The Australian Telegraph and Ms Eryn Jean Norvill

The Austalian Telegraph and Ms Eryn Jean Norvill are cunts

Geoffrey Rush has been one of the screens best actors of recent years famous in roles such as The Kings Speech and Pirates of the Carribean. He’s had the last few years of his life and career ruined but lying cunt of the #meetoo movement Eryn Jean Norvill and the Telegraph that printed those lies. He’s been awarded A$3m in acknowledgment of these slanderous accusations which is a lot fucking more than most victims of malicious lies made by lying bitches can expect. The judge called Ms Norvill ‘prone to exaggeration’, wouldn’t it be nice for the establishment to call fake sex-assualt-claimants what they actually are for a change? Or for lying cunts to receive the same criminal penalty as to which their intended victim could’ve expected had the courts believed their fabrications?

And this cunt of a newspaper actually argued for the right to continue publishing these malicious career-destroying lies saying ‘the injunction on re-publishing allegations could have a chilling effect on coverage of the #MeToo movement’. Truth matters nothing to some people or fair-play – just lie, grab the money and run. Fuck Off.

Nominated by MandroidZ

52 thoughts on “The Australian Telegraph and Ms Eryn Jean Norvill

  1. The MeeToo movement is an utter cunt and the sycophantic right on Libtard press is a cunt for giving these emotionally stunted runts the publicity they crave.

    Rush is a fine actor and any male at the top of their game is a fair target for MeeToo and certain sections of the press.

    Wasn’t one of those MeeToo hypocrites accused of sexually pestering a male actor?


  2. I’d fuck some sense into her….she won’t need be “prone to exaggeration” by the time I’ve finished porking her,her bat-cave opening really will be the size of a bin-lid.

    Fuck her.

    • There is probably a Twitterstorm brewing as I type this Mr Fiddler, with the hashtag #ivbeenfiddled.

    • Feminism has led to millions of unhappy, childless women trying to hold down crap jobs, and huge spikes in mental illnes in the millennials, who bought into the fantasy pumped out by the left-liberal media that they could have it all via vapid TV like Sex in the City and un-reality TV wank.

      Now we see the outcome of this favourite of society’s mass-delusions;
      Women in their 30s and 40s who are lonely, barren and broke, addicted to pain killers and getting likes on social media, and hounded by their more woke ‘sisters’ when they express the wrong opinion at their low-paid admin and HR jobs.

      When will they realise the vindictive cuntocracies in Hollywood, Cosmopolitan , Jezebel, the Huffington Post etc dont have their best interests at heart? Miserable bourgeois feminazis who want all women to be as miserable and fucked-up as they are.

      I’m with Peter Hitchens (and his late brother) on this. If the traditional idea of masculinity is sexist and patriarchal, then so be it. For all it’s flaws it seeks to keep the fairer sex from harm, misery and disillusionment, which is more than can be said for intersectional feminazism.

      No wonder so many of these young women love Game of Thrones. It features blokes, not chinless, shapeless baby-faced, virtue-signalling meerkats.

      • Spot on. Feminazis have only themselves to blame for their misery and spite, their emotionally stunted reactions and for their miserable fuck- less existences. They all need a good dicking, the stupid cows.

      • The fact that many of them don’t cus they are so fat and ugly is the reason they are feminist. Bottom line is they are just envy of their better looking sisters who got it on a regular basis.

        Spot on CP, sums it up entirely but they can fuck emself’s for all I care, nobody told them they should do this but they all acted like sheep, and now they are clapped out tarts with baggage, some of them darker than others.

      • It’s been something i’d been suspicious of since my early 20s, to be honest. Tbe craven media pushing this nareative in entertainment and advertising. It was a long time before a lot of this woke nonsense but felt utterly utopian and doomed to create a lot of cognitive disdonance in the poor women who bought into it.

      • I’m gonna nick that CP. Absolutely on the money. Great riposte filled with juicy clever rhetoric. Top lad.

      • To those who found my post agreeable, i recommend reading the chapter ‘Sexism is Rational’ in Peter Hitchens’ book The Cameron Delusion.

      • Another great tag on to your original post CP. Wimmin since forever have pandered to the whims of man – its in their DNA – as is the lust of the male written through us like a stick of Blackpool rock. Flogging their cunts isnt known as the oldest profession in the world for nothing. Past puberty most females into adolescence and into marriage they use the wily charms to extract what they want. Thats not a bad thing – its the way it always was until the first wave feminazis burned their bras and rug munchers kidnapped the whole “equality” thing not giving a fuck about the dynamics of M/F relationships.
        As a kid of the 70’s the whole touchy feely shit exhibited on programmes like top of the pops down to Junior showtime live from Leeds with cheggers and scantily sexually provocative well under age young girls in basques, suspenders and high heels was normal. Sex was easy to obtain and as frequent as you wanted it.
        Whizz forward to the oppressed repressed next wave females and a wolf whistle can get you lifted now. Its gone beyond the pale in terms of wimmin crawling out of the woodwork claiming that the frollicking and shagging they were quite willing to participate in during their youth has, on reflection, left them with worse PTSD than a Somme veteran. Not because it has but because there is now some form of compo on the go.
        I have no fame but if a dolly from back in the day accused me of having a bit of tit or smelly finger how could I possibly remember and in turn defend myself?
        They yearned for equality and that wasnt enough – its like the dark keys of today claiming the nasty Empire of yore owes them millions for the pain and suffering of long dead victims and oppressors alike.
        The mere mention of a grope from the 70’s to a now famous celeb is the kiss of death for his future and that of his family. Rape is a heinous crime and rightly those who commit the act should do time regardless of historic or not but a bit of slap and tickle then making out that your life was ruined is big business but also life changing for the poor schmuks who, in essence, did fuck all wrong. Its time that if a perp is found innocent beyond all reasonable doubt by a jury of his peers and the woman (in this case) found to be lying or perjuring herself for monetary gain she should, like the defendant at trial end, have the cloak of anonymity removed and exposed for the cheating lying Jezebel she is and be made to repay the costs of the innocents defence. Fuck these new wave metoo femenazi cunts (but certainly not literally!!)

  3. Shes a little stunner eh? Hope Geoffrey spends his damages on a fucking haircut he looks like hes in a german soft rock band in the 80s.

  4. Made me laugh when the founder of the #Metoo movement Asia Argento who was the first to accuse Harvey Wankstain of sexually abuse. Was later found out to be a pedophile who had been abusing a young boy from age of 13 -16 yo .

    Strangely as it goes she was let off and paid the boys family off to keep their mouths shut. She’s still free and even bragged about having her little boy back with her .

    If the sex had been flipped and was a man perving with a 13yo girl they would have been banged up quicker then flabbot eats free cake.

  5. The MeToo bollocks encourages exaggeration, if it was a pat on the arse it becomes a gripped my buttock and squeezed….
    A pat on the arse is fuck all so how can these fuckers get recognition…. build it up into something more.
    This is a simplfied example and I have no doubt than some accusations are genuine but if you want to ‘get in on the action’ having a minor indiscretion doesn’t cut it

    Fuck off all you MeToo junkies.

  6. One of Murdoch’s rags, if I’m not mistaken, with a history of publishing stories without regard to the truth. I’m glad Murdoch’s arse lickers will have to pay out but $3m was not enough to teach these cunts a lesson. Rush’s defence team asked for $20m which they, and I, think was an appropriate figure to stop these wimmin fucktards making false allegations of sexual harassment and having “journalists” publish their scamming attempts. That makes the judge a cunt in my book too. He should also have ordered Norvill to pay $500,000 with one year to pay and when she tearfully claimed impecunity ordered her to go on the game to raise the damages. Let’s see $500,000 @$50 a go equals one fuck every hour of every day for a year (rounding down). For straight sex, that is. If Mr Fiddler and Cuntamus Prime are clients session fees would be considerably more.

  7. Fast-forwarding through this Wednesday’s Peston programme, I alighted on a brief interview with Priti Patel. Asked why Boris Johnson was best placed to be next leader of the Tory Party, Priti answered: “Because he calls a spade a spade.”

    Quite so. That said, he’s still a fat lazy incompetent lying albino gorilla cunt.

    • Morning RTC. I’m lazy and incompetent but it didn’t stop me from being successful in life! Look at Chris Grayling as a classic example of how far incompetence can take you. Add that fat twat Ken Clarke who’s made an art form of it over a life time and a little incompetence can take you a long way. Seriously, Boris may be the best of a bad bunch but he’s the only hope of pulling us back from the abyss. We’re at the “clutching at straws” stage.

      • Afternoon Bsc. A lot will depend on who he appoints to his Cabinet.

        Presumably you’ll be rooting for fellow lazy incompetents Chris Grayling and Ken Clarke ?

      • They’d definitely be a shoe in! The more lazy incompetents Boris can gather around him, the harder working it will make him appear. Well it worked for Mavis didn’t it?
        I know you don’t agree but at the next GE I expect Boris to form some sort of loose pact with Nige, if only to avoid splitting the Brexit vote in marginals.

      • That’s what they should do.

        Perhaps Labour will do the same with the LibDumbs to avoid splitting the Remain vote.

    • Snowflake (aka NFUMU NGUI, aka Copito de Nieve) was a late, lamented, albino gorilla which had more charm, intelligence, charisma and good looks than Boris will ever have.

      • Maybe Boris is a man of destiny like Churchill RT. I know he’s written a book about him-and believes himself to be a Churchillian figure. Obsessed by him since university. All seems lost doesn’t it regarding Brexit? Like Churchill at a low point in the war. The Battle for Brexit will determine the future of the country. Who knows maybe he is the man to pull it out if the fire? Save us in our hour of need?

      • I would truly love to believe that Miles. If Boris is a man of destiny à la Churchill, then I’ll be a Flabbott’s uncle.

        Let’s hope I am.

    • No he doesn’t, he calls spades Londoners like every other lib-whipped PC apologist.

  8. I’m going to open a new business selling packs of condoms with a digital form of consent attached to each wrapper. Both parties have to scan the code on the form with their phone, provide full sworn testimonies of paticipation, and have the consent form scanning witnessed by a third party.

    I’m pitching it to Dragon’s Den next week.

    • Good luck pitching that to girl/ man/ thing Deborah Meaden. She’s probably not seen a cock in years – unless it’s her own.

      • I’d do Deborah, women have been sleeping with rich older men for eons for the easy lifestyle, it’s time men got in on the equality. I’ll spend my time shopping for spiffy new outfits, spa sessions, wooing younger women on my wife’s income, and when it’s all over I’ll take half her cash.

    • Peter Jones will “jump” on it but watch Tej Lalvani’s face once his bid is hijacked.

    • Superb – will it automatically coetus interruptus if it gets a “no” just at the moment of the money-shot? I’m looking forward to someone inventing an autonomous cock so I can stay up late and watch old films rather than doing my duty.

    • It also should come with automatic prenuptial agreements and access arrangements if something happens 9 months later, as well as designer baby clause specification in which sex if any of the family’s participants surname
      is “Beckham”.

  9. Wimmin are evil.
    Call me a chauvinistic cunt because I am one .
    How does the old saying go?
    A wimmin scorned is a cunt.

    • Did you get on with your Ma when you were little? Please ignore this question if it’s too cuntish but it would greatly assist me with my research in to the
      Psychogenesis of Homosexuality as part of my PhD at Hogwarts University.

      • MPG, what do you think of tits? Most heterosexual men are obsessed with tits, they sucked them as babies and don’t want to stop. If a gay was breast-fed, doesn’t this create psychological conflict?

  10. Nom Hijack Cozzers Alert!

    The Mrs has told me that David Lynch is doing something in Mcr this July… Will probably go to that (it’s about his film work)… Mrs Norman also informed me that ‘YFO’ is doing something called ‘Bells For Peace’ around the same time… ‘Who is YFO?’ I asked? The old lady replied ‘Yoko Fucking Ono’…. I love her even more now…

    • Talking about what’s on in M’cr Norman, I’ve just received an email for what’s on at the Lowry. Critically acclaimed it said! Must be good I thought and them promptly vomited when I opened it. There it was “ Everybody’s Talking about Jamie” – a story about a 16 year old drag queen. Is there no end to this shit?

      • P.s Can you imagine the outcry if this had been a photo of a “16 year old” girl in schoolgirl’s uniform promoting the show? Once again, double standards, but who gives a toss?

      • I hear you, BSC… The Royal Exchange are also butchering the iconic Hobson’s Choice… In this ‘re-imagined’ version Henry Hobson and his family are now parking stan lees of the peaceful variety… No, there is no end to this shit…

  11. The tart in the picture is horrible… Hard faced looking bint… Looks like Adele on a crash diet…

  12. Thing is 90% at least of these Me Too antics will be bullshit and either money or publicity ploys or diversionary tactics… Especially the VD riddled celebrity slappers who dropped ’em to further their careers and are now crying about it….

    You can give a slag a fake feminist slogan and a social media mob to hide behind… But, at the end of the day, it’s still a slag…

  13. Trying to understand women is in the end a waste of time.
    They want you to flirt and maybe touch them but just wish that they didn’t.
    At least i think so but who knows?

    • Old Sigmund was bang on when he posed the question ‘what does woman want?’.
      I’ve got my own views on the subject, naturally…

  14. I remember many years ago after finishing shoeing one old tabbys bag going to the van to add up the bill when I found a hand in pursuit of my private place, she wanted a reduction in the amount, needless to say I was horrified and all these years later I am still traumatised by that hot summer evening, should I sue her now ?
    Perhaps should start #me traumatised fucking

  15. Do you remember that cunt ‘Slane Girl’. She performed sex acts with half a dozen blokes at an eminem concert in full public view and then afterwards with the only natural regret and self-loathing tried to blame the guys for drugging and assualting her even though it’s all on camera. Had it not been filmed the poor bastards could have had their lives ruined. That’s an instructive lesson to ALWAYS film your sexual encounters, it’s the only way to be sure.

  16. Geoffrey should have just said “She is a cunt, your honour. And given 5 minutes with me there would be no need for a hearing if I did it or not as her arsehole would resemble an inner tyre tube and she would be pissing in a plastic bag – – i did not and probably would not touch the flea infested cunt of a thing, your worship – I rest my case”. After alot of applause there would be small children running down the steps of the courthouse yelling “Not Guilty”

  17. Me too? More like why didn’t I get some?

    Ugly wimminz rights nonsence.

    Fuck off.

    • It really is no fucking wonder that the MGTOW movement is sweeping through the western world like a tornado. And needless to say of course, the stupid bints are now moaning like fuck about that.

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