Killing Eve

‘Killing Eve’ is a cunt, isn’t it.

◽ Strong Asian woman ✅

◽ Strong Black woman ✅

◽ Strong woman Boss ✅

◽ Entitled-acting slimy Oxbridge man ✅

◽ Strong Female with Iron Curtain accent ✅

◽ Horrible, weird, weak, chauvinist, men murdered by Strong Female with Iron Curtain accent ✅

◽ Kind, appealing, intelligent man who’s a hòmó ✅

◽ Slightly dim, mediocre husband who’s not as cool or clued-up as his strong, fighting wife ✅

◽ Slightly dim (and certainly not as strong as any woman character) but sympathetic to the audience young man with northern accent ✅

◽ Comedy murders that would be disgusting and sinister if performed by a man but aren’t and are therefore quirky, hilarious, and feminist ✅

◽ Strong female characters, paper-thin storylines, silly accents, strong female characters, grossly incompetent police, every male is weak/ brutish/insecure, inexplicable country-hopping, embarrassingly shit disguises, portentously hackneyed drama, strong female characters ✅

nominated by Captain Magnanimous


76 thoughts on “Killing Eve

  1. Next time you are somewhere in public and there’s, say, a power cut on a train, or a mad hobo ranting at passengers on a bus, or a fight breaks out on a street, or someone on a bike gets hit by a car…

    …Make a point of stopping and looking for all these supposed ‘strong, female’ leaders and good samaritans. Because in 38 years on this cuntforsaken planet, I am yet to see a single, solitary fucking one.

  2. And by the way, Sandra Oh looks like an especially badly made-up, pre-op Korean tranny.

    • She’s got one solitary expression – a slightly anxious “who me?” Her always open cakehole is also a bit tiresome.

  3. Over-hyped horse shit. I managed about three episodes before falling asleep and never went back to it. Didn’t understand whether it was meant to be funny or what.

  4. Never seen it. But I imagine we’re a very long way from the classic film All About Eve. Made up of ‘types’ of course but REAL types, real people. The diva ‘all woman’ Margo Channing is real. Her ‘adoring’ husband is real. Her supportive best friend is real (what you’d find in real life). Addison de Witt the cynical art critic is real. Eve herself, desperate for fame and using anybody to to get it- oh so real.

    Back then they were out to portray real people in dramatic situations. Now they are out to portray unreal people in unreal situations.

  5. It’s quite stupid. Is it made for credulous people who believed Project Fear propaganda? It just seems so cartoon-like and childish yet without all the fun. The Beeb are so desperate for success, and consequently to justify the licence fee, they’ll stretch out an idea that should’ve been precise. Expect multiple series of this women’s buIIdyke fantasy.

  6. Just take a look a ‘stereotypical’ gender roles having been made illegal in advertising – It’s all part of a PC screen culture where so-called caharacters are only allowed to exist if they completely oppose what unbiased minds recognise as the reality. We’re in Owellian times where truth is lies, discrimination is equality…

  7. Best programme out off the beeb for a while. Dark and funny, don’t you have a sense of humour.

  8. It’s alright, nothing special and the box ticking, being an Al-Beebera joint production, is glaring. HBO have been turning out excellent quality TV for decades now and even Netflix churn out much better stuff than any of the dross that the BBC routinely spew out.

    Leaving aside the fact that the idea of a young woman (Villeneuve) developing a crush on an ugly woman 25 years her senior than her is arrant nonsense. BBC wank fantasy.

    • BBC get one or two programmes that are moderately successful like Killing Eve or Bodyguard and bore the shit out of everyone with the hype. I did enjoy Line of Duty though as the TV is the only time I see a copper nowdays.

    • I agree, Mr Rigsby… The idea of the lezza ‘crush’ in Killing Eve is about as plausible as the R2-D2 spaz ‘pulling’ the best man at a wedding in those ridiculous Maltesers adverts… Pure fucking PC crap…

  9. It’s classic misandrist box ticking strong wimmin diversity BBC dog turd….
    I f I want dark and funny I’ll watch the League of Gentlemen…

    • No chance the Beeb would make League, now.

      Someone reminded me the other day of a Harry Enfield repeated sketch about a Nigerian traffic warden called ‘Parking Pataweyo’. It was a spoof of Postman Pat, but with an arsehole Nigerian traffic warden. Every (genuine) Londoner has had the misfortune of meeting the cunt.

      Again, not one the Beeb would make now. They’ll just keep churning out Mrs Browns Boys and Citizen Khan ad infinitum. Best not to offend anyone, God forbid!

    • Geoff tipps as best man “I won the mums!” an pam douve ad “has anyone got a bottle of orange juice?” made me cry laughing, never make l.o.g nowadays without a ethnic cast few more puffs and guest appaerance from greta thunderbirds…

      • Yeh, I’m not getting a sense of the line as written, norm.

        If you could try again, that would be……kewl.

  10. I recall a stupid pop video where White Tan Beyonce and Todger Gaga torture a tied up bloke and point guns at him… Now, what would happen if two male singers did such a thing to a woman?… There’d be a Me Too mushroom cloud to rival Nagasaki…. But just like that Killing Eve shite, nobody bats an eyelid when demented ‘feminists’ run riot… Wimmin, blacks, pooves, peacefuls, remainers, trannies, freaks… Just how many golden calves do those BBC cunts fucking need?!

    • Indeed Norman. A guy fucks the shit out of some bint and with a smirking annoying smile cuts her throat out and goes home to fuck someone else, guy or girl, or just knock one out, would last about 2 minutes before the movement come in. Cunts

  11. Mrs Browns Boys. Now there’s an unfunny pile of wank. Mother in law loves it because it ‘reminds her of her mammy’. In fact, every Irish person I know over 50 says this. Only Terry Jones could pull off the man in a dress thing without it getting tiresome and embarrassing. For me, the Irish haven’t been funny since Fr Ted finished. But that’s just me. Oh, and Killing Eve is a load of PC bollocks cleverly disguised as a gritty drama.

    • You can safely judge a stranger’s character simply by asking them if they like Mrs Brown’s Rent Boys.

      Bemuses me why – surely alone in the West – so many of our comedians feel the need to dress up as women, the fucking perverts.

      Irish Comedy? Look no further than the legendary Dave Allen. It’s like comparing Phil Lynott to that cunt in U2.

    • I would happily see Mrs.Brown’s Bogtrotting Tax Dodgers herded off a cliff edge at bayonet point .
      Is that so wrong ?
      Good evening.

      • No. And I’m from Irish stock. Herded off the top of Ben Bulben’s back into the Atlantic ocean would be my preferred location.

  12. I’ve never watched this program but from the description, I’m certainly going to. I like strong, dominant women. I assume there are plenty of BDSM scenes or have I got the wrong end of the stick?

  13. My missus rates it… says it’s similar to ‘Dexter’, one of the few series we both enjoyed bigly. But she hasn’t convinced me enough to want to watch a single episode of Killing Eve. I can tell it’s a real pissboiler, having been subjected to the hype and seen a few trailers… just like that tedious overblown Broadchurch nonsense I wasted several hours of my life on before pulling the plug a couple of episodes before the end.

    • Good evening RTC. How can you pull out of the climax to Broadchurch? You wanker!

      • Evening Bsc.

        Climax what climax?

        I’ve never been a big fan of the ‘withdrawal method’, but with Broadchurch I found it to be uniquely satisfying.

        Naturally the wife ploughed on to the bitter end and then wished she hadn’t.

    • It’s not even close to Dexter. That and six feet under run rings Around killing eve,

  14. Watched first 15 mins of Series 1 Episode 1 and turned over for something better – probably a repeat of Bargain Cunt on Channel 155.

    It was long enough to appreciate that the great David Haig really should be ashamed of himself and that the A’s-e-an woman’s ridiculous ‘worse than Neil Warnock’ eyebrows would irritate the crap out of me.

    I gather that Series 1 was down to that Fleashit woman. She’s now signed up to
    the next Bond kak so look out for 007 making sideways glances to camera and a few right-on jokes at how useless men are as he falls off his barstool.

    • It was Daniel Craig’s own idea to bring her onto the film.
      The short arsed ugly twat…

      • Danny Boyle quit because the whinging midget (aka Mr Craig) got ‘upset’ when Danny wanted to kill Bond off at the end of the film… Craig is a dummy spitting pussy and the Femstapo officer that is Punkah Waller Cunt probably has her eyes on the part of 007 for herself… ‘Oh, that’ll never happen’… They said that about Doctor Who… As Tez Hall sang, the lunatics have taken over the asylum…

  15. I think Rory is doing well. He is pinning them down a bit.

    And isn’t there inconsistency in saying (like Hunt just did) that a No Deal would be an economic ‘catastrophe’ for the country. And then to say if all else fails we will accept the economic ‘catastrophic’ that is No Deal.

    Stewart is saying he won’t ever accept a No Deal precisely because it would be catastrophic for the economy. He is being more consistent.

    Maybe I’ve just picked up on the word catastrophe. If Hunt had said ‘damaging’ I think it would have sounded more consistent, more convincing as well.

    • If your idea of being consistent is ploughing on with the EU’s Vassal State Treaty, then I would have to agree with you, Stewart is being consistent. But this is no time for defeatists.

    • What does the maintenance of flat bottomed boats have to do with it?
      Sorry, I read it as care of punts.

  16. I am very pleased that I have no idea what you all are talking about. I read your pain but, rest assured, I am blissful in my ignorance.

    Isaac, wasn’t Bargain Cunt a suggestion from Roger Mellie? You know give punters 200 notes and send them into a knocking shop to see how many fucks they could get?

  17. Saw the first episode of the first series, and dismissed it for the shit that it was.

  18. If it’s anything to do with the Biased Bullshitting Cunts then I’m immediately uninterested. Fuck them and their bare-naked Cultural Marxist agenda, pushing their stasi staff to ‘accidentally on purpose’ say Jeremy Cunt instead of Hunt, and allowing Rissole T Davies to openly promote the ‘P’ in LGBTQXYZ in his ‘Years and years’ GARBAGE.

  19. The latest of many reasons to justify our household dispensing with the TV licence 3 years ago.
    Sadly it doesn’t save me from the Netflix shite that spills out of Mrs Bastards ipad.
    Endless PC “woke” crap about teenage witches, limp wristed vampires and “strong wammen” werewolves.
    Boo hoo Trump!
    Boo hoo toxic masculinity!
    White man baaaad!
    Fuck Netflix
    And thank fuck for headphones…

    • Yep, netflix can fuck off as well. I only watch it for films, not its pathetic ‘originals’. Even if they aren’t woke they are pretty poor; high production values count for nothing when you have astoundingly bad writing, dull plots and shallow characters.

      They should save themselves a bit of that horrendous debt by buying rights to decent older films/series and not wasting cash making utter crap full of unconvincingly strong/brave/intelligent wahmens with no flaws.

  20. Sleeping sound in our Londonstabistan beds tonight as police ?‍♀️ “step up patrols.”

    Driving around handing out lollipops ? to the architects.

  21. Middle aged white British bloke that refuses to watch virtually every modern ‘drama’ especially on the BBC called Steaming Helmit. Fucking TICK.

  22. As I’ve never seen this programme I can’t really comment on it. However, knowing that there is an ever increasing amount of misandrist bullshit being flung about, I can well imagine what it’s like.
    Men will get increasingly intolerant of this nonsense and eventually tell women to Fuck Off, this will coincide with the development of the perfect Fembot, a technology still in it’s infancy.
    Alas and alack, this triumph of technology and liberator of men will arrive too late for me, so I am therefore condemned to endure the old bag that is Mrs. Cunter, for my sins.
    But, for younger Cunters of this esteemed and tawdry website, there is a Golden Future ahead.
    All I can say is. You bastards, you lucky, lucky bastards.
    Oh yeah.

  23. BBC drama? Buff said, never let a decent plot get in the way of the progressive agenda.

    It’s ever present in every program the bbc produces. From the news to sport to children’s TV.

    We here would not understand as we are trapped in toxic masculinity.

  24. Mrs. Cunter is at this very moment watching some BBC drama about some ‘ famous ‘ rug muncher.
    The silly old cunt.
    Get To Fuck.

    • That daft bint off Corrie wtih the daft stage name (Sunroof Jones or something) lezzin it up… Gentleman Jack, I believe it’s called… Utter PC propaganda cack….

      Evening, Jack…

      • Good evening Norman. Gentlemen Jack ‘ey ? How dare they use a perfect description of My Good Self to peddle this feminazi filth.
        It’s a fucking disgrace.

      • Thing about the ‘Beeb’ is they think that ye olde costumes and wigs can make anything ‘high brow’ or ‘quality’… Like that daft bitch who dresses up for history programmes or this current LGBTCRAP propaganda… Complete bollocks, of course…

      • I was enraged by the one where they had a bleck, female Nelson, leading the British fleet, with crews of ragheads, pooves, trannies, and feminazis, at the Battle of Trafalgar.
        Oh sorry, that one hasn’t been made …. yet.
        Get To Fuck.

  25. I enjoyed Killing Eve about as much as I enjoy listening to Rory the Tory Remainiac borey. Did Mick Jagger fuck a gibbon and out popped old waggy mouth? Nobody had heard of the prick three weeks ago and now he’s admonishing his colleagues like a 1st year slating some sixth formers.

    Incredible. Forget about Eve and target this goon.

    • I reckon Rory Stewart’s dad was Brook Bond… The suave star of those daring PG Tips commercials…

      • I’ve said this before. Bring back the PG tips advert with Nigerian accents.
        ‘Dis tea am de dogs bollocks Ngobi
        It sure is Djboli.
        My father am de president and him has 3 billion pounds to put in de bank account of a cunt’.

  26. Only one I watch is Endeavour… Series 5 started badly (Big Bad Enoch and all that crap)… But it got better and Series 6 was ace… The Magnificent Seven style ending was great and a Led Zep soundtrack to some episodes…

    All BBC and some Netflix stuff is just PC drivel and a cunt magnet…

    • Word has it that Shaun Evans didn’t take kindly to any box ticking bollocks, so ITV went back to how it was… Stout fellow, that man…

      • Maybe the producers found themselves being haunted by the anguished, outraged spirit of Colin Dexter, like Marley scaring the shit out of Ebenezer Scrooge on Xmas Eve….

      • Britain can’t make innovative tv or films anymore. It’s just a fact. Lousy comedy, dead sitcoms, box-ticking tv, and only two types of film: Adaptations of classic books and end-of-the-world dystopian, bleak bullshit. We had our time.

  27. never seen it, probably won’t see it.
    just finished the house move, BT fucked up so no internet (or porn) having to use this little fuck box to make comments and joy upon joy after doing the weekly shop I discover the fridge freezer is dead.
    it could have died yesterday when we moved, but no the cunt drags out a few extra hour’s so I go and do a shop to fill the cunt.

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