Justin Bieber (4)

Justin Bieber.

This piss in a bucket, puke live on stage jumped up short arsed cunt has challenged Tom equally short arse Cruise to a fight.

What the fuck. I don’t give a toss about the outcome, they are both cunts but come on. Cruise is 31 years older than him. Why hasn’t the wank stain Bieber challenged Mike Tyson or Dwayne Johnson?

I know why….It’s because he is a cunt.

I’m thinking of offering Ken Barlow out as he’s 31 year older than me.

Nominated by Halloween Cunthook

44 thoughts on “Justin Bieber (4)

  1. Tom Cruise is a hömosexual who packs fûdge behind the security doors of his weird cult. The only thing he’s punching is a doughnut.

    Give the winner a one-way ticket to the Kingdom of Brunei.

  2. Pair of turd-ticklers. This is probably all just an excuse to touch each other up. We should send Krav and MPG to tag-team the pair of them.Show them what a pair of rampaging British Arse-Bandits can achieve. Bieber and Cruise wouldn’t need worry about their star on the Walk of Fame after that encounter…more likely to be worried about the photo of their mangled starfish in the Bum(mers)per Book of Sexual Injuries.

    Fuck Off.

    • Haven’t heard much from MPG and Bent Dennis recently. I think they may have gone to New Mexico for a course of Christian ‘Conversion Therapy’.

  3. Didnt young Justin try to fight Orlando Bloom in a restaurant? He was escorted away by his entourage for his own safety.

    Even though Cruise is old he would still kill the she-male Beiber. He’s a crazy cunt but also a workaholic and very physically able cunt. He’s also not afraid to grab people who throw stuff at him. And he’s probably a bit nuts.

      • Give them both a blade and hold it in Londonistan, dead trendy at moment!

      • For all of Criuse’s shortcomings (hah!) he would batter wee Justin into mush…

      • I agree – considering the cunt does most of his own stunts, and the capacity of a bieber bitch slap, even with the age difference big chance if lights out for bieber.

      • Seeing Cruise playing Les Grossman in Tropic Thunder shows him unhinged with fury.

        “Listen fuckface. I don’t give a shit about you little agency. I will rain down hell on you. I will massacre you. I will FUCK YOU UP!”

        If he can replay that in real life there won’t be another cunting for Bieber…

  4. We should have an ISAC ‘offering out’ section.
    I’d have that luvvie fucker Judy Dench. I reckon I could take her.;

    • Im bagging warrick davies reckon I can shoe that fucker right out the stadium.

    • I’d like Owen Jones under Thai boxing rules. I feel with a good kick I could actually decapitate the cunt.

      • Owen Jones vs Mike Tyson.

        Or Jacob Reed Mogg vs James O’ Shithead

        Or Anna Soubry vs Julia Hartley Brewer

        Or Andrew Marr vs Nigel Farage

        Or Vince Cable vs Willie Stroker

        Or Suckdick vs Trump

        Plenty of mileage in the grudge match possibilities.

      • Or Lammy vs Blunty
        I don’t think my head shots would be enough to get through his thick skull but my sustained body shots should be enough to bring up the contents of his last three KFC visits.

      • I reckon a few choice words directed at Lammy immediately before the bout is due to commence will have a him crying like a little girl.

        Racist cunt.

      • Could I put you down as my second Willie? Don’t forget to throw in the towel if it all goes horribly wrong for me!

      • No way is anybody getting a crack at O’Shithead before me.
        That cunt is mine!!!

      • “If you could fight anybody, dead or alive, who’d it be?”
        “Ghandi. I’d fight Ghandi.” (Fight Club)

        I would’ve had Nelson Mandela if he were still alive. Sanctimonious, dancing bell-end. His sparkly shirts would’ve been doused in blood.

        However, I’ll apply for Angela Merkel, bitte shun. I’d be alright if I could avoid a bearhug and I’d open up a can of whoop-arse on the frumpy cunt’s basset hound face.

      • Evening Capt.

        You’ll have the Frumpenfuhrer ? shakin’ all over ?…..

      • I reckon I could take old Shakey, even without her Parkinson’s imitation. ?

        Evening Ruff

      • As it was not clear who exactly was yelling Get Off me, Boris V his girlfriend Round 2

      • I would take Micheal Barrymore to the bottom of a public swimming pool in a body scissors and hold up a sign saying HOW DO LIKE THAT ?

    • What if u get to shag him first and then hand him over to Cruise for a kicking?

    • Bieber is a massive count Krav, you just gotta stop looking at him with ya cock. A cocks got no sense of smell, no morals and a japs eye is blind.

      • I meant he’s a cunt not a count unless he’s the count of cuntsville arizona

  5. By the time I am finished with Justin he would need a semen transplant….

    He could jizz all over me anytime.

  6. Bring back Harold Shipman.

    He would have made an excellent GP for Corbyn,Williamson,McDonnell and all of the Labour party.

    Mind you hoofing off Lammy, Abbot and Butler would need a crate of Chloaphorm.

    Death to Labour: Marxist, Jew hating cunts.

  7. Don’t know what you see in this little weed Krav. He’s got a body that looks like a wall in a Glasgow Public shithouse. I wonder how many phone numbers he’s got scrawled on his tits the wanker?

  8. He only needs one,mine…

    He is so naughty and needs a bloody good spanking followed by a slow sucking off before bath time…

  9. Tom might be a closet uphill gardener but he does seem quite physically robust, whether spurned on by psychopathy or other means. Still, since I’m only interested in seeing Bieber’s bulbous buxom buttocks, I couldn’t give a particular shit about the prospect he might get his face smashed in.

  10. Heidi Allen v George W Bamboo
    Hey George you look like you are losing she’s well on top of you!
    “Yep life’s terrible isn’t it” poor me

    • I’d have a go at that cunt Corbyn. Rumour is that he’s a bit frail. Reckon I could save the country a lot of grief.

      • You would get knighted for that Ron but unfortunately for you, the fragrant Thornpiggy would remain elusive after seeing off Uncle Jezza.

      • Or…maybe the opposite in a feudal sense, a rival taking all of his foes property, land (well his allotment) loyal men-at-arms (I wouldn’t trust any Westminster cunt of any party) and wenches (id sack off Flabbott, obviously, Jess Phillips and more than a few others).

  11. I remember that Liam twat from the Beatles tribute band used to offer out everyone, usually photographers, until he got his teeth knocked out as his bouncers were laid out before they could save him.
    True hardman that cunt.

  12. I’d be quite sad if Tom was a botty boy. I know he’s a midget and as mad as a box of frogs but he was quite easy on the eye before the surgeons and Botox brigade started on him. I’d still like him to kick Bieber’s weedy li’l arse though.

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