Marcus Ball

Emergency cunting for Marcus Ball – traitor, fiend, welp and cunt.

Firstly anyone who’s name is MARK and yet decides that everyone should call him Marcus is a cunt and should get a slap.
This isn’t Roman times. You don’t sound sophisticated, you sound like a cunt.

Secondly, this is the cunt that is taking Boris Johnson to court to sue him for misconduct in public office, for comments made in the run-up to the EU referendum.
On a bus.
Yes, that fucking bus again.

Is there no depth that these desperate remoaner traitors will not sink to?

It’s somewhat heartening to know that the remainers have such a weak argument that they have to obsess over a fucking bus (that no-one paid any attention to during the campaign) with a SUGGESTION, NOT A STATEMENT written on the side of it. But it’s starting to wear thin and tbh, I’m getting a little sick of hearing about a sodding bus with a slogan on the side.

I’m looking forward however to him also taking Gideon Osbourne to court for the lies told during project fear, and I’m sure Barak Obama will be called in to explain his lies about sending us to the back of the queue….

…I won’t hold my breath though.

Nominated by Deploy the Sausage

74 thoughts on “Marcus Ball

  1. How can you not know that the left-wing remoaner camp are incapable of telling lies, that’s the province of biased, bigoted, racist, thick, ignorant, moronic brexiteers.

  2. Emily Thornberry is supposedly permantly ‘outraged’ by Trumps visit along with Steptoe.
    I wonder if she’ll be so angry with him if we’re ever attacked by a foreign state.
    But, silly me, Jeremy would have a ‘conversation’ with the aggressor so thats ok then.
    What horrible thick posig twat she is.

    • Saw this smug, self satisfied fat cunt last night, going on about how The Don offended ‘our values’, and how she was going to be at the protests today. This arsehole is Shadow Foreign Secretary. It’s not beyond the bounds of possibility that like Worzel Gummidge, she may be dealing with DT on our behalf at some point. I’d have liked to have seen a lot less of the politician and a lot more of the statesperson from both of them during this state visit, but I don’t think that either of them have the nous to act with tact and diplomacy in such circumstances. Along with Sadiq Khunt, they’ve made themselves look like mugs. Don’t care about that, but their peevish small mindedness puts the country in a bad light.

      • Emily Dangleberry is a fat, dried out whore with shitt for brains. The quality of our political class – their stupidity and hypocrisy – is truly shocking. Mind you, she’s like Einstein compared to Steptoe.

      • The bitch is a white Flabbot. Somebody get her a KFC bargain bucket – that figure won’t maintain itself.

      • Spot on as usual Ron.

        Thornberry always reminds me of Bond villain Rosa Klebb from (the under appreciated) On Her Majesty’s Secret Service.

        The similarity is uncanny.

      • Correction : Irma Bunt, not Rosa Klebb.

        Irma Bunt / Emily Cunt

        same difference.

      • ‘A no deal Brexit would hurt the tourism industry at seaside resorts like Cleethorpes senior Labour figure Emily Thornberry has warned’.

        I wonder does she secretly sneak off there for a game of. I bet she can follow about 16 cards. ‘I’m sweating Betty’ I can imagine her saying. She has fully developed ‘Bingo Wings’ maybe she flies over there from Islington under her own steam. Flapping vigorously.

      • Petulant childish student politicians who never grew up (Thornberry’s arse grew out).

  3. He looks like a cunt, he acts like a cunt….. I guess he is a cunt.

    You can see just by looking at him he is a cunt, crowdfunding to….

    Raise his own profile on a national platform
    Get some cash to live well
    Cause as much trouble for Brexit as possible

    Fuck the cunt.

    • Apparently, he spent a shitload of the crowdfunded cash on “personal expenses”………..CUNT.

      • Paid himself about 30k a year, a flat in canary warf, a home-gym…a truly unselfish patriot.

      • Self important cunt, I guess many of the cunts who are funding him dont really care, all they want is to frustrate Brexit by any means.

    • Marcus Ball is a sick little ass hole of a remoaner. Can’t believe so many irate remoaners have crowd funded this little shit of a person. The high court will laugh and throw it out. !!!

  4. To the tune of ‘Guantanemera’

    ‘Shit Gary Neville! You’re just a shit Gary Neviile!’

      • That Marcus Ball cunt in the picture resembles the Nev a wee bit, BSC…

        Carra was right: when he stated the Nev has bottled out of calling out the Glazers…

  5. Why has the cunt not taken both main parties to court for failing to honour their manifestos?

    Where do these cunts come from? A seeming endless stream of cunts who take aim at Brexit and key figures on the leave side of the argument?

  6. I am no expert on this, but I do know that if the private prosecution is successful then Boris could be made to face a criminal trial. I am unclear as to what this Marcus Ballbag is trying to achieve apart from discrediting the muttering old cunt and knocking him out of the shortlist of candidates for the new PM.

    Let’s face it, Boris is not exactly a rabid Brexiteer as he voted for Saggy May’s deal back in March.

    Noting Ball is reportedly drawing a nice little salary from the donations, the cunt.

    • Agree. And Boris is not exactly Prime Minister material either.

      • That’s for sure, RTC. I suppose the best you could say is that he is a middler of a bad bunch of candidates (note not anywhere near the best candidate in the Tory party), but he does have charisma and some gravitas.

        I would like to see Priti Patel have a stab at it.

    • Boris is a peadful loving cunt, but I want to see him lose in a proper fight. Not be done in by some simpering soyboy in a tizz about about Brexit. Here’s hoping the DPP takes the case over and kicks it into the long grass as not in the public interest, or some other convenient excuse from the book of lazy legalistic cunts. An enquiry into Ballsack’s income, expenditure, and accounting practices might then be in order.

  7. Off topic but…If all of us regular contributors to ISAC were to fund a giant (sic) inflatable of Sadiq astride a shitter and then paraded this around London what would the response be I wonder…

    • I’d sooner fund one of him hanging out of the back end of a goat.
      It’s have to be a small goat, mind- or you’d have to fashion a box for him to stand on into the dirigible.

      • That giant suckdick goat shagging inflatable would be absolutely brilliant, it’s very easy to imagine the hypocrisy pouring out from the likes of (lady) fat arse Emily thornberry and Lammy etc about how disrespectful and childish it is to have a giant inflatable of such a high profile public figure like ( son of a bus driver ) khan , at the time this pair of cunts are being interviewed against The backdrop of the potus baby blimp and a 30 foot inflatable of trump sitting on a toilet….. CUNTS!

  8. This cunt is a fraud and a hypocrite. According to the Torygraph he has a string of business failures to his name. This stunt is his first success and he has done personally well from it syphoning of funds for his own benefit from the gullible Remaniacs he has so successfuly fleeced. Part of the money has gone on luxury branded cupcakes which he has no doubt feasted on, the greedy cunt.

    The other cunt is of course the District Judge that allowed this disgraceful case through.

    I await with baited breath other prosecutions against politicians – such as Cameron and Osborne with their Project Fear forecasts and Blair with his WMD forecasts.

    Some chance ?

    Marcunt Ballsack you are a piece of shit. You disgust me.

    • And let’s not forget that other whopper – “we the government will enact whatever you decide “.

      Parliamentary fraudsters – liars and cheats – hang your head in shame those of you cheering on this prosecution and then failing to enact the will of the people despite your promise to do so. If Boris can be prosecuted over this trifle then what punishment should they receive?

      Drain the swamp !!


    • I’d say that he’s a bellend, but that would run the risk that decent, respectable bellends might crowd fund a prosecution against me for defamation of character.

    • In a way I love to see rich Remainer fuckers being fleeced. A fool and his money is soon parted, as supporters of Chuckaduckie’s “Change” have found out in the past 12 hours – now they have 5 instead f 12 turncoat MPs, led by Anna Soubry, the modern equivalent of the captain of the Titanic. Then the stupid cunts are daft enough to allow themselves to be done over by this Dominic Chapell wanabee.

      I hope Gina Miller and hubby lost a packet on it, the gurning old whore.

  9. Question: Is there no depth that these desperate remoaner traitors will not sink to?

    Answer: Quite simply, No. The Trump blimp for example. What pathetically childish cunts they are.

    Sadiq Khan fully deserves all of the criticism directed at him by Trump and all those he has let down in London by being an ineffective political points scoring racist midget.

    A report, commissioned by the GLA Conservatives, claims that residential burglary has increased by 37 per cent and robbery by almost 60 per cent. The 2018 homicide rate of 135 deaths is a 24 per cent increase since 2016 and is the highest number of fatalities on London’s streets since 2008. The report also claims that knife crime has increased by 52 per cent over the last three years.

    The report continues: “One of Sadiq Khan’s flagship policies in his manifesto was to make London a safer and more secure place. Unfortunately for Londoners, it is quite clear that this has so far been an outright failure.”

    The GLA report blames Mr Khan of adopting a “not me guv” attitude in an attempt to avoid blame.

    Speaking to Sky News within the last few days, Mr Khan said: “Oh it’s not less safe, that’s the first thing. We’ve made huge progress in the last three years.”

    On what evidence does he base this comment on?

    The Mayor has claimed some 20 times over three years that central Government is to blame for the increase in crime rates on London’s streets.

    And another thing Khan blatantly lies when he says he speaks on behalf of the British public who are opposed to Trumps visit.

    You certainly don’t speak on behalf of me sunshine. And nearly everyone else I know for that matter.

    Fuck off you useless deluded fuckwit cunt, and you can take Cressida Dick with you.

    PS Learned only yesterday that Boris Johnson is also a short arse at 5′ 9″, however a giant compared to Suckdick, being a towering 5″ taller.

    • “highest number of fatalities on London’s streets since 2008″……when, by an amazing coincidence, another left-wing cuntstain was London Mayor (professional retard and part-time Nazi Ken Livingstone).
      There was also one in no. 10: one-eyed curmudgeon and Scottish uberwanker Gordon Brown.

    • I’m only 5 ft 8 and I see myself as being short. Compared to Citizen Khunt I’m Michael Jordan.

    • And Willie……

      Never letting the truth get in the way of a good story it appears that the ONS Pink Book does back up the £350m claim (table 9.9 – I saw this on Guido and checked it out).

      That said this piece of shit isn’t really interested in the truth, he’s a self serving slimy cunt that slides upwards.

      It says it wants to make him accountable for lying in public
      Office, fuck off, just fuck off. Boris campaigned as a Brexit campaigner that was all, misconduct in public office is like for example sending thousands of troops to Iraq and hundreds to their deaths on the back of a report that said we’d all be dead in 45 minutes or I don’t know covering it up?

      If I could I’d punch this fuck into the middle of next week, putting a daily 8 hour shift on him.

      A true piss boiler but what’s even more concerning is the fact some cunt decided the evidence passed the threshold test.

      And I thought Hate Crime was dangerous.

  10. It has to be thrown out otherwise every single MP must face trial for something they’ve said which led to them being elected.

    I suspect there’s a long list of activities that will be brought out over the next few months to delay escaping those bastards in Brussels. They’ve been successful so far.

    When it IS chucked out, this little cunt really should be fined onerously or do some time to deter other cowardly maggots.

    • Agree 100% with what you say General.

      In my opinion every Tory MP who voted for Theresa Mays deal at the first, second or third time should face prosecution for misrepresenting the electorate, as the manifesto clearly stated Leaving the EU means NO Single Market/No Customs Union.

      Same applies to any Labour MP’s who are voting to Remain on the EU, their manifesto also clearly stated Leaving the EU means NO Single Market/No Customs Union.

      In any political TV debates I have always thought the policy should be that any lies uttered by an individual means they forfeit their right to continue. The absolute fucking bollocks that Nick Clegg came out when up against Nigel Farage was embarrassing drivel, and that should have seen the end of him. A short debate I accept. Vince Cable should not even be allowed to start as the deluded has been simply cannot control himself. Totally given up with Question Time as blatant lies which are allowed to go unquestioned.

      Those that wish to keep us in the EU will already be a plan of action, there is LOTS more to come and they will stop at ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to thwart Brexit.

      As Nigel Farage says, you can only have democracy when the losing side accept defeat.

  11. His dick must be even smaller. Small dick for a small cunt. I have nothing but disdain for Khan, the midget cunt.

  12. Mark claims he is doing this to show politicians that they cannot lie and get away scot free anymore. If this is the case then I salute his effort; he will have to up his crowdfunding antics as there are at least 600 plus cunts in Westminster and then you have the likes of suckdick to consider one has to wonder if the wealth of the observable universe would be sufficient to pursue such a worthy crusade. Or he could be a whinging cunty remainder who needs a crash course in if you win you have won.

    • George ‘Fanny’ Osborne will be firmly in his sights then, you know, immediate austerity budget and all that…
      Or alternatively, Ball is acting the Remoaner cunt…

    • Cameron must have though the public were idiots. It was talking to the public in that condescending, alarmist way that caused a backlash.

  13. This Marcus Bellend cunt may be smarter than we think. He knows there are desperate remoaners out there and you won’t find any of them at a food bank. Remember how quickly Fatboy Salmond crowdfunded 60 grand from the Jock remoaners? Fuck me, a lightbulb goes off in Bellend’s head. The bus wanker argument!!!
    It’s better than crowdfunding some poor cute kid who needs an operation in America. Thousands of smug, well off remoaners who hate Boris with a passion. The dosh comes rolling in and Bellend, unsurprisingly, starts helping himself to it.
    I just hope there is some honest journalist out there who decides to take an interest in this posh little Establishment stooge.

    • You’ve hit the bellend on the head, Freddie. That’s exactly what happened.

      • If that’s true then he’s a fool. A fool and his money are easily parted. And Extreme Remaniacs are fools.

        The cupcakes cost 50,0000.

      • I can believe that. The Stewart cunt is backed by arch remoaner Fatty Clarke. Nobody hates Boris more than the Fatboy.

  14. If the prosecution is successful, I can only hope it leads to more MP and ex-MP prosecutions for out and out lies; Campbellend, Camoron, BLiar, Gideon the Wallpaper Man to name a few politicians who have form for their economical versions of the truth.

  15. Something about short arse cunts in politics, they all have a chip on their shoulder after years of being bullied and ignored by normal folk. Cunt speaker is prime example, attention whoring little cunt with a pikey cockgobbling slag of a wife. Lammy is only 5 foot 2, but you cannot say anything about his iq of just over 80 cos it makes you a racist cunt. And can you imagine the state of the flabbopotamous anus after years of being fisted by traitor in chief Compo? Fuck, haven’t even got onto wee Nicky Krankie yet. Should be height restrictions to being in politics, say 5 foot 6 to half an inch less than that streak of piss Cable. Cunts.

      • I’ve just seen something I thought I’d never see again. My fucking tea.

  16. It’s been pissing down on and off all day here in Londonistan, so the virtue signallers have got a good soaking the cunts.
    Trouble is, it also keeps the architects indoors…….. I was hoping some of these hippy cunts would get stabbed up and sample the delights of a Londonistan hospital where English is a foreign language.
    Of course Steptoe, Suckdick and co will have flunkeys holding up brollies for them.
    How useless are the fucking Labour Party? They should be kicking seven shades of shit out of the most useless, incompetent government in history and what are these cunts doing? Standing in the fucking rain trying to rabble rouse a bunch of arseholes crying about another election they lost…….in another country!!

    • I noticed cry baby Owen Jones and Commie SJW Ash Sarkar (cunted here recently) were both on the stage sucking Catweasle’s haemorrhoids… what a fucking nightmare these cunts are.

      • Jones is a haemorrhoid on the arsehole of humanity. Emergency surgery is needed.

    • Fuck me that will be a disaster for all like minded Remoaners. I thought they were going to their constituencies to ‘prepare for office’.
      At least Soubry is now leader which is a comfort.

      • At least getting about will be easier and cheaper now, they’ll all fit in one car.

    • Fucking brilliant! It didn’t take long for the cunts to start squabbling, back stabbing and throwing their toys out of the pram AGAIN.
      This is what happens when spoilt brats can’t get their own way. What are the breakaways going to call themselves……..

      Bottlers UK?
      Cry Babies UK?
      Fuckwits UK?

      Still, they can save a lot of money by holding their meetings in phone boxes.

      • How about calling themselves “Village Idiots UK”.

      • If they let me know which phone box they are going to hold their annual conference in, we could get Lammy to go along and do a dump in it . Sourberries nose woud be even more turned up if she sniffed a Lammy turd.

        Soubry and Slubberguts Gapes – there is a comedy series there – what a pity Molly Sugden and Arthur Mullard are no longer here to protray them.

    • What a monumental failure it has been. From the launch to the elections it’s been a total fuck up. Am so glad that fake Soubry’s political career (with her fake ‘principles’, fake anger, fake eveything)has ended in this abject failure.

    • All these cunts need to go back to the electorate, jumping around in parliament is pathetic.

      Fucking cunts, Heidi Allen, has anyone led a political party for less time, what a waste of space.

      • What about the abject failure of UKIP lest we forget RT. I see Batten has resigned. Although I admired his integrity absolute no political antenna. For example Nigel has been on dealing along with the Widdie’s comments. He just somehow deals with it in an easier manner. Leave it to Nige I say. He is our only hope.

  17. It couldn’t happen to a bigger and more appropriate fucking cunt than the Sourberries bitch.

  18. “BBC News must ignore false claims of Brexit bias and re-establish its authority.”

    Yeah, right. As the Donald would say FALSE NEWS

  19. Never heard of Marcus Ball but just watched his interview on the news. What a smarmy little cunt.

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