Sadiq Khan (15)

And it’s that old ISAC favourite Suckdeek Khan again…. What a cunt…

The Mayor of Londonabad has reached even higher levels of cuntiude (no mean feat for him)… He now wants Plastic Manc and John Lennon impersonator, Liam Gallagher to ‘help him fight London’s knife crime’… First of all, I wasn’t aware the Khan was doing anything to fight it… Isn’t his attitude to knife crime the same as his blase ‘let the cunts eat cake’ outlook on human filth peaceful terrorism (it’s to be expected and accepted apparently)?… And if he thinks asking ex-Rutle, Gallagher will ‘get him on down wid da yoof’ then it shows what a bellend Suckdick really is… The Big Don balloon debacle was pathetic enough… Now he’s asking cartoon rock stars for advice on social and political matters? How in the name of fuck has this cunt ever got to be in such a position of power?! The fact that a spineless and childish pillock like this is in charge of our capital shows that this country has truly gone to the dogs via hell in a handcart….

Nominated by Norman

Gallagher’s comment : ‘…he seems to not be doing a good job, all them kids getting knifed… The only thing that ever comes out of his mouth is, ‘London is open.’ What, open for knife crime and dying and stuff?

76 thoughts on “Sadiq Khan (15)

  1. No mention in the news of the background of the two arrested on suspicion of murdering that pregnant woman in Croydon yesterday – through stabbing.

    But I bet you if they were white the cunting media would be all over it making sure we plebs knew about it.

    Fucking cunts. Fuck off

    • It’s the same everywhere Bear Cunt.

      Full name, age and address if a white male. And often a photo.

      When our local arse wipe refers to a man from Ipswich has been arrested, questioned, charged we all know damn well the assailant is an Eastern European living and committing crimes in Ipswich.

      • And remember that one? ‘Norwegian Origin’…
        What a classic that was…

        Not forgetting the ‘British Citizen’ who caused the Manchester Arena slaughter….

        Fuck the BBC up my arse, the traitorous collaborating cunts…

  2. I’d like Tiny Tom Cruise to kick his arse too. Every time he opened his mouth, Our Hero Tom could give him a kick square in the bollocks with his studs up. Niiice.

  3. I second that sir. The self righteous cosy-up-with-the-jihadis cunt is a laughing stock and it truly does beggar belief that he’s the mayor. Such an imbecile would be better serving roasted dog on a stick on Edgware-a-bad road. Cunt.

    • Ah…… the Edgeware Rd. Summer 2007, I was stuck in a massive traffic jam on the Via Goatshagger, all sorts of cunts tooting their horns and waving some foreign flag. Hundreds of dirty A-rabs on the pavement going apeshit and waving the same shitrag. I heard on the radio that Iraq ?? had just won the “Asian Cup” whatever the fuck that is.
      The Edgeware Road twelve years ago. Fuck me.

  4. Everything is up under Khan’s watch. Gun crime, knife crime, burglary, acid attacks, rape, murder. Just about everything, and that includes white flight….

    • European cities being abandoned to primarily immigrant populations, average white English pushed out to live in shitholes and the political class just cheer it on.

      How the fuck is this right? How have they persuaded so many of us to cheer the silent invasion on?

      They’ve almost persuaded me I’ve got it wrong, I can’t be right when the majority are fine with it?

      • ‘How have they persuaded so many of us to cheer the silent invasion on?’

        Dont be old fashioned and insular.

        Don’t be a ‘little Englander’.

        Be modern and open to new ideas, different cultures.

        You don’t want to appear close-minded do you?

        ‘Oh no, I’m not racist or anything like that…’

        The country has been lost through English abashment.

  5. Fuck London. I don’t live there and they can all kill each other and keep their shitty Mayor and vote the cunt back in. Keep up the stabbings until all the dumb fuck zombies are dead, good job.

    • If the cops had any sense they’d put on some boot polish and dress like the local Yoof so as to blend in.Then they should start stabbing and shooting every suspicious looking cunt and blame it on the gangs.Sure some innocents are gonna be eliminated by mistake but like Maggie put it “It’s a price worth paying.”

  6. My sister is a bank manager.In an “ethnically diverse” area of Norf Landon.Some of her stories are unbelievable. Theres one female Gimmigrant who “banks” at my sisters branch.The cunt can hardly speak a word of English.Every month every benefit available under the sun is dropped into her account-£3000.£750 a fucking week.Literally came off the boat a couple of years back.Recently she turned up with her posse of Male Guardians(no need to state their religious affiliation).The disciples of the Paedophile(Piss be Upon him) explained that their “sister” was short £30 of her monthly “allowance”.Could my sister explain to their poor “sister” how this could happen?MY sister told em to complain to the social not the bank.The self entitlement and arrogance of these fucking scrounging cunts is unbelievable.

  7. Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    Methinks someone high up is after me,too many Your comment is awaiting moderations recently. Im scared.

  8. Liam g might be a cunt but at least he went on the BBC and slagged shitdick karnt off for the totally shite London mayor that he is
    And because he’s at Glastonbury they showed it
    So I say well done Liam even if you are a cunt

    Ps Liam if you ever come back to Manchester you can have a go at the thunderbird puppet mayor Andy Burnham another waste of fucking money
    The cunt

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