Sadiq Khan (AGAIN)

It’s getting boring now, I know, but I can’t help but return from my relatively lengthy cunting hiatus to deliver yet ANOTHER one for Sadiq ‘Citizen’ Khan, who has responded to Trump’s criticism of his handling of London’s knife crime policies by… calling him a poster boy for racists. Man up take some responsibility you fucking cunt.

Nominated by OpinionatedCunt

57 thoughts on “Sadiq Khan (AGAIN)

      • Yeh definitely RK
        With the Trojan horse of remayn off to the knackers yard it’s opened up the field somewhat , khan has all the credentials to make a sustained assault to the summit of cunt!

      • He’s certainly a serious contender for it this year. Gotta be one of the top 2 or 3 contenders

  1. We’ve had a lot of rain recently but it hasn’t deterred the stabbers at all. They’re not afraid of a bit of water. Come rain, hail, or shine they’re out there stabbing for Britain, Stabbing for Khunt.

    The murders are out of control but at least that racist ‘Stop & Search’ policy has been abandoned. Avé sharia.

    Vote stabbing.
    Vote Khunt.

    • With apologies to Tom Lehrer

      “Ave Sharia, gee it’s great to see ya
      Getting ecstatic and kinda dramatic
      And doing the Stabistan rag…”

    • Oh no doubt about it captain they’re a highly motivated bunch!
      Happy to oblige 24/7 365 days a year
      Forget the “ man with a van”
      Hire the “ cunt with a blade”
      But as we all know it’s part of modern life in a big city….. ?

      • Gangs in Liverpool are paying youngsters up to £1,000 to stab rivals as they don’t want to get their hands dirty, fucking snowflakes. All part of living in a moderately sized city.

      • LL, a pyramid-type, sub-stabbing scheme could be implemented into the drug turf wars throughout Britain, could it not? It could be a profitable business this Sadiq’s Stabbers or, to abbreviate it, The S.S.

    • Just as long as the Trainee Architects are stabbing each other its fine by me.But if they start on Whitey then it will be a shoot on sight policy and I dont care how many innocent efniks are taken out.
      Fuck em all,Fuck em all to hell.

  2. Ineffective. Short arse. Peace dweller.

    Knows fuck all about running a city though. At least the air is clean in London with all those smelly diesel vans gone.

    Did another one of those hybrid buses catch fire again the other day?

    • Yes – it’s funny. apparently driving my diesel car kills thousands of kids. So, it’s not the AAs doing it with knives, it’s my car! Khan is such a cunt he’s on his way to getting his very own ISAC website.

  3. And no, the image isn’t a real Guardian headline. That I even have to say that is a sad indictment on the state of the paper.

    • I genuinely said to myself ‘Guardian eh? That headline must be true’

      • Didn’t Mavis, the woman who did Prime Minister impersonations (dire ones, admittedly) praise sharia ?

        Apologies to the Python “Dennis Moore” song
        “Stupid bitch, stupid bitch, stupid bitch…”

  4. So what are we on now with this twat? I think mine that was published a few days back was number 14? Sadiq khan must be getting close to Bono or Blair for cuntings in our parish!

  5. Suckdick (or is is Suckduck) is the greatest misfortune to hit London since the Great Plague.

    The Black Death, the Great Plague, the Fire of London, the Blitz and now…… Suckduck Kunt

    London has survived through some pretty horrendous times. But Suckduck and Islamization could be the final straw.

  6. I wonder who’d win between Khunt and Bercow in a dwàrf fight. A proper roly-poly scrap on Clapham Common, all mídget hair-pulling and podgy fingers in each other’s eyes; stumpy legs kcking out like spoilt, belligerent brats and dinosaur-like tiny arms throwing silly punches to a soundtrack of the Benny Hill theme.

    Short-arse cunts.

    • I think a dwarf-throwing contest, Bercow and Khunt into the nearest smelter.

      Of course, I mean this in a Jo Brand, funny, fantasy sort of way, obviously I wouldn’t actually do it or suggest that anyone else should.

      If the Met are reading this (are they capable ??), Sod off. A total waste of blue serge, which would look much better on WPO Juicy Lucy Lane.

  7. Fuckin’ hell and I thought my nose was big! No wonder this cunt does nothing about the stabbings, he must spend all day picking the bogies out of it.

      • One is a non-human puppet who tells lies, talks to a fairy, and rebels against his working-class father with terrible behaviour….and the other is Pinocchio.

        Mornings compatriots.

      • “Prove yourself brave, truthful and unselfish , and someday, you will be a real Mayor”. (still 5ft 6 though)

  8. He is the typical modern politician, utterly fucking useless, head firmly in the trough.

  9. I hate to have to point this out, but while Londonistan stabbings make the headlines, there is no shortage of them elsewhere:

    Even in Scotland, despite its claimed successes.
    Whatever else Khan’s not fixing, this one’s hardly unique to him.

    • Let’s put the London stabbings in to context. Yes, other areas are facing the same problem but London, although having 12% of the population, experienced 33% of the UK knife crime in 2018. I know where I would not rather live.

  10. Goes to show how out of touch with reality this cunt is, when he, without a hint of irony, states that he thinks the big Don ought to “focus on domestic politics”.

    The gall of these cunts, is as bad as the Treasonbot and her constant talk of “We”

    • And then Javid stafrts backing up Khunt.

      We’ve seen what a slimy mayor can infliuct on a city; do we want a PM of his ilk ??

  11. Mavis says she will not endorse anyone for the Tory leadership. Why TF does this deluded bat think that anyone would be interested in anything she has to say? A referral from this woman would be the kiss of death. It seems failure is no longer accompanied by any shame.

    “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
    ― Thomas A. Edison

  12. Mind you, talking of Trump if he goes into Iran that will kill off the last remaining faith I have in him. The last thing we need is another Iraq.

    • Trump doesnt want a war with Iran its those Neo Con Cunts who swarm around him like flies up a cows arse.

      • That’s the problem – he’s surrounding himself with these people and might be too easily persuaded by them into attempting something rash.

    • Trouble is, we chose the wrong country to invade all those years ago. It should have been Iran, not Iraq. I always found Saddam a decent sort of guy – one you could do business with!

      • Yeah always had a soft spot for old Saddam,a self confessed Cunt of the Second rank,but simply didnt do enough in my humble opinion to be considered an all time Great like UberCunts Uncles Joe and Adolf.

      • Ted Heath and George Galloway agree with you about Saddam!

        But we’re a bit spoilt for choice in the ME and WMD’s. Leaving aside the contents of Israel’s Dimona facility, which no outside agency has ever been allowed to see, or the missiles it keeps for its German submarines (a deal coming uncomfortably close to Bibi’s door, right now), the Saudis are definitely interested in U-235 products, and have approached both Pakistan and Israel for guidance on these.

        If I were an ayatollah, I’d definitely be making preparations for the worst, sanctions or no sanctions.

      • Like Gadaffi, he may have been a bit of a cunt, but he knew how to keep a certain entire sect of cunts in-line.

      • They fucked up royal when they got shut of Saddam and Gadaffi… Only hard case cunts like those two could keep shitholes full of flag burning savages like that in any sort of line… The zookeepers are dead and the animals have taken over… Worse than that, the cunts are over here…. Assad in Syria is similar… I f he wants to kill all that IS human filth, then let him get on with it… The less of those cunts there are, the fucking better…

        And those wankers is Afghanistan? Letting a load of Taliban vermin out in the ‘name of peace’? So, what did our lads go over there for? Fuck all, that’s what… Are they just naturally thick in that part of the world? Can you imagine a British government letting all those murderous Fenian scum out of the Maze? Oh, hang on… They fucking did… Blair you fucking cunt…

      • Blunty, I’m sure the thousands buried would disagree with you about the tyrant Saddam Hussain, nor the countless Kurdistan innocents brutally murdered by the butchering despot.

      • He was a truly evil man but unfortunately the alternative has turned out to be even worse.

      • Not wishing to get into the statistics of the graveyard, I am wondering if Saddam could have killed as many people as the destabilisation of the region did after he went. Or even as many Kurds as have died fighting the oil war against IS on the West’s behalf in Syria and Iraq, subsequently.
        Syria was an oppressive police state before the west encouraged, and then failed to support a revolution (though if it had supported it the result would have been the same). But it was secular, and had a reasonable standard of living. Much of Syria is now rubble, with ‘good’ revolutionaries, Kurds and the old regime still slugging it out for control. With added Hezbullah, Revolutionary Guard and Russians.
        Libya was a police state run by a despotic (but non-Islamist) lunatic.At one point the UK was kissing Gaddafi’s butt for oil concessions. It now doesn’t have a functional government, has had a civil war for the last eight years, and Haftar is the next despotic lunatic waiting in the wings.

        Oh, and the first and only elected president of Egypt died yesterday, having been kept in solitary confinement and denied medical treatment for six years. He collapsed in court, facing trial for what? Clue: The US gives Egypt billions a year to keep it singing the right songs. And continues to do so. Let’s hear it for freedom and democracy.

        I am with those that think that for the greatest good of the greatest number, the neocons pressing for regime change in states safely distant from their own expensive lifestyles should be the first against the wall.

      • Captain, I thought you might have spotted the slightly facetious note in my comment! I’m still serious, however, that if any country were to be targeted, it should have been Iran.

  13. The first resort of these cunts is ‘racist!!’ Trump is trying to stem the tide of illegal immigration, so is of course ‘racist’. So it goes.

  14. With all these architects getting murdered it’s no wonder there’s a housing shortage in London…….

  15. This Khan cunt is like Pontius Pilate on a tape loop…
    Now wash your hands… Now wash your hands etc….

    And a Parkin Standley son of a bitch -I mean bus driver (was it Chalky off On The Buses?)
    pulling the ‘racists’ card out? Surprise fucking surprise as that cunt ‘Our Cilla’ used to squawk… Anyway, I wouldn’t call hating a cunt who appeases terrorists, apologises on theit behalf, and who allows wholesale murder in England’s capital as being racist… Whatever stick this thundering cunt trumpet gets -off Big Don or anyone else – is both expected and deserved…

  16. I bet Suckdick also has Napoleon/Prince/Paul Simon syndrome….. Wears cuban heels and is hung up to fuck about his ‘stature’…. The little cunt…

  17. Instead of blaming everyone else except himself for knife crime in Stab City Take some responsibility do your job stay out of politics and Twitter Shut the fuck up

  18. As much as I dislike Trump, he was right in his criticism of Khan. He has been useless as the Mayor of London. Under his tenure, crime has gone UP, especially violent crime. What’s he done to address the issue? Fuck all. Well, that’s not strictly true, he’s blamed the government for it. That in itself is not completely untrue, however, Khan, as Mayor has direct control over the Metropolitan police. If he told them tomorrow to start taking knife crime more seriously, to start carrying out stop and search again, they’d do it. But he hasn’t done that. Khan is more concerned with taking all expenses paid jollies to other countries, raising the congestion charge and expanding the areas in which the congestion charge applies and slagging off Donald Trump. In the same way that May was the worst PM this country has ever known, Khan is the worst Mayor that London has ever known. He has no kept a single one of his election promises, and his attitude to Islamic terrorism is that it’s, “Part and parcel of living in a big city”. In other words, “I don’t give a fuck if my fellow muslims murder you kuffar. The more the merrier”. I would hope that come the next election, he’s kicked out on his arrogant, self-important arse. Considering that most voters in London these days, speak English as a second language, I’ll be surprised if he is.

  19. Sadiq Khan is worse than the Black Death to Londonistan residents Short in stature but big in mouth (and nose) Panda Man needs sacking as soon as possible a terrible mayor probably the worst ever that’s inc Ken Livingston and He was bad This horrible little bastard needs to crawl back under the stone He came from.

    • May he savour the pain of blown womanlies, and die during an air enema accident.

  20. Wonder what Sadick would do if the majority of stabbees were of the peaceful persuasion. I reckon half of what’s left of the army would be on the streets 24/7. In view of the colour of most of the victims and perpetrators methinks Sadick’s lack of action re the stabathon may be construed as racist by certain party’s

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