A major cunting please for the Hong Kong Police & their nazi like thuggish brutality against the extradition protesters.
Now I know there are many injustices in the world, and people’s protests and government clamping down of such is not new, but I was watching footage of these protests today (12th June) & I was jaw droppingly staggered at what I was seeing ….
First, 5 riot police surrounded a guy sitting on a wall, who already seemed dazed & confused & was certainly no threat to 5 body armoured police – they sprayed pepper into his face 9n a steady stream and hearded him away.
Second, I saw a young teenager, standing still, filming police, no outward agression at all – 4 riot police dragged him down & threw him back into another group of 4-5 police who started wailing on this kid with battons repeatedly. The kid was rolling on the floor trying to stop blows to his head with his bare arms.
I’ve seen some shocking stuff on news coverage but this was something else entirely. The Chinese have never been champions of human rights, but Christ Almighty this was absolutely sickening.
Nominated by Lord of the Rings
I agree, but then again this is China; and like the Russians they don’t fuck about when it comes to human rights and taking a softly softly approach to protesters.
Over here you’ll get protesters shouting “police brutality” just because they were shoved or asked to “move back” – typical hyperbole. But I rather suspect those very same protesters would get a massive fucking wake-up call had they done this in HK!
I am not condoning the actions of the HK police, but you simply don’t mess with those cunts, especially given HK is no longer part of the Commonwealth.
The Libtards who complain about human rights over here really don’t know they’re born; and in fact if they really cared about human rights they would get on the next plane to HK and join the protesters and suffer real police brutality in order to make a point.
But will they?
Will they fuck!
I hope those halfwits at Extinction Rebellion are watching these protests and will appreciate living in a country where they are free to protest. However, I doubt it and we will continue to see these cunts abusing the right. I wonder how many of them would put their lives at risk protesting in Hong Kong? Very few I would suspect. Police involvement around the world varies from the brutal in Hong Kong to the far too light touch in London. I’m not asking for the Met to crack a few heads but at least don’t surrender and capitulate to all their demands in letting them strangle the economy of a city.
I do wish the Far Right would finally get their shit together and go stomping on some of this Lefty libtard protesting!
The latter are quick enough to shout abuse at people, along with throwing the odd milkshake, with the hope of getting loads of media attention and social media “likes”, while dismissing the police as a bunch of brutal cunts.
But I guess it would be a different story if 5000 Far Right skinheads stormed their protests, shouted abuse, threw milkshakes and generally mimicked exactly what these cunts do!
They would be shitting themselves; demanding police protection, and crying all the way to their Islington apartments and weeping on social media, looking for support and comfort, and how cruel the Far Right are!
The Left need a fucking wake-up call – and either the Far Right or the Old Bill should be the ones to do it!
Not much chance of the plods doing that NCFOM. The only skulls that will be rattled are those that the police believe are of the ‘far right’.
I was interviewed for a job with the HK police when the place was still a Crown Colony but they sussed me out immediately as an undisciplined just graduated layabout who was more interested in poontang than taking on the tongs. About a year later many of the top brass were arrested for corruption.
Chinese State Prospects.
Time for them to get the fuck out of Hong Kong before it’s absorbed into China, the Tiawanese have my sympathies too.
Communism hey!
Isn’t this all to do with protesting against extraditions to China too? “Re Rill Comprie Riv Our Chirese Masters”
The UK government are running scared of the Chinese in this row about 5G. Tell them to fuck off. Just shows, all this bollocks about Brexit and Europe – are the Chinese fucking European? So why do we trade with them and buy all their shit?
I try not to buy anything made in china, always shit material, poorly made, fuckin absolute rubbish.
They certainly are and should.
We’ve spotted the increase in mussies and other minorities into Britain, but what about the Chinese?
We have a China Town in almost every large city and they’re city-sized towns at that.
Russia is a has-been on the world stage, the real danger is China and we can mute it by taking a leaf out of the yank’s book and not feeding it anymore.
It could also be the reason why the EU is so mussie friendly, building up their allies ready for inevitable.
Thankfully the jet stream blows straight from here to China, so when they start building city-sized nuclear shelters we should worry…
Oh shit the cunts already have https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/amp.businessinsider.com/china-secret-nuclear-war-bunker-2018-1
Horrible brutality and a worthy cunting. I want the police to have power but not brute force against innocent bystanders. The truth is the Hong Kong people don’t want to be under Chinese rule and, frankly, who can blame them.
They need a vigilante….somebody with good values…somebody with excellent disguise skills….
“Where’s Hong Kong Phooey?”
“Herro? Ah so sorry, we had him for wrunch”.
At first I thought you were describing Chris Patten but then realised this fat cunt would be as useless at disguising himself as the Pink Panther.
We could send Jo Brand there. Either:-
1) She’d frighten the brutal authorities.
2) She’d eat the brutal authorities.
3) They’d beat her senseless for fear an horrific Godzilla-like monster had invaded.
I actually wrote to the Chinese authorities after witnessing this brutality on my telly the other night. I asked if they could send a few of their fine Officers over here to deal with old Wun Hung Low who runs the local Chinkies. I told them that I’d heard him call Chairman Mao a “velly,velly baa man” and a “a birra o Cunt.”,plus I’d heard him say that all Chinkies.apart from himself,had “smaw pwicks”.
Even if they can’t send anyone,hopefully they’ll have made a note in his file for the next time he flies back to visit “famawee”.
That should teach the old Cunt not to give me a dodgy Egg Foo Yung.
Fuck Off.
A refuse collector is driving along a street picking up the wheelie bins and emptying them into his compactor.
He goes to one house where the bin hasn’t been left out, and in the spirit of kindness, and after having a quick look about for the bin, he gets out of his truck, goes to the front door and knocks. There’s no answer.
Being a kindly and conscientious bloke, he knocks again – much harder.
Eventually a Chinese man comes to the door.
“Harro!” says the Chinese man.
“Hello sir! Where’s ya bin?” asks the collector.
“I bin on toiret” explains the Chinese bloke, a bit perplexed.
Realising the fellow had misunderstood him, the bin man smiles and tries again.
“No! No! Mate, where’s your dust bin?”
“I dust been to toiret, I toll you!” says the Chinese man, still perplexed.
“Listen,” says the collector. “You’re misunderstanding me. Where’s your wheelie bin?”
“OK, OK” replies the Chinese man with a sheepish grin. He then whispers in the collector’s ear.
“I wheelie bin having sex wiffa wife’s sista!
Can’t be long untill Owen Jones gets a protest going against these viscious bastards.
Or perhaps not.
Owen Jones wouldn’t care about these protesters, wrong sort of Asian.
To me human rights aren’t the issue, there’s really no such thing. What’s real is democracy, and Hong-Kongers don’t have it and the authorities have no reason to seek their approval.
The cunts who bang on about human rights don’t defend the rights of people to be democratically represented, but instead insist on some kind of code, which they naturally decide, despite nobody voting for them. If the people of China want democracy they’ll have to fight for it just like every other nation has to.
Reminds me of the British bobbies sorting out the miners many years ago.
Any revolt by the masses gets stamped on by the few.
Scargill was a Commie cunt.
I feel rather conflicted on this with the 35th anniversary of the miners strike tomorrow. I had some sympathy then for the miners in my younger, more left leaning days. However, they would gather more respect if they ditched the circus and baggage that accompanies them at this rally. Wouldn’t you just guess that groups like Gay Pride, Grenfell and parasitic companies like Solicitors will be present?
Thompsons Solicitors
13 Jun
As a firm that has supported workers to defend their rights for almost 100 years we’re proud to be joining the
rally this Saturday to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the miners’ strike, and the events at #Orgreave.
ps I wonder how many miners were afflicted by the Gayness?
Miners and The Gayness Bsc? Here you go-
That’s enough to drive anyone underground Miles.
Should have been arrested for corrupting a miner!
The solicitors will obviously clean up with the trans complaints brought for “hurt feelings.” pneumonoconiosis cases will have long been mined out.
I too was a lefty in those days and sympathised with the miners plight, but not with Scargill who was using them for his own democratically deficient Leninist ends. Cunts like Scargill & Benn & Labour’s policy of unilateral nuclear disarmament really made me question my position on the political spectrum.
Yeah heavy handed but to be honest, i just thought ‘go on give em some baton!’ sorry but i did. The footage clearly shows one guy was dawdling, the other loitering with intent. They turned up with umbrellas like expecting rain or budding gene kellys, got battered! None of our business.
My late father in law was a genuine Yorkshire miner, and he told me that Scargill was an utter self-promoting egotistical cunt…
And then, after they used the police to crush the miners, who just wanted to work, instead of being on the dole, they sorted the police out with massive cut-backs.
Amazing how the original poster calls the communist regimes “nazis”. The Nazis fought the communists in the biggest battles in human history, they also warned you about them. You, of course, fought alongside the communists and are now inviting them into your country to install all their S.M.A.R.T. (Self Monitoring Analysing Reporting Technology) motorways and surveillance hardware. Which, by the way, they are shipping over here by the container-ship full. This will be used to create a big-brother surveillance grid like the use in communist China for their ‘Social Credit System’. The communist, Theresa May has also give the communists the contracts to install all their hardware right under your noses. STASI operative, Merkel, was slipped into the E.U. President position yesterday. No vote, no election, fuck-all, the definition of a dictatorship.
I think someone should fuck off back to Middle earth and go play with Frodo Baggins and all the other cunts who live there and leave the HKP to get on with their job. As an aside it was the RHKP who taught the useless fucking Met how to handle riots after their experience of putting Mao’ s Red Guards in their place. Snowflakes are not qualified to speak on this subject so shut up before you get a round from my Greener ( made in Birmingham).
Couldn’t the Hong Kong police be drafted over to Birmingham to help with the primary school protests?
We need the HK police in the UK.
Oh, and Corbyn is a cunt.
Krav, what’s your opinion of that Aussie sports player who’s been sacked for his anti-homò comments? I didn’t see you contribute to that debate.
He is not homophobic: A phobia is an irrational fear. It is not irrational to fear something alien to you.
Furthermore, he was merely following the teaching of his religion.
If he had been a carpet prayer….
Do you fear heterosexuality Krav? I would imagine that is something alien to you.
Since I grew up with an older brother with a collection of muck mags, and Sky Movies showing Russ Meyer films, I’ve never minded the female form. Tits are funny at the end of the day just like bums are, and I get what women mean when they say willies are ugly even though I rather like them myself. My OH on the other hand, the merest threat of a nipple reveal when we’re watching a fillum, and it’s squeals and groans and eye covering like a 1950s teenage girl at a B-movie.
Perhaps lefty Jo Brand will assist the police by throwing batter acid over these protesters or maybe she thinks that wouldn’t play well? Hard to take sides when the protesters are fighting for freedom from socialists I guess.
Someone needs to throw battery acid over Brand’s ugly mug!
Correction: somebody already has!
Was just going to say, how would you know?
Apologies for off-Roading….
Has anybody got problems with rats in their attic? Why not collect them all and transfer them to your neighbour’s attic? If he complains, justify your actions by saying you were “rescuing” them.
What’s that, this isn’t the definition of “rescue” I hear you say? Wha-aat?
How then is it a defence for Pia Klemp? You know, the German captain of a ship who’s “rescued” over 1000 illegal immigrants in the Mediterranean and then she dumped them…. in….Italy.
Salvini wasn’t happy and now this frau is facing 20 years in gaol.
Why not dump them back in Tunisia?
Salvini. There’s a politician who’s fighting for his people.
The guy’s a fucking legend. Wish we had one in Britain.
A good analogy Captain and certainly demonstrates the arrogance of the Germans who believe the whole of Europe belongs to them.
Just have a look at the tattooed creature in question. What a fuckin’ tramp.
Salvini called the ship a “pirate ship.” I would say a “tramp steamer” would be more appropriate.
It’s the word “rescue” that nîggles me Blunty, as if they’ve been saved.
“Discovered” or “Caught” would be better. I suppose semantics are a big weapon with the liberal media.
Just look at all those poor women and children ‘rescued’. No I can’t see them either.
Once all those suntanned males have been “rescued”, they can spend their benefits on new trainers and mobile phones and…..oh wait…
Someone get the Border Force down to Griefell tower. The Um Bongo’s and carpet kissers are having a public display if virtue signalling.
Yeah they ought to be able to round up quite a few illegal immos down there.
Live ones I mean.
The Cuntflap Bobbies would soon sort everything out. It would be the era of The Thin Blue Flap.
When I first saw the photo, I thought it was the Met sorting out someone for calling someone else a poof on Twitter.
Have a look on Youtube and see how the Russian police/authorities deal with illegal immigrants. No wonder the cunts all want to come here and live in fucking Grenfell.
I raise a glass to the officers of the Hong Kong Police,. May they live long and happy lives, and continue to enjoy beating the shit out of the fuckers.
Could do with HKP over here to sort out those middle class twats Extinction Rebellion who are being cuntish in Sarf London today.
Wimminz football in BBC1.
Lezzas,the lot of them.
Watched 5 minute of England vs the Dagos a few minutes ago, and even that was certified shite!
No atmosphere; some BBC cunt commentator mumbling on about fuck all; and the game itself was full of errors; can’t even do a proper throw in!
And these cunts want equal pay? They’re having a giraffe surely!
England vs Argies wimmin on the BBC?
I thought it was Crufts….
Jezza appears to have gone quiet.
I think he now realises that Boris as PM is his death knell.
When Boris takes us out in October he automatically has 17,300,000 votes without having to lift a finger. Add that to those who despise Labour’s Jew hatred and their flip flopping on their EU position and the next election will he an absolute landslide for the Conservatives.
Corbyn the cunt is the best thing that ever happened to the Tory party.
Good night.
The other half is out: Time to get the Justin Bieber DVD on and the WD40 out….
Dead right, Krav… Like or loathe Bozza, if he destroys Steptoe Corbyn and his Labour filth he will score a huge amount of points…
No wonder Compo was so desperate for a GE while Mavis was still in charge, there should be a new ISAC game for cunters to predict which party Spearchucka will join next after the Limp Dumbs.
LL, if you’re looking for a liberal to liquidate and you’re setting your target at Chucky Umbutty, be quick. He’ll be scotching up his application for the SNP before you can say “by-election hypocrite.”
Och aye the noo partae.
Britain First
Green Party
Who the fuck cares.
Useless bald headed cunt.
Where is lardy Lammy today seeing as it is the annual Griefell hysteria day. Perhaps he is keeping a low profile after he cost red nose day millions.
Chicken chugging fat cunt.
Should send those police over here.
Would love to sit there eating popcorn as they shoe the fuck out of these millenial cunts filming with their iPhones. Watching their little hearts break as the phone shatters into a thousand pieces under the brutality of the coppers truncheon.
On a serious note. The U.K could do with some of this. See how many fucking idiots we can wipe out of the population to allow the rest of use to breathe a little bit.
About 10 million should do it…
If you disobey the written laws of the country you dwell in then you should expect a good beating, I applaud these actions.
I just wish our Police would give out some good old fashioned violence to the people who march though our streets promising death and destruction because you don’t happen to some fantasy religion or some bunch of cunts “rights”
They just don’t want their countries overrun by criminals…like the UK is and we are powerless to stop it.
The Chinese eats fucking dogs end of discussion, you won’t see much human rights being honoured in china that, I assure you