Oxfam (3)


Another reason not to give anything to these fucking national and international charities, where their priorities seem to be, “money first: save lives a distant second” .

In 2018 the charity faced scandal after scandal regarding some of its aid workers raping and sexually abusing victims (mostly female, and often children) in Haiti, following a devastating earthquake there in 2010.

And it has been reported in today’s Telegraph (12/06/19), that these same helpless victims were sent back to Haiti as a form of punishment for whistle-blowing. And that according to the Charity Commission watchdog, it found that Oxfam International did so in order to “protect the charity’s reputation and keep donations coming in.”

Faced with these charges and damning findings, Caroline Thomson – the CEO of Oxfam GB – said she was “deeply sorry!” So that’s okay then!

A clear indictment of why these fucking charities are not worth two shits! Not only are they more interested in sucking ever more money out of you (either through chuggers or trying to up your direct debit monthly donations). Coupled with having far too many overpaid chiefs at the top earning hundreds of thousands of pounds, most of which probably comes from our donations.

And now we find that some of their own aid workers are a bunch of despicable cunts who should be named, shamed and fucking burnt at the stake; along with the cunts at the top who were more interested in hiding these facts in order to retain the charity’s “unblemished” reputation, and thus keeping the money rolling in primarily to retain the rich & comfortable lifestyles of the CEOs and other cunting directors, while offering a few pennies to those that need it most.

National charities can all go fuck themselves!


nominated by NoCuntForOldMen


73 thoughts on “Oxfam (3)

  1. A totally justifiable cunting.

    Oxfam is easily the worst of these cunts. A bunch of politically correct retards obsessed with the destruction of Israel and the support of Palestinian terrorists. I wouldn’t give the fuckers a penny.

    • Absolutely agree with Marvellous Mechanical Cunting Machine, and when it comes to what you mentioned, War on Want is even worse.

    • The same goes for the misleadingly named “Save the Children”.
      Another repository for overpaid SJWs and Lefties who’ve never done a proper day’s work in their lives.
      Not a fucking word from these cunts about Hamas/PLO/Hezbollah/PA teaching their children to hate, using them as human shields, as child soldiers and any dead ones as fodder for the gullible, complicit world media to attack Israel.
      Not a fucking SQUEAK from these cunts, including Comic Relief etc about the amount of money hosed over Africa to keep corrupt cunts in the member to which they’ve become accustomed, while after 60+ years, the people still live in shit, with no clean water.
      Fuck the lot of these corrupt fake charridees, their overpaid “executives” and limelight hogging luvvie hangers-on. A very good and appropriate cunting.

  2. Great cunting! What more can be said? The fact they were willing to cover up child abuse to protect themselves is chilling. Fuck oxfam.

  3. Nice work by the perverts and the big suits at Oxfam.
    Let’s not forget that the blueprint was drawn up by Sir James Savile and the BBC. I suppose Oxfam are hoping they can get away with it as well.
    Filthy, disgusting corrupt cunts.
    Close that shit, so called, charity down and, I don’t know how many times i’ve said this today, but burn the fucking BBC to the ground.

  4. Charity begins at home. Thanks to the antics of cunts like Oxfam and the 250k + salaries of other charidees, it not only begins at home, it stays in mine.

    • Same here.

      always give to local charities that I know are run by volunteers; and that for every £1 donated at least 80p goes to the people or animals who actually need it.

  5. Give nothing to these cunts. The government is already robbing money out of our pockets and throwing it away on dark nations. If you’ve got any spare cash support your own people.

  6. As far as I am concerned these cover ups are criminal acts and should be prosecuted as such. Perverting the course of Justice would be one relevant charge and so would aiding and abetting a criminal act. On top of that I am sure there are various crimes against the charities act which would also be appropriate. You could also throw in conspiracy to commit a number of crimes. That will do for now. ps fuck Oxfam and all the corrupt crooks who sail in her.

  7. Didn’t Jo Cox’s husband work for one of these charidees and was allowed to leave before he got fired.

    • Aye for ‘inappropriate behaviour’ with female staff…
      And the cuntcheese has the neck to say he was a ‘devoted husband’…
      The fucking leech…

      • You can be a devoted husband without it being clear what it is you are devoted to.

      • He was devoted to dipping into the charity bucket and chasing skirt! The fuckin rotter.

  8. There was a site called Fake Charities (started by The Devil’s Kitchen), now sadly missed, which exposed these fake outfits for what they are: government-sponsored pressure groups. I only give if >90% of all income goes to their front line activities. The rest are selfish cunts masquerading as charities.

    • We once had a government department that scrutinised all charities with the power to remove their registration as a charity and tax exemption.That was until Tony Abbott at the behest of his master the irrevocably unscrupulous Cardinal George Pell abolished it.

      • Why am I not surprised!

        Trust the Church to poke their unwanted noses into political affairs that for once might have actually done some good!

    • Didn’t Skanklett Johansscunt get into bother with Oxfam for ‘representing’ (ie: being paid by) them and also being paid by Sodastream (who the fuck uses one of them these days?) and there was this hoo-ha over it? The daft tart spouted some liberal shite about not doing it for the money (Ha fucking Ha) and Israeli and Palestinian ‘peace’… Bollocks of course.. She has the political nous of a biscuit beetle and she’d suck a dollar bill up of the pavement before you could blink… In short, she’s a cunt…

      • I’ll have you know that I have used a SodaStream for decades. Bought the new type recently. Bloody good and no more bins full of plastic bottles. Found a bloke in Wales on eBay who’ll refill the older types. New type cylinders done on an exchange basis at Argos.

    • That may be sooner than you think. Instead of quarantining Uganda, Congo, with a no-fly policy in or out, it’s only a matter of time that some cunt brings it to our overpopulated shores, either inadvertently or deliberately as ebola-jihad. We already had some lying cunt do this last time and who should’ve been jailed.
      Meanwhile the deliberately imported invasion continues and the aeroplanes to and from Ebola-cetral are still flying.
      Only a few days ago, the WHO World Health Organisation stated that this could be the “new normal”. Was that code-speak for depopulation and chaos? You read it from this cunt first.

  9. Just accept that the world is full of cunts and many of them masquerade as do gooders, collecting tins can fuck off.

    Oxfam is a cunt!

  10. Well deserved cunting NoCuntForOldMen.

    Oxscam has been abusing their remit and children on an industrial scale for fucking years. They’ve been holding out the begging bowl for almost as long as I’ve been alive and nothing ever changes.

    What have we seen on our TV screens for the last 50 years+? Well fed, well dressed parents holding their starving bag of bones babies and young children, flies buzzing around their dead staring eyes… Why, I’ve often wondered, are the parents not also starving? Presumably because if they were it would effect their fertility, and Oxfam wouldn’t want that, right? Seems they don’t give a fuck about the kids, except as cash cows.

    £100s of billions poured supposedly into the African shitholes and not a viable economy in sight, except the remnants of whitey’s reign of terror. As has been said, it’s just Big Business. And the more these ‘charities’ do to ‘help’ people, the less people feel the need to help themselves, and the more dependent they become on us WHITE SAVIOURS.

    It’s known in the trade as ‘Dependency Culture’ and the Big Business charities thrive on it.

    My eyes were opened to these scammers a few years ago when Save The Children awarded Tony Blair a “Global Legacy Award”, specifically related to Bliar’s work to “tackle poverty in Africa…”


    I immediately cancelled my DD. Around the same time Oxfam were heavily criticised for acting as a propaganda arm for the Labour party. Fuck them all.

    PS: Saint Jo Cox was a former Head of Policy at Oxfam….

    • Fuck me, Blaircunt getting an award for Charidee work! You couldn’t make it up. ?

    • I might be wrong but didn’t that cunt-victim David Lammy suggest that giving money to Africa was racist and typical colonialism from the White Privileged Masters?

      In effect he was saying we shouldn’t give anything; but then that would come into conflict with other Libtard cunts who suggest we’re not giving enough, which is equally racist!

      You can’t win with these cunts!

    • I think Cox looked a bit like Sturgeon, a sort of lego-head. Prissy, smug bitch.

      I am investing heavily in fallen women.

  11. They are all part of an industry which is very lucrative for those at the top. The money comes from us, voluntarily or via taxes. They have made Africa aid dependant just as they are aid dependent and are very good at greasing the palms of the local despots.
    Fuck the lot of them.

  12. I may be a cunt for saying this, but part of me wants Boris to win… The snowflake mongery and piss boiling alone makes me want Boris to win… The leftie libfucks will go into total meltdown and it could be immensely funny… A few are threatening to leave the country if it happens… And I can’t wait for them to fuck off…

    Also, seeing the likes of Lineker, Lily Le Mong, Coogan and Cuntberbatch tantruming would be worth Bozza winning…

    • The others are nowhere, just seen Rory Stewart on the news, fuck me, he looks and sounds more like a ventriloquists dummy every time I see him.

      • A ventriloquist’s chimpanzee dummy. Every time Stewart speaks he reminds me of Barry Obama and his empty waffling rhetoric.

      • I wonder who has his fist up Stewart’s sewage pipe…

        Bendadick CuntyMcCuntface and Colin Fart are doing a filum in Glasgow. I hope they accidentally (of course…) fall into a large vat of Irn-Bru. And get saved, only to spend the rest of their lives looking like orange tanning-salon pop-tarts.

    • It would be funny, for a short period.The leftie yanks threatened the same thing but just stayed and complained about Trump being a facist etc. The UK should be careful not to go down the same route as the US and elect an entertainer who we enjoy watching on the news into a job where the real work is about detail done behind closed doors.

  13. There are some very uncharitable comments on here. Please don’t tar us all with the same brush. Feed the Elderly is a charity that helps support elderly retired gentlemen in the community. Fred is a case in point. Every day he has to walk 10 metres to a water tap to fill his kettle.The water must be boiled before Fred can make his tea. To get food to eat Fred must walk 50 metres to a bus stop and wait 10 minutes for a bus full of other unfortunates with concessionary passes before being taken to a distribution centre called Tesco. Here he suffers the indignity of being lined up and forced to pay for the meagre supply of pork pies and Guinness that keep starvation at bay. Can you help Fred and other elderly gentlefolk like him? Just £100 a week will buy enough Guinness to keep Fred permanently pissed. Donate now and receive your very own soup-stained Fred T-Shirt and young Haitian female earthquake victim.

  14. I am that thinking of starting up a Charity for 18 year old Afrikaans malebackpackers who fall on hard times whilst on working holidays in the UK.
    They will need spunk transplants by the time I have finished with

  15. I wouldn’t dream of defending charity workers but there are so many conflicting reports about this Haiti sex scandal, I don’t know what to believe. Depending on what you read it sounds like they were running around raping under-age virgins, or on the other hand they were doing nothing more than keeping the prostitutes in that area gainfully employed and contributing to the local economy.

  16. sometimes the cuntings get personal.
    some of you will know of my involvement in the break up of Jugoslavia.
    minor aid agencies were used to camouflage some of the kit we needed.
    rather shit we had short range assault weaponry but no long range stuff. so ak47s were exported in return for sniper/hunting rifles ( I had no part in this),but with the conflict we had an influx of NGO kiddy fiddler doctors and cunty arms dealers, wankers who would put their life on the line to distribute a few care packages and buy some weapons. (I won’t dwell on this)
    when the EU aid came in I was surprised to see that nuttela ( a gift from the people of the e.u) sweets and blankets (a gift from Canada) .
    all of it was misappropriated.
    all stolen by the local warlord or state .
    how do I know this? Well feet on the ground and HMG knew too.

  17. Where do nominations go? I spend a lot of time on my noms, trying to have elements of realism, humour and risque. My last two disappeared into the ether, and there was no m word, n word or t word..

    • I think that’s happened to us all C n R.

      I’ve had posts that just disappear, not even held in moderation, just disappear.

      Maybe before you post you should copy the post before you actually post it then at least you can repost?

      Anyway whilst risking the wrath of Zippy there’s a program on Al-Beeb 2 tonight at 9pm called ‘Who should get to stay in the UK’. It’s about asylum seekers.

      Not that I wish to prejudice cunters views, fucking none of them.

      Great nom NCFoM. Fucking Oxscam indeed, I believe it’s name is derived from Oxford Famine.

      A charidee set up to help provide aid for some famine somewhere I don’t remember and can’t be arsed even looking up.

      Its long since forgotten its heritage and is now a business that enjoys a lower tax burden than other businesses.

      Stuffed to the gunnels with overweight former public sector workers who compete to win ‘who’s got the most impressive lanyard collection’ and looking to top up their gold plated final salary pensions or mid to late 30’s champagne socialIsts.

      Big Charity is Big Business. Fuck them all.

    • we hide them in cyber space and they hatch as and when don’t be an attention seeking cunt.

  18. Warning!! Hijack nomination. However, I do have the decency to leave it late into the nomination. My local news covered the Tory leadership race and visited Knowsley, Merseyside, interviewing people about their views. Bearing in mind that this area is and has always been staunch Labour, those interviewed never gave two fingers to it all but expressed the view that Boris should be the one because “he will get things done.” This might have not been a wide sample but if he can get approval in this area of the country, he is assured of the Tory leadership.

    • Yeah, as a Londoner, i’m well aware what a lying two faced cunt Boris is. Having said that it makes no difference to me who the leader of the Tories is, they are all a bunch of bastards. However, I notice how he really gets on the tits of the libtards and winds them up without really trying, just like Trump. To clinch it I note that behind Farage and Trump he is a massive hate figure for James O’Shithead.
      O’Shithead will go fucking apeshit if he becomes PM. I’ve just become a massive Boris fan.

      For the time being anyway.

  19. Was it not part of the UN outfit that caused a cholera outbreak in Haiti. Poor bastards fucked fingered then shit yourself to death. Fuck Oxfam always have been a bunch of cunts. Anyway I cannot on principle give any money to our darker cousins as I am not a White imperialist. Cannot go against the wisdom of the Lammy.

  20. Poppy Day and Lifeboats only. Both grandfathers on the Somme and Dad in Bomber Command. Utter waste of money donating to the other big name “charities”. Even our local RSPB reserve has decided they should now charge me to plonk my gas-guzzling monstrous American V8 in their pot-holed mud bath they laughingly call a car park. Oh…and don’t forget to put more cash in the collection box on the way out. I stopped going. Fuck them.

    • about to move next to a nature reserve that has a big dog’s on leads policy. it also has a few enclosed bird feeding area’s infested with rats. my dog kills rats, never taken a ground nesting bird to my knowledge.

      • My late father-in-law went ratting. He got tooled up with his terriers, Jack Russells, ferrets and a couple of .22 air rifles. Happy days indeed.

      • Spent many a happy hour blasting rats with a 12 bore pump in days gone by.
        Overkill I know, I like overkill.
        Oh yeah.

    • I cancelled my DD to RNLI after they fucked up with political correctness over crews

    • Poppy day ONLY especially after the £42,000 per year RNLI “safeguarding officer” sacked four VOLUNTEERS who get FUCK ALL money, for having “inappropriate” mugs with nudes on. Not one more penny for a charidee that pay £42k for a cunt AND pays their phone team, yet as I said, FUCK ALL for those who put their lives on the line.

  21. Chucky has joined the Lib Dumbs!!
    Exactly where he belongs the dirty little remoaner.
    I wonder how long it will be before he’s trying to wangle his way into the leadership? Sly fucking cunt.

    • Apparently he’s a ‘very talented politician’. All that means these days is that he’s not a hetero-normal white male so therefore ‘allowed’.

    • Yes the greasy cunt. And that’s after he had bad mouthed the Unliberal Dumbocrats seven ways to Christmas. The lying, power seeking fucking turncoat that he is.

  22. A politician (I forget her name) on 5 live today made a slip of the tongue and said ‘Jeremy Cunt’. I’m now officially on Cunt watch as i suspect this isn’t the first and wont be the last.

    And as i haven’t cunted for a few days… the NHS is fucked (having worked in it 21 years) , no amount of battery acid would improve Jo Brand’s face and Owen Jones is still a cunt.

      • I can’t wait to point and laugh at her getting her flaps sawn off and a black bag shoved over her head when the Britain she and her ilk so desperately covet comes to pass.

      • What an absolute bitch cunt.

        “Normally it’s men who say that”???? Nah we think it when harpys like you say shit like that to excuse your own fucking cockup.

        No fucking accountability the useless lying unaccuntable bitch cunt fuck slut.

  23. Rory the Tory Remainiac Stewart looks like he could apply to Oxfam for a handout for a head transplant. The cunt of the Runt of the Planet of the Apes is wagging his chin as if half of the MPs voted for him. He acts as if he’s put in decades of loyalty but a fortnight ago I never knew who this opium primate was!

    Fuck off back to the PG Tips studio.

    • Ah but Rory is much loved by the BBC. You can expect to see a lot more of the cunt as the BBC struggles valiantly to stop us leaving their beloved EU.

      • He’s no Alpha Male is he?

        Maybe Boris is. He is ceftainly becoming more gorrila-like in his gait; swinging onto the stage, arms akimbo, ‘barreling’ round his heavy-chest, always scratching his head, and yes, at times, his armpits.

  24. Haiti seems to be the country of choice for the outwardly ‘charitable and humanitarian’ left to use for human trafficking. Just like when it all came out in the wash about the Clitoff, sorry Clinton foundation.

    • I wish Lefty cunts like Lammy, Flabbot, Lily Mong, Owen Jones et al, would pack their designer suitcases full of their designer shite, and fuck off to the backwaters like Haiti and spend a year over there to appreciate the lifestyles of the “the oppressed brothers and sisters to the White Man”

      I’d give it 3 days before some of these cunts would be straight back on the plane for leafy Islington!

      And that’s the problem with some elements of the Left – they like to talk about poverty, slavery and oppression, but they would never ever want to walk down that path, even for an instant.


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