Israel Folau


…dinosaurs? Hmmmmm…

Israel Folau is a cunt, isn’t he.

This extremist has been sacked by the Australian Rugby board for recent comments, including a slating of gay people. Free speech experts shout that he shouldn’t have been sacked and I agree. Nonetheless …. God’s Tits, what a fundamental fuckwit.

His other comments attacked atheists, drinking alcohol, telling lies, and… “fornicating”. Christ on a hover board…. party like it’s the first century! Being preached and threatened the righteous, scrupulous way by a knucklehead who throws around an egg-shaped ball for a living!

Being a fundamentalist (having STRICT beliefs in the LITERAL interpretation of religious texts), he no doubt believes in talking snakes, plagues of locusts, people turning into salt, God murdering all mankind (except Noah’s family) in a flood, zombies brought back to life, no dinosaurs existed, etc.

Furthermore, a cunting within a cunting for the sheer irony of a ‘Rugger’ player complaining about homôs. A man who spends all day training/hugging muscley men, spends Saturdays playing against/hugging muscley men then has showers and reach-arounds with muscley men. Hmm.

Listen hammerhead, if you don’t like people shagging and boozing, which your God supposedly invented, why don’t you move to a small island off Tonga. Better still, how about Saudi Arabia?

Moralising, credulous cunt.

Nominated by Captain Magnanimous

87 thoughts on “Israel Folau

  1. Who the fuck is Israel Folau?

    Never mind. He’s obviously a cunt.

  2. An Australian born of Tongan parents who named him Israel.
    It’s no wonder this twat doesn’t know what he’s on about.

    • Bet you wouldn’t call him a twat to his face. 6’4″ tall, a tad over 16 stone and fit. Really fit. Should have been named Jack Reacher. How about “Sir”?

      • I remember being in Cardiff around 2001 when I saw none other than Martin Johnson across the road with a few photographers following him as he went presumably into the team hotel.

        Even standing some distance away you really couldn’t believe the size of this fucker.

      • Martin Johnson used to drink in my local now and again . He is absolutely fucking massive.

      • Martin Bayfield used to be a copper in my town. He was fucking H U G E even without his pointy helmet (fnaarr fnaarr).
        He’s still a cunt though.

      • Being able to call out some man mountain cunts whilst hiding behind a keyboard is probably the one and only upside to the social media generation.

        Let’s face it, being a big fucker shouldn’t preclude you from being labelled a fuckwit if you are one, any more than money or privilege. This isn’t short man syndrome speaking either, I’m a fairly large unit myself but despise other big cunts that act like cunts because of their size.

      • I would call him a cunt to his face I’m 6’4 too and a tad over 18 and its not flab lol.

        He is a cunt anyone who believes in any religion is a cunt . All are bollocks and all should be ridiculed mercilessly with out hesitation.

        How the nutters got protected by law to hold outdated and obviously backwards beliefs i dont know . Oh and teaching it to kids should be a form of child abuse.

      • “I would call him a cunt to his face I’m 6’4 too and a tad over 18 and its not flab lol.”

        LOL indeed.

      • I have to say, judging by the last couple of days, if it were possible for a human to turn into a pillar of salt, I wish Israel would work his magic on that horrible dwarf motherfucker Saddick Khunt. He thinks he is embarrassing the President, but he is really embarrassing himself because he now has a world stage to show what an absolute cunt he is. Trouble is he is also embarrassing adult Londoners, at least real original Londoners. Saddick as a tub of Saxa would be much more useful to London than that little heap of shit.

      • I’m 5′ 1″, a tad under 8 and I’d nut him in the bollocks. Dwarfism runs in my family (naah)

      • I’m 5′ 1″, a tad under 8 and I’d nut him in the bollocks. Dwârfism runs in the family(naah)

      • I have seen Jonah Lomau up close, and you really wouldn’t want to call him anything because he’s the kind of guy who would gut & skin you without flinching!

        A truly terrifying cunt in his day

      • Fimbriations.

        The cuntometer doesn’t rank the nominee against the cunt in a schoolboy “he is harder than you” measure.


        Fred West may have been able to kick the cunt out of you but he is still a cunt.

        Israel cunt whatever his name is a cunt and his ability to run fast and weigh a bit with muscles doesn’t change that.

        At the end of the day, we invented guns because we couldn’t be arsed clubbing, swording or arrowing each other to death, fuck him the dirty racist god botherer.

  3. I disagree with you. Good to hear someone speak up against the agenda of decadence and depravity being orchestrated upon us. His ‘team -mates didn’t back him up I see, they know what side their bread is buttered on. The normalization of Peadophilia is their ultimate goal, won’t that be “so progressive”?. The governments promote alcohol by the way, as it stupifies and subdues the populace so they can carry on shitting on you without too much hinderance. They ban tobacoo as that concentrates the mind.

    • If it wasn’t such a warped and depraved topic, I would seek bookmaker’s odds on having the first pro-paedophilia MP campaign for the rights of the ‘oppressed people’ sometime in the next 5 years.

      I’m truly not being flippant on this matter. YouTubers alligned to the right/Conservatism have already reported LGTB activists including, and giving a platform to paedos under downplayed classification.

      Not only that, but where do you think stunts like ‘drag kids’ are going? In one of the most blatant moves to sexualise children, drag shows featuring kids are becoming more frequent in the states, and I believe even some Canadian/American mayor was present at one.

      I’m no fucking prude I can assure you – but I am convinced that the left, or at least parts of the left – have an ultimate goal of lifting all sexual taboos, even the most heinous of them all. Wasn’t a former Labour female frontbencher associated with the old Paedophile Information Group?

  4. I suppose he is a cunt for airing such antiquated views and for not having the slightest ounce of nous to understand where that would all end up, especially in a rapidly-liberalising country like Australia.

    Still, I maintain that sacking him and unpersoning Folau from the entire rugby pantheon was a complete over-reaction. Punish the cunt by all means; suspend him and fine him but to sack the cunt? Hells fucking bells.

    From what I understand, many of the indigenous Pacific Islanders hold pretty antiquated beliefs – watched a documentary/dramatisation recently of a Kiwi family who inadvertently drowned one of their own, by believing her depression was in fact a posession, which in accordance with their own tribal faith could only be purged by puring water on the poor cunt 24-7 for 5 days.

    • Lots of those islands around Australia do hold antiquated views…like this lunk’s Christianity. What a shame God forgot to include kangaroos in the bible.

      Or…is that because…it wasn’t written by God…and Australia…. hadn’t…been….discovered yet!

      How embarrassing.

      • excellent point . same applies to that pile of nonsense. the Quran. there is not one fact in there that wasnt known at the time and in the area it was written. . how fuckin strange since it was supposedly written by the creator of everything. as ou rightly point out how impressive would a mention of kangaroos been ? an animal no fucker had clapped eyes on in that shithole.

  5. Time was when you could, er, call a spade a spade and nobody would bat an eyelid. And Australia would be the very last nation on the planet to pretend to take offence.

    What a fucking load of easily offended cunts there are these days. The Australian Rugby Board being the worst example of them all.

  6. Did goalkeeper Mark Bosnich (another Australian) even get a full ban after he did a Nazi salute to opposing Tottenham fans?

  7. Catweazle protesting in the streets over Trump.

    Let’s just reflect on that for a minute. The Leader of HM Opposition behaving like a student to protest against the Leader of the Free World. It’s truly incredible really isn’t it?

    Of course Corbyn is a professional agit-prop cunt never happier than when manning the barricades instead of getting to grips with the things that really matter to the population and Labour voters outside the Londonistan Echo Chamber.

    • What a cunt Cuntbyn is…the sooner he fucks off the better. He won’t though, the deluded cunt hasn’t realised he’s peaked and the power has gone to his head…He won’t leave he’ll hang on and Labour will split and him and his momentum wankers will form a new party
      Labour are trying to please the Islington Liberals and the proper working class core that is Labour.
      Can’t work. .

    • Corbyn will never grow up. He’s got this far into his life with the political savvy of a schoolboy marxist, plus he’s surtounded himself with the dimmest front bench in living memory.

      A host of politically and economically illiterate spackers, the lot of them.

    • All I hear from politicians 24/7 is name-calling and virtue-signalling proving their diversity-credentials and minority-friendly outlook. Nothing they say seems to be anything to do with the details of running a developed country to the point I wonder what the fuck any of them actually do for a job.

  8. As long as people believe there is a invisible man telling them what is right and wrong via a magical book or incantations and prophets, i dont see global acceptance of the LGBT communiteez happening.

    • It’s not just the religious though.

      I’m as aethiest as they come but I despise LGBT communities – not because the assorted bumfuckers and troutsniffers do what they do, but because they want to shove it on our face and down our kids throats at every fucking opportunity.

      Perhaps once these cunts stop screaming from the rooftops about who their fucking preferences, they might find a few more moderate members of the public are onside.

      • They have to shove it down your throat as that is the only thing about them that could be considered a personality or a achievement. They have nothing else no skills no talents and chrisma.

        Fucking pathetic.

    • I completely agree with your article on mikesplace. However I fear that both sides are so entrenched,any attempt at a compromise will be screamed down as a sell-out. Some,on both sides,would appear to prefer to see the country disappear down the plughole than give an inch.

    • Your article…
      There is a compromise, a free trade deal, we are already aligned so there arent any areas where standards are different.

      The inability to see past the Irish border has caused a major problem, the remainer spollers just say the technology doesn’t exist, it cant be found anywhere in the world, well yes it will be a first, we are now heading for 5G, data processed at a rate where a full movie can be downloaded in a couple of seconds, and ‘they’ say we cant find a technology to sort out the Irish border, utter bollocks.

      • The Irish border matter is pure bollocks. Just forget all about it.

        Yes, I am an Irish cunt.

  9. Fundamentalist. Christians – where do you begin to explain this nonsense? A book “compiled” by second-hand rumours and misreported hearsay then translated and changed ….. is believed word for word? That’s actually worse than cherry-picking what you believe and passionately calling it “The Truth” – though not the bits you missed out, they’re completely silly.

    Curing a blind man (but not blindness) and curing a leper (but not leprosy)…this is for simpletons.

  10. This isn’t about taking offence it’s about “hate crime” and thought control. This bible bashing cunt tweeted a list of sinners who are going to hell if they don’t repent. They included atheists, adulterers, thieves and piss heads. Nobody gave a fuck about that. The problem arose because he also included the gays………along with the peacefuls a protected species who are beyond criticism as we all know.
    Obviously he was given the opportunity to apologise and grovel, which he refused to do. It then becomes a conflict between fundamental Christian values and The Gayness. Obviously The Gayness wins and the cunt is booted out of rugby.
    I don’t give a fuck about bible bashers or rugby but I do give a fuck about free speech.
    It doesn’t exist anymore…….unless you are a gay, a peaceful or a libtard.

    • Given that list Freddie, there won’t be a single IsAC’er saved. We’re doomed, doomed I tell you. Personally, I’m going to let the next Jehovah Witness in for a chat.

  11. I wonder if there would have been so much fuss if he had been called Mohammed.

    Whether you agree with him or not, he should,unless he’s actually calling for the death and destruction of non-believers,be allowed to express his religious beliefs. All too easy to sneer at the those who believe in Christian values,try sneering at those who believe in Islam.

    • Shamima Cuntfuck Begum in those doe-eyed interviews suggested that the Manchester bombings were ‘justified’.

      22 dead, many children, justified as being murdered by some backward towelhead and the bulk of the Allah sympathisers still want her back.

      Random musclehead airs far less offensive comments and gets unpersonned.

      I think I could handle it if all ‘wrongspeak’ was treated equally across the board, but of course it never is.

      • To be honest, I can’t imagine that many Gays give a fuck about what some rugby player has to say. Most Gays are generally not that “precious” and tend to be able to give as good as they get.

        Why not go the whole hog and just ban the bible? After all it does contain some not very “right on” thoughts.

      • Seems you are right.

        This is what gay former player Gareth Thomas said:

        “I don’t write this with hate or anger after Israel Folau’s comments.I write with sympathy. To everyone who reads it, don’t be influenced by his words. Be the better person and be YOU. Whoever YOU is..Hell doesn’t await YOU.Happiness awaits YOU”

        Fluffy virtue signalling yes, but hardly the words of an outraged victim.

        Once again it is the establishment/lobbyists being offended on the behalf of others.

      • Wouldn’t it be interesting to ask a few prominent Muslims to give a public statement on The Gay Question?

      • I have to agree with Mr Fiddler. Cunt he might be, but this chap is entitled to his views which, after all, are traditional but untrendy Christian views.

        Rather him than some fanatical Peaceful.

      • Christ what a disgusting website. Prominent picture of a child dressed in homosexual regalia, and another article saying ‘stars that are gay’ with a picture of a preteen. Fucking horrendous.

      • Saw a dreadful picture recently. Stuck in my mind horribly since I saw it. A ‘drag queen’ reading a story to primary school children.

        A quote from above (no not not God a poster) ‘antiquated beliefs’ well this is what we get when we get rid of ‘antiquated beliefs’. Fuck off.

    • Muslims are a protected species so he would have been fine, I dont like all this sacking people for just expressing an opinion, religious or not.
      Yes there are lines which shouldnt be crossed, the lines dont apply to the followers of islam.
      Incitement to murder, or Jihad as they like to call it.

      George Galloway (cunt) sacked for tweeting good on Liverpool, means no Israel flag on the cup….. Antisemitic, no the spurs fans (some) are or were known as the Y. I. D army

      Fuck political correctness,

      • George Galloway is another rock-solid cunt for the ages who could frankly have his own daily column within these hallowed pages, the fedora-adorned werido cunto fuckbag.

        But again, sacking someone for that mildly barbed comment to Spurs fans is just a symptom of the modern age.

        As I mentioned earlier in this nom, Mark Bosnich did a Nazi salute to Tottenham fans in 1996 while playing for Aston Villa. He was fined £1,000 and disavowed publicly by the FA. That’s it. I can’t remember, but I don’t think the fucker even got a ban, let alone getting the sack.

      • How the fucking world has changed in 20 years. And definitely not for the better.

      • What the hell was Galloway sacked from? The man’s never had a proper job the whole of his life.

      • talk radio, some bollocks or other…..

        It may have been a shit sort of job but he was sacked for his tweet.

  12. The issue isn’t his fundamental views but the fucking hypocrisy of the authorities who are wrapped up in right-on bullshit.
    The cunt is entitled to his weird views. There are a few billion others who share them.
    This is just another totalitarian liberal left attack on free speech.

    I know that a lot of high profile Saffa sportsmen would agree with him but perhaps wisely keep it to themselves.
    And what if he was a Texan good old boy American sportsman? They wouldn’t fucking dare sanction him for widely held opinions.
    Folau is a fine rugby player but unwise to let the twatterati hang him out to dry.
    Fuck the hypocrites of the virtuous establishment.

  13. Off topic… That Kay Burley off Sky news is one sour faced bitter looking cunt.
    What a cunt.

    • Most of these newsreaders in the current age want to be the news as much as the news itself (see Tom Bradby, Marr, Victoria Derbyshire etc).

      Burley is an exceptional cunt though who usually doubles down when irrefutably wrong.

      • Shows like The Pledge seem to be a leftie refuge for those who are frustrated newsreaders, how do you explain the existence of June Sarpong and unber cunt Afur Hirsch? They would be unemployable outside of al-Beeb/Sky or The Grauniad.

      • Fuck me, LL. The morning was going swimmingly until you uttered the name ‘June Sarpong’.

        If ever a cunt deserved to be planted in the middle of an abandoned warehouse and pecked to death by crows, it’s that perma-stoned, vacuous bag of shite.

      • I’m waiting for the day fibreglass Burley melts under the Sky News lights ,live on air…

  14. It’s a bit ripe for somebody who shrilly hates hômos but visits a gothic barn with its potent symbols like angels playing flutes and a tortured, naked man nailed to a wooden cross above the pulpit where a man in a purple dress and flamboyant hat stands and preaches morality at you.


    • But at least he’s not preaching death to non- believers ?

    • I doubt that Folau has the mental wherewithal to appreciate the questionable and conflicting Christian images of which you mention.

      But then again, he doesn’t need to. If towelheads can teach kids at muslim schools that gays and Jews should be killed along with unbelievers – teachings without repercussion – then I can’t really see why some ill-informed jarhead should be so heavily punished for a bit of the old fire ‘n’ brimstone.

      • As I said Empire, I don’t think he should have been sacked. I was nominating him for his high cuntishness value and because these fucktard, credulous supplicants, FROM ALL RELIGIONS, are allowed to walk amongst us.

        I was either going to cunt this Rugger moron or former Pastor David Richards from Tennessee, ‘Murica. Yey, T E S T I F Y

        Pastor David Richards who, despite repeatedly raping his adopted daughter, was given a lenient sentence because, the judge said, he is a “good, Christian man.”

        H A L L E L U J A H

  15. Suckdick on the BBC now, being a Cunt!

    The usual crap, he seems to know all about the mexican border, far right in Europe, muslim travel ban….. but fuck all about London, I guess that makes him well qualified to be Mayor of London as we know half the population arent fucking British.

    Suckdick still thinks Islam is compatible with the west, he should study the middle east, Pakistan and the other shit stained places run by muslims rather than criticising the USA.

    • Trump was utterly wrong when he called Khan a ‘stone cold loser’.

      He is in fact a ‘stone cold cunt’ and I would have paid in vital organs just to read Trump write as much.

      • I too want to hear/read Trump drop some F-bombs into his cuntings. At this point the snowflakes have run out of insults to throw so what’s the fucking difference?

  16. He’s entitled to his belief, as is Johnny.
    He’s obviously a closet knob-jockey who secretly listens to Barry Manilow and Elton John, watches Gladiator, Friends and The Big Bang Theory.

    Hoo-eee, what a gerbil loving cunt.

  17. Despite being the right colour, I doubt there would be much chance of Israel Folau becoming a Labour MP. The first name alone would put off Steptoe.

  18. Watch this space. Wouldn’t surprise me if Israel is in denial and ‘comes out’ after a late night incident in a Melbourne lavatory.

  19. Don’t know or care who this egg chasing digger cunt is… But methinks he doth protesteth too much… If you get my drift…

  20. Sounds like he’s a few brain cells short of having a brain cell to me

  21. Fuck me pink, Google has announced its support of 50 years of sausage jockery and fish suppery through today’s promotion of LGBTQ+ history. Yes, I accept you had lesbians, gays and bicycles 50 years ago, but transgenders?

    I thought 50 years ago the average tranny was a Hinge and Bracket/Some like it Hot kind off affair; you know the type – five o’clock shadow concealed with pancake foundation, and ill-fitting nylon wig, lipstick that looked like it had been applied by Barbara Cartland and a charity-shop ensemble of ‘laydees’ garb.

    I call bullshit on Google.

    Also the Q – stands for questioning. i.e. those who are confused about their sexuality. Gods tits, preserve us all…

    How about a heterosexual celebration. Nah, that is just far too ‘majority’.

    Google = CUNTS.

  22. This low-brow Devil-dodger, like many a priest tremulously preaching about sin, is clearly batting for the other side.

    • How can you say that General, when you consider he grips other men round the buttocks in a manly squeeze, they always have their heads down in other blokes nether regions, they roll around in the mud then relax in a large group under the showers, shoving their bits in other blokes faces, then dance and sing bawdy songs naked ……. oh, …. my mistake 🙂

  23. A silly cunt with a touch of the old David Ickes is Israel, still his sacking gives England a decent chance of winning the World Cup cos the Aussie cunts are shit without him.

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