Hope not Hate – Part II
The Guardian is running an article written by a Hope Not Hate activist bragging about how they undermined Tommy Robinson’s campaign to become an MEP.
The rights and wrongs of Tommy Robinson you can decide for yourself, but this time it’s Tommy, next time who will they target?
I believe Hope not Hate received or have received government funding via a third party, so I would think Hope Not Hate would be barred from political interference. Like Milkshakes this sort of campaign is fine when directed at anyone on the right.
Guardian, written by cunts for cunts. Hope Not Hate, self appointed and self righteous guardians of freedom.
Wankers and extremists
Add Avaaz
I quote their self appreciation for their work during the EU elections.
“Working from a war room in Brussels our team of 30 uncovered what 30,000 Facebook monitors had missed — a massive web of disinformation networks churning out toxic lies in the heart of Europe. We sent over 700 pages of detailed investigation results to Facebook, showing how these networks operate, coordinate, use fake accounts, and mislead people”
“By the end, top EU politicians, journalists, and security experts were coming to our war room every single day for information and briefings, and Facebook publicly thanked us. Avaaz is now the epicenter of global efforts to combat disinformation.
“And our work made headline news all over the world, from the top story on The Guardian, to the front page of The New York Times, to Le Monde, Der Spiegel, and El Mundo — warning hundreds of millions of Europeans of the disinformation threat just before the elections. Just look at the coverage! ”
So the colluded with the EU to manipulate the electorate.
Nominated by Sixdog Vomit
I’ve got no problem with people exposing facts to make available to the elctorate during the democratic process, even if it’s from groups whose conclusions I don’t agree with.
But those same groups don’t actually want to allow other the same luxury. For example who cares if Russia exposed secrets about the so-called democrats during the last American election – the pubilc have a right to know what those who want power have been up to.
The Guardian which is to honesty what Peter Mandelson is to the rising birth rate of beautiful women
They boast on their website of not having an agenda, yet they have 53m members.
No agenda? Somewhat tricky with so many members. And I’d love to know who some of them are. I suspect few ‘ordinary’ folk like Burt and Ethel Jones, the elderly couple across the road.
“War room”? What a bunch of wankers. Like these milkshake wielding cunts are up for a fight.
Tell me where they are and i’ll send them some hospital sandwiches packed by the piss poor immos they love so much. I have a feeling their pathetic, pasty little emaciated immune systems won’t be able to resist the listeria imported all the way from goatshagger land.
I genuinely don’t understand this. I joined facebook under a false name just to leer at bikini shots of women and delight in how old and hard-up some of my contemporaries seem to be these days. I’ve never received “disinformation” from any source….no posts from far-right militants,no posts from the KGB,no posts from sinister Zionist organisations (don’t mention the Jews,I mentioned them once,but think that I got away with it),no posts from The Cuddly Bunny Liberwation Army..etc….why the Fuck not? If these groups are sending out posts to all and sundry,why the Fuck not me?…It’s bloody discrimination and probably racist,that’s what it is. Fucking Avaaz’ll be hearing from me,I want my disinformation.How the fuck else can I form an opinion unless my information comes on a platform where Wankers talk shite, put up baby pictures and ask “U OK Hun”.
It’s a fucking disgrace.
I did the same, DF. My non de plume is a 1970’s TV presenter who is long dead.
Very odd is the number of daft cunts contacting me, eager to be a ‘friend’s with my long dead 1970’s TV presenter. As you would say, to them: fuck off.
You should reply,Paul. Make inappropriate suggestions. I’d love to see Operation Yewtree open an investigation into the sinister behaviour of a long dead celebrity.
Think I might open one in The Queen Mother’s name….I never could stand that Old Bag and seeing the Met. swoop on Buckingham Palace to seize her “stash of Mandingo Porn”‘ll teach the old Cow a lesson.
The more I think about it,the better it gets. I can see the headlines now…..” Arthur Negus asked me to send him botty-pics on facebook” or ” John Noakes asked me to shit in his mouth when I sent him a friend request”
Aaaaah yes, I remember…
“Going for a schlong”, the innocent Respighi sig tune, Arthur in toxic amounts of lipstick and his trade-mark fuck me high heels.
And I often wondered what the Blue Peter mob got up to; always suspected Val Singleton of having more than an Advent-Crown interest in wire coathabgers…
Yeh PM you really should reply , string them along , even hint that you may be returning to TV in a sitcom about a 70s actor who died ?
Morning Dick.
Those sinister organisations you mention don’t bother to target the occasional old cunt on social meeja, cos they know old people are Cunts and already think and do whatever these sinister organisations want them to think and do without having to be brainwashed into thinking and doing the cuntish things these sinister organisations want them to think and do.
Only vulnerable people under 40 are targeted, so their futures can be stolen from them.
PS: Most old people are dead now so we need to have a ‘People’s Vote’.
Glad to see the Labour Party are getting full square behind Remain now.
A people’s brexit vote!! I just wish someone would wrap that old, weathered bumpkin up in a Nasa Duvet, have him shipped off to China, and use him for a computer part.
Will you be my Facebook fwiend, RTC ?
luv u babe xxxx
Sorry Dick – awfully nice of you to offer and all that guff, but now the UK porn ban has been shelved I don’t really need you anymore.
Nothing personal, you understand, and I’m not just being homophobic. ?
Rough Tuff Creampuff, reporting in the Grauniad today, said he was greatly ‘relieved’ that the porn ban had been shelved ( along with his collection of vintage Mayfair mags. ) He added, “I hope this is a spermanent ‘end’ to the matter and would not cûm up again.”
Has the ban really been shelved? I fucking hope so. I’ve wanked myself nearly into a coma lately in preparation.
A happy ending, indeed.
Yes Mr F, it’s been confirmed by several papers today. Creampuff was very relieved that it didn’t turn out to be ‘fake news.’
If you’re toying with us, BSC………..
….prepare yourself for the baying of the hounds,the sight of a magnificent figure in a cloak and top hot astride a galloping steed and the cry of ” Tally Ho,and Fuck Off.”
We Wankers have our sticky little fingers in a lot of pies.
I would have hoped that people studying my Facebook page would have twigged it was a blatant pisstake.
Some of you of a certain age would probably now guess who the presenter is as I have stated on the homepage that my ‘likes’ are “Bee keeping, cider making and fanny trapping in East Anglia.”
I’ve already been threatened by RTC’s ‘long arm’ but I reckon he’s just boasting again!
You’re playing with fire there Bsc.
I take no guff when I strut my stuff!
Ditto, only my profile was named after a famous slavic activist and my profile picture was the head of a certain countries secret service,
However some cunt signed me up to “Friends of Israel” and another cunt signed me up to storm front or some similar organisation so the whole thing became quite confusing.
I forgot my password and login so it’s still out there somewhere
FSB not KGB.
Come on,Dick.
War room, war room what fucking war have I missed something. Has someone lost the keys to the asylum? Avaaz what? This group of retard apologists would better help the world by committing mass suicide. My GP reminds me regularly that I have mental health problems what the fuck check out this ginormous cuntfest Doc then tell me I have problems. I will give up hate when all the cunts that hate my way of life my history etc stop hating me and mine.
Avaaz? I thought they made coffee. If they call their offices their ‘war room’ they’re orobably the sort of cunts who spend all day on social media doing a bit of offence archaeology
‘Ten years ago so-and-so posted a joke about black people!’
‘Ooooohh, i’m telling!’
Yeah coffees how they fund it CP! Talking of coffee, on sky news at moment about ‘redemption roasters’ coffee made in prisons to teach offenders a trade, budding baristas! Now, call me picky but i like my coffee free of razor blades, ground glass and spice, funny like that, and also think jailbirds should do hard labour not fuck about making hot beverages.
Damn right. We’re importing East European labour to do our farm work, but chain gangs of homegrown cunts in the cabbage fields would be a lot cheaper. With no problem housing them either.
53 million face-painting, double barrelled middle class wankers with fuck all better to do, fine tuning their unjustified sense of smug superiority.
Round em up, put em in a field and BOMB THE BASTARDS!!
(Kenny Everett)
Avaaz is a yank petition based site umbrella lefty covering animal rights, human rights, racism, homophobia etc , id not heard of them before, assume theyre fair minded, slow to judge, stable types?
53 million members? Yeah my arse.
As for Tommy Robinson (real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon) when has a single, independent candidate ever been elected to the European Parliament? Not in this fucking country that I know of.
I can tell you now that my war room, along with my staff of 400 and my 62 million members brought down Mavis Hunchback. Anyone who says I didn’t is a fucking Nazi and they can fuck off.
Loads of organisations called Avaz. From a Bosnian news outlet to a seismic analysis software programme. Counting them all, 53 million may not be unrealistic.
Avaz doesn’t seem to have reduced the number of disinformation sites I keep coming across.
The Guardian
The New European
The Tony Blair Institute for Global Tony Blair…etc…
…….and the BBC website.
That’s a cracker for disinformation.
David Miliband on Today earlier. Synopsis:
Global strife due to non-intervention by west
Non-intervention by west due to new laissez-faire attitude
Laissez-faire attitude due to Brexit.
I am sure closet queen David Miliband (*I bought two kids for adoption just to prove I am as straight as the next man, even if the next man is Louis Spence*), is hovering around waiting for an opportunity to *take over* Labour from old Steptoe. Slubberguts Watson would be the first one up his arsehole followed by all the “artistic” backbenchers.
The question has to be, could Millycunt screw more money out of being PM and doing a Blair on the back of that than he is currently pulling in as IR’s CEO? He does seem to be threatening to return to us as Labour tears itself apart, though.
Never heard of Avaz, but if they have a ‘war room’ they are cunts.
Social media needs to be switched off, its a useless pointless fucking waste of time. Everyone seemed to manage quite well before it existed.
Anything in Brussels is a dog shite stinking cuuuunt.
There might be a screeching U-turn here when I mention that Lowles, the founder of Hope Not Hate, was no-platformed by a students’ union for being islamophobic. And that HNH did some useful work in exposing UK jihadis in Syria.
There was no chance whatsoever that Tommy Robinson was ever going to be an MEP anyway… And as for Avaaz? Like both social media giants aren’t a breeding ground for left wing loony cunts anyway… This Avaaz will no doubt be run by rich and entitled trust fund fuckflake cunts, who want to play at being Che Guevara (cunt) or Joe Strummer (another posho cunt with his Pol Pot T-Shirts)… But are in reality more like Rick from The Young Ones…. Spotty privileged daddy’s paying turds who have never done a proper day’s graft in their lives and who are a million miles away from the infestation of foreigners in our towns and high streets… In fact Avaaz and the Grauinad have Rick’s philosophy down to to a tee… Just with Brexit in place of Neil…’We’re doing this for the kids! There’s going to be an end to prejudice and hatred… Get up, Brexiteer! I hate you!’
Just look at that daft tart at the front of that ‘Avaaz’ pic….
That is a never worked mumsie’s paid my bills cunt if ever I saw one…
The Aman Thaker tweet. This is the labour councillor who was on the BBC debate. Asking whether the next PM should only be voted on by Tory party members; a small part of the popjulation. Interested in democracy see. Pretty standard stuff. Anyway the news came out about a ‘vile’ outburst’ in a previous tweet. Here it is cunters, the vile hate filled tweet he made. Warning you may want to avert your eyes;
‘Hitler’s abuse of the term nationalism is, to me, a nationalist, the most harmful part of his legacy.”
And for that he’s lost his job at a solicitors and is persona no gratis etc…
The only thing I’ve seen on any social media and shit like that is promotion of the EU and demonizing anything and everything that voted out. So maybe if they were impartial they should look at that too the wankers
Mmmmmm writers and contributors to the Guardian Polly Toynbee and Owen Jones lovely what a pair of cunts