Sherif Lanre

Sherif Lanre is a cunt (punter). This idiotic twat got kicked off some ITV show called Love Island and has gone on to play the race card. This cretin called a white contestant ‘lighty’ and was allowed to stay in. I’d like to ask the dummy ‘so then Sherif you obviously think it’s fine if black contestants are referred to as darkeys by the white ones, yes? Oh you don’t, becuase of slavery, right, so black contestants can’t ever be racist but programme makers can’t even exclude black contestants for breaking rules without discriminating, right.’

Secondly this ignoramus kicked a white woman in the fanny, turned to another turd and joked – ‘that was a cunt-punt’. So finally this class act was booted off and without any evidence whatsoever that had the role of vile thug been played by a white man he’d have been treated differently wants to claim he’s a victim.

1. You’re a cunt
2. Fuck Off

Nominated by Mandroidz

34 thoughts on “Sherif Lanre

  1. Typical.

    “Is it cos Ise black?”

    No – it’s because you’re a cunt.

  2. He’s gone on to claim black contestants get less ‘minutes’ than lighties. So this is what it’s come to, counting the fucking minutes various races receive on these piss-poor excuses for entertainment to make sure they’re sufficiently inclusive of our noble black pioneers. You can’t fucking turn without hearing some cunt complain they’re being discriminated against. Fuck off and die of ebola you brain dead waste of space.

  3. I think they were worried the cunt might stab someone.

    No cotton to pick on I suppose.

  4. A valid cunting but perversely giving the cunt more exposure. I read an article saying that black contestants don’t get chosen by the non blacks and possibly it’s due to racism. This narrative is also being applied to dating sites, don’t fancy the BAME members, racist!

    Fuck off, it’s just a fact of life, people are attracted to whomever they are attracted to.

    Anyway back to this particular cunt, like the rest of the vacuous participants he threw his dignity away for a place in the lineup. The whole concept is a blight on society, a show featuring whores and watched by voyeurs.

    Love island? Love ain’t got a damn thing to do with it.

    This cunt can crawl back into the obscurity he deserves.

    • Obviously doesn’t happen in Brum as loads of mixed-race relationships there – lots of little mixed race kids anyway. Almost always black bloke/white woman.

      Down here in the smoke it is largely white bloke/black woman as it some sort of I’m-not-a-racist-type-trophy-wife thing.

  5. I don’t know why this cunt is complaining he’s been kicked off cos he’s black.
    The only reason he was selected in the first place is because he’s black.

    A box ticking program that falls so far below my idea of entertainment that scraping the bottom of the barrel takes place underneath the barrel.

  6. We need black TV for black people and white TV for white people…. simple!

    Racist? not really, when someone like this cunt gets thrown off a reality series there isnt any question about race.

    Not even sure why this story was in the news, no one in their right mind gives a flying fuck


    • Next you’ll be saying there should be black countries for black people etc, if it was meant to be that way it would of been made that way…………

  7. Sherifs got a big career ahead of him unfortunately not in television but at his local McDonald’s!! I’m sure he will do a sterling job sweeping the car park and could if things go his way be flipping burgers the right side of his 30th birthday!!
    Fucking idiotic cunt…….

  8. Maybe he’ll pass himself away like the other herpes-ridden cunts did. Here’s hoping!

  9. Who the fuck names their kid fucking sherif?
    ?”I didn’t shoot the sherrif”? …. but I wish someone fucking had.

    • Thanks Mr B. I really enjoyed that. I watched 20 minutes of Slag Island once and that was enough for me. It’s hard to believe that anyone other than retarded 12 year olds watch this shit but they obviously do.
      As for this Sherif bloke……..well fuck him the useless cunt.

      • Professor Tosspot is brilliant. He pulls that fucking ghastly Gillette ad apart as well in another video….

      • Only a young chap behind the scenes too. A glimmer of hope amid a bleak sea of snowflakes…

    • Fucking superb.

      Used to wash the car for an old chap like Tosspot; I’ve now become him (without a car, though…).

  10. Never heard of him.
    Just another Cunt.
    Never seen it.
    Couldn’t give two fucks.
    Give him a banjo and send him on his way.
    Next !

  11. So he’s got his 15 minutes of whinging out on social media, and now he’ll ramp it up until the SJWs whip up a storm and demand changes to the rules etc.

    But never fear, because if the next person voted off the show is a woman, she will no doubt go down the “it’s cause I am woman, and its sexist!”

    Every contestant will have their little virtue signalling victim card up their sleeve when they get booted!

  12. Referred to someone solely based on the colour of their skin. A massive cunt on the biggest cunt of a TV programme. That makes him an Uber racist cunt. Thank you so much Sherif I will be quoting you for quite a long time.

    I won’t really be quoting you because anyone who appears on this shit heap should in my opinion be be excluded from society, but this is the modern world
    and you are there just in case. Cheers once again Sherif. Not even the SJW can excuse the simplicity of referring to someone just by the colour of their skin. You are in the SJW world a stain on a modern progressive society by doing this. But don’t worry one look at you and surely you can’t be racist. Wrong it turns out you are. Cheers Sherif.

  13. The UK is probably overdue a black lives matter protest, or maybe some riots like in 2011 when that no good waster was shot by police.

  14. TV producers bring it on themselves by scraping the barrel of narcissistic pricks to populate their crap TV schedules.

    I wholeheartedly agree with the cunting but he is just one vain psychopath in an industry teeming with them, in front of the camera and behind.

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