Sadiq Khan (15)

And it’s that old ISAC favourite Suckdeek Khan again…. What a cunt…

The Mayor of Londonabad has reached even higher levels of cuntiude (no mean feat for him)… He now wants Plastic Manc and John Lennon impersonator, Liam Gallagher to ‘help him fight London’s knife crime’… First of all, I wasn’t aware the Khan was doing anything to fight it… Isn’t his attitude to knife crime the same as his blase ‘let the cunts eat cake’ outlook on human filth peaceful terrorism (it’s to be expected and accepted apparently)?… And if he thinks asking ex-Rutle, Gallagher will ‘get him on down wid da yoof’ then it shows what a bellend Suckdick really is… The Big Don balloon debacle was pathetic enough… Now he’s asking cartoon rock stars for advice on social and political matters? How in the name of fuck has this cunt ever got to be in such a position of power?! The fact that a spineless and childish pillock like this is in charge of our capital shows that this country has truly gone to the dogs via hell in a handcart….

Nominated by Norman

Gallagher’s comment : ‘…he seems to not be doing a good job, all them kids getting knifed… The only thing that ever comes out of his mouth is, ‘London is open.’ What, open for knife crime and dying and stuff?

76 thoughts on “Sadiq Khan (15)

  1. Suck ma Dick Khunt is beyond the fucking pale.

    This pint sized carpet kissing son of a bus driver is more concerned with his image than London.
    More concerned about clean air than crime.
    More concerned about permitting Trump balloons than the congestion caused by his insane policies.

    He has to go. Preferably to Syria…

    Useless, narcissistic Corbyn loving scum cunt. Ebola would he too good for him.

    He is ruining London and decimating his budget on PR.

    Fuck off.

    Uber cunt.

    Hang on Justin , I will come and loosen the cuffs in a moment, am just popping out for some more WD40….

  2. I think Suckdick Kunt doesn’t care about the stabbings in London as they are mostly black. He wouldn’t care either if they were white. As long as it is not goat-fuckers being stabbed it is a victory for the peacefuls – black or white, they are both infidels to them.

  3. I really wish London voters would wake up to what a pile of self-aggrandising, deluded, vacuous shit this miniature motherfucker really is. Far far worse than the two previous mayors, and like a Parking Stanley version of Norman Wisdom, good at playing the big man till the shit hits the fan, whereupon he runs of squeaking “Mr. Pitkin, Mr. Pitkin!”.

  4. So what does Khan do? He invites Liam to become an yuth ambassador? Liam is of course an Uber cunt who thinks he’s dead ard but has ended up getting bitch slapped more than once.

    Mayor Khant of course is used to his brethren stabbing people in london, in his defence he probably thinks stabbings are for pussies.

    In my day said Khan we’ed sort out our beef with a suicide vest.

    They need to stamp on any cunt with a blade on them. It ain’t who’re people stereotyping black youths it’s black youths stabbing people mostly other black youths doing that.

    Even if not tooled up a lot of these cunts will have blades stashed nearby. Don’t tell me kids are carrying knives because they shut the local youth clubs.

    I watched some cunt telling the world that at the top of the tree it’s white gangsters using black youth to run drugs. Once again it’s the white mans fault.

    Fuck off Khan, fuck off out of london via the nearest airport.

    • The rozzers in London won’t go into certain estates for fear of provoking the AAs into riots. Broadwater Farm is one no-go area, despite what that cunt Dick woman says.

      • I did repo for a while and there were estates the old bill wouldn’t come if we got resistance. Usually BMW’s

      • Lisson Green estate in St Johns Wood is another no go zone. The riot squad got their arses kicked last Bonfire night, now the police don’t go near the place.

      • As a proud Sarf East Lahndoner, I have to say we’ve got much harder estates in Lewisham and Deptford. Broadwater Farm are bare wastemen, fam!

  5. What the fuck does the london mayor even do? He’s a fucking cheerleader, lying to all and sundry like a champion. And as to the question of how he got the job in the first place, simple – postal votes.

  6. Sucdick is an appalling mayor, politician and, let’s face it, a sorry excuse for a man, as his constant goading of The Orange One shows. He is obviously suffering from small dick syndrome.

    Gallagher was correct in his remarks on Suckdick. Suckdick’s offer to Gallagher is a simple case of “come on then, big boy, if you think you can do better”.

    But neither can Suckdick do better, and he knows it. He’s over- promoted, just like the late unlamented Mavis May, and like so many members of today’s so called “ political class”.

    All Suckdick is capable of is grandstanding with millennial snowflake cunts, making an exhibit of himself and London with that stupid Trump balloon.

    Fuck off, Khan. You don’t represent my city, you cunt.

    Fuck off

  7. Everything about this vile excuse for a man points to what is wrong with Britain.
    Put into a position of power even though his parents are foreigners, ergo so is he.
    Given responsibility he’s incapable of seeing through, or even understanding.
    Talking a load of bollocks incessantly.
    Worst of all, adopting an attitude that favours his own snout in trough brethren, instead of upholding the British values that drew the vermin here in the first place.
    I wish he’d just piss off to Pakistan where the cunt belongs.

    • Out of control knife crime with daily death? What should i as mayor do about it in the face of mounting pressure? A has -been , barely able to string a sentence together pop stars the answer! Yeah to restore civic calm and law and order ill get a manc clothes horse who cant tie his own laces! Solved!

  8. I’d like to see Liam vs. Suckdiq rumble. I think Galaghers height advantage may tell but the dwarfs low centre of gravity should make for a good scrap. I reckon both fight dirty, lots of scratching and handbags.

  9. Three nice stabbings in Londonistan yesterday, two of them just down the road from me.
    As one of them was a pregnant woman Suckdick whips out the domestic violence card, carefully grandstanding to the libtard feminazi crowd. I think we can assume the stabby cunt wasn’t white otherwise we would have heard about it by now.
    Meanwhile, Khunt is very busy tracking the mass rape and slaughter by the Orange Racist Misogynist Devil on the Mexican border.

    • It was atrocious the way he tweeted that comment about ‘there being no place for violence against women in our city’. Are we meant to assume that blokes getting gutted with a blade is somehow ok? What a cunt.

  10. Khunt doesn’t care about stabbings. As long as it’s one slash across the throat and blessed by a goat bothering priest then it’s all above board by his standards.
    The reason a jumped up little carpet kisser like Khunt and several of the same ilk get in to power is years and years of pandering to tossing minorities. Yes the political class and mainstream media are to blame but individuals need to take fucking responsiblity, stop going with the crowd and learn to speak up.

    When the demographics have changed completely and we’re the minority, (already happened on my estate) will our sheet-wearing overlords afford us the same privileges and rights we give them? No they fucking won’t.
    Do you ever hear the slanty-eyed ones moaning about inequality? Nope, they come over, get on with work or education and cause little trouble. Nothing wrong with immigrants like that and someone’s got to pick cockles or cook my chow-mein. Not so many in parliament or on the bbc though is there?

    In a strange way we need the likes of Khunt to highlight what the future holds to the swarms of brain dead i-phone zombies if the EU and lefty UK Government gets it’s way. The clock (or bomb) is ticking Britain. Time to shape up or ship out.

  11. I think the only practical thing he can do now is invite all the bereaved parents to Mansion House and after rehearsing with Liam give a full-throated rendition of ‘Don’t Look Back in Anger’ to console them.

  12. What an unbelievably incompetent, childish and pathetic this dŵárf Peaceful racist is. Has absolutely no honour or shame for the lives he is costing in the name of making a political point.

    Hate the bellend with an unrivalled passion.

    You know this country is in dire straights when a fucking nothing like him is given power. Hope Gallagher tells him to shove it where the sun don’t shine.

  13. He’s a muslim male exercising his Koranic duty to use taqqiya against the Infidels. You might have blinked and missed it yesterday, but briefly there was a piece around some Labour dissenters saying that Corbyn was too old and frail for the job. There we go, seeds planted for a leadership contest. And you know who would throw their hand (presumably the one they hadn’t wiped their shitty arse-crack with) in. And you know who damn well would stand a very serious of chance of getting landslide voted-in by Londonistan, Birminghamstan, Bradfordstan, etc etc etc.

    He’s playing the polite ‘waiting game’ and just biding his time until he can deliver the UK to the conquerors. Anyone who trust this trojan worm, and indeed in my case any poof that votes for him, is the proverbial turkey at Christmas.

    • Would Labour put up such a candidate as him? If they can’t defeat Zelda the Hunchback, they’re unlikely to beat Boris with the suntanned oompah-loompah in charge.

      • Let’s not rule out the return of Chuka Umunna if Liebour are looking for a new leader, as we all know Chuka has high morals, principals and is very loyal… the party he belongs to at that particular time.

  14. Liam couldn’t be anymore of a cunt his next album is called Why me? Why not just pure cuntishness on this title I’m just baffled by it and the chavs an lads will eat it up and think its poetic genius. Bad enough his last album was called As you were like I said just pure cuntishness

    Also what the fuck does liam gallagher know about knife crime poor dumb fucker is still trying to figure out the spoon

  15. Trump just shook hands with Kim Jong Un on the Korean border. What’s Khant done lately?

  16. Totally agree. I’ve said for some time that this cunt’s target is the leadership of the Labour Party. Everything he does is about building his libtard profile, Londonistan is just a stepping stone. Unless you are a scouser you won’t know who the Mayor of Liverpool is but every cunt in the country knows who Suckdick is. Fuck me, half the United States know who he is.
    A dangerous cunt, much more dangerous than Steptoe.

    • Yea this oily cunt went to the Tony Blair School of ‘All Things to All Men’ (oops, scratch ‘men’ and insert preferred victim status’.

  17. If it wasn’t so bazaar it would be funny Khan has lost the plot the sooner this prick is removed from office the better Londonistan is open but for what?
    Next Stop Please.

  18. And what if -horror of fucking horrors – Suckdick one day becomes Labour leader?….
    You know it could happen…

    • I’d be outside buckingham palace beseeching the queen to dissolve pariliament and return to absolute monarchy, it’s safer.

  19. I have only one thing to say about this odious, incompetent little toad: CUNT OF THE YEAR 2019

  20. Khan is a clueless cunt.

    Then again, ‘Unibrow’ Gallagher is also a prize cunt, but at least he was a cunt who had a point when he spoke about London and the increasing number of stabbings going on here.

    It was probably the most insightful and sensible thing that has come out of his huge gob since he emerged from Mrs Gallagher’s vag.

    Sad Dick couldn’t run an egg and spoon race, let alone London. The fact he is seeking advice and help from the equally inept shows just how out of his depth he is.


    • True, dick has a huge following from the minorities, the SJW freaks, the Labour Left, and the LibDums!

      Not living in London I don’t exactly know if this cunt has achieved anything that benefits the city as a whole. But it seems to me he is a one-trick pony, and a pretty clueless one at that, other than banging out soundbites at the government or Boris or the Right in general, primarily to distract attention away from his own fuckwittery.

      He won’t give two fucks about the rising tide in stabbings because he will always blame someone else for it but never himself; and he certainly won’t want to criticise the minorities even though they seem to be the cunts who stab the most!

      • The only half decent thing he has managed to do for a period of time is keep the transport fares frozen, Techno……he has also achieved….hmm, now let me think…..umm…..fuck all actually.

        These days I think he is far busier having Twitter bitch fights with other high profile knobheads such as BoJo and that wiggy, orange thing in The White House.

  21. Islam is neither a race nor, more importantly, a ‘religion’.

    The ‘religious’ aspects of it are part and parcel of the whole, which is a…

    Political Ideology.

    One that is immutable. One that is unimpeachable. One that is to be pursued, promoted and proliferated by all its adherents, from cradle to grave, on pain of eternal Hell.

    And proliferated it is, by hegemonic indoctrination and stultification from said birth. If you are born a boy, your father instills it in you until you are old enough for the madrassa, the madrassa reinforces it in you until you are old enough for the mosque, then the mosque and its ‘community leaders’ work together to ensure you, and all your antecedents, are getting the rinse and repeat cycle thoroughly repeated over and over again until you are spotlessly brainwashed.

    If you are a muslim male, and let’s not forget the mere convenience of being born into the system, you are now part of the greatest, most superior species on the planet. Anyone else of any human physiognomy, and needless to say any animal, is worth literally nothing compared to you. You have dominion over any and all that are not in your image.

    So, you take, you rape, you pillage, you torture, you kill, you plunder at the expressed freedom of your perfect ‘law’ to do so. And there is no excuse, no reasoning, no rationing that any non-believer can offer up to you that would be worth of mercy. Because they commit the first, fundamental, original sin. They do not believe The Truth that you do.

    People of the world, wake up for crying out loud. This is your future unless you decisively, definitively deal with this CANCER PLAGUE now.

      • We don’t seem to hear the term islamofascist much these days do we but it’s more relevant than ever.

    • I worked as a contractor for a major oil company. They loved to fill the place with goat fuckers even then. Piss off to mosque every Friday? Yes, go ahead. They bent over backwards to employ them instead of whiteys and gave them every fucking thing they asked for. I bet all the white libtard HR people went home and had a good wank about their “achievements” every day.

      It’s endemic and why the UK is fucked. Mind you, it’s not just UK – read this and weep:

  22. I just had to fork out £80 because of this muthafukka.
    Drove somewhere in my 4.0 litre gas guzzler at 10 o’clock the other night and they got This ULEZ bullshit operating 24/7 that i didnt even know about.
    Just another Labour stealth tax imo. Cunt

    • Would love to fuck her, always fancied her, now at 51 just as fit as ever, no kids so still a nice tight tasty pussy…

      Fuck, i thought i was on a porn site for a minute, but if Krav can talk about bieber spunking all over him (dirty cunt) I can deam about Kylie.

      Khan is a cunting son of a bus driver.

    • I’d be front row doing the locomotion. I always liked Kylie from way back as Charlene on Neighbours. She’s the only saving grace of that festival of cunts.

  23. He’s unable to do anything about knife crime because of the culture that cunts like him create. Let’s face it, it’s 1 demographic that’s responsible for this but as we all know, rape and murder are fine, as long as no-one is seen to be waysist….
    If it was white people stabbing each other, he’d be throwing huge resorces at these ‘far right’ criminals, but as it’s blacks, they just stand back and deny a problem even exists.

    Little rat faced cunts like khan should never be allowed into positions of “power”, always bleating on about the benefits of multiculturalism and “diversity is our strength”. No sadiq. The London stabathon is proof that mass immigration and multiculturalism are a bad thing and diversity is not our strength, it’s a cunt. As are you sadiq.

    • Whats with this ‘diversity is our strenth’ bollocks that i keep hearing last 2 weeks? Since when? How is it? Just some fuckin made up slogan thought up in a lefty think tank in Brighton or London by some Barnaby double barrel name or a cressida vegan type goofy cunt. Wheres the proof? Explain yourselves you lefty bedwetter twats ?

      • It cant be explained and it is difficult to challenge, just one of the slogans which sound good to those who want to hear it and meaningless to those who are either not interested or have a different view.
        When applied to a specific point it is either reasonable or absurd.
        I this case it is absurd

    • The stabathon will end when peacefuls start getting shanked. Half the army will be on the streets police will be seconded from all over the UK. Constant helicopter patrols and so on until knife crime is a distant memory which will be blamed on right wing white men islamaphobes or some such libtard bollocks. The great suckdick will assume his rightful place as leader of the cuntocracy and all will be well in Britainistan. The real fucker is this awful scenario could happen; remember good readers diversity is strength.

  24. I suppose when he eventually steps down don’t be too surprised if London ends up with an even more fucked up mayor – a mayor that will have ticked all the usual VS boxes, and will probably turn out to be a black lezzer/gay transsexual goat shagger with a lisp!

  25. The conservative candidate is going to be black, so yeah it’s practically guaranteed to be one or the other.

  26. Yet more proof that diversity and multi culturalism has worked fantastically for Blighty.
    Churchill would be gleaming with pride at todays ‘leaders’.

  27. World Cup Cricket

    Joe Dakis rucking with Afghan fuckers at Edgbaston.

    Wonderful diverse community cohesion! Let’s celebrate the luuuuv.

    • Suicide vest at silly mid off ?
      Three slips and a sniper ?
      Kalashnikov before wicket ?
      Out ! Caught and beheaded.
      It just isn’t cricket.
      Get To Fuck.

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