded and a chair was by the door, the guards would call out an inmates name and they would have to sit there for an hour watching the other prisoners, after an hour the guard would call another name ditto, the door would sometimes open for a bucket of soup to go in, I think he did two years but after that he was pretty much bullet proof and very hard to offend.
Lovely places Romanian nicks.
What this country needs is a police force.
Get recruiting then number 6
I am not a number. I am a free man!
Looks to me like Mrs Merkel maybe suffering the early stages of enrichment syndrome.
Shivering like a malaria victim and shaking like a shitting dog. Perhaps a few of her immigrants moved into her neighbourhood.
Who ate all the strudels! Auf wiedersane unt schnell, you fat frau.
Bring back the fucking rope.
The money saved hanging career criminals, terrorists, child rapists should be given direct to working parents to have more children so we don’t have to import savages from the third world.
Someone in the photo is actually “feeling his collar.” Does Cressida allow that sort of thing?
Im doubtful thats him? Looks suspiciously like Zammo from grange hill! Sure thats the right bloke?
Another fucking “refugee” , spins the stock sob story, libtards welcome him with open arms and turns out to be a total fucking scumbag. I wonder if those SJWs , Gary Taxdodger and Lily Slagheap will be visiting him in the nick? I’m sure they can find a nice little job for him at one of their mansions when he gets out of Butlins.
Lily Mong will be crying her eyes out, the demented slag.
Albania is not in the EU (yet) therefore any fucker you see here is on a “student visa” or is here illegally. 100% are drug-dealers so this cunt was moonlighting. Make a wad of money, get a three-year sentence, admit guilt so it’s reduced to 18 months, then counting the dosh in Tirana after deportation. Oh, and back here a fortnight later, small planes, false seats in cars, toilets of coaches, even jetski-ing over the channel.
“Cha Bonné” as the Albanian dealers all over Kent say.
In other news the BBC is claiming Boris Johnson called the French ‘turds’ when foreign secretary. Guy’s a fucking legend, and the BBC are cunts.
Meanwhile Mavis, like some doddery old schoolmarm is lecturing Vlad the Impaler about what a naughty boy he is. I bet old Vlad is struggling not to laugh in her stupid fucking face.
Just fuck off Mavis…….your day is gone and nobody is having a whip round for a leaving present you fucking useless arsehole.
She needs to fuck off to the House of Cunts and pick up her £300 per day for doing fuck all; very much the same way as she did when she was PM
What do you mean? She worked incredibly hard on behalf of the EU…
The Dali Lama says he thinks Europe could become ‘African or Muslim’ if refugees don’t go home.
Well thank fuck someone prominent has got the guts to say openly what every Englishman with an ounce of common sense knows. I suppose it helps when you’re not white so the ‘anti-racists’ can’t jump all over you:
That creates a huge paradox for Libturds. Libturds love the Dali Lama as he ticks all the right diversity boxes. How will they react to his apostasy, the fuckers.
They’ll side with the muslims. The Left don’t actually believe in democracy.
Show me my nearest Buddhist Temple. I’m converting.
That will never get reported in the Guardian. Or if it did the writer will say the Dali was out of his face on opium when he said it!
Well seeing as turd is a nickname he could rightly argue he meant it as something other a steaming great shit. After all the correct term is faeces so anything else is open to interpretation.
And anyway fuck the French.
I would love more illegals to rob, plunder, mug etc. the rich middle class bastions of London. I want the residents to know they’re not immune from the kind of crime ordinary plebs have to suffer every day of the fucking week
Yeah, and if the peacefuls need to kill infidels they should pick on MPs, judges, lawyers and other rich cunts. After all whatever beef they’ve got it was those cunts who caused it not us.
We’d be quite happy to take them home to Goatshagging land and never go near the shitholes again.
This country is seen as a ‘soft touch’ for all these shitsters. We don’t seem to have an effective deterrent in the UK for anything – crime, illegal immigration spawning cunts etc. Years ago I would have been against the death sentence but now I’d be in favour for certain offences. The first one on my list would be that animal who stabbed Lee Pomeroy 18 times in 15 seconds on a train in front of his teenage son. How demented and perverted that bastard must be to carry out such a frenzied attack.
I actually have some sympathy with that guy. The big cunt was trying to prokoke him certainly, humiliate him possibly, and got more than he bargained for.
I notice his shitbag New Labour defence lawyer is looking to play both the race card and make out he’s mentally ill
I’ve seen the cctv and just don’t know why he couldn’t leave it alone. His bag was in the aisle let it go for fucks sake. Has he not seen from the news that black people are aggressive and knife-happy?
You lot are bloody bigots. Don’t you understand that Diversity is our strength?
Living in fear of being robbed or being blown up by a peaceful is just part of living in a global city. The son of the bus driver says so and he’s just as British as us remember.
Well cunted Ron. Nice to see a good sub-cunting for the people of Wimbledon in the comments. As much as I can sympathise with the victims you can’t help but think that a taste of their own medicine might be good in the long run.
I actually have some sympathy with that guy. The big cunt was trying to prokoke him certainly, humiliate him possibly, and got more than he bargained for.
Yeah, the big guy really deserved to be viciously stabbed to death in front of his teenage son for calling out the scumfuk for what he is….really?
No. But it wasn’t a random attack. An argument started about a blocked isle and from what witnesses have said and the video footage the big guy did everything to escalate the situation. If you were with your kid why would you provoke the negro like that, calling him special needs, if not to try and look tough or simply be a generally angry and aggressive man?
I’m sure that the big guy got on that train and thought, ‘I know let’s provoke some dark key’. I’m sure that said dark key didn’t start the situation…like fuck…
I doubt the negro got up that morning and thought ‘hmm think I’ll kill someone today’.
I’m not saying it’s right but in that situation when I’m being harrassed and mocked I’d feel like stabbing the other cunt too, I’m just saying I understand the impulse.
It’s natural to take the white mans side but you have to try and look beyond that. Take that shit with Trayvon Martin, all the libs and blacks could see was that it’s a black killed by a ‘white’, they just can’t see beyond that to the fact he was looking for a fight and couldn’t just walk away.
I misread this as the Wimbledon Growler. Thought it was Sue Barker’s snatch. Silly me.
Actually you make an excellent point. It’s about time somebody nominated Barker’s rancid old minge. ?
I didn’t think it was possible that something could rate lower than a gypsi.
Hoo-ee, get the jump leads out.
Merkel’s probably shaking with the shits at the thought that Albania will actually get into the EU.
If that happens, I’ll go and live there, cos there won’t be a thieving Albanian cunt left in the place.
The CCTV photo of this cunt when he realized he was being filmed is priceless. You need to google it.
One of the contactors who came to visit my old place of work had some knowledge of Albania, he reckoned every family in Albania had some connection to the drug trade.
Fucking Albanians in this country are either on the rob or dealing drugs, the useless government should just kick the lot straight into the Chanel
I bet there are a few people traffikers as well